
Six reasons why triangular plum does not blossom and its solutions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Triangular plums raised by flower friends do not blossom, or the flowers are very rare, so there is an urgent need to understand the reasons why triangular plum does not blossom. To put it simply, the failure of triangular plum to blossom is mostly due to lack of light, inadequate pruning, too dense branches and leaves, and insufficient soil and fertilizer. So if you want the plum blossom to blossom, you need to start from these places.

The triangular plum raised by flower friends does not blossom, or the flowers are very rare, and there is an urgent need to understand the reasons why the triangular plum does not blossom. To put it simply, the lack of light and pruning leads to too dense branches and leaves and insufficient fertilizer in the soil. So if you want the plum blossom to blossom in these places, you need to start from these places. The following editor brings you the details of why the triangular plum does not bloom. I hope it can help you.

Why does triangular plum not blossom:

1. Whether the triangular plum blossoms or not has something to do with the size of the flowerpot. The root system of the triangular plum is well developed, and the root system of the triangular plum planted in the open air can extend for several meters, so the flowerpot should be often changed according to the size of the plant.

2. Triangle plum is native to the tropics and likes strong light. Sufficient light is needed during the whole growth period. The longer the sunshine time, the more flowers bloom and the more colorful the flowers are. On the other hand, if the triangular plum is not exposed to the sun for a long time, not only will it not blossom, but even the color of the leaves will gradually fade or even fall.

3. Too many and too dense branches of triangular plum will also affect the dispersion of nutrients and can not promote flower buds. During maintenance, the dense and superfluous branches should be thinned irregularly according to the shape of the plant.

4. fertilizer problem: potted flowers will face the problem of fertilizer, especially woody flowering plants, which have a greater demand for fertilizer, according to the size of the potted plant, generally once a month, liquid fertilizer should be applied every half a month during the peak growth period of triangular plum. Higher ambient temperature can be applied more. The application of more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is beneficial to the differentiation of flower buds and ensure the growth of flower buds.

5. The problem of watering: there is a saying: "if the water does not bloom frequently, there will be a lot of water spray". Water control can affect the flower bud differentiation of triangular plum to a great extent by the amount of water. Generally speaking, water control should be carried out about 50 days before flowering. In other words, if we want the triangular plum to blossom during the National Day holiday, we should begin to control the water on August 10. If you encounter a rainy day, you should move it into the greenhouse or cover the rain film to prevent the basin soil from dripping with water. The water control time is about 10 days, when the epidermis of the branches of Triangle Plum is a little wrinkled. After that, it will be watered again and managed normally, when the triangular plum will fall off its old leaves and sprout new buds.

6. The problem of pruning: some flower friends are unwilling to prune, resulting in scattered nutrients and not easy to form flower buds. Triangular plum can cut off some weak branches and diseased branches every spring when they have flower buds, and cut off the pedicels after flowering. # p# subtitle # e #

What if the triangular plum doesn't blossom?

1. Lighting

Triangular plums love light, so they can be placed in a sunny place. This is not only beneficial to its vegetative growth, but also conducive to reproductive growth. The plants treated by strong sunlight had short internodes, full growth, large number of flowers, deep flower color and long flowering period.

2. Pruning

The growing period of triangular plum is long and fast, so it is necessary to prune and pick the heart properly.

3. Moisture

Triangle plum should start to control water in the middle of August. After watering once, wait for the leaves and buds to droop before watering. The degree of water control is based on the fact that plants do not dry and die. After such repeated treatment, the embryonic form of flowers appeared in the axils of the leaves at the end of the branch, and then gradually returned to normal watering. Water control can increase the concentration of plum cell fluid and promote the differentiation and formation of flower buds.

4. Fertilization

Triangular plum is very sensitive to urea, such as improper fertilization period, improper proportion, it may produce the phenomenon of luxuriant leaves and few flowers, so urea must be applied with special caution. The summer temperature is high, Rain Water is more, and the plant is easy to grow. You can not apply urea alone. You can apply some fertilizer made from rotten vegetable leaf retting. It is best to use 0.2% KH2PO4 0.3% solution as foliar topdressing, fertilizing once every half a month. Urea can be applied once at the initial stage of flower branch growth to facilitate flower branch growth.

