
The planting method of dahlia is colorful and lovely.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The shape of the dahlia is similar to that of the peony, which is colorful and lovable. Mexicans regard dahlia as a symbol of generosity and richness, so they respect it as the national flower. Let's take a look at the planting methods of dahlias.

The shape of the dahlia is similar to that of the peony, which is colorful and lovable. Mexicans regard dahlia as a symbol of generosity and richness, so they respect it as the national flower. Let's take a look at how to grow dahlias.

Planting method of Dahlia:

1. Soil: Dahlia is the most suitable for growing in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam, which requires rotation and moderate fertility. PH6.7-7.8 can grow well.

2. Sunshine: dahlias like light and are not tolerant to shade. If placed in a shady place for a long time, they will have poor growth, weak roots, thin leaves and thin stems, small flowers and light colors, and even some can not blossom. Therefore, potted dahlias should be placed in a sunny place. The leaves need sufficient light during the growing period, and the daily light is required to be more than 6 hours, so that the plants are strong and the flowers are large and plump. If the sunshine is less than 4 hours a day, the branching of stems and leaves and the formation of flowers and seedlings will be affected to a certain extent, especially if there is little sunshine, the flowering is not smooth, the growth of stems and leaves is poor, and it is easy to get sick.

3. Temperature: the sex likes the cool climate, the request to the ecological factor is not strict, so the adaptability is strong. During the growing period, the temperature is not strict, it can grow normally between 5-35 ℃, but 10-25 ℃ is the most suitable.

4. Watering: the amount of water can control the height of Dahlia plants. Its moisture should be controlled in the seedling stage to promote its dwarfing. In summer, in order to reduce the temperature, increase the air humidity and reduce the water evaporation of the stems and leaves of Dahlia, water should be sprayed once or twice a day. Watering once at 3: 00 to 4 p.m., the amount of water should not be too large.

5. Fertilization: Dahlia likes fertilizer, and topdressing should be applied once in 7-10 days during the growth period, or dilute liquid fertilizer should be applied 2-3 times. However, because dahlias are afraid of heat, they are often in a semi-dormant state in summer, and there is no fertilization or extremely thin fertilizer at this stage. After the plant budding, the application amount of phosphate fertilizer can be increased to make the flower bloom better. The root system of Dahlia is delicate, and thick fertilizer is avoided in the whole growth process.

6. Insect pests: the main pest problems in dahlias are powdery mildew, gray mold, bacterial wilt, virus disease, borer moth and other insect pests, which should be sprayed regularly.

7. Pruning: cultivate dahlias with small and medium-sized flowers and remove only the lateral buds on the lower nodes of the stem to make them bloom one after another. If you want to cultivate large single flowers, only the apical buds should be retained and the rest of the lateral buds should be removed. At the end of June and the beginning of July, after the first flowering, the weather is getting hotter and the plant growth slows down, which can be pruned at this time. When pruning, the stem should be twisted and drooped in the middle of the branch and between the two leaves, leaving a height of 20cm to 30cm. A few days later, part of the wound dried up and then cut. This can prevent Rain Water from pouring into the hollow stem and causing rot. It can blossom again until October.

What is the flower language of Dahlia with magnificent and colorful colors

Dahlia is a symbol of generosity and richness, and is respected as the national flower by Mexico. Dahlia planting is suitable for flower beds, flower paths or pre-court cluster planting, and dwarf varieties can be used as potted plants. Similar to the beautiful peonies of that country, the colors are magnificent and colorful and lovable. Dahlia is also known as Dahlia, Dahlia, Tianzhu Peony, Oriental Chrysanthemum, Sweet Potato Flower, Passiflora and so on. What is the flower language of Dahlia?

A brief introduction to Dahlia

Dahlia, alias Dahlia, Tianzhu Peony, Oriental Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Sweet Potato, Compositae, Dahlia, perennial herbs, with huge rod-shaped roots. Stem erect, much branched, stout. Native to Mexico, Mexicans regard it as a symbol of generosity and richness, so they respect it as the national flower.

At present, it is planted in most countries in the world, and new varieties are selected from time to time. According to statistics, there are more than 30,000 dahlia varieties, which is one of the species with the largest number of flower varieties in the world. Dahlia flower color flower shape reputation is various, rich and colorful, is one of the world's famous flowers; another can promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis, has a certain medicinal value.

