
The Cuttage method of Milan needs to know after Cuttage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Milan is one of people's favorite flowers and plants, and the flowers are in full bloom in season. As an edible flower, essence can be extracted. Such as Milan scented tea. Milan potted plants can be displayed in the living room, study and porch, fresh and elegant, comfortable. Milan is also an excellent scenic tree in the southern courtyard.

Milan is one of people's favorite flowers and plants, and the flowers are in full bloom in season. As an edible flower, essence can be extracted. Such as Milan scented tea. Milan potted plants can be displayed in the living room, study and porch, fresh and elegant, comfortable. Milan is also an excellent scenic tree in the southern courtyard. Put in the room can absorb sulfur dioxide and chlorine in the air and purify the air. Today, what the editor brings to you is the cutting method of Milan. Let's take a look at the details.

Cutting methods of Milan flower:

Select the media:

The cutting bed must be prepared before cutting. according to the number of branches to be cut, containers of different caliber are used. When there are few cuttings, flowerpots and more branches can be used. Containers with larger caliber such as wooden boxes can be used. The bottom of the basin is filled with debris to increase the water permeability.

Select the branch:

The cutting methods in Milan are generally divided into two kinds, one is the tender branch of the current year, and the other is the old stem of the previous year. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you choose the branches born in the same year, the survival rate is a little higher.

Steps and methods:

In fact, the cutting method is very simple, just follow the steps below.

First of all, insert the branches into the previously prepared soil and pour enough water.

Then put the flowerpot into a plastic bucket, put a brick at the bottom of the bucket, and then add a small amount of water.

Then cover the barrel mouth with glass and open the lid for 3 to 5 days to ventilate. # p# subtitle # e #

Maintenance after cutting:

After cutting, keep the plant in a cool place, control the temperature at 25-28 ℃, and often spray water to the leaves to increase the humidity of the surrounding environment and promote its growth.

The cutting cycle in Milan is relatively long, and it takes 50 to 60 days to succeed. If the branches do not wilt and the leaves do not turn yellow during this period, it shows that the base of the branches has fully healed, and after a period of time, buds will grow between the leaves and stems, which means that they have taken root.


The method of cutting propagation is mainly carried out from June to August, and the sturdy branches that have been lignified in the same year can be cut out for cuttings, about 10 cm in length, leaving 2 or 3 leaflets at the top, cut off the leaves below, and insert them into a bed with peat as the matrix or sand and perlite as the matrix, about 4 cm, then pour water through and seal the basin mouth with plastic film to keep warm and wet.

Keep the indoor temperature at about 28 degrees Celsius, humidity at about 95%, and keep the bed moist. It will take about 2 months to take root and transplant. If the cuttings are soaked in 500ppm acetic acid solution for about 20 hours before insertion, and then cleaned and then cut, the cuttings can take root early.

The Cuttage method of how to propagate Milan Flower

Breeding Milan generally breeds Milan better in the summer rainy season, so when the temperature is high and the humidity is high, breeding is easy to survive. So how do Milan flowers reproduce? Milan's reproduction methods can generally be divided into three types: pressing, high pressure and cutting, mainly cutting and high pressure. Let's take a look at the cutting methods of Milan and other related contents along with the editor of wed114 wedding network.

Pictures of Milan flowers

How to propagate Milan Flowers: cutting methods of Milan Flowers

It is easy and easy to propagate Milan by cutting, and there are a large number of them. There are two cutting methods in Milan: one is the old wood cutting of the first year, the old wood cutting time can be carried out between April and May, and the other is the tender wood cutting of the same year, which can be carried out between June and July.

The selection of cuttings, whether it is the old branches of the other year or the twigs of the same year, should choose the branches with strong, substantial and good growth potential as cuttings.

Softwood cuttings are usually harvested from June to July every year. Select the branches that grew strongly in that year, cut them into about 10 cm long, cut off the leaves below, and leave 2 Mel 3 leaflets at the top. It is best to soak with vitamin B12 injection before insertion to promote rooting.

Cuttings use flowerpots as cutting beds, vermiculite or river sand as cutting substrates with a depth of 4-5 cm, compacted and watered thoroughly after cutting, and covered with plastic film, requiring high temperature and humidity, temperature 28-30C, and then spraying water 2-3 times a day. Keep the soil layer moist and take root in 40-50 days.

Pictures of Milan flowers

How to reproduce Milan flower: high striping method

The high pressure method should be carried out under the condition of high temperature and high humidity. The time of striping is generally between May and August, and the rainy season in early June is the best, with high survival rate and fast rooting. Because during this period, the environmental humidity is relatively high. Practice has proved that the high pressure from this period will take root one after another after 40 days, and if it is properly maintained in October, it can blossom twice. It is OK to start high pressure in July, but at this time it is the time of hot summer, when the sun is fierce, the water evaporates quickly, the environment is dry, the branches and leaves under high pressure are easy to scorch, and the roots heal more slowly. Therefore, after high pressure, it is necessary to put the potted mother Milan in a half-yin and half-sun or half-sun place, otherwise it is easy to scorch.

