
The method of cuttage propagation of rich trees can also be cut with water.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fortune tree, this is a very auspicious plant, many people in the family have farming in their homes, let's take a look at the method of cutting propagation of wealth trees: concise version: directly use water cuttings to select healthy and harmless branches of wealth trees and directly insert them into glass cups of water, change the water every three days

Rich tree, this is a very auspicious plant, many people in the family have breeding in their homes, let's take a look at the cutting propagation method map of rich trees:

Concise version: cutting directly with water

Select the healthy and harmless branches of the rich tree and insert the water directly into the glass cup, change the water every three days, and the branches do not touch the bottom of the cup. The whole process requires patience and can be transplanted for about half a year.

Disadvantages: although it is relatively convenient, it takes a long time.

Just as simple, you can try cutting with sand

Find a container of the right size, fill it with fine sand, keep the sand moist, insert the treated branches into the sand, and take root in about a month.

Disadvantages: the wettability of sand needs to be observed at any time.

The success rate of using insulation bucket is higher, but now the weather is getting warmer, I think it may not be needed, and Sister Hua is too lazy to consider the slightly more troublesome method of operation, but no matter which method is adopted, try to choose sturdy branches to try, too tender can not wait for sprouting

About the rich tree cutting methods and diagrams are introduced here, quickly try, with a rich tree, then the family can raise a lot of trees.

The culture method of the rich tree | the culture method and matters needing attention of the rich tree | how to raise the rich tree

The function of getting rich tree:

The function of the rich tree: ornamental, auspicious and purify the indoor air. Viewing function: the wealth tree is evergreen all the year round, graceful in shape, pronounced with the number "8", implying wealth, and is a common decorative green plant for offices and homes. Air purification function: the rich tree has the effect of absorbing ammonia to purify the turbid air, and its dense leaves can effectively increase indoor air humidity and balance the dryness in the air-conditioned room. Now let's introduce the culture method of the rich tree:

Picture of the Wealth Tree:

Pictures of small wealth trees:

The small rich tree is propagated by seed sowing or cutting, but the base expansion is the sowing seedling, and the non-expansion is the cutting seedling. Its growth habit is the same as Dafa, the tree height is about 30 centimeters, small and lovely, it is an excellent plant to put on the table.

The culture method of the rich tree:

The rich tree likes warm, moist, sunny or slightly shady environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃ to 30 ℃. The hot and humid season in summer is very beneficial to the growth of rich trees, which is the fastest growing period, so fertilizer and water management should be strengthened at this stage to make them grow healthily. In winter, not less than 5 ℃, it is best to maintain 18 ℃ to 20 ℃. Avoid cold and dampness. In a humid environment, the leaves are prone to collapse-like frost spots, which hinders viewing.

The rich tree does not have strict requirements for light, and it can adapt to either strong sunshine or weak light. However, full-day sunlight can make the stem nodes short, the plant type compact and plump, especially the expanded stem of the main ornamental parts. When there is not enough light, the cultured trees grow slowly. Plant seedlings in the shade, do not be too dark, otherwise, it will make the plant grow thin and tall, make the plant reach the height of braided petals ahead of time, and affect the shape. No matter under what environment, do not suddenly change the place, change the position should have a gradual adaptation process, such as suddenly transfer the plant from the shade to the strong light, will make the leaf surface burn, scorched edge, affect the appearance.

Usually keep the basin soil moist, dry in winter, avoid dampness; otherwise, the leaf tip is easy to cause scorch, or even the leaves fall off, trim and change the basin every 1 to 2 years, and change a slightly larger basin year by year, at the same time, add base fertilizer and replace new nutrient soil to make it thrive. The nutritious soil can be mixed with 5 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of sawdust, 2 parts of sand and a little peanut cake powder, plus 1 part of screened garbage and cinder to mix well. Thin fertilizer is usually applied once in about 20 days. More phosphate fertilizer should be applied to flowers and plants to promote the hypertrophy of stem base and improve the ornamental value. Less nitrogen fertilizer should be applied during the peak growing season to prevent the plant from overgrowing; often spraying water on the leaf surface to keep it moist can make it grow strong.

