
Why is the culture method of golden diamond called evil king?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, To talk about this golden diamond, this is that many people prefer breeding, and the name is super auspicious. Let's take a look at the breeding method of golden diamond. Why is the golden diamond called the evil king: the breeding method of the golden diamond: 1. Soil selection: if the golden diamond is not very strict with the soil.

To talk about this golden diamond, this is that many people prefer breeding, and the name is super auspicious. Let's take a look at the breeding method of golden diamond. Why is the golden diamond called the evil king:

The culture method of golden diamond:

1. Soil selection: Golden Diamond is not very strict with the soil, as long as the soil is loose, fertile and breathable.

2. Temperature: do not shine directly in the sun for a long time in summer. if the temperature is too high sometimes, wipe the leaves with a wet cloth and remember not to put the golden diamond next to the heating.

To put it in a ventilated place, it is best to put it in a place with windows. When the temperature is high, it is best to open the window all day. In winter, choose to open it at noon for a period of time. Sooner or later, do not open it, for fear that the golden diamond will freeze.

3. Watering: Golden Diamond prefers moist soil. The temperature is relatively high in summer, so the water evaporates quickly, so you can water it once a day, and remember to give the leaves some water (you can add a small amount of nutrient solution).

In winter, you can water once a week or two, but if the temperature in the house is too high and the evaporation is large, you can water more in the right amount. The basin soil should not be too wet and water can not be accumulated.

4. Fertilization: if you apply fertilizer, during the growing period of Golden Diamond (usually from May to September), you can apply less fertilizer every three days, and at other stages, you can apply less fertilizer, you can basically not apply fertilizer in winter, and fertilization should be based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer, and give priority to nitrogen fertilizer.

Why is the golden diamond called the evil king:

Because the gold diamond can absorb all kinds of toxic gases as nutrients (SO2, SO3, NO, etc.), it has the function of purifying the air. All have the title of evil king.

This is the end of the introduction to the breeding method of the golden diamond. This golden diamond is known as the king of evil spirits, and it can purify the air. Why don't you quickly come to one at home.

Why the golden diamond flower can ward off evil spirits? why is the golden diamond flower called the evil king?

Golden diamond is also called Chunyu, there is also a kind of dark red leaves, reddish ones called red diamonds, wide leaves, palm-shaped, well-developed roots and tenacious vitality. It can well absorb the toxic sulfur dioxide gas in the air, and has the function of purifying the air, so it is more suitable to be used as an indoor foliage plant. Why can the golden diamond flower ward off evil spirits? Why is the golden diamond flower called the evil king? The following wed114 wedding network editor brings you the details.

Why Golden Diamond Flower can ward off evil spirits

Golden diamond is a kind of plant, the full name is golden diamond vine green velvet, Araceae Xilin taro genus, alias golden diamond, is a more popular indoor foliage plant at present; its leaves are thick and green, the leaf surface is rigid and bright, the petiole is long and sturdy, arranged indoors, generous and elegant, rich in tropical rain forest flavor. Golden drill vine green velvet can also absorb a variety of toxic gases, such as sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide, nitric oxide, etc., and play a role in purifying the air, so it is called "evil king".

The habit of Golden Diamond

The golden diamond is full of vitality, the leaves are wide and palm-shaped, and each leaf has a life span of up to 30 months. Often arranged indoors, generous and elegant, is an excellent foliage plant.

Large gold diamonds can be viewed in living rooms, hotel lobbies and offices. Small plants can be placed on desks, dining tables, coffee tables and other places to enjoy.

The golden diamond likes the warm, moist and semi-shady environment, is not cold-resistant, is afraid of strong light, and is not strict with the soil. It is better to grow in the sandy loam rich in humus and good drainage, and the potted soil is often mixed with peat and perlite to prepare nutrient soil.

The flowery language and implication of the Golden Diamond

The golden diamond with luxuriant leaves gives people a feeling of prosperity, and the golden diamond has strong vitality, the leaves are green and green, symbolizing vigorous vitality, therefore, its flower language is many children and many blessings.

Culture skills of golden diamond

Golden Diamond is a kind of indoor potted foliage plant, its plant shape is very beautiful, the leaves are broad and thick, it appears simple and dignified, the momentum is not vulgar, he is very popular. It grows in a warm and humid environment and likes bright scattered light. It is suitable for 20 ℃ 30 ℃ and the overwintering temperature is 10 ℃. When planting potted plants, peat soil, rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand can be used as substrate, farm manure as fertilizer, and the sun should not be directed in summer.

When the golden diamond flower is cultivated, it should be put in a warm and humid environment. The basin soil should not be too wet when watering. It should be watered every two weeks in winter and every day in summer. Do not let the sun expose it in summer, otherwise the leaves are prone to scorch spots, watering in winter too frequently, easy to fall leaves, easy to rot.

The breeding technique of golden diamond flower is to keep the temperature at about 20 ℃, not less than 10 ℃, to avoid heating, air conditioning and cold wind. In addition, the air humidity is required to be kept between 50-75%, the sun can not be direct, fertilization should be based on the principle of thin fertilizer and diligent application, do not water too often, dry to about 70% and then water, it is best to see a strong verbal light.

