
Can hanging bamboo plum be raised in water and culture methods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hanging bamboo plum branches and leaves crawling, leaves purple, green, silver alternately, can be placed on the top of the cabinet, or for hanging basin appreciation, evil spirit is good-looking. So, can hanging bamboo plum be raised in water? Today, the editor will introduce the culture method of hanging bamboo plum in water culture. Can hanging bamboo plum be raised by water? so can hanging bamboo plum

Hanging bamboo plum branches and leaves crawling, leaves purple, green, silver alternately, can be placed on the top of the cabinet, or for hanging basin appreciation, evil spirit is good-looking. So, can hanging bamboo plum be raised in water? Today, the editor will introduce the culture method of hanging bamboo plum in water culture.

Can hanging bamboo and plum be raised in water:

Hanging bamboo plum can also be raised in water, if small plants are raised in water, the rooting time can be shortened, and the rooting rate can reach 100% with water. If the soil-cultivated bamboos and plums are raised in water, first of all, the mature bamboos and plums need to be dug out of the soil, wash the soil from the roots, subtract the old roots or rotten parts, clean up the diseased leaves, and leave the healthiest parts.

Then insert the treated plant into the bottle, fix it, make sure the plum can stand upright, and then place the whole bottle in a cool place at a temperature of 21-28 ℃. Change the water once every 7 days and add nutrient solution to keep the water clean. When changing the water, you should also clean the roots of bamboo plum to prevent decay or breeding pests. # p# subtitle # e #

The culture method of hanging bamboo plum in water culture:

Hanging bamboo plum is very easy to carry out hydroponic culture, several nutritious branches can be cut and inserted into a bottle, and new roots can grow after entering the water for a few days. When you first enter the water, you should pay attention to removing the rotten leaves. Otherwise, the water is easily polluted, so it is not easy to take root. In addition, when hanging bamboo plum in water culture, the leaves of hanging bamboo plum should not be soaked in water, so it is easy to soak, as long as the lower part of the branch is in water.

1. Lighting: water culture hanging bamboo plum is best placed in an environment with scattered light to promote the plant to grow dense and bright leaves. If the light is too dark, the stem will grow slender and scattered, the leaves will fade, but avoid exposure to the sun.

2. Humidity: Diaozhumei can endure dry environment, but when the weather is dry during the growing period, it is often necessary to spray water and moisturize the leaves to prevent them from losing water and scorching.

3. Temperature: Diaozhumei likes a warm environment, and the temperature in spring, summer and autumn is suitable for growth. The growth of Dianzhu plum is very slow at lower temperature. When hanging bamboo plum in hydroponic culture, it is necessary to keep the ambient temperature of 10-25 ℃. If the winter temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, it can survive the winter safely.

4. Change water: the water of hanging bamboo plum is changed once in 2-3 days in hydroponic culture. The branches of hanging bamboo plum are easy to be broken. Special attention should be paid when changing water. There is no need to pull the branches out of the bottle. When changing water, you only need to invert the bottle together (block the inverted branches with your hands), and then pour into the fresh water. Change the water once in 7-10 days after rooting.

Conclusion: hanging bamboo plum is a kind of plant that is very easy to grow, regardless of soil planting or hydroponic culture, it is easy to feed. When hanging bamboo plum in hydroponic culture, as long as we pay attention to the problem of changing clear water and maintaining humidity and light, hydroponic hanging bamboo plum will soon take root and grow. Installation in the desktop windowsill and other places will have a very good beautification effect.

Can hanging bamboo plum be cultured in water? the method of family hydroponic culture of hanging bamboo plum

The most original origin of Diaozhumei is not in our country, but it was widely cultivated after it was introduced into our country. Now it is a common kind of domestic flowers in our country. When many people raise flowers, they usually give priority to soil culture. In fact, hydroponic culture of hanging bamboo plums is also possible. Next, let's take a look at how to raise bamboo plum in hydroponics.

Can hanging bamboo plum be cultured in water?

Diaozhumei, like calla lilies, can be raised by water. The rooting time of small plants can be shortened if they are raised in water, and the rooting rate can reach almost 100% with seed water.

The method of family hydroponic culture of Diaozhumei

1. Change the water of hanging bamboo plum. Hydroponic hanging bamboo plum can be changed once in the first three days or so. As the branches of hanging bamboo plum are very delicate and easy to break, special care should be taken when changing water. In order to avoid breaking the branch, do not hold the branch when changing water, just pour the vase upside down and gently hold the inverted branch with your hand, and then change it into clean water until ten days after it takes root.

2. The light of Diaozhumei. Hydroponic hanging bamboo plum should not be directly exposed to the hot sun, which will lead to rapid wilting of branches. It should be placed in a cool place with plenty of light to help the leaves grow more densely. If the light is not enough, the branches will grow slender and messy, and the leaves will not be full enough, affecting their appearance.

