
Planting methods of potted strawberries planted on balcony

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Strawberries, which are loved by many people, are now living in tall buildings. What if you want medium strawberries? There is only potted planting, let's take a look at the balcony potted strawberry planting method is what? Balcony potted strawberries in which month: balcony potted strawberries planting method: 1. Planting time

Strawberries, which are loved by many people, are now living in tall buildings. What if you want medium strawberries? There is only potted planting, let's take a look at the balcony potted strawberry planting method is what? When are the potted strawberries planted on the balcony:

Planting methods of potted strawberries on balcony:

1. planting time, don't plant in summer and winter. Strawberries grow slowly because the temperature is too high in summer, and the cold weather in winter is not very suitable. Spring and autumn will be fine.

2. Flowerpots must have holes and breathable ones, and flowerpots should not be too small. You can choose a multi-purpose flowerpot and lay a layer of stone on the surface of the soil so that it is not easy to splash the soil on strawberries when watering.

3. The soil should be rich and hydrophobic.

Strawberries like sunny places, so we'd better put strawberries on the balcony

5. Strawberries should be fully watered after planting, and less watering in the future. If there is too much water, the stems under the leaves will rot easily and will not survive.

6. Strawberries begin to bear fruit. After turning red, you should be careful not to let birds peck at them. You can connect a net to the strawberries or cover them with a wooden basket.

If there is a greenhouse at home, it is best to move the strawberries to the greenhouse, and after the fruit period of the strawberries, we will move them out of the greenhouse and leave them outside for the winter.

In a way, if strawberry plants are subjected to some frost, it will be more beneficial to increase yield in the coming year.

When are the potted strawberries planted on the balcony:

Strawberries are generally planted in the spring and autumn season, neither hot nor cold.

Balcony potted strawberry planting method is introduced here, quickly to let their own balcony have more color.

The planting method of potted strawberries how to grow strawberries on the balcony?

Strawberry is everyone's favorite fruit, belonging to herbs, is perennial, can be planted in the yard, can also be planted in flowerpots. Plant a few strawberries at home every year, and you can enjoy strawberries for a long time. Strawberries need to be planted in a sunny, warm environment, and the soil is hydrophobic.

When strawberries bear fruit, strawberries need to be separated from the soil, so growing strawberries in flowerpots is a better choice. You can choose a multi-purpose flowerpot and lay a layer of stone on the surface of the soil in the pot so that it is not easy to splash the soil on the strawberries when watering. If it is planted in the soil, you can use some hay or cushions to protect the strawberries.

First, select basins, soil and varieties

Potted pots choose pottery pots or plastic pots with a diameter of 20-30 cm. The basin soil is selected with high humus content. Family planting is best to use the four seasons varieties, so that you can always bear fruit, continue to eat fruit, varieties use ELAN, Paul, climbing AR, climbing H, Saiwa and other four seasons strawberry varieties pot is better. It can blossom and bear fruit many times throughout the year. Planting a season is also possible, that is, the fruiting period is short, but the fruit taste is super good, such as Japanese cream strawberry Zhang Ji, beauty and so on.

2. Cultivation techniques

The best time for potting is spring or autumn, and the survival rate is high. Choose strong seedlings, take more soil when you start the seedlings, remove the old residual leaves, and cut the roots of the seedlings to about 10 cm. Let the roots stretch and plant in the potted soil. The depth of planting is based on the principle of not showing roots and not paying attention to it. The soil should be solid, fixed seedling position, so that the soil surface and basin mouth to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. Water thoroughly after planting, leave it in the shade for 3-5 days, then move to a place with plenty of light.

III. Fertilizer and water management

Strawberries of the four seasons blossom and bear fruit many times a year, and the nutrition consumption is high, so it is necessary to strengthen the nutrient supplement. Can be used animal hoofs, fish bones, poultry viscera, bean cake, etc., add water to mature fermentation, retting into liquid fat water, must be diluted with water very light water, otherwise strawberries will be fat and die, or apply compound fertilizer. Topdressing should be far away from the root, do not let fertilizer and root contact, outdoor pot, in summer to prevent dry death, it is best to water once every morning and evening. When watering, you should warm the water in advance and reuse it, and do not use well water or tap water directly.

