
How to raise evergreen and how to cultivate it in water?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is quite common to talk about evergreen. Many people like it very much. Let's take a look at how to raise evergreen. How to cultivate evergreen in water: how to raise evergreen: 1. Soil: use sandy loam rich in humus as culture soil, PH value between 6-6.5. If you don't want to deploy it yourself,

It is quite common to talk about evergreen. Many people like it very much. Let's take a look at how to raise evergreen. How to cultivate evergreen in water:

How to raise evergreen:

1. Soil: the sandy loam rich in humus was used as culture soil, and the PH value was between 6 and 6.5. If you don't want to mix it yourself, you can buy special soil for plants.

2. Lighting: it should be placed in a shaded place in summer to avoid strong light, and in winter in a place with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation.

3. Temperature: keep it between 6-18 ℃ as far as possible, which is most beneficial to the growth of evergreen and avoid burns in summer and frostbite in winter.

4. Fertilization: Zuoshi applies mature liquid fertilizer every 20 days, and topdressing every 10 days during the peak growth period can make the leaves greener and brighter.

5, change the basin: try to change the basin for evergreen once a year, the time to choose spring and autumn, change the basin to pay attention to remove the aging roots and persistent withered leaves, the deployment of appropriate soil.

How to cultivate evergreen in water:

1. Rinse the soil on the roots and remove the dead roots.

2. Prepare a suitable transparent color vase and wash it and set it aside.

3. When hydroponic culture, do not immerse all the roots in water, leave 1 stroke 3 or 1 stroke 4 on the water surface.

4. In the process of hydroponic culture, the water is changed every 3-4 days.

5. When ten thousand young people grow new roots, the old roots should be removed in time.

6. after growing new roots, the water can be changed every 15 days, and foliage plant nutrient solution can be added, but it is not appropriate to replace all the water.

This is the end of the introduction of the methods of water culture and soil culture of evergreen. Let's try this method as soon as possible.

The hydroponic method of how to raise evergreen

Wannianqing is a very common green plant in the home, because of its good meaning, good breeding and hydroponic culture, it is very popular among people. So, how should we raise evergreen? How can evergreen be hydroponically cultivated? Next, I would like to introduce the breeding methods of evergreen, as well as the methods of water cultivation of evergreen.

How to raise evergreen

1. Temperature

The optimum temperature for the growth of evergreen is 25: 30 ℃, 30 ℃ in daytime and 25 ℃ at night. The growth range is 18-30 ℃ from February to September and 13-18 ℃ from September to February of the following year. Because it is not cold-resistant, it will be moved into the greenhouse in mid-October. If the winter temperature is lower than 10 ℃, the leaves are vulnerable to freezing damage. Especially when the winter temperature is lower than 10 ℃, if the watering is too much, it will also cause defoliation and stem top fester. If the low temperature causes the defoliation of the plant, and the stem is not rotten, new leaves can still grow after the temperature rises.

2. Moisture

Wannianqing likes to be wet and afraid of dryness, and the basin soil should be kept moist. It should be fully watered during the growing period, and Wannianqing should spray water around and spray to the plant. If you do not spray water for a long time, the leaf surface will be rough and lose its luster. Maintain air humidity of 60% to 70% in summer and about 40% in winter. The most suitable soil moisture is dry and wet, which should be watered more in summer and controlled in winter, otherwise the basin soil is too wet, the roots are easy to rot, and the leaves turn yellow and wither. For indoor viewing, the leaves should be scrubbed with a soft cloth to keep the leaves clean and bright.

3. Lighting

Evergreen is resistant to shade and afraid of the sun. When the light is too strong, the leaf surface becomes rough, the leaf edge and tip are easy to scorch, and even burn in a large area. If the light is too weak, the color of the yellow-white patch will turn green or fade, and the bright scattered light will grow best, and the leaf color will be bright and more beautiful. About 40% of Rizhao and 60% of Rizhao are ideal for childbearing. In addition to the sun can be seen in the morning and evening, the spring and autumn should be shaded around noon and in summer. Varieties with more green leaves are more shady and cold-tolerant, so the more milky markings, the more lack of chlorophyll, we should pay special attention to bright light, and pay special attention to heat preservation at low temperature.