There are many flower patterns of dahlia, which can be divided into sunflower type, orchid type, chrysanthemum type, spherical type, peony type, cactus flower type, rosette type and so on. Dahlia has multiple petals, with red, yellow, orange, purple, white and so on. All kinds of colors are colorful and intoxicating. One of the more distinctive is the white petals inlaid with red stripes of the thousand-petal flowers, it is like a white jade embedded with red agate, enchanting extraordinary, eye-catching.

2. Growth habits of Dahlia

Dahlia adapts to different climates and soils throughout the country, with few diseases and insect pests, easy to manage and best to breed. Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico, the city flower of Seattle, the provincial flower of Jilin Province, and the city flower of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. The colorful Dahlia symbolizes generosity, richness and good fortune. Today, its footprint has spread all over the world, becoming a frequent visitor in the garden and a famous ornamental flower in the world.

Dahlias are easy to reproduce, sowing, cutting and root splitting. They like sunshine and loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Grafting at the beginning of the bud can produce colorful marble and dahlia. Dahlias are suitable for flower beds, flower paths or pre-court cluster planting, and dwarf varieties can be used as potted plants. Flowers are used to make cut flowers, baskets, garlands, etc. The root tuber contains inulin, which is similar to glucose in medicine. The whole plant can be used as medicine and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.

Third, the flower language of Dahlia

The flower language of Dahlia: generous, grateful, fresh, elegant.

In our daily life, if you celebrate the birthday of your elders, you might as well choose dahlias, because sending dahlias, longevity flowers, primroses and orchids all imply that "happiness is like the East China Sea, and the life span is longer than Nanshan." Dahlia also has the well-being of its homonym "good luck".

In addition, in France, the flower language of Dahlia is "grateful, fresh, novel, new" is a good sign, so you might as well plant a dahlia at home to bring you "good luck" at the same time. It also shows that your temperament is different.

Generous and rich dahlia, has a high ornamental value, she is colorful, rich and colorful, giving people a sense of elegance and elegance, so planting a pot of dahlias in your home can make your home environment become gorgeous and elegant, fresh and lively.

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Introduction to planting and cultivation of Dahlia

Name: Dahlia

Dahlia nicknames: Dahlia, Tianzhu peony, peony, sweet potato flower, marble, passionflower, chrysanthemum

Scientific name: Dahlia pinnata Cav.

English name: Dahlia,Garden Dahlia

Family name: Compositae of Compositae, Dahlia

Flower language: Dahlia-auspicious French Flower language: Dahlia-grateful, fresh, novel, new

Dahlia is a perennial herb of Compositae. The chrysanthemum is in full bloom, but the dahlia is different. it blossoms one after another in spring and summer, blossoms again after summer, and withered when Frosts Descent. Its flower shape is similar to the peony of the country, the color is magnificent and colorful, lovable.

Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico, the city flower of Seattle, the provincial flower of Jilin Province, and the city flower of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. The colorful Dahlia symbolizes generosity, richness and good fortune. Today, its footprint has spread all over the world, becoming a frequent visitor in the garden and a world-famous ornamental flower.

Dahlias are easy to reproduce, sowing, cutting and root splitting. They like sunshine and loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Grafting at the beginning of the bud can produce colorful marble and dahlia.

Dahlias are suitable for flower beds, flower paths or pre-court cluster planting, and dwarf varieties can be used as potted plants. Flowers are used to make cut flowers, baskets, garlands, etc. The root tuber contains inulin, which is similar to glucose in medicine. The whole plant can be used as medicine and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification.

Dahlia area

Dahlia's hometown is 1500 meters above sea level in the Mexican plateau, it is neither cold-resistant, but also afraid of heat, where the climate is warm and cool, there is a period of low temperature dormancy. Dahlia has a suitable climate and grows well in Liaoning and Jilin in China.

Dahlia has thick hammer-shaped fleshy roots, plant height varies with different varieties, leaves opposite, 1-3 pinnately divided, lobes ovate, serrated and obtuse. The flowers are longer than the top of the pedicel. Dahlias are popular for their long florescence, blooming continuously from autumn to spring, with each flower lasting for one month and lasting for half a year. In the south of our country, it is open from 2mi in spring to June.

