
The cure for the rotten roots of a rich tree. Can the leftover soil be used when it dies?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rich tree, this is a lot of people like breeding, the growth is so good-looking, but also very lucky, let's take a look at the treatment of the rotten roots of the rich tree.

Rich tree, this is a lot of people like farming, the growth is so good-looking, but also very auspicious, to see how the treatment method of the rotten root of the rich tree is? Can the leftover soil of the rich tree be used when it dies?

The cure for the rotten roots of a rich tree:

one。 Stagnant water in basin


The rotten roots of rich trees are generally caused by stagnant water in the basin soil, the roots are in a wet environment for a long time, breathing is blocked, and the roots will become soft and rotten.


It is found that when the soil turns white, it is immediately watered, and it is better to be dry than wet. And usually should pay attention to the hygiene of the flowerpot, if the pelvic bottom hole is blocked, it should be dredged in time.

two。 Diseases and insect pests


When the rich tree is infested by diseases and insect pests, it will also lead to rotting roots. The common diseases are powdery mildew, root rot and root rot nematodes parasitic in soil.


1. Strengthen cultivation and management to avoid trauma.

2. Pay attention to the prevention and control of branch pests, prune diseased leaves and remove diseased residues in topsoil in time.

3. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission.

Can the leftover soil of the rich tree be used when it dies?

The dead soil of the rich tree should not be used to plant a new rich tree, it will be infected, and it may make the new rich tree rot its roots, but this soil can be used to grow other plants.

This is the end of the method of dealing with the rotten roots of the rich tree. Take good care of your own rich tree, so that the rich tree can grow better.

How to deal with the rotten roots of the rich tree, and how to save the rotten roots of the rich tree?

The rich tree is a common potted plant at home and in the office, but when the rich tree is not maintained properly, it will have rotten roots. Of course, do not worry about the rotten roots of the rich trees. When you find the rotten roots of the rich trees, you must first analyze what causes them. If you find the reason, you can save it. The following sort out the reasons for the rotten roots of the rich tree and the ways to save it.

The rotten roots of rich trees show that the bark is shedding.

When a rich tree has rotten roots, it will show on the bark. Careful florists may find sticky secretions and moldy white hairs near the roots of the rich tree at home, softening the touch with the hands and shedding the bark nearby.

The reasons for the rotten roots of the rich tree 1. The stagnant water in the basin leads to the rotten root of the rich tree.

The rotten roots of rich trees are usually caused by stagnant water in the basin soil. There is too much water in the basin, the root is in a wet environment for a long time, breathing is blocked, and the root will become soft and rotten. There are two main causes of stagnant water in the basin. First, too much watering; second, poor ventilation, too humid and muggy.

2. Serious diseases and insect pests lead to rotten roots of rich trees.

When the rich tree is infested by diseases and insect pests, it will also lead to rotting roots. Due to the poor water quality and wet basin soil, it is easy to breed diseases and insects, nibble on the roots and cause rot. Common diseases and insect pests on rich trees are powdery mildew, root rot and root rot nematodes parasitic in the soil.

How to deal with the rotten roots of the rich tree 1. Root treatment

When the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the bark becomes soft, trim the roots in time. Cut off the yellowed leaves, leaving only the bud eyes. Remove the woody stem, do not deal with the root system, and clean the soil at the bottom. The roots will be trimmed with scissors, and the rotten parts will be cut off. If the rot is serious, the messy roots will be cut off directly. If the stem also begins to rot, you need to remove the rotten part and turn it into a piece.

Put the treated rhizome in methyl topiramate or potassium permanganate solution and soak for 24 hours, or spray the wound with Sukeling. Then dry in a cool and ventilated place and replant it.

2. Drug therapy

When root rot and other Pythium pathogens are active, they are sprayed with Pulek, carbendazim, Redomir or Plumarin, and the effect is generally about two weeks. In addition, for the pests of rich trees, non-fumigating nematodes such as gram-line phosphorus, gram-line Dan, Milol, methamidophos and other non-fumigating nematodes can be used to kill insects.

How to prevent the rotten roots of rich trees 1. Selection of soil substrate

If you want to cultivate a healthy rich tree, you need to provide it with excellent soil matrix and good air permeability. The cultivation substrate with good permeability and permeability can be prepared, and the medical pond mud, river sand and cooked sawdust can be mixed at 5:3:2, or mixed with mountain mud and river sand at 7:3. You can also go to the flower market to buy special horticultural nutrition soil, as well as anti-rot and anti-rot root particles.

