
What are the functions and uses of Anthurium andraeanum in hydroponic culture?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Anthurium andraeanum is also called Anzu flower and fire crane flower, because its flowers are as red as the scorching sun, coupled with its emerald green leaves, so it is more ornamental. So can Anthurium andraeanum be hydroponically cultured? Let's take a look. The cultivation method of Anthurium andraeanum, (1) the humidity requirement of Anthurium andraeanum, the plant Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is also called Anzu flower and fire crane flower, because its flowers are as red as the scorching sun, coupled with its emerald green leaves, so it is more ornamental. So can Anthurium andraeanum be hydroponically cultured? Let's take a look.

1. Cultivation methods of Anthurium andraeanum.

(1) humidity requirements of Anthurium andraeanum.

Anthurium andraeanum has high requirements for humidity when it is cultivated. It likes to grow in an environment of 70% humidity. If the indoor humidity is low, it needs to spray water on its leaves, or wipe its leaves with wet towels. If Anthurium andraeanum grows in a low humidity environment for a long time, it will make its leaves turn yellow.

(2) Fertilizer and water management of Anthurium andraeanum.

When cultivating Anthurium andraeanum, fertilizer and water management is very important. under normal circumstances, Anthurium andraeanum can be watered once a week, as long as it ensures that the surface of its basin soil is not dry, but it must be watered thoroughly, and the red palm will stop growing after entering winter. The frequency of watering should be reduced at this time, but every half a month to 20 days, thin fertilizer water should be applied to meet the nutritional needs of Anthurium andraeanum.

(3) pruning of Anthurium andraeanum

When raising Anthurium andraeanum, it needs to be pruned regularly, and the place that needs pruning is the aging and dried leaves at its base. In addition, after Anthurium andraeanum blossoms, the yellow pedicel should also be cut off in time, but when pruning, it is necessary to cut off two centimeters from the base to the left, which will help the new buds to grow as soon as possible.

2. The function and use of Anthurium andraeanum.

(1) ornamental value of Anthurium andraeanum.

Anthurium andraeanum is a world-famous town planning meeting because of its unique shape and overall presentation of Buddha's bud, and we have already kicked it in the above introduction. Anthurium andraeanum has a gorgeous and natural color. After cutting off the flowers, it can be cultured in the water for up to one and a half months, and it can also be used as a raw material for flower arrangement. it is a kind of ornamental flowers pleasing to the eye.

(2) the economic value of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum is a very unique tropical cut flower, and its inflorescence is different from other flowers, and unlike other flower inflorescences, Anthurium andraeanum has a large size, thick texture and various colors. there are bright and elegant, unique shape, a wide range of applications. Therefore, it has high economic value, good development in the world, and it is a flower with great economic prospects.

(3) planting value of Anthurium andraeanum.

The economic value of Anthurium andraeanum determines the planting value of Anthurium andraeanum. Anthurium andraeanum is now developing rapidly in the world, but the quantity is far behind the demand for it, so our country can also introduce planting through technological improvement, which is a very good way to make a living. # p# subtitle # e #

3. Attention should be paid to hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum

(1) in the hydroponic culture of Anthurium andraeanum, half of the roots should be exposed to the air, so that the roots can breathe in the air, otherwise, it will easily lead to rotting roots. The roots of hydroponic plants grow when exposed to light, and so do the roots, which are normal when they are green. As long as they are not exposed to direct sunlight, they can usually ensure the healthy growth of the roots. Not all hydroponic plants end up with green roots that are healthy, for example, some are brown.

(2) Anthurium andraeanum root breathing is very strong, directly into the water is easy to hinder its breathing. The best way is to use matrix, and the best matrix is ceramsite. As the root of Anthurium andraeanum is fleshy and the leaves are extracted from the root, it is generally easy to customize orchid + stone + easy method, not easy to send leaflets. On the other hand, ceramsite is light in texture and sufficient in space, which makes it easy to pull out the leaflets. The Anthurium andraeanum hydroponically cultivated in my office is cultivated with ceramsite. It has been cultivated for 2 years, all of which are 3-4 flowers.

(3) to hydroponically cultivate Anthurium andraeanum with ceramsite, we should first wash the roots, trim the old roots, residual roots, and get rid of flowers. Then put the plant into a container, fill it with ceramsite, then dilute the rooting powder in proportion and spray it with wet ceramsite. Be careful not to accumulate too much water below, and pour out if there is too much water. After a long wait, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that the thick and white flesh roots of Anthurium andraeanum grow on all sides, all close to the edge of the container. Congratulations at this time. Even if a hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is finished, the next thing to do is to add nutrient solution regularly to protect its growth.

Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum Anthurium andraeanum hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum how to cultivate / hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum how to reproduce hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum business card hydroponic Anthurium Anthurium andraeanum alias: Anthurium andraeanum, Anthurium andraeanum, classification of Anthurium andraeanum: genus of hydrophilic Flower Family: Monocotyledon of plant kingdom Monocotyledon Candle is in full bloom: Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of hydrophilic plant. But hydroponics is a little more difficult. It is a flower plant of South America, which is sexually fond of warm, humid and semi-shady environment. Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum originated in tropical South America, and now there are extensive cultivation catalogs in Europe, Asia and Africa. Introduction of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum cultivation methods and matters needing attention hydrophilic Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of hydrophilic plant. But hydroponics is a little more difficult. It is a flower plant of South America, which is sexually fond of warm, humid and semi-shady environment. Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum originated in tropical South America, and now there are extensive cultivation catalogs in Europe, Asia and Africa. Morphological characteristics of hydroponic andrographis andraeanum L. perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers. Its plant height is generally 50~80cm, which varies from variety to variety. With fleshy roots, stemless. The leaves of Anthurium andraeanum extracted from the rhizome, with long stalks, solitary, heart-shaped, bright green, veins sunken. Flowers of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum are axillary, spawn waxy, orbicular to oval, bright red, orange-red flesh, white, fleshy inflorescences, cylindrical, erect. Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum blossoms all the year round. The ecological habit of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum likes the environment with high humidity. The humidity here refers to the relative humidity in the air, not just the water content in the planting medium. And humidity is a variable, because when humidity increases and drought winds increase (especially in the north of China), if you don't replenish water, then humidity will decrease. Generally speaking, the humidity required by Anthurium andraeanum should be kept at 70% 80% (temperature 20 ℃ 28 min). The humidity can regulate the humidity of Anthurium andraeanum, that is to say, regulate the transpiration of Anthurium andraeanum leaves. The relative humidity is too low, resulting in drought and lack of water, the edges of leaves and flame bracts are dry, and Buddha flame bracts are uneven. The water temperature of Anthurium andraeanum watering should be kept at about 15 ℃ (including the nutrient solution), which is particularly important in severe cold and heat. The moisture in the medium should not be too wet, because the root of Anthurium andraeanum is semi-fleshy, and there is a large amount of water stored in the body. Too much water in the medium causes hypoxia in the medium, hinders the breathing of the root system, and is in a wet state for a long time, which will cause the root system to rot. You can fill the tap water with discarded cola bottles and mineral water bottles and pour them into the spray can after leaving them for 4 days and spray the leaves of red palm. Spray one time in summer, and one time after 15:00, but the pH value of the water sprayed should be lower. Cultivation techniques of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum hydroponics before hydroponic cultivation of soil-raised Anthurium andraeanum should be domesticated to produce new roots in water and then put into hydroponic culture. 1. Dig the potted Anthurium andraeanum from the soil, cut off the rotten roots, hairy roots and old leaves, wash them with clean water, disinfect them in potassium permanganate solution, and then wash Anthurium andraeanum with clean water. If you are hydroponically cultured with transparent glassware, it is best to cover the glass with a black plastic bag to prevent bright light. Cover it with a transparent convenient bag (heat preservation and moisturizing). Put it in a place where the light is scattered and the temperature is kept above 10 degrees. 2. Change water frequently during domestication, once every three days in the first half of the month and once a week in the second half of the month. Every time the water is changed, the nutrient solution should be added, and the nutrient solution should be specially used for hydroponic flowers. After a month, new roots of Anthurium andraeanum will grow, and the new roots will be relatively adapted to the aquatic environment. The leaves began to sprout. 3. Anthurium andraeanum is hydroponically cultured in the basin. Hydroponic flowerpots would be better if they were translucent. Carefully put the roots of Anthurium andraeanum into a water culture basket, which can be filled with river stone or ceramsite to fix the position of the plant. It is better to add half of the water or 2 stroke 3, so that the roots that are not submerged can be breathed from the air. 4. The domesticated hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum can be changed according to the actual situation, and the water should be changed when there are more impurities in the water. After a period of time, the hydroponic flowerpot should also be cleaned, and the nutrient solution should not be added too frequently, because it will cause the rich nutrition of the water. The microbial reproduction in the water is accelerated, and the oxygen content in the water will drop sharply, which is not conducive to plant growth. 5. If you use a larger flowerpot to hydroponically cultivate Anthurium andraeanum, you can also raise small fish in the water. Plants and fish can benefit each other and form a scene accordingly. It's killing two birds with one stone. How to manage the nutrient solution should also be used after drying as above, on the one hand, the chlorine in tap water can be volatilized, on the other hand, the dried water can be kept consistent with room temperature. Do not dry the water in the sun to avoid the formation of green algae. If you use cold boiled water, it is also feasible. When Anthurium andraeanum is hydroponically cultured, the speed of inducing new roots takes longer than that of the Silver Queen and other plants, but its root system has a strong life, so it is very easy to maintain when it forms a hydroponic root, so we should choose a strong virus-free Anthurium andraeanum plant. After disinfecting with agricultural streptomycin, it can be domesticated with flower nutrient solution. The disease control of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum sometimes appears the phenomena of flower premature