
How much is the breeding method and matters needing attention at the head of good luck?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to this lucky moment, many people like farming. The flowers are super gorgeous and beautiful, and the names are more auspicious. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

When it comes to this lucky moment, many people like farming. The flowers are super gorgeous and good-looking, and the name is also more auspicious. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and matters needing attention. How much is a pot of good luck?

The breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck:

1. Soil: it is necessary to use soil containing humus, fertile and, more importantly, loose, permeable, well drained and slightly acidic soil.

2. Lighting: lucky luck is happy to scatter light. In summer, you can put it under a big tree to take a shower. If there is no big tree, put it in a bright and cool place. In winter, there should be at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day.

3. Temperature: pineapple prefers warm and humid environment, the suitable growth temperature is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, the room temperature should be kept above 15 ℃ in winter, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

4. Watering: it is better to use clear water that has been hung for 2-3 days when watering. You can water a lot of water during the growing season, or you can irrigate some water in the rosette leaf tube. After each watering, wait for the basin soil to be dry and then irrigate the second time, not too much. The basin soil should be a little drier in winter. Only spray water on the leaf surface.

5. Fertilization: Hongyun is the head flower, and a trace amount of compound fertilizer solution is applied every semimonthly during the peak growing season from May to September. In addition, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied twice.

6. Location: try to avoid putting it next to the air conditioner or the TV.

Note: if the leaves turn yellow or curl, it may be caused by the following situations: 1, the temperature is too high or on the low side; 2, too much or not enough watering; 3, improper fertilization; 4, substandard light; 5, soil quality; 6, diseases and insect pests or improper control; 7, placed incorrectly.

How much is a pot of good luck?

This depends on the quality of good luck. If you buy it in a florist, you have to sell it for about 200.

This is the end of the introduction of the breeding method of good luck, but it is not easy to buy a pot of good luck, which is a little expensive.

Aquaculture methods and points for attention in the forefront of good luck

The role of good luck at the head of the flower:

The role of lucky luck in the head flower: watching, implying auspiciousness, and purifying indoor air. The head of good luck is also known as "good luck". Some people will mistakenly write it as "good luck", "pay attention to how to raise good luck" and so on. The flower language and symbolic meaning of the head flower of good luck (pineapple flower): perfect. Good luck is the first flower from germination, to growth, and then to brilliant bloom. A large number of florets gather densely on the flower stem, forming a thick spike, and the bracts at the end of the spike extend radially. Perennial herbaceous flowers native to tropical rainforest regions of America. This variety has a long flowering period, bright red flower core, auspicious and noble, and is one of the best flowers. The head of good luck is indoor ornamental flowers in winter and spring, which are evergreen all the year round, with beautiful and colorful inflorescences, such as bright red, pink, golden yellow, rose and so on. Now let's introduce the culture method of Hongyun head flower:

Pictures of good luck:

The breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck:

Hongyun prefers the warm and humid environment. The suitable growth temperature is 21-28 ℃ during the day and 18-21 ℃ at night. The highest temperature can not exceed 35 ℃. High temperature is disadvantageous to growth, but long-term exposure to 10 ℃ is easy to cause plant growth retardation, redness of leaves or bracts, discoloration of white and so on. If the temperature continues to drop, it will cause plant death.

The air humidity should be high, generally 75-85% is better, when the plant growth is less than 50%, leaf shrinkage, curl and other phenomena occur. It is advisable to use 18000 color light. When the light is too strong, the leaves are susceptible to light burn, and when it is too weak, it will grow badly. Ventilation is also extremely important, and the effect is not obvious when the temperature is not high, but it is especially prominent in the high temperature season. Ventilation not only makes the plant grow healthily, but also reduces the infection of diseases.

Hongyun does not need to apply fertilizer during the flowering period, cut off the flowers in time after flowering and replenish the fertilizer, and the fully water-soluble fertilizer can also be poured in the leaf cup with watering, but other fertilizers such as cake fertilizer and granular chemical fertilizer should not be applied in the leaf cup. After the small plant has grown, it can be cut off from the mother plant with a sharp knife and planted separately. In general, the old plant will no longer blossom, and it can be used as the mother plant to propagate the new plant.