4. Cultivation substrate

The cultivated soil of evergreen should be fertile, loose, well-drained loam and rich in organic matter. Pot soil mixed with rotten leaf soil and coarse sand, how to mix 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of sawdust or peat, and 1 part of sand. Potted plants are often used in pots of 15cm to 20cm. After growing for 1-2 years, there are more tillers at the base of potted plants, which can be combined with changing pots for split propagation. If the plant grows taller, the shoot can be cut off by leaving the basal 2-3 nodes, and the remaining stem nodes can still sprout and branch and maintain a better plant shape.

5. Fertilization

Evergreen is in a prosperous growth period from June to September. Cake fertilizer and water are applied once every 10 days, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied twice after autumn. The application of nitrogen fertilizer every two months from spring to autumn could promote the glossy leaf color. If the room temperature is below 15 ℃, the fertilizer will be stopped.

6. Pest control

There are mainly bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose, which can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times. Sometimes root rot and stem rot harm occur, in addition to pay attention to ventilation and reduce humidity, you can use 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 800 times liquid spray control.

The method of hydroponic culture of evergreen

1. Root washing method

It can be carried out all the year round, but the best time is spring and autumn, because the temperature is suitable at this time, Guangdong evergreen grows vigorously, and potted plants are easy to adapt to hydroponic conditions after root washing.

① selected Guangdong evergreen with strong growth and soil cultivation (or other substrate cultivation) which has become an ornamental value.

② removed the plant from the pot and removed the rhizosphere soil.

③ rinses the soil in water and cuts off part of the old roots. In order to prevent root rot at the initial stage of hydroponic culture and promote the formation of new roots, 0.5% potassium permanganate can be used for soaking and disinfecting.

④ put the treated evergreen plants into a prepared container and injected tap water with less than 2 / 3 of the 1 / 2 roots to cultivate new roots.

2. Water insertion method

It is generally carried out in spring and autumn, because the temperature of late autumn and early spring can not reach the required temperature for rooting, cuttings are vulnerable to microbial infection and rot in summer high temperature season. Of course, under the conditions of heating and cooling, Guangdong evergreen can be inserted with water all the year round.

When inserting water, select the strong branches about 1cm in diameter, retain the aerial roots on the stem nodes, cut into long segments of 10cm, disinfect the cuttings with potassium permanganate (which can be dipped in rooting powder or soak the base of cuttings with 100mg/ L auxin for 0.5 h), dry the juice from the wound, insert it into plain sand or water, keep high air humidity at about 25 ℃, and form a suitable hydroponic plant material after 20 days.

During the period of water healing and rooting, breathing is more exuberant, and there must be an adequate supply of oxygen. Therefore, it is necessary to change the water frequently at the beginning of the water insertion, in order to keep the water quality clean and meet the oxygen needs of the cuttings, rinse the cuttings and utensils with clean water, especially to strengthen the washing of the cut, which can be transferred to normal hydroponic culture and maintenance after rooting.

3. Split-plant method

Ramet is usually carried out at the beginning of growth in spring, which reduces the damage to the plant in spring, and enables the separated plant to return to normal growth quickly. When Guangdong evergreen ramets, first take the plant out of the basin, shake off most of the basin soil, straighten out the knotted root system, let the tiller seedling and root system exposed, and then divide the stem of the mother plant into several clumps with a sharp knife according to the need. The wound was disinfected (coated with plant ash or sulfur) and then hydroponically maintained.

The above is for you to introduce the method of evergreen culture, as well as the method of water cultivation of evergreen, are we clear? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.

How to cultivate evergreen in water? what's the effect of raising evergreen?