2. look at the right amount of soil and water.

It is an important link in the maintenance and management when watering, and the amount of water must be strictly controlled when maintaining the wealth tree. It is found that when the soil turns white, it will be watered thoroughly. The rich tree does not need to be watered every day. It can be watered every five or six days at room temperature. It would rather be dry than wet. And usually should pay attention to the hygiene of the flowerpot, if the basin hole is blocked, should be dredged in time.

The symptom of the rotten root of the rich tree how to remedy the rotten root of the rich tree

What are the symptoms of the rotten roots of the rich tree? Rich trees do not like water, and too much watering will cause rotten roots. So how to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree? Let's take a look.

1. Symptoms of rotten roots of a rich tree

1. The leaves turn yellow and wither.

Flower friends often ask: "my family's rich tree leaves suddenly turned yellow, and began to fall off a large number, what is the reason?" It is very likely that your family's precious rich tree has rotten roots. When rich trees rot their roots, it will hinder the normal transport of nutrients and water, resulting in yellowing or even shedding of leaves.

2. Bark shedding

Although the saying "people want face, trees want bark" sounds rough, it is the "truth" of the plant world.

When a rich tree has rotten roots, it will show on the bark. Careful florists may find sticky secretions and moldy white hairs near the roots of the rich tree at home, softening the touch with the hands and shedding the bark nearby.

Second, the reasons for the rotten roots of the rich tree

1. Stagnant water in the basin

The rotten roots of rich trees are usually caused by stagnant water in the basin soil. There is too much water in the basin, the root is in a wet environment for a long time, breathing is blocked, and the root will become soft and rotten.

There are two main causes of stagnant water in the basin. First, too much watering; second, poor ventilation, too humid and muggy.

2. Diseases and insect pests

When the rich tree is infested by diseases and insect pests, it will also lead to rotting roots. Due to the poor water quality and wet basin soil, it is easy to breed diseases and insects, nibble on the roots and cause rot.

Common diseases and insect pests on rich trees are powdery mildew, root rot and root rot nematodes parasitic in the soil.

Third, how to remedy the rotten roots of the rich tree

1. Root treatment

When the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the bark becomes soft, trim the roots in time. Cut off the yellowed leaves, leaving only the bud eyes. Remove the woody stem, do not deal with the root system, and clean the soil at the bottom.

The roots will be trimmed with scissors, and the rotten parts will be cut off. If the rot is serious, the messy roots will be cut off directly.

If the stem also begins to rot, you need to remove the rotten part and turn it into a piece.

Put the treated rhizome in methyl topiramate or potassium permanganate solution and soak for 24 hours, or spray the wound with Sukeling. Then dry in a cool and ventilated place and replant it.

2. Drug therapy

When root rot and other Pythium pathogens are active, they are sprayed with Pulek, carbendazim, Redomir or Plumarin, and the effect is generally about two weeks.

In addition, for the pests of rich trees, non-fumigating nematodes such as gram-line phosphorus, gram-line Dan, Milol, methamidophos and other non-fumigating nematodes can be used to kill insects.

How to prevent the occurrence of rotting roots

1. Soil matrix

If you want to cultivate a healthy rich tree, you need to provide it with excellent soil matrix and good air permeability.

The cultivation substrate with good permeability and permeability can be prepared, and the medical pond mud, river sand and cooked sawdust can be mixed at 5:3:2, or mixed with mountain mud and river sand at 7:3.

You can also go to the flower market to buy special horticultural nutrition soil, as well as anti-rot and anti-rot root particles.

2. Look at the soil watering

It is an important link in the maintenance and management when watering, and the amount of water must be strictly controlled when maintaining the wealth tree.

It is found that when the soil turns white, it will be watered thoroughly. The rich tree does not need to be watered every day. It can be watered every five or six days at room temperature. It would rather be dry than wet. And usually should pay attention to the hygiene of the flowerpot, if the basin hole is blocked, should be dredged in time.

Here, the editor added that, according to the reflection of many flower friends, rich trees are extremely prone to excessive watering and death. So if you don't know how to control the amount of water, you must resist the impulse to water the rich tree frequently.