What if the leaves of the rich tree turn yellow?

The main results are as follows: 1) too much watering, the basin soil is too wet for a long time, resulting in lack of oxygen in the soil, causing some fibrous roots to rot, hindering normal respiration and absorption of water and nutrients, causing leaves to turn yellow and fall off. After the injury, the young leaves turn pale yellow, and then the old leaves gradually turn yellow. watering should be controlled immediately, fertilization should be suspended, and the soil should be often loosened to make the soil well ventilated.

(2) drought and dehydration. Flower cultivation leakage watering or long-term watering half waist water (that is, upper wet and lower dry) will affect nutrient absorption, and it is also easy to cause dull and dull leaves and drooping leaves. First, the lower old leaves aged, and gradually withered and yellowed off from the bottom up. At this time, a small amount of water is needed and sprayed, so that it can be gradually recovered and then transferred to normal watering.

(3) to lose weight for a long time. There is no application of ammonia fertilizer or no change of soil for a long time, and there is a lack of nitrogen and other nutrients in the soil, resulting in thin branches and leaves and thin and yellow leaves. It is necessary to pour the pot in time and gradually apply rarefied mature liquid fertilizer or compound flower fertilizer into new loose and fertile culture soil.

(4) excessive fertilization. If you fertilize too much, the new leaves will be thick and uneven, and the dry tips of the old leaves will fall off. You should immediately stop fertilization and increase the amount of water to make the fertilizer flow out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin, or immediately pour the pot, rinse the soil block with water and then plant it again into the basin.

(5) hot and high temperature. In summer, if you put cool flowers (such as cyclamen, Golden Bell upside down, four Seasons Begonia) in a high temperature place to let the strong light shine directly, it is very easy to cause the young leaf tip and leaf edge to scorch, or the leaf yellow to fall off. Move to a well-ventilated shady place in time.

(6) excessive shading. If the sun-loving flowers are placed in shady places or places with insufficient light for a long time, it will cause the branches and leaves to turn yellow.

(7) soil and water is alkaline. There are more saline and alkali in soil and water in most areas of northern China, and flowers with acid-like soil are planted, such as rhododendron, camellia, Michelia, gardenia, orchid, magnolia, sweet-scented osmanthus and so on. Due to the lack of soluble iron and other elements that can be absorbed by the soil, the leaves will gradually turn yellow. Acid soil should be selected when planting, and alum fertilizer and water should be often watered during the growth period.

(8) whether it is airtight or not. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, the branches and leaves will grow luxuriantly, coupled with the long-term unpruned, resulting in insufficient light in the inner chamber branches and leaves, which is easy to cause the leaves to yellowing and falling off. Reasonable fertilization should be applied and pruning should be strengthened to make it ventilated and transparent.

(9) dry air. When the indoor air is too dry, some flowers that like the humid environment, such as hanging orchids and orchids, often appear leaf tip dryness or leaf edge scorching and so on. Attention should be paid to water spraying, plastic film cover and other methods to increase air humidity.

(10) improper temperature. If the room temperature is too low in winter, the flowers are often vulnerable to cold damage, which leads to the yellowing of the leaves and death in severe cases. If the room temperature is too high, the transpiration of the plant is too high, and the root water and nutrients are in short supply, the leaves will turn yellow. Please pay attention to adjust the room temperature in time.

(11) the soil is sour. It is easy to lose acid and magnesium in southern red loam. planting flowers and trees with alkali-tolerant or mute soil, such as oleander, yellow poplar, Yingchun, etc., are often prone to green and yellowing between the veins of old leaves. Can apply calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer or spray magnesium sulfate solution.

(12) pests and diseases. Leaf spot disease caused by fungi and other bacteria is easy to cause local necrosis of the leaves, yellow spots or patches appear, the whole leaves wither and fall off seriously, yellow and green mottle appears on the leaves after being infected by mosaic virus, and damaged by shell insects, red spiders and so on, the leaves will also become local yellow, or even the whole leaves will wither and fall off. All should be sprayed in time.