As long as the maintenance site is well lit and watered properly, good luck is easy to maintain. In addition, try to avoid tidbits when watering, so as not to cause rot.

Hongyun blossoms only once in its life, and after flowering, it will produce one to several buds in the base of the old plant, so it is not advisable to split plants prematurely. Otherwise, it is not easy to survive, the method is: first cut off the flower stem from the base, and then leave the leaves of the old plant 5-8 cm, the rest are all removed, leaving the base of the leaves just to form a tube-shaped water storage, do not touch the small buds when cutting. When the bud is about 10 cm high, it is gently cut from the joint between the bud and the mother plant with a sharp knife, and the small bud is planted into the pot soil made of rotten leaf soil. after careful maintenance for a year, it can blossom again.

The leading flowers of Hong Yun usually bloom for three years, but it is difficult to bear fruit after flowering. It is usually propagated by the method of plant division, and the plant is divided in spring combined with turning the basin and changing the soil. Cut off the sucking buds that occur at the base of the plant, cut the incision flat, plant it in plain sand, and cover the basin mouth with a plastic bag to keep warm and moisturize. It took root quickly under the condition of 25 ℃ in a sparse shade and ventilation environment. Can be planted with water moss alone, can also be prepared with rotten leaf soil, water moss, peat soil, vermiculite, river sand, etc., in short, loose and transparent shall prevail. During the growing period, the basin soil is often kept moist, the surrounding environment maintains a high humidity, and water is often sprayed to the leaf surface with moderate shade. The thin solution of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied once a week, which can be applied directly in the leaf tube. During the winter dormancy period, pay attention to the proper control of moisture, only spray water on the leaves, and keep the environment clean and the air fresh.

Because the flower is beautiful and changeable and has a long viewing period, it has always been regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness and prosperity. In fact, the maintenance of ornamental wind pears is extremely easy, as long as they like the habit of high temperature, moisture and semi-shade, they can be placed in a warm, bright room all the year round. There should be full sunshine in winter, morning and evening in spring and autumn, and no direct sunlight in summer. The overwintering temperature should be no less than 10 ℃ and higher than 20 ℃, which is not conducive to plant dormancy and will affect the growth and sweat flowers in the coming year. In the daily maintenance, the good luck should be placed in the semi-overcast ventilated place, and the scattered light should be taken. Strong light is easy to burn the leaves and show miscellaneous spots, but be careful not to put them in the shade for a long time, because the beautiful color of the leaves often becomes lighter and lighter, resulting in ornamental regret. The light is bright and the leaves are brightly colored. In the case of dry, muggy and low humidity, the leaf edge and tip of Hongyun are very easy to scorch, so to keep the basin soil moist, you can spray water on the leaf surface once or twice a day, and the cup-shaped part of the leaf seat can be filled with water. During the growing period from late spring to autumn, you can appropriately increase the amount of water, and you can also irrigate some clear water in the leaf tube. You should change the water once a month to prevent the water from deteriorating and smelly. Often spray foliar water. It is appropriate to dry some on the basin in winter, but not too much. From May to September, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a week, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied appropriately before flowering to promote the flower to be bright and colorful. When flowering, do not irrigate in the tube, store in a place away from the sun, can prolong the flowering period. After entering the dormant period, the pedicel must be cut off to reduce the consumption of nutrients. Don't fill the tube with water in winter.

Hongyun plants were originally parasitic plants, the root system is not developed enough, there are no main roots, only small and short roots, some roots also like to contact the air, so do not apply too much fertilizer, in case the roots rot, leaves yellowing, should be applied with thin fertilizer and water. The growth and development of planting in small and shallow pots is better than that in large and deep pots. It is best to add a small amount of garden soil to rotten leaves, or mix peat and perlite in half.