The Culture method of triangular Plum Analysis of the reasons for the non-flowering of triangular Plum

In early summer, the triangular plum in Shenzhen is open warmly. Ordinary and simple triangular plums can be seen everywhere in this city. Trifoliate plum, which belongs to tropical plants, likes warm and humid climate and is not resistant to cold. People also call it Ye Zihua, Le rhododendron and so on. The flowers are bright, the leaves are luxuriant, and the flowering period is accompanied by falling leaves. In the south, if properly managed, triangular plum blossoms throughout the year, and its flowering period is usually between November and December. In the culture method of triangle plum, the decorative editor will introduce some details of triangle plum culture in all aspects, and reveal the reason why triangle plum does not blossom!

[culture method of triangulated plum]

1. Soil: Prunus angustifolia is lax on soil, growing well in clay heavy soil with good drainage and rich minerals, barren, alkali-resistant, drought-resistant and avoid stagnant water. The slightly sour soil is most favorable for the growth of Prunus mume.

two。 Watering: it should be watered once a day in spring and autumn, once in the morning and evening in summer, once in the morning and evening after the emergence of watering buds in winter, and spray water to the leaves 1-2 times at the same time. It is necessary to prevent stagnant water in the rainy season so that the plants will not rot and die.

3. Temperature: the suitable temperature for growth is 15-30 ℃. Proper shading or measures such as water spraying and ventilation should be taken in summer, and the ambient temperature of not less than 5 ℃ should be maintained in winter.

4. Fertilization: in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer in the basin soil, topdressing should also be applied in the growing season. Add a small amount of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and spray 0.1% 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaf surface, apply alum fertilizer water once a week during the full flowering period, and spray 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaf surface.

5. Lighting: in addition to the new pots throughout the year, the seedlings should be placed in the semi-shade first. Winter should be placed in front of the south window, and the lighting time should not be less than 8 hours.

6. Propagation: selection of cutting branches: the branches of triangular plum, as thick as arms and as thin as incense, can be used for cutting; coarse branches send roots late and shape quickly; annual lignified green branches are easy to produce new roots, and the survival rate is high. Generally choose 1-2-year-old outer layer sunny branches with compact and sturdy structure, (not too twigs, immature branches, only long branches, shade branches.) Cut into 3-4 segments (about 8-10cm) with a sharp knife, the lower oblique cutting surface is 5-10 mm below the node, remove the lower leaves and retain the upper two-and-a-half (full) leaves as cuttings.

7. Pruning: leafy peanuts grow strongly, so they need to be shaped and pruned every year. Leaf flowers are often propagated by cuttings, and it is easy to raise seedlings. In May and June, mature Lignification branches, 20 cm long, are inserted into a sand basin, covered with glass and kept moist. It can take root in about a month and blossom in two years. Pruning method: trim moderately after flowering, cut off the pedicel, retract the branch of flower branch 1 to 3, and remove the weak branch, short branch and bore branch. Combined with changing basin soil pruning in winter, pruning should be mastered: short, heavy and sparse. Short, for short, retain the branch of 1 stroke 3; heavy, for heavy pruning long flower branches; sparse, to remove weak branches, to re-send strong branches, also known as renewal pruning, cut branches can be selected for seedling cuttings. In the south, triangular plum is used as flower rack, fence and doorway, which is not dormant or deciduous in winter, but only light pruning, but binding, distribution and traction should be done to make the branches of the flower rack evenly distributed and covered with flower racks.