IV. Seedling management

Plant management of potted strawberries should be strengthened. First, timely thinning buds, picking leaves, removing stolons. The high-level flowers that are about to be ineffective should be properly thinned in the bud dispersion period. Old leaves, residual leaves, diseased leaves and excess stolons were removed to reduce nutrient consumption and improve fruit quality. The second is fruit shaping. That is, the fruit racks of different shapes are made with iron wire or bamboo sticks and put into flowerpots to make the ears ventilated and transparent, the fruit coloring evenly, prevent the soil from polluting the fruit and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. Third, corresponding comprehensive control measures should be adopted for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

5. Change the basin

After potted strawberries bear fruit for 2 years, the pot or soil should be changed after the fruit. When changing the pot, first take the plant out of the basin, cut off the senescent root, dead root and lower aging rhizome, and then plant it into the new potted soil.

The above is the planting method of potted strawberries provided by the succulent garden. I hope it will be helpful to you. Welcome to continue to pay attention to the succulent garden and learn more about it!

Planting methods of potted strawberries growing vegetables on balcony

The first step: material preparation materials: seedlings, garden soil, peat, chicken dung, bean cake, containers, horticultural shovel, spray pot a, seedlings: all strawberry varieties are suitable for potted plants. ideal household varieties such as four Seasons Strawberry, European four Seasons Red, Baojiao Zaosheng and so on. Seedlings can be purchased from flower markets, strawberry bases, seedling stations and local vegetable and flower research institutions. B, soil: strawberries are fertilizer-loving plants. When preparing nutritious soil, apply enough organic fertilizer and use chemical fertilizer as little as possible. Nutritious soil should be mixed with vegetable garden fertile soil and peat soil, and mixed with chicken manure. C, container: select the cultivation container according to the size of the space and place it on the windowsill and indoors. Strawberry root system is developed, the cultivation container depth should be about 20cm, choose the diameter of 20cm flowerpot, single pot single plant; more planting quantity can choose large strip pot and round pot, one pot more than one plant. Generally use ceramic pot cultivation, good ventilation, easy drainage, many styles. The second step: plant a, install nutritious soil in the basin before planting, the soil surface can be 3-4 cm away from the edge of the basin, pour water thoroughly, and then plant after 2 days. B. before planting, select the strong seedlings with good root growth, cut off the damaged roots, old leaves and stolons, and leave 2-3 leaflets. Dig holes suitable for strawberry root depth in the basin. C. When planting, the strawberry root system is vertical, stretched and planted in the hole, and then flattened with soil, the planting depth is not buried in the heart. D, pour proper amount of water after planting, and cover the basin with plastic bags to reduce water evaporation and stabilize the temperature and humidity in the basin, which is beneficial to the growth of strawberries. The third step, daily management a, temperature management: the optimum temperature for strawberry plant growth is 1530 ℃, the optimum temperature for root growth is 1520 ℃, and the optimum temperature for flowering and fruiting stage is 1520 ℃. B, water management: strawberries should be watered frequently after planting to keep the soil moist and not too dry or too wet. Family planting is easy to ignore the management of air humidity, strawberry growth period air humidity can not be too high, under the premise of suitable temperature, after watering should properly open the window to reduce humidity. C, fertilization management: potted strawberries mainly apply organic fertilizer and water, and can be watered with rotten bean cake water, once every 7 days, the concentration should not be too high. D, pruning: in the process of cultivation, the yellowing of the old leaves needs to be removed directly; vines will occur in the growth process of strawberries, and the vines should be removed in time during the flowering and fruiting period, and the vines will grow into small plants, which can be cut off and planted directly. The fourth step, the result of changing strawberries will decline after two years, so strawberries need to be replaced with new seedlings after two years of planting, or small pots for large pots. When changing the basin, the basin should be reloaded with nutritious soil, and then the seedlings should be planted and watered, and the management should be the same as above. Note: a, should be watered in the morning or evening. B. The air humidity during flowering should not be too high, which will affect fruit setting and fruit quality. C. potted strawberries can be planted all the year round, but the survival rate of transplanting is the highest from September to October in autumn. D, in winter in the north, the basin should be moved indoors to increase the temperature; in summer, when it is high, the basin should be moved to a cool place to cool down.