Characteristics of Dahlia

Dahlia is also known as passionflower and dahlia. If you want to cultivate dahlias well, you need to master its four characteristics: (1) like wetting and afraid of waterlogging. Dahlias are afraid of drought and avoid stagnant water. This is because dahlias are fleshy roots, which are easy to rot if they are watered too much. But its leaves are large, grow luxuriantly, and need more water. If the lack of water and wilting can not replenish water in time, after sunlight, the edge of the light leaf will be scorched, and the heavy leaf will fall off. Therefore, watering should grasp the principle of "dry and thoroughly irrigated". (2) like to be fertile and afraid to be excessive. Planting dahlias should choose fertile and loose soil, in addition to applying basic fertilizer, but also topdressing. Usually from the middle to the end of July until flowering, thin liquid fertilizer is applied every 7-10 days, and the concentration of fertilization should be gradually increased to make the stem grow stronger and stronger, and the leaf color dark green and stretch. (3) like sunshine and fear shade. Dahlias like to be sunny. If placed in the shade for a long time, the growth is poor, the root system is weak, the leaf is thin and the stem is thin, the flower is small and light, and even cannot blossom. Only when it is planted in a sunny place, can the plant grow healthily and produce bright flowers. (4) like cool and afraid of heat. Dahlia blossoms like cool climate, the temperature is about 20 ℃, the growth is the best. Planting in North China and other places can grow well from late spring to late autumn. But it is afraid of the hot summer sun, especially the sunny exposure after the rain, at this time should be a little shade, the growth is better.

Propagation method of Dahlia

Root division and cutting propagation are the main methods, and seed propagation is used for breeding.

1. Split root propagation

This method is the most commonly used. Because dahlia can germinate only in the root neck, it must have part of the root neck when it is divided, otherwise it can not germinate new plants. In order to facilitate identification, the method of burying roots in advance is often used to accelerate budding, and then split and planted after the adventitious buds on the root neck germinate. The root-splitting method is simple and easy, the survival rate is high, the seedlings are strong, but the number of propagation plants is limited. 2. Cutting propagation is the main propagation method of Dahlia. The propagation coefficient is large, which is generally carried out in early spring, summer and autumn, and the survival rate of cutting in greenhouse or hotbed from March to April is the highest. The cuttings were taken from the tuberous roots which had been accelerated, and the cuttings could be peeled off from the base when a pair of leaves at the base of the new buds were unfolded. You can also leave more than one section at the base of the new buds, and then take the buds at the axillary buds with the growth, so that more cuttings can be obtained. The spring seedlings grow fully in summer and autumn and can blossom in the same year. Buds can be taken from growing plants for summer cutting from June to early August, but the survival rate is lower than that in spring. The survival rate of cuttings from September to October is lower than that in spring, but higher than that in summer. It is suitable to insert soil with sandy loam and a small amount of rotten leaf soil or peat.

3. Seed propagation is limited to flower bed varieties and breeding. The seeds are mostly collected from those who mature after autumn cool because of the poor fruiting in summer due to damp and hot. Vertical petal varieties are not easy to obtain seeds, so artificial pollination should be carried out. The sowing is generally carried out in the sowing box, about 20 C, sprouting and unearthing in 4-5 days, replanting after the true leaves grow, and flowering after 1-2 years.

Cultivation method

Dahlia stem crisp tender, can not withstand the strong wind attack, but also afraid of waterlogging, when planting to choose high dry terrain, good drainage, sunny and leeward place, and make a high bed. The plant row spacing is about 1 meter for general varieties and 40 cm ~ 50 cm for dwarf varieties. The stem of Dahlia is tall, juicy and tender, and a pillar should be set up to prevent the wind from breaking. Watering should grasp the principle of dry and re-watering, suddenly clear after continuous cloudy days in summer, spray clear water to the ground and leaves in time to cool down, otherwise the leaves will have scorched edges and withered yellow. When there is no rain in summer, in addition to watering every day, water should also be sprayed to cool down. After bud development, liquid fertilizer is applied every 10 days until the bud is clear. Leave 10 cm ~ 15 cm root neck before frost, cut off branches and leaves, dig up the root, hang it on the spot for 1 ~ 2 days, and then store it indoors with dry sand. The storage room temperature is about 5C.