3. Humidity of Diaozhumei. Diaozhumei is more resistant to drought, but in the growing period, it is necessary to spray water to keep the leaves moist and maintain a good growth state.

4. The temperature of Diaozhumei. When hanging bamboo plum in water culture, it is best to keep the temperature between 10 degrees and 25 ℃. Do a good job of heat preservation when the temperature is below 10 degrees in winter.

What if the leaves of Diaozhu plum turn green?

1. If the leaves become green, it will not be particularly ugly, but it will still change the unique ornamental nature of the plum. Therefore, in general, when the leaves of hanging bamboo plum turn green, it will be pruned and the overlong branches will be cut short.

2. In addition, if you want the leaves of Diaozhumei to be more bright, you can apply more phosphate and potash fertilizer.

3. In order to cultivate Diaozhumei, we must have sufficient bright light, because sufficient light can make Dianzhu plum grow thick and bright leaves. If the hanging bamboo plum is placed in a place where the light is not bright or even dark for a long time, then the leaves will fade and turn green.

The reason and solution of the softening of the leaves of Diaozhu Mei

1. If the amount of watering is too little, the amount of water should be increased after softening. Bamboos come from wetlands in Mexico, so they need a lot of water to raise them. If the soil is too dry, it can easily cause the leaves of the plants to soften and turn yellow, and even the whole plant will wither. Especially in its growing period, it is necessary to replenish water every day, requiring higher humidity of the basin soil, and frequently spraying water on plants to maintain humidity, but there is also a dormant period, during which watering should be reduced.

2. If there is too little sunlight, it is found that it is necessary to increase the duration of sunlight when it becomes soft. Hanging bamboo plum likes to be exposed to the sun, but if it is in a dark environment for a long time, it is easy to cause the overgrowth of plants and soften the leaves, even if it is semi-overcast. Even in winter, you have to breed in a place where the sun can shine. If you can't stay in the sun all day, make sure you grow in the sun for a period of time every day. But it should be noted that the scorching summer is not suitable for exposure in the hot sun.

In fact, when the air is too dry, it will also cause the leaves to soften to yellow, and finally wither and fall. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the right amount of moisture at all times when breeding.

The hydroponic culture technology of Diaozhumei mainly starts from the aspects of water, light, temperature and so on. The water quality must be kept clean, so the change of water usually takes three days as a time period. In the process of aquaculture, the leaves may soften and turn green. The specific treatment methods have been introduced above. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Can hanging bamboo plum be cultured in water? the culture method of hanging bamboo plum in water culture

The branches and leaves of Diaozhu plum are overhanging and growing, and the leaves are rich in color. Many people like to do furniture decoration or air hanging appreciation, which is very good-looking. Some flower friends have doubts about whether Diaozhu plum can be hydroponically cultured, so let's take a look at the hydroponic culture method of Diaozhu plum today.

Can hanging bamboo plum be cultured in water?

Diaozhumei, like calla lilies, can be raised by water. The rooting time of small plants can be shortened if they are raised in water, and the rooting rate can reach almost 100% with seed water. If the soil-cultivated bamboos and plums are raised in water, first of all, the mature bamboos and plums need to be dug out of the soil, the soil at the roots should be cleaned, the aged roots or rotting parts should be subtracted, and the yellowing diseased leaves should be removed, leaving the healthy parts ready for cutting.

Then insert the processed bamboo plum branches into the prepared bottle and fix them vertically to ensure that they do not tilt and fall. Then put the whole bottle in a shady place to avoid direct sunlight, and the best temperature is 21 to 28 degrees.

Change the water after seven days to ensure that the water is clean and pay attention to cleaning the roots of the branches to prevent decay or bacterial infection from causing insect pests. When changing water, add nutrient solution to ensure the supply of energy.

The Culture method of hanging Bamboo Plum in Water Culture

Change the water of hanging bamboo plum

Hydroponic hanging bamboo plum can be changed once in the first three days or so. As the branches of hanging bamboo plum are very delicate and easy to break, special care should be taken when changing water. In order to avoid breaking the branch, do not hold the branch when changing water, just pour the vase upside down and gently hold the inverted branch with your hand, and then change it into clean water until ten days after it takes root.

The Illumination of hanging Bamboo Plum

Hydroponic hanging bamboo plum should not be directly exposed to the hot sun, which will lead to rapid wilting of branches. It should be placed in a cool place with plenty of light to help the leaves grow more densely. If the light is not enough, the branches will grow slender and messy, and the leaves will not be full enough, affecting their appearance.

Humidity of Diaozhumei

Diaozhumei is more resistant to drought, but in the growing period, it is necessary to spray water to keep the leaves moist and maintain a good growth state.

The temperature of hanging bamboo plum

When hanging bamboo plum in water culture, it is best to keep the temperature between 10 degrees and 25 ℃. Do a good job of heat preservation when the temperature is below 10 degrees in winter.