For the selection of high pressure parts, without affecting the shape of the whole mother plant, the sturdy branches that grow in alternate years and lignified should be selected, and the leaves should be removed and the ring peeling should be carried out at the length of 15ml / 25cm.

The high position pressing strip selects the sturdy and pest-free branches that are semi-lignified in the current year, more than 0.5 cm in diameter, 7-8 cm ring peeling below the branch point, wrapped in the ring with mud lump or wet vermiculite and moss, and wrapped tightly with plastic film, leaving mouth for watering, often keep moist, take root after 2-3 months, can be cut from the mother plant on the pot, easy to bloom. The high position pressing bar can be divided into sleeve basin type and cladding type.

① pot type: choose the sturdy branches that have been wooded in one year, and cover the flowerpots with enlarged pots at the bottom of the pots to make the flowerpots stable. Peel the Milan branches 1 cm wide on the Milan branches in the flowerpot, then fill them with soil and water them thoroughly, and water them every day after that, always keep the soil wet. Generally, it can take root in two months, cut off the mother plant and cultivate it separately.

② cladding type: select annual Lignified robust branches, about 10 cm away from the base of the branches, for circular peeling, leaving 4-5 twigs in the upper part, and all the lower lateral branches are cut off, with pre-prepared soil (mixed with fertile soil and moss drunken; drying on the stove, and then kneaded with boiling water, cool thoroughly) wrapped in the peeling place, wrapped in plastic enzyme film, fastened with thread, the lower part does not make it leak, the upper part is slightly loose, easy for water injection. The dressing part should be 10 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. In the future, water should be injected into the dressing place every day to keep it moist. It can take root in two months, cut off the mother plant and plant it separately.

For beginners with high pressure. Circular peeling is very important, peeling well, most of them can root and survive, otherwise they will not survive. The method of ring peeling is to cut two circles under P in the selected branch with a knife. 5 cm, do not hurt the xylem, and then cut off (or peel) the skin in the middle. But the cortex that should be peeled off must be peeled clean until the surrounding xylem appears and appears smooth. Only in this way can we heal and take root normally, otherwise it will be very difficult to survive.

The "fingernail peeling method" can also be used. After selecting the ring peeling site, the thumb nail is peeled down from top to bottom, peeling off the cortex around a height of about 1Mel 15cm. The requirements of this peeling method are the same as above. After the ring is peeled, wrap it around the ring with a prepared mass of mud (half a bowl of fertilizer, half a bowl of moss, dried on the stove, and then kneaded with boiling water), about 10 cm in length and 5 cm in diameter, wrapped with plastic film and fastened with thread to prevent leakage (the upper mouth should be capable of watering). If the high-pressure branch is flat and does not extend upward, pull it to the trunk with a rope, or set up another pillar to facilitate irrigation. Always keep moist, which is the key to survival. If one day you forget to irrigate, the soil in the plastic bag will dry and the new roots will die. It usually takes 2 months to take root. If there are not many new roots, you should wait. As long as the management is careful and does not dry up, it can always take root and survive.

To judge whether the high-pressure Milan takes root is to see whether the leaves of the high-pressure part are light yellow (not withered yellow) after high pressure. If they show light yellow, it means that they begin to heal. After a period of time, if you can see the white tender roots growing through the plastic bags, and gradually fill the bags, it is proved that not only the work is completed, but also grows well. At this time, you can cut off the plastic bags with sharp scissors, gently remove the plastic bags (do not break the mud lump), plant them in other pots, pour enough water and place them in a half-j weak half-yang or yin place. After 10 days or so, remove some of the yellow leaves and put them in a place where the sun shines. Soon after that, it will grow new leaves, send out buds and spit out fragrance.

Pictures of Milan flowers

How to propagate Milan Flower: cultivation Management

Cultivation environment: potted Milan seedlings pay attention to shade, avoid strong light exposure, wait for seedlings to grow new leaves, fertilize once every 2 weeks, but the amount of water must be controlled, should not be too wet. In addition to the midsummer noon shade, there should be more sunshine, so that Milan not only blossoms more times, but also has a rich fragrance. The area north of the Yangtze River must be moved into indoor maintenance in winter.