It is better to change pots for potted dahlias. Choose a shallow basin with a large mouth, and chisel the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin as big as possible, with a layer of broken tiles underneath as a drainage layer. The cultivated soil must contain half of the sand. The last pot change requires the application of sufficient base fertilizer to provide adequate nutrition, and other management will be planted in the same place. Cut flowers with dahlia, the main points of cultivation are planted in the same ground, the plant row spacing is 50 cm ~ 100 cm, topdressing liquid fertilizer once in half a month in the peak growing season, properly coring, and keeping more lateral branches.

Cultivation and management

Multi-purpose cutting and sowing propagation, mainly cutting, generally carried out from September to October.

The pot time of ① is usually in the middle of October, with 1-2 plants per pot.

When the seedling grows 10-12 cm in height, ② leaves 2 nodes to peel off the top, culturing 6-8 branches in each pot, and the last coring is carried out 40-50 days before the Spring Festival, in order to control flowering during the Spring Festival.

③ watering: watering 2-3 times a day. Water can be properly controlled to promote flowering before flowering.

④ fertilization: nitrogen fertilizer was applied mainly in the early stage, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied in the later stage. Generally, inorganic fertilizer is applied once every 10 days and organic fertilizer is applied once a month.

⑤ pest control: regular spraying to protect foot leaves

⑥ binding bamboo: after the last heart is removed and branches are fixed, begin to bind bamboo, one piece of bamboo per branch, and remove too many side branches for ventilation

⑦ picking buds: when buds grow to the size of peanuts, 2 buds are left on each branch, and other buds are removed

⑧ buds: when buds are red, only one bud is left for each branch.

The key to the growth of potted dahlia lies in strengthening the management of plant pot soil, giving sufficient light, frequently applying water and fertilizer, timely shaping and pruning and so on. (1) the management of basin soil Dahlia is suitable for sandy loam which is loose, rich in humus and good drainage. Potted dahlia planting soil is generally suitable for vegetable garden soil (50%), rotten leaf soil (20%), sandy soil (20%) and dried dung (10%). The consolidated soil is easy to cause waterlogging and rotting roots, which can not be used. In the daily management, loosen the soil in time and eliminate waterlogging in the basin, because the fleshy root of Dahlia rotted when there was too much water content in the soil and poor air permeability.

(2) Lighting

Dahlia likes light and is not tolerant to shade. If it is placed in the shade for a long time, it will grow poorly, the root system is weak, the leaves are thin and the stems are thin, the flowers are small and light, and some even cannot blossom. Therefore, potted dahlias should be placed in a sunny place. There is sufficient light in the leaves, which requires more than 6 hours of light a day, so that the plants are strong and the flowers are large and plump. If the sunshine is less than 4 hours a day, the branching of stems and leaves and the formation of buds will be affected to a certain extent, especially if there is little sunshine, the flowering is not smooth, the growth of stems and leaves is poor, and it is easy to get sick.

(3) watering frequently

Dahlia like water but avoid stagnant water, both afraid of waterlogging and drought, this is because the big flower is fleshy root, too much watering root is easy to rot. However, Dahlia has luxuriant branches and leaves, large evaporation, and needs more water, if it can not replenish water in time after wilting due to lack of water, and then exposed to sunlight, the edge of the light leaf will be scorched, and the heavy basal leaf will fall off. Watering should grasp the principle of "dry and thoroughly irrigated". In general, water is limited in the early growth stage, and it can be watered once a day on a sunny day, keeping the soil slightly moist, and it is not appropriate to be too dry and wet. In the later stage of growth, the branches and leaves are luxuriant and consume more water. Sunny or northerly weather. Note that it is easy to lack water at noon or evening, and the amount of water should be increased appropriately.

(4) proper fertilization of dahlia is a kind of fertilizer-loving flower, which is usually applied with dilute liquid fertilizer every 10-15 days from seedlings. Apply it every 7-10 days after budding. Stop watering when the flower buds are transparent. It is not suitable to apply fertilizer when the temperature is high. The amount of fertilizer applied depends on the growth of the plant. Where the leaf color is light and barren, it is the phenomenon of lack of fertilizer; on the contrary, if the fertilizer is excessive, the leaf edge is scorched or the leaf tip is yellow, and the leaf is thick and dark green, which is the performance of proper fertilization. The concentration of fertilizer should be increased each time, so that the stalk can be sturdy.