(13) strong sexual stimulation. The use of excessive concentration of pesticides in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, or being polluted by toxic gases in the atmosphere, or suddenly watering cold water when the temperature is high, are easy to cause local yellowing and scorching of the leaf tip or leaf surface, or even the whole plant to die. Therefore, we should pay attention to the rational use of pesticides and try to eliminate air pollution sources. Avoid watering flowers with cold water around noon in midsummer. Finally, it should be mentioned that the yellow leaves of potted flowers are sometimes caused by one reason, but they are often caused by a variety of factors, so a correct diagnosis should be made to prescribe the right medicine to the case.

Planting and cultivation techniques and indoor culture management methods of rich trees

The rich tree, also known as melon chestnut and Malaba chestnut, belongs to the small evergreen tree of the kapok family. It is native to Mexico and Costa Rica and is now widely planted in the south of China. Because the name of "Wealth Tree" represents good luck, coupled with its beautiful shape, bright green leaves and easy management, it is suitable for indoor decoration and beautification after potted planting, and most hotels, restaurants and citizens purchase each other during the holidays, so, the rich tree has developed rapidly in China's flower market in recent years. The cultivation of rich trees has become a good project for the vast number of growers to get rich. Today we will introduce to you the cultivation techniques of rich trees.

Biological characteristics of Rich Tree

1. The morphological characteristics of the rich tree: the rich tree is an evergreen tree with an upright trunk, with a maximum height of about 10 meters. It has a fleshy root system, an inflated stem base, a smooth green bark of the young stem, and can be braided; the leaves of the rich tree are palmately compound leaves with a petiole of 10 cm and 9 leaflets. The fruit of the rich tree is a hard capsule. When the fruit is ripe, the pericarp changes from turquoise to yellowish brown, each fruit has 10-20 seeds, the seed coat is light brown, and there are navel marks on the abdomen; the flowers of the rich tree are yellowish, the filaments are slender, and there are 2-3 bracteoles on it.

2. The growth habit of the wealth tree: the wealth tree is light-loving and shade-tolerant, and can grow in full sunshine, half-day or shade, but the long-term lack of light will weaken its growth. The suitable temperature for the growth of rich trees is 20mur30 degrees Celsius, which can grow below 10 degrees Celsius, but less than 5 degrees Celsius is prone to disease, causing defoliation in light cases and death in heavy ones. The rich tree has inflated roots and stem base, which can store a lot of water, so it is more drought-resistant, while too much moisture in the soil will lead to succulent root rot. The cultivation of rich trees is not too strict on the soil, as long as the drainage is good, it can grow normally.

3, the shape of the wealth tree: the shape of the wealth tree can be divided into single pole modeling and braiding modeling, braiding modeling is more traditional, there are "three dragons", "five dragons", "seven dragons" and other common on the market, it has the feminine beauty of twining branches, graceful and elegant. The single pole shape, natural beauty, strong vitality, and can grow into a spectacular stump, very magnificent, become a new darling in the market, for growers, the two cultivation techniques are basically the same.

The reproduction of the rich tree

The reproduction of rich trees can be divided into two types: seed propagation and cutting propagation. Because the head stem is not inflated and the seedling stalk is not beautiful in cutting propagation, it is rarely used in horticultural production. Seed sowing and seedling propagation has the characteristics of uniform emergence, straight roots, easy braiding and lovely "radish head", which has become a common breeding method adopted by most flower growers. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Seed collection and selection: the rich tree blossoms twice a year, and the seeds can also be harvested twice. the first time blossoms from April to May, the fruit ripens from July to August, the second blossoms from September to October, and the fruit ripens in December. Growers should choose mature and full seeds and remove dried, cracked and moldy seeds. Do not use seeds from inferior trees or trees with obvious diseases.