Although many people in the home will put several pots of plants, but in order to clean and hygienic, easy to take care of, many people will choose hydroponic plants, and the layout at home ornamental effect is also very good. So, how to raise evergreen by hydroponics? What is the use of evergreen? Next, I would like to introduce the methods of water cultivation of evergreen and the role of evergreen.

How to raise evergreen by hydroponics

1. Plant selection

Water culture of evergreen naturally has to choose a good plant first. Generally speaking, there are two main methods now, that is, to take branch water insertion from the planted evergreen, and new roots can sprout in about 10 days. Can also be used to wash the root water cultivation method, that is, the soil-planted evergreen root cleaning and then hydroponic culture, can be washed repeatedly on tap water, but be careful not to hurt the roots.

2. Water quality selection

The source of water for cultivation and protection of ten thousand years of green water should choose the disinfected tap water that meets the national drinking water standard, which contains salt concentration; the total concentration of inorganic salt added should be ~; the total concentration of inorganic salt added should be

3. Water quantity selection

The root washing evergreen hydroponic culture does not need to add nutrient solution at the initial stage, this is because the root system is injured (it will be injured more or less when removing the soil), and the water can not be added so that it can not pass the root system a little bit, and the water quality should be clean. It is best to choose Rain Water or dried tap water.

4. Use of nutrient solution

Evergreen hydroponics about 3 weeks can increase the nutrient solution, the first to a small amount, and then according to the growth of discretion. The pH value of the hydroponic nutrient solution is 6.0 to 7.0, and the height in the bottle should not exceed 50% of the root height. Change the new nutrient solution once or twice a week; the higher the ambient temperature, the higher the frequency of changing the new nutrient solution. Because the amount of dissolved oxygen in the nutrient solution should be increased as much as possible.

5. Humidity maintenance

Wannianqing prefers high humidity and avoids dryness, and should often spray water on stems and leaves during growth.

6. Safety maintenance

The sap of the stems and leaves of the genus Chenopodium is poisonous, and special attention should be paid to prevent children from touching it during water culture and reproduction, so as to avoid accidents.

What's the use of evergreen?

1. Beautify the home

Evergreen leaves are elegant and beautiful, suitable to decorate the living room and study. Young and small potted plants can be watched on the desk and windowsill; medium-sized potted plants can be placed in the corner of the living room and beside the sofa as decoration, making the room full of natural vitality, adding color to autumn and winter with evergreen flowers and fruits.

2. Watch

Evergreen leaves broad greenish green, berries red and round, very beautiful, has always been a kind of foliage, fruit flowers, ornamental value is very high.

3. Purify the air

Evergreen is very famous for its unique air purification ability. it can absorb indoor toxic gas and exhaust gas and release oxygen to purify the indoor air. the higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can exert its purification ability. it is very good for children and the elderly with weak immunity.

4. Gifts

The flower language of evergreen is health and longevity. It often describes the elderly. I hope that they will be healthy and happy as the East China Sea and live longer than Nanshan, and that evergreen will be green all the year round and full of vitality. therefore, during the longevity of the elderly, their children and grandchildren will offer a pot of evergreen to wish the elderly as healthy and long-lived as evergreen, and hope that the elderly will be as healthy and young as evergreen.

5. Home fengshui

Evergreen in the eyes of the Chinese people represent good luck, family wealth, home security and other beautiful feng shui, home decoration evergreen, in addition to the role of decoration, but also can create a good home fengshui, bring good luck to the family.

6. Medicinal use

Evergreen is a plant of the genus evergreen of Liliaceae, which is used in medicine with rhizome or whole grass. Evergreen is also known as chopping snake sword, winter immortal grass, iron pole and nine sections. Evergreen has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, strengthening heart and diuresis. Evergreen has the effect of preventing and treating diphtheria, diphtheria caused myocarditis, sore throat, bacillary dysentery, rheumatic heart failure.

The above is for you to introduce the aquaculture method of evergreen, as well as the role of evergreen, are we clear? Please pay attention to more household knowledge.