(5) the pruning and pruning of potted dahlias should be controlled flexibly according to the varieties. In general, single-plant plastic surgery is used for large varieties and 4-book plastic surgery for medium-sized varieties. Single plant plastic surgery is to retain the terminal bud, remove all the bowels, so that nutrition is concentrated, forming a low plant, large flower type of single plant Dahlia. 4 this dahlia is a potted dahlia with 4 stems and 4 flowers, which is made by coring the seedling and keeping the two basal nodes to form 4 lateral branches, with terminal buds on each side.

(6) the stem of Dahlia is empty and brittle, and it is easy to be broken by the wind. Bamboo planting can also avoid the bending of branches and improve the ornamental value of potted plants. When the plant is more than 30 cm tall, a small bamboo should be inserted next to each branch and tied with hemp skin (or string); as the plant grows taller and taller, a longer bamboo should be replaced in time, and the final bamboo should be placed on the lower part of the bud. (7) to protect the safety of the plant overwintering Dahlia is not cold-resistant (mainly because the root can not be frozen). In November, when the branches and leaves withered, the aboveground part should be cut off, moved into the room, and preserved in the original pot. The root tuber can also be taken out and hung for 1-2 days and buried in indoor moist sand with a temperature of no more than 5 degrees, and then planted in the pot the following spring.

Prevention of diseases and insect pests in Dahlia

The diseases and insect pests that are easy to occur in the process of Dahlia cultivation are powdery mildew, flower rot, borer moth and red spider.

(1) Dahlia powdery mildew

The disease is serious from September to November, and high temperature and humidity will contribute to the occurrence of the disease. After being killed, the plant is short, the leaf surface is uneven or curly, and the tender shoot is malformed. Flower buds cannot blossom or can only produce deformed flowers after being killed. When the disease is serious, the leaves can dry up and even the whole plant will die.

Prevention and control methods:

① strengthens the maintenance to make the plant grow healthily and improve the disease resistance. Control watering and increase the application of phosphate fertilizer.

When ② occurs, the diseased leaves should be removed in time and sprayed with 50% Dysenamine aqueous solution or 70% topiramate solution.

(2) Dahlia flower rot.

Most of them occur from full bloom to falling bloom, when the soil moisture is on the high side and the ground temperature is on the high side, the disease is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease. When the petals are injured, the disease spot is faded green at first, then becomes yellowish brown, and the disease spot is irregular after expansion, from yellowish brown to grayish brown.

Prevention and cure method

Ventilation and light transmission should be strengthened among ① plants; in the later stage, water and nitrogen fertilizer should not be used too much, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased.

After the bud stage of ②, 0.5% Bordeaux solution or 70% topiramate 1500 times solution can be sprayed once every 7-10 days, which has a good control effect.

(3) Spodoptera litura

The insect mainly harms dahlias and chrysanthemums by larvae drilling into the stem. When seriously damaged, the plant can not blossom, or even maimed.

Control methods: generally from June to September, spray 90% of trichlorfon 800 times every 20 days or so, which can kill newly hatched larvae.

(4) Red spider

Red spider namely cinnabar spider mite, can see "jasmine" in the control of cinnabar spider mite part.

Dahlia is a perennial herbaceous flower of Compositae. Leaves opposite, 1-3-parted, leaf margin serrate. Head shape is terminal unripe, the color is purplish red, pink, pink, compound wait for color. (5)Dahlia cotton leafhopper pest

Damage: adults and nymph in the plant leaf back suction damage, so that the leaves appear yellow brown spots, leaves to the back of shrinkage, serious when the whole leaf discoloration withered coke.

Prevention and control methods: A. Combined pruning, pruning and treatment of damaged branches and leaves to reduce the source of insects. B. In the adult damage period, the adults are killed by light. C. In the period of nymph and adult emergence, 90% crystalline trichlorfon 1000-1500 times solution, or 40% omethoate EC 1000-1500 times solution, or 2.5% cymethrin EC 1500-2000 times solution can be sprayed for control. The spraying frequency depends on the insect situation, generally spraying once every 10 days.