senescence, deformity, adhesion, crack, vitrification and blue spot, which are mostly physiological diseases caused by fertilization, improper management of basin soil and air humidity or varieties. The prevention method is to improve cultivation management, reasonable fertilization and proper ventilation. The main diseases and insect pests of potted Anthurium andraeanum are bacterial wilt, leaf spot, root rot, Alternaria, Stylophora, nematodes, red spiders, aphids, Lepidoptera pests, whitefly, shell insects, snails and so on. Anthrax is one of the common diseases of Anthurium andraeanum. The pathogen is Alternaria or Alternaria. The former is characterized by the formation of round brown disease spots along the veins of the leaves, and then the disease spots are linked together to form large disease spots with brown edges, and the disease finally dries up. The latter is similar to the former, there are black bad hairs on the conidial disk, and it will cause flower rot and form black necrotic spots on the inflorescence of the fleshy spike. High humidity is the main cause of the disease. The prevention and control methods are chemical control and strengthening cultivation management, always ventilating and transparent, avoiding watering or air-conditioning condensate splashing on the leaves, and removing diseased leaves in time. Red spider red spider damage symptoms: mainly make leaves and flowers fade, affecting the commercial nature of leaves and flowers. The damage can be controlled by spraying at the initial stage, and the control agents are: dicofol, Pandike, omethoate and permethrin, etc. Bacterial wilt A bacterial disease caused by Xanthomonas aeruginosa that infects leaves and fleshy spikes. In the early stage of the disease, the leaves formed watery, translucent irregular spots, and then turned black, with a bright yellow edge and greenness around the spot. The pathogen can cause systematic infection, such as yellowing of old leaves, breaking of petiole and yellowing of vascular bundles. The method of prevention and control is to strengthen cultivation management, supplemented by chemical control, timely removal of diseased plant residues and burning. In the process of cultivation and management, man-made wounds and the use of ammonium nitrogen fertilizer should be reduced as much as possible. Generally, agricultural streptomycin or neophytomycin is sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. The symptom of bacterial leaf spot disease is that on leaves and flowers, water stains can be seen on the back of leaves and flowers in the early stage, and brown spots appear on the leaf margin in the later stage, accompanied by yellow halo. The other is that the bacterial infection begins on the stem and rapidly extends to the whole plant through the microtubule bundle. At the initial stage, it can be found that the color of the new leaf is dark, because the microtubule bundle is blocked by bacteria, which hinders the flow of water and nutrition in the body, so that the leaf color is dim and the leaves turn yellow. in a short time, this type of infection will lead to pedicel and leaf shedding from the plant, rapid decay of the growth point and concentrated outflow of bacteria. There is no specific cure for bacterial diseases, mainly prevention: environmental prevention to strengthen the temperature control of the greenhouse (the ideal breeding condition of bacteria is about 30 degrees), sanitary environment and the flow of personnel and working tools in production areas. Fertilizer prevention try not to use high NH4 nitrogen fertilizer in plant growth. Go to or isolate the diseased plant. Leaf blight nematode is caused by nematode infection of the genus nematode, mainly infecting roots and leaves. The disease is characterized by the formation of necrotic spots or brown spots along the veins, the root is enlarged, and finally the whole leaf dries up. The main methods of prevention and control are to strengthen seedling quarantine, select robust seedlings and do a good job in the disinfection of cultivation substrate. The distribution area of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is native to tropical South America, and now there are extensive cultivation catalogs in Europe, Asia and Africa. Dietotherapy or medicinal value of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum the medical information and health dietotherapy information are for reference only and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Pharmacological toxicity the flowers of Anthurium andraeanum are slightly toxic. If you don't eat them by mistake, you will be fine. Wash your hands every time you trim the branches and leaves. Its poison mainly comes from the juice. Pay more attention to it. Anthurium andraeanum belongs to Araceae, how poisonous it is, but as long as it is not in close contact with it, there will be no problem. Anthurium andraeanum can be kept at home and is slightly toxic, but it is best kept outdoors. The garden use and ornamental value of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum the flower of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is unique, it is the flame bud, the color is bright and gorgeous, the color is rich, it is the world's precious flower. The florescence is long, the cut flowers can be raised in water for up to one and a half months, and the cut leaves can be used as leaves for flower arrangement. Can be used as a potted plant, potted single flowering period can be as long as 4-6 months, annual flowering. The use of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum in the home with the unique appearance of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum, the leaves are emerald green, the fiery red inflorescence is on it, the collocation of red and green seems so eye-catching, and the yellow mosaic in that fiery red is the finishing touch; we have to praise this combination as a masterpiece of nature. It is precisely because of its outstanding grace that Anthurium andraeanum is loved by many flower lovers. Anthurium andraeanum and its flowers of the same genus are new cut flowers and potted flowers at home and abroad. The Japanese of the sandalwood flower path call it a "big red fan". The influence of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum on the household environment hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is rich but not monotonous, colorful but not complicated, which combines red, green and yellow. With the vibrant Anthurium andraeanum and other green plants set off each other, can be arranged a tranquil atmosphere of the space, so that you can comfortably spend a moment of quiet time, feel the taste of life's most desired. Only indoors, a pleasant picture comparable to outdoor pastoral life can be completed with the careful matching of wooden furniture, wallpaper, cloth, tableware and green plants. Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum picture Anthurium andraeanum can be raised for several years, what are the efficacy and effects of Anthurium andraeanum?

