
What if the evergreen leaves turn yellow? can I eat them?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, To talk about this evergreen, although it is green all the year round, there will be some problems in the process of breeding. Let's take a look at the yellowing of evergreen leaves. Can evergreen eat: evergreen leaves yellow how to do: 1, too much watering: too much water will lead to lack of oxygen in the soil.

To talk about this evergreen, although it is green all the year round, there will be some problems in the process of breeding. Let's take a look at the yellowing of evergreen leaves. Can evergreen be eaten:

What if the evergreen leaves turn yellow:

1. Too much watering: too much water will lead to anoxia in the soil, hinder the normal respiration of the roots, and cause the leaves to turn yellow. Therefore, it is appropriate to control watering and loosen the soil.

2. Drought and dehydration: long-term non-watering will affect the absorption of nutrients by evergreen, resulting in yellow leaf symptoms caused by malnutrition. It is appropriate to water and spray a small amount of water first, and then turn to normal watering after the plant gradually recovers.

3. Long-term de-fertilization: long-term non-fertilization will lead to the lack of nitrogen and other nutrient elements in the soil, making the evergreen leaves thin and yellow. It is appropriate to apply thin mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer.

4. Excessive fertilization: excessive fertilization will lead to thickening of new leaves and thickening of new leaves, dry tip and yellowing of old leaves. At this time, fertilization should be stopped and the amount of water should be increased to make the fertilizer flow out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin.

5, hot high temperature: the air light is too strong, the temperature is too high easy to burn the evergreen leaves, at this time should be moved to a well-ventilated shady place.

6. Excessive shading: if there is a long-term lack of light, the photosynthesis of evergreen will be weakened, less chlorophyll will be synthesized in the leaves, and the plant will naturally have yellow leaves. Therefore, proper lighting conditions should be ensured, especially in winter.

Can evergreen be eaten:

Evergreen is not only available for viewing, but also edible. The common way to eat it is to make it dry and eat it. For example, if you stir-fry evergreen, you can soak it in cold water for a while, remove it, pick up the oil pan, stir-fry it in the pan, add the right amount of salt, then put in a little water, stir-fry quickly and start the pot, so that the evergreen taste is fragrant and the teeth are refreshing, which increases people's appetite.

In addition to stir-frying, evergreen can also be used in soup, and it has the dietotherapy value of clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening heart and diuresis, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

This is the end of the treatment of evergreen yellow leaves. Evergreen is edible, and there are several ways to eat it.

The cause of the yellowing of evergreen leaves what to do

People like the green of evergreen, which brings the feeling of spring to the whole family. But the evergreen with yellowing leaves is not only unattractive, but also affects the mood of the family. Why do evergreen leaves turn yellow? There is nothing many people can do about it. Next, for the evergreen leaves yellowing to tell you some of the reasons for yellowing and treatment methods, I hope you can pay attention to the later breeding.

In fact, the yellowing of evergreen leaves is a very easy phenomenon in the breeding process, and we don't have to worry about it. There are many reasons for the yellowing of evergreen leaves, just a little attention, some simple treatment can let you have no worries.

Evergreen, like people, undergoes normal aging through metabolism. Sometimes the yellowing of evergreen leaves is the result of normal aging. In the face of aging, do not have to worry too much, just need to trim some yellow leaves, residual leaves and aging parts to maintain the normal growth of evergreen. Evergreen is a fleshy root plant and doesn't like too much water. Some people care too much about the flowers and plants at home and think that giving plants enough water is the best care for them, but they do not realize that too much water will make the roots of evergreen rot and cause the leaves of evergreen to turn yellow. For evergreen, the right amount of water can make it live well. Of course, in the dry and hot summer environment, evergreen will also have the phenomenon of yellowing leaves, so it is necessary to keep the basin soil moist.

Evergreen is a shade-loving plant, strong light in summer will cause evergreen leaves scorched edge or even withered yellow, burn leaves, will affect the ornamental effect. Try to shade the sun in spring, summer and autumn. The growth temperature of evergreen should not be lower than 5 degrees, otherwise it will be prone to frostbite and cause the leaves of evergreen to turn yellow. In winter, evergreen should be moved into the greenhouse and placed in the morning sun to keep its temperature above 10 degrees. In this way, new leaves can grow again the next year.

