
Tips for mushroom cultivation

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tips for mushroom cultivation

Straw mushroom, also known as orchid mushroom, is the third largest cultivated edible fungus in the world. The annual output of straw mushroom in China ranks first in the world. It is very popular in the market because of its delicious taste and rich nutrition. But it is more strict about the cultivation environment, so let's take a look at the matters needing attention in the cultivation of straw mushroom with Xiaobian.

1. Culture medium

Straw mushroom has relatively strict requirements for the cultivation environment, and its growth generally requires compounds, minerals and nitrogen elements to provide nutrition, as well as certain vitamins, so you can choose straw during cultivation, but you should choose clean straw. You can't choose those that are damp and moldy. There is no straw can also choose waste cotton rattan and other crops, apply some cow dung, corn meal can be used as its source of nutrition. In addition, it is different from other edible fungi, its edible fungi need to be alkaline, we should pay attention to this.

2. Temperature

Straw mushroom temperature requirements and oh ah, it is a kind of high temperature fungus, the suitable growth temperature is between 28 and 30 degrees, the highest should not exceed 40 degrees, the lowest should not be less than 10 degrees, otherwise its growth will stagnate, serious will lead to death. Therefore, in the cultivation, we should always pay attention to the change of temperature, the temperature is lower in winter, the temperature of the mushroom shed should be raised to the limit suitable for its growth, while the summer temperature is higher, so it is necessary to take good cooling measures.

3. Lighting

Straw mushroom and other fungi is the biggest difference is the light, it can not absorb carbon dioxide and water into organic matter when growing, so we must pay attention to the cultivation, should not let it directly receive sunlight. The weak scattered light can be increased during cultivation, and it should not be directly exposed to sunlight, especially in the period of high temperature and strong light in summer, otherwise it will seriously affect the yield and quality.

4. Humidity

Because of its special features, it has a great demand for water and oxygen, and it can carry out photosynthesis without light, so it must timely open windows for ventilation, release carbon dioxide and increase its demand for oxygen. It also has a large demand for water, but it can not be directly soaked in the water quality, so as not to cause its death. It is most appropriate to control the water content of the culture material at 70%.

The above is an introduction to the matters needing attention in the cultivation of straw mushroom. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.