Anthurium andraeanum is also called fire crane flower, and many people who love flowers have raised it, some indoors and some in the company. Because the meaning of Anthurium andraeanum is very good, but also has great ornamental value, so Anthurium andraeanum can be raised for a few years, will there be a day of death, what exactly is the efficacy and function of Anthurium andraeanum? let's answer them one by one.

Anthurium andraeanum can be raised for several years and its life span is about 10 years.

Anthurium was formerly known as candle, when it blossoms, it will produce a brightly colored bud, which is a little bit like the palm of the hand, so it is called Anthurium andraeanum! The leaves of Anthurium andraeanum are green and the florescence is long, so it is a very good indoor ornamental plant!

1. The life of bottle culture is very long, and the aquaculture period is 1 month.

2. The single flowering period of potted plants is 4-6 months.

3. The life span of Anthurium andraeanum can reach about 10 years.

Of course, if you want Anthurium andraeanum to have a long life, you need scientific breeding methods.

Efficacy and function of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Ornamental value

Anthurium andraeanum is one of the most valuable flowers in the world, which can be used as cut flowers for water culture for about one and a half months, so it has a great congenital advantage in making potted plants. Anthurium andraeanum blossoms for as long as 4-6 months and blossoms every year. It has a very high ornamental value, so it is deeply loved by people!

2. The function of purifying air

Anthurium andraeanum can absorb harmful substances in the air, such as benzene, trichloroethylene and so on. However, when Anthurium andraeanum blossoms, the flowers are slightly toxic. When Anthurium andraeanum blossoms, it should not touch too much. Put Anthurium andraeanum in a ventilated environment. The toxicity of Anthurium andraeanum mainly comes from its juice, so be sure to wash your hands after pruning, and it is recommended to wear gloves before pruning.

3. Fengshui action

Anthurium andraeanum as an ornamental flower has a unique fengshui function, the flower of Anthurium andraeanum means good luck! And in its flowers and leaves there is a golden spike of flowers, implying that there is money in the hand! Of course, these are just some statements, fengshui can not be separated from the five elements, Anthurium also has the use of the transformation of the five elements. If at home, the hostess, such as the mother, or the wife is not very healthy or unlucky, the palm can be placed on the southwest seat of the living room or bedroom, which can defuse the hostess's Kun earth, and red can help Kun Tu. It means that the woman in the family can hold the economic power!