Cultivation of Golden Diamond

There are ramet or cuttage methods for reproduction. In general, strong-growing plants can sprout tillers at the base, and after they take root, they can be taken off and planted separately. Or cut off the upper part of the plant into a plant, the base of the old plant will sprout several buds, these buds can be used for reproduction. In the tropics, fresh seeds can also be used for propagation, and the optimum temperature for germination is 25-30 ℃.

Pot substrate is commonly made of rotten leaf soil, peat soil and river sand, and sufficient base fertilizer should be applied every time the basin is changed. Some light fertilizer can be applied appropriately in the growing season, but not too much. Usually spray water to the leaf surface, and watering should be properly controlled in winter. Outdoor maintenance should be placed in the shade, indoor anywhere can grow, but the bright light is better. Fewer diseases and insect pests. In a dry climate, it has a certain tolerance to both high and low temperatures.

It is not cold-resistant, the north are potted indoor overwintering, Frosts Descent before entering the house, put in the sun. As long as the room temperature is kept above 8 ℃, it can survive the winter safely. The water content should be controlled in winter management, and the basin soil should be watered dry. For adult plants, before leaving the room every year, change to loose and fertile nutrient soil, and use hoof horn or oil residue in the basin as base fertilizer.

In late April, the flowerpot was moved to the outdoor leeward and sunny place for management. High temperature in summer avoid inflammation, hot and strong sunlight, shading measures should be taken. Spring feather needs a lot of water, it is watered twice every day in summer, and the foliar surface is often sprayed with water to clean the foliar surface and maintain a fresh and moist microclimate. Usually irrigate Amoy rice water, light chicken, fish blood water, increase soil fertility, prevent basin soil consolidation. Spring feathers grow fast, adjust water, fertilizer, light and temperature, and can grow 375 leaves a year.

Why does the golden diamond leaf appear macula? Winter culture technology of golden diamond "evil king"

Why does the golden diamond leaf appear macula? The golden diamond can also become the golden diamond vine green velvet and the "evil king". It is an indoor foliage plant that can purify the air in the flower market in recent years, but recently, some flower friends have left a message that when the golden diamond is cultivated in winter, the golden diamond leaves will appear yellow spots, which is not conducive to the growth of the golden diamond, so the editor will talk about the golden diamond breeding technology in winter.

First, how to raise the golden diamond in winter?

1. Soil: the soil is required to be loose, fertile and breathable. Of course, you can also go to places that specialize in selling flowers or fertilizers, and buy soil that has been configured. Generally, slightly acidic soil is more conducive to the growth of golden diamonds.

2. Temperature: the golden diamond has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, and the temperature can be kept above 5 degrees in winter.

3. Moisture: if it is not watered once every 7-14 days in winter, it can ensure its normal growth. If the temperature is relatively high, the evaporation will be relatively large, so it can be watered appropriately.

4. Fertilization: fertilization in winter depends on the growth of golden diamond.

5. Change the basin: the basin needs to be changed every spring, and the golden diamond grows slowly in winter, so it is necessary to stop fertilizing and reduce the amount of water, and family cultivation for 3 to 4 years should be renewed.

6. Environment: in winter, you can open the window to get some air when the temperature is warmer at noon, but you must remember not to open the window sooner or later to prevent the golden diamond from freezing.

Second, what if the golden diamond leaves have yellow spots? How to fix it?

1. Too much watering: the tender leaves are dark yellow and dull, indicating that they are overwatered, so the flowers can be removed from the pot and placed in a ventilated, cool, self-drying soil mass and then put back into the basin.

2. Insufficient watering: the yellow of lack of water is that the leaf tip or edge is withered and dry, and the old leaf is withered and yellow from bottom to top, but the growth of the new leaf is relatively normal. In the process of cultivating golden diamond, we should pay attention to watering enough and thoroughly.

3. The light is too strong: the strong sun shining directly on some flowers that like the shade will easily cause the withering of the leaf tip and leaf edge, and the sunrise part of the leaf will appear macula, so as long as it is moved to the shade.

4, lack of light: shaded environment for a long time will make the leaves can not get enough sunlight, thus can not form chlorophyll, and supplementary light can avoid the disease.

5. Too much fertilization: the flowers turn yellow and the old leaves are scorched yellow caused by too much fertilization or too much concentration, so we should stop applying fertilizer and wash part of the fertilizer seriously.

6. Soil acidity and alkalinity: Golden Diamond likes acidic soil, but the water quality in the north is alkaline, so when raising Golden Diamond, the leaves will gradually fade, turn yellow, or even fall off, so it is necessary to water fermented rice washing water or Rain Water.

III. Prevention and treatment of yellowing of golden diamond leaves

Often through spraying water, sprinkling water to increase air humidity to improve; keep the temperature at 20 degrees, at the same time to avoid heating, air conditioning and cold wind blowing; avoid direct sunlight, can not be placed in the shady environment for a long time; fertilization is based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer; spraying water and wiping leaves can effectively prevent insect pests. When diseases occur, they can be prevented by spraying carbendazim, chlorothalonil and so on.