8. Pest control: triangular plum brown spot damage leaves, in the leaf surface to produce a diameter of 0.1-0.5 cm yellowish brown to light brown spots. It was found that a small number of diseased leaves were removed and burned in time. At the initial stage of the disease, 400 times of 70% manganese zinc wettable powder was sprayed every 10 days for 3 to 4 consecutive times. The disease spot of triangular plum leaf spot is yellow-brown at first, surrounded by yellowish-green halo, then expands into a near round or irregular spot, the edge is dark brown, and in the later stage, small black spots appear on the spot. It is found that a small amount of disease spot can be smeared on it with Dakening cream ointment to cut off the branches with more disease. at the initial stage of the disease, 50% carbendazim wettable powder can be used for prevention and treatment, spraying once every 7-10 days, and in serious cases, according to practical experience, spray again on the fourth day, and then spray every 7 days. For 3-4 times in a row, the control effect is good. Scale insects: in the environment of poor light, poor ventilation, high temperature and high humidity, many kinds of shell insects are easy to be pierced, which can be sprayed with 45% malathion EC 1000 times.

[summary of problems in triangular plum culture]

1. Fertilization should be stopped in summer and winter due to slow growth or dormancy of plants.

two。 Do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer.

[why does the triangular plum not blossom (cause + solution)]

1. Whether the triangular plum blossoms or not has something to do with the size of the flowerpot. The root system of the triangular plum is well developed, and the root system of the triangular plum planted in the open air can extend for several meters, so the flowerpot should be often changed according to the size of the plant.

2. Triangle plum is native to the tropics and likes strong light. Sufficient light is needed during the whole growth period. The longer the sunshine time, the more flowers bloom and the more colorful the flowers are. On the other hand, if the triangular plum is not exposed to the sun for a long time, not only will it not blossom, but even the color of the leaves will gradually fade or even fall.

3. Too many and too dense branches of triangular plum will also affect the dispersion of nutrients and can not promote flower buds. During maintenance, the dense and superfluous branches should be thinned irregularly according to the shape of the plant.

4. Finally, the most important point is to control water and fertilizer. The amount of water should be controlled before the triangular plum blossom season, and then watered properly when the leaves are slightly wilted. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer and increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

[triangular Plum Blossom language]

In terms of love, the flower language of triangular plum means empathy. There is another kind of flower language: enthusiasm, perseverance, tenacity to forge ahead.

When does triangular plum blossom? when is the most suitable time for flowering in all regions?

Triangular plum blossoms for a long time, and you can watch flowers and leaves, so it is popular with many flower friends, so when will triangular plum bloom? Triangular plum flowers are very small, not often noticed, but small and lovely, very pleasing to the eye. Triangular plum usually blossoms from November to December, if the culture management is good, we can also let the triangular plum blossom all the year round. The following editor brings you the details.

When does the triangular plum blossom:

Triangular plum flowers are very small, not often noticed, but small and lovely, very pleasing to the eye. Triangular plum usually blossoms from November to December, if the culture management is good, we can also make triangular plum blossom all the year round. So we can see the beautiful triangular plum blossom at any time.

In most cases, Huayu's triangular plum blossoms many times a year, with an average flowering period of about 30-120 days (the flowering period is relatively short when the temperature is high), and the flowering time is concentrated between April and November. Of course, some varieties will bloom differently, and some are greenhouse plum, the flowering time will also be different.

A pot of triangular plum opened in December, according to his description, as long as the temperature is not less than 10 ℃ and enough fat and water is given, the triangular plum will still open tenaciously.

It must be calculated backwards according to the local temperature and the most suitable time for flowering. It can blossom from December to New Year's Day in Guangdong, even during the Spring Festival. Guilin here can only blossom in October-November, the temperature is more suitable, Xiaoyangchun weather, not too cold, the daily average temperature reached 12 degrees. It's not too hot, and the florescence is prolonged. If the weather is good, you can drive to New Year's Day. The florescence lasts as long as sixty days. If it blossoms on National Day, the temperature will be too high. The flowering period is only one month.