Another common reason for the yellowing of evergreen leaves is too much fertilization. many people mistakenly think that giving more nutrition can make it thrive, but too much nutrition can not be absorbed at all, but damage the root system of evergreen. Evergreens should not be fertilized when they enter the dormant period in winter, while they can be fertilized once a month to once a month in other seasons. Pests are the natural enemies of every plant, pests will cause bacteria to multiply on the leaves, make the leaves black, affect the photosynthesis of plants, and cause the leaves to turn yellow. For a small number of pests, scrape off with bamboo, and when there are more pests, you can spray an appropriate amount of pesticides to resist pests. Evergreen should keep the leaves clean and tidy, long-term dust accumulation will affect plant photosynthesis, resulting in evergreen leaves yellowing, so it is very necessary to wipe the leaves frequently.

The reason why evergreen is so popular is that it can stay green for a long time, and the yellowing leaves greatly affect the ornamental effect, which is what everyone who breeds evergreen does not want to see. There are roughly several reasons why evergreen leaves turn yellow. As long as you take care of evergreen leaves in accordance with the methods mentioned above, you will no longer worry about the phenomenon of evergreen leaves turning yellow.

What to do about the yellowing of evergreen leaves? causes and solutions of yellowing of evergreen leaves

People like the green of evergreen, which brings the feeling of spring to the whole family. What should I do when I encounter yellowing leaves when raising evergreen? Next, let's talk about the causes and solutions of the yellowing of evergreen leaves.

The reasons for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 1. Normal aging

If properly maintained, evergreen leaves yellowing is a normal metabolism, with the growth of the plant, the lower leaves begin to age and yellowing.

Solution: there is no need to worry about the yellowing of the normal aging leaves of evergreen, but the lower yellow leaves, residual leaves and some old leaves should be pruned in time.

The reason for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 2. Overwatering

Evergreen is the fleshy root system, most afraid of stagnant water, therefore, can not be watered, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots, resulting in evergreen leaves yellowing.

Solution: usually pour the right amount of water, to achieve that the basin soil is not dry, it is better to be dry than too wet. In addition to keeping the basin soil moist in summer, watering in spring and autumn should not be too frequent. However, the air must be kept moist, such as dry air is also prone to yellow evergreen leaves and other adverse phenomena.

The reason for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 3. The sun is too strong

Evergreen happy semi-shady environment, avoid summer strong light, strong light is easy to cause evergreen leaves scorched edge or even withered yellow, the light is too strong easy to be burned by the sun, the light is too weak not easy to blossom and bear fruit, affecting the ornamental effect.

Solution: evergreen in spring, summer and autumn should be shaded by more than 60% and 40% in winter.

The reason for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 4. The temperature is too low.

The suitable growth temperature is 15-18 ℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it is easy to freeze and cause leaves to yellowing.

Solution: evergreen winter dormancy should be moved to the greenhouse, placed in the sunny place, the temperature is kept above 10 ℃, the following year can re-germinate new leaves.

The reasons for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 5. Excessive fertilization

Excessive fertilization is another common cause of yellowing of evergreen leaves, mainly caused by fertilizer damage, damage to the root system of evergreen and so on.

Solution: in the growing season, liquid fertilizer is applied every 10-15 years, and fertilization should be stopped in winter.

Causes of yellowing of evergreen leaves: 6. Infection of insect diseases

Brown soft scale pests can also cause evergreen leaves to yellow. when brown soft scale harms evergreen leaves, they generally cluster on the leaves or tender leaves, sucking plant sap and excreting mucus at the same time. Its excretion is easy to cause a large number of coal fouling bacteria to multiply, blackening stems and leaves, affecting plant photosynthesis, resulting in weak growth potential, leaves yellowing, hindering viewing.

Solution: few damaged plants, or a small number of insects, generally use bamboo and other things to scrape off the insect body. During the incubation period, 40% dimethoate EC 1000 times (or 40% omethoate EC 1000 times) can be sprayed, and 1000 times of imidophos EC can be sprayed.

The reason for the yellowing of evergreen leaves: 7. The leaves are too dirty

Evergreen usually should pay attention to keep the leaves clean and tidy, if the accumulation of too much dust on the leaves affects photosynthesis, it will also cause evergreen leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: every once in a while, we should pay attention to wiping the leaves with a clean wet rag to keep the leaves clean.