Milan likes to be moist and should be watered properly during its growth. If too much watering, easy to lead to rotten roots, leaves withered off; flowering period too much watering, easy to cause falling flowers and buds; watering too little, it will cause leaf edge withered, withered buds. Therefore, when the summer temperature is high, in addition to watering water 1 / 2 times a day, branches and leaves are often sprayed with clean water and sprinkled to the ground to improve air humidity. At the same time, fertilization should also be appropriate. As Milan blossoms more often in a year, after each blossom, we should fertilize 2-3 times of fully mature thin liquid fertilizer in time, so that it can blossom continuously and have a strong aroma. Milan likes acid soil, so it is appropriate to choose rotten leaf soil as the main culture soil in pot cultivation. During the peak growth period, 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution is sprayed once a week, and the leaves are green and flowers are numerous.

Pots use loose, well-drained and well-ventilated soil. The basin was changed once in 1 ~ 2 years, and fertilized once in 1 ~ 2 weeks during the growth period. There are many gardens in the south, and potted plants in the north should be planted in places where the outdoor sun can directly shine in spring, summer and autumn. The winter moves into the room where there is direct sunlight, and the overwintering temperature is above 10 ℃.

After flowering, the adult mother plant will produce a small red fruit oval like the fruit of Kudong tree. When the fruit is reddish brown, soak the fruit in warm water and peel off the fleshy peel, then sow the seeds in the sand basin with picking, and germinate after sowing in summer and autumn for about one month. Seedlings can not blossom until 2023, unlike those propagated by high-altitude striping method.

Reasonable fertilization. Milan flowers have a strong flowering nature and blossom many times, so they must be replenished in time. Every time Milan blossoms, we should pay close attention to replenishing nutrients. Lack of fertilizer is the main reason why Milan flowers only grow leaves but do not blossom or fall leaves and buds. Therefore, when the temperature rises, the Milan flowers should be moved to outdoor conservation. After a week, they should loosen the soil, apply some thin nitrogen fertilizer, use 10% to 20% rotten cake fertilizer water or human feces and urine, and then apply liquid fertilizer every 10 days or so to promote the growth of its branches and leaves. Since June, the Milan flower has entered the period of vigorous growth and flowering until the middle of October. If a thicker fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer is applied every 15 days or so, or 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is sprayed every 15 to 20 days, the flower will bloom more luxuriantly.

Special attention is paid to the fact that the florescence must be dominated by phosphate fertilizer, otherwise there will be only long leaves but no flowering. In the flowering period from June to October, if there is insufficient fertilization, not only the number of blossoms will decrease and the flowers will not smell good, but the buds that have already appeared will wither and cannot open.

Pictures of Milan flowers

How to reproduce Milan Flower: pest Control

1. Aphids spray plants with cigarette butts or pepper water. It can also be sprayed with 800 times liquid of mifepril. If the quantity is small, it can be brushed off manually with a small brush. Other control methods refer to the rose in fact.

2. The beetle was sprayed with 1500-fold solution. When the quantity is small, it can be brushed off manually with a brush. Other control methods refer to Magnolia grandiflora.

3. The red spider sprayed the plant with 1000 times of dichlorvos or 2000 times of dimethoate. Other control methods refer to begonia.

4. Soot disease is easy to occur with high temperature, high humidity and poor ventilation.

For the cutting method of Milan flower, the soil should be loose / the cuttings should be strong.

There are many people who breed Milan in our country, so many people are more concerned about how to reproduce Milan. in fact, there are many propagation methods of Milan, among which cutting is the most common one, and the survival rate is very high. so what is the specific cutting method of Milan? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Cutting methods of Milan Flower

With regard to the cutting methods of Milan flowers, there are many points that need to be paid attention to, such as the choice of soil and cuttings, and the follow-up management. These points are introduced in detail below, which interested friends can understand.

1. Soil selection

Before cutting Milan flowers, we first need to choose the right soil, so that the survival rate will be relatively high, we can choose more fertile and loose soil, such soil drainage will be better, will be more conducive to its growth.

two。 Cuttings selection

Among the cutting methods of Milan flowers, the choice of cuttings is also very important. Whether the selected cuttings are suitable or not directly determines the survival rate. In this regard, we had better choose branches that grow stronger and are free of diseases and insect pests. In this way, the survival rate will be relatively high. If the selected branches look very delicate, it is basically very difficult to survive.

3. Cutting method

After doing a good job in the preliminary work, we can carry out cutting, about the Milan flower cutting method is actually very simple. First of all, we need to find a chopstick, use it to insert a hole in the center of the basin soil, then insert the cuttings into the soil, and finally flatten the basin soil for watering.

4. Watering management

Watering is also a very important part of the cutting method of Milan flowers. After the completion of the cutting, we need to carry out the first watering, it is best to use a spray can when watering, so that the water will be more uniform, watering thoroughly at a time, do not cause stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to rot the root phenomenon, and then the prevention and control 1-2 months later can take root.

5. Subsequent management

After waiting for Milan peanut root, it is basically announced that the cuttage is successful, and then we can carry out normal maintenance. You can refer to the culture method of Milan flower, in which there is detailed teaching. Here the editor will not introduce too much.