According to this observation, I choose to bloom from the end of October to November. It can not only prolong the florescence, but also pass the winter safely. If it is Beijing, we can only consider blooming in October, which can not only add glory to the National Day, but also safely survive the winter. The farther to the north, the earlier it is, and the temperature is unforgiving. # p# subtitle # e #

How to make the triangular plum blossom longer:

1. Watering should be scientific.

Watering should be scientific, that is, the combination of watering, water control and re-watering. Triangulated plum Ching Ming Festival was cultivated in the open field in the greenhouse. During the vegetative growth period, it should be watered once a day to ensure the normal growth of branches and leaves. From May to June, intermittent water control and flower promotion should be carried out according to different varieties, and the degree of water control should be that the branches droop and the leaves wilt slightly. At this time, you can spray water to the leaves once or twice a day, and water once after 2 to 3 days, so that the top growth of the plant can stop, concentrate nutrients, and promote flower bud differentiation. When there is a blush at the top of the branch, water is watered again; when the bud appears on the new shoot, heavy water is watered once in the morning and evening every day, and once or twice every day until flowering, and the watering times are reduced appropriately after flowering. Because after the continuous flowering period, the nutrients in the plant are consumed too much, and most of the leaves are yellowed and shedded. If the soil is too wet and watered too much, the roots will rot. If you enter the greenhouse for maintenance in autumn and winter, you must control the water for one month to facilitate flower bud differentiation and blossom during the Spring Festival. Water later, dry and wet.

2. Fertilization should be appropriate

Triangular plum blossoms more, florescence is long, nutrient consumption is more, coupled with limited potted soil, fertilizer must be replenished regularly. Apply sufficient basic fertilizer when changing pots in spring, apply 10 to 20 grams of rotten cake fertilizer or chicken manure soil in each pot according to the size of flowerpots, and apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer 1 to 2 times after coming out of the greenhouse, entering the peak growth period, applying rotten cooked cake fertilizer and water every 7 days to accelerate flower bud differentiation. When the flower bud appears in the leaf axil, you can apply more fertilizer, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, avoid nitrogen fertilizer, so as not to affect the flowering of the plant. From August to October, it is necessary to fertilize and flood water, replace water with dilute fertilizer, water flowers with alum fertilizer or cake fertilizer, and apply phosphate fertilizer several times.

3. Strong light, long sunshine and high temperature

Triangular plums like light, and sufficient light is required during the growth period, which is conducive to more flowers. If the light is not enough, the growth of the new branch is weak, the color of the leaf is dim, and the flower is not bright. Prunus angustifolia can blossom when the continuous temperature is more than 20 ℃ and grow normally when the temperature is above 35 ℃. The overwintering temperature should not be lower than 7 ℃.

When maintaining in the north, there is no need for shade in summer. Sunshine 10 to 12 hours a day, strong light, long sunshine, good ventilation, florescence up to 180 to 200 days. Among them, purple triangular plum can open to the Spring Festival, Ching Ming Festival out of the greenhouse, "May 1" festival can be in full bloom.

4. Pruning should be reasonable.

Triangular plum is strong, sprouting and very resistant to pruning. Reasonable pruning and shaping can also make its branches blossom and multiply. Potted triangular plums are generally pruned twice a year, the first pruning in combination with changing pots before germination in March to April, and the second pruning in late autumn when plum enters the greenhouse.

Three principles should be grasped when pruning: short, heavy and sparse. That is, cut short horizontal branches, promote its base to germinate more flowering mother branches, ensure flowering exuberant; re-cut newborn long branches, lest they compete for fertilizer and water, consume nutrients; remove dense branches, weak branches, terminal branches. Each pruning should be moderate, too heavy pruning will weaken the growth of triangular plum, delay the flowering period, reduce the number of flowers, long growing period, and reduce the ornamental effect.

5. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests should be timely

There are few diseases and insect pests in Prunus mume, and there are occasional scale insects and aphids in winter and spring, which make stems and leaves curl and affect photosynthesis. Can be sprayed 1500 to 2000 times omethoate control. Leaf spot can be sprayed with 65% Dyson zinc wettable powder 600 times.

6. Loosen the soil with diligence

Because the soil of potted triangular plum is limited and often watered, the soil is easy to harden and harden, resulting in poor root development and affecting plant growth, so the growing period should be often loosened soil, and combined with loose soil to remove weeds, so as not to compete with triangular plum for water and fertilizer.

Potted triangular plum can grow vigorously and bloom all the year round as long as there is sufficient light, temperature, moisture and fertilizer, reasonable pruning, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, often loosening the soil, and timely flower-promoting cultivation.