After watching Hongyun blossom, the central leaf cluster dies, and the axilla of the base leaves will continue to grow small buds. When it grows 5-6 leaves (the height of the seed plant is 15 cm), it can be cut off and propagated, and roots can be produced in about 1 month. In doing so, it can only be passed on from generation to generation, and the number of reproduction is limited. Therefore, it is best to change the basin in spring, cut the small tuber cuttings that grow from the tuber part of the mother plant, or the young buds sprouting from the roots of the old plant, all should avoid shade, moisturize and keep warm, and when the root system grows to 2Mul 3cm, it can be planted. If cultivated properly, a mother bead can reproduce about 10 plants a year. It is better for Hongyun to choose loose peat soil, humus soil and tree fern residue mixed culture soil.

Breeding methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck

Red luck is a common indoor ornamental flower, evergreen in four seasons, beautiful and colorful inflorescences, rich colors, blooming flowers and leaves, red flowers, very festive atmosphere, good luck is an auspicious and noble flower, so there are many flower friends who cultivate good luck, the following introduces the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

Culture methods and matters needing attention at the head of good luck 1. Culture methods at the head of Hong Yun: fertile soil

Hongyun is suitable for the growth of loose, fertile and humus soil. In family cultivation, peat soil can be mixed with 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of fine sand to prepare culture soil.

2. The method of breeding at the head of Hongyun: sufficient light

Good luck is happy to scatter light, it is appropriate to put the seedling pot in the shade in summer, and there should be at least 4 hours of direct sunlight every day in winter. When the light is too strong, the leaves are easily burned, and when they are too weak, they will grow poorly.

3. Hongyun's leading culture method: temperature and humidity

Pineapple likes warm and humid environment, the suitable growth temperature is 15 ℃ to 22 ℃, the room temperature should be kept above 15 ℃ in winter, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

4. Hongyun's leading culture method: watering plenty.

Hongyun prefers a humid environment. It is appropriate to water and dry for 2-3 days when watering, and moderate watering to keep the basin soil moist. Winter dormancy period to pay attention to the proper control of moisture, only in the foliar spray.

5. Hongyun's leading culture method: proper fertilization

Hongyun is the head flower, applying trace amounts of compound fertilizer solution every semimonthly during the peak growing season from May to September. Red luck is the flowering season in winter and requires adequate fertilizer. Thin organic liquid fertilizers such as bean cakes and sesame sauce dregs are usually used every two weeks (with a concentration of 20%), or soy beans or fermented rice washing water can be used.

6. Hongyun's leading culture method: sufficient water

Red luck in the first place like a humid environment, on weekdays to keep the basin soil moist, rainy days generally do not water. For family farming, it is best to use dried water or Rain Water. Do not directly irrigate with tap water. The general water quality requirement is that the lower the salt content, the better. Hongyudangtou is a flower that can enjoy both flowers and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves once a day to remove dust and make the leaves bright. at the same time, it is also conducive to photosynthesis and promote the healthy growth of plants.

7. Hongyun's leading breeding method: pest control

Hongyun flowers are prone to diseases and insect pests in an environment with high temperature, humidity and poor ventilation. Move them outdoors and spray carbendazim, and insect pests can be sprayed with omethoate.

Matters needing attention in breeding at the head of good luck

1. In the case of dry, muggy or low temperature, the leaf edges and tips of Hongyun are easy to scorch, so to keep the basin soil moist, you can spray water to the leaves 1-2 times a day. When watering, the water should be watered in the cup in the middle, not directly in the flowerpot, and the cup-shaped part in the middle of the leaf seat can be filled with water. But remember not to water too frequently, and pay attention to the cup in the middle, feel the water in it to control the amount of water, and the water should be clean. Change the water every half a month to prevent the water from deteriorating and stinking.

2. It is worth noting that the root system of Hongyun is underdeveloped, and there are only small and short roots, so don't apply too much fertilizer to prevent the roots from rotting, the leaves yellowing and the application of thin fertilizer and water. Proper application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer before flowering can promote the flower to be colorful. There is no need to apply fertilizer during the flowering period, and the pedicel should be cut off to reduce the consumption of nutrients when entering the dormant period after flowering.