2. Sowing: the soil should be raked deeply before sowing, and the seedbed suitable for seed growth should be divided. At both ends of the seedbed, we pull a rope, insert a bamboo stick every 0.3 meters to set the row spacing, and draw a straight shallow trench with bamboo sticks on both sides of the plank. in this shallow ditch, one seed is planted according to the plant spacing of 0.1 meters, and about 10,000 seedlings can be raised in an acre of land. When planting seeds, you should pay attention to planting navel down, so that the rich tree will be straight and straight. The thickness of the seed cover is about 2mi 3cm, which should not be too thick, so as not to affect the emergence of rich trees. After covering the soil, we should also pay attention to cover the seedbed with a black sunshade net to prevent the seeds from being burned by the scorching sun until the seeds germinate.

3. Daily management of seedling stage: after 4 days, seedlings can be emerged. the following management should be done after emergence.

① watering: after removing the sunshade net, water should be watered once every 2 days. Sprinklers should be installed before the water pipe, not directly watered with faucets. Watering should be done until the surface of the soil is fully moist, and should be watered every 5 days after finishing the seedlings, and appropriate amount of water should be watered according to the weather and temperature after 2 months.

② fertilization: the whole seedling period can be fertilized 5 times, the first time after the seedlings, can use compound fertilizer, about 2.5kg per mu, using artificial sprinkling method, because the root area of a single seedling is very small, so it is very important to spread fertilizer evenly on the soil, which requires fertilizers to be particularly experienced, hand swinging speed and walking speed should be uniform. After fertilization, wash the leaves with water so that the fertilizer can be absorbed quickly. After fertilizing every 1-2 months, the amount of fertilizer used gradually increased, and the amount of fertilizer used per mu was between 2.5ml and 7.5kg.

③ weeding: due to the high growth density of seedlings, need a lot of nutrients, if there are too many weeds in the seedbed, it will affect the growth and development of seedlings, so growers should pull out the weeds on the seedbed in time.

The field management of the rich tree

1. Seedling raising: be careful when raising seedlings with a hoe, move slowly, and do not dig up the roots of the rich tree. The seedlings dug out should be treated in two ways: the first is root cutting, cutting off the overlong roots, leaving only about 25 cm; the second is pruning: cut off the branches below 1.2 meters above the base of the stem of the rich tree to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients to the trunk. As the degree of development of each rich tree seedling is not necessarily the same, growers also have to classify the seedlings according to their height and cannot be mixed. Here, I would like to remind growers to pay special attention to the fact that braided rich trees start their seedlings earlier. When the saplings grow to 0.6 meters, they should do so, while the single-pole rich trees can not be planted until the saplings reach 1.5 meters.

2. Planting: the planting of rich trees can be divided into two types: braided planting and individual planting. Braiding means that the seedlings should be braided before they are transplanted to the field for cultivation. Let's take the shape of "five Dragons" as an example to introduce the braiding method of the rich tree in detail.

① seedling selection: first of all, the five rich saplings we selected must be of the same size and thickness, and each of them must not have disease or sprains, and then leave them in a cool place for 3 days to dehydrate them and make their stems softer.

② braiding method: first, we mark the five saplings, then put No. 1 and No. 2 to the right, then No. 3 and No. 4 to the left, and finally No. 5 in the middle, and then use a rubber band to tie the roots of the five saplings together. Then we use No. 1 to press the two trees next to it, that is, No. 2 and No. 5, and then use No. 4 to press on the two trees next to it, that is, No. 3 and No. 1. Press No. 5 and No. 4 with No. 2, and No. 1 and No. 2 with No. 3, and so on, we always press the two saplings next to it with the outermost saplings, and finally tie the ends of the braids tightly with rubber bands to prevent them from spreading. Growers should pay attention to the uniform distance between each braid, so that the rich trees that grow in the future can be beautiful. During the operation, the braid will naturally bend to one side, and we need to press it straight with heavy objects in the shade. Finally, the pressed wealth tree can be planted in the field. Except for the difference in shape, the techniques of braided planting and single plant planting are completely the same.

③ is generally planted at a density of about 450plants per mu. The plant spacing between seedlings is 0.75 meters, and the row spacing is 2 meters. According to this standard, growers dig holes in the ground with a depth and width of 30cm, and then put 50ml 100g of base fertilizer in each hole and mix the fertilizer with the soil in the hole with a hoe. When planting trees, the saplings should stand vertically in the hole and return to the soil layer by layer. When returning to the soil, it is necessary to protect the trunk upright, and the depth of the return soil should be about the same as that of the seedlings buried in the seedbed. Newly planted seedlings should be watered with fixed roots once, and each plant uses about 3 jin of water.

3. Daily management: after planting, the rich tree needs to strengthen maintenance and management in order to ensure its survival and healthy growth and development. We need to pay attention to the following.

① watering: rich trees in the growth period of moisture requirements are not too strict, once every two months after planting can be watered, in case of hot weather, drought can be increased according to the circumstances of watering, irrigation should reach full irrigation, do not wet the topsoil and the subsoil is still dry, generally should be watered to the depth of 80 to 100cm.

② fertilization: the first year after planting, topdressing once every six months, using hole application method, hole application is a centralized fertilization, economic fertilizer method. The specific methods are as follows: first, dig a cave 10 cm deep and 20 cm wide between every two trees, about half a meter from the base of the trunk, then put 25 grams of compound fertilizer in each hole, and finally cover the soil to prevent fertilizer loss. In the dry season, growers can also mix compound chemical fertilizer into water, using an average of 3 jin of water per hole and fertilizing in the form of water and fertilizer, which can accelerate the root absorption of seedlings and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer. Fertilization was applied once a year in the second year and the third year, and the amount used each time was twice as much as in the first year.

③ pruning: pruning should be carried out in summer, from early June to early July. One of the pruning techniques is thinning: for example, the trunk of the rich tree planted less than one year is lower, and the vigorous and upright branches are generally selected as the trunk, and the rest of the branches are thinned according to the situation, mainly to remove the overdense side branches and overgrown branches on the crown. The second is cutting: that is, cutting off the upright and strong side branches, according to the principle of keeping the pressure weak, going straight and keeping flat, cutting in stages, leaving twigs under the cutting mouth, which can not be cut off from the base, so as to prevent the trees from weakening.

4. common diseases and insect pests and their control: wealth trees have strong disease resistance and less diseases and insect pests under normal conditions, but they are easy to occur under high temperature and humidity. The common pests of wealth trees are mainly moth larvae, such as poisonous moth larvae, Phoenix butterfly larvae, etc., which can be treated with avermectin solution diluted by 1500UR 2000 times; the main diseases of wealth trees are anthracnose, gray blight and stem base rot. Next, we will introduce to you the treatment of these diseases.

① anthracnose: its main symptoms are as follows: the disease spot spreads from the top to the bottom of the leaf tip, and the color of the disease spot is dark brown to grayish brown. The method of prevention and treatment is to apply less nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus fertilizer, reduce foliar humidity, change foliar watering to base watering, maintain good ventilation and ventilation, and the medicine can be sprayed with 600x liquid spray of carbon tetralin wettable powder for 3 consecutive times, once every 7 days.

② leaf blight: its main symptoms are: the disease spot is yellow to grayish yellow, the shape is uncertain, and small needle-like particles appear when the humidity is high. The control methods are to keep the environment clean, deal with diseased leaves in time, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and enhance plant disease resistance. Copper oxychloride suspension + mancozeb wettable powder can be used to dilute the plant at 1:1, once every 10 min for 15 days.

③ stem base rot: its main symptoms are: the abnormal color of the cortex at the base of the stem, which is gray to gray-black, and extends to the depth of xylem, resulting in the death of the whole tree. The prevention and control method is to operate carefully in the process of seedling initiation, planting and transportation of the rich tree, to reduce the man-made wound as much as possible, to scrape off the diseased place with a knife first, and then soak and disinfect it with 600 times potassium permanganate solution, and thoroughly cut off the infected part of the seriously diseased plant.

After two years of cultivation, when the stem of the rich tree becomes stout, it can be transferred to a potted plant and sold on the market.

Indoor Management of Wealth Tree

In the vast northern part of China, the temperature is relatively cold in winter, and the rich trees can not survive outdoors, so they are generally potted indoors, the shade tolerance of the rich trees is good, and the indoor pot maintenance is relatively simple, so we should pay attention to the following:

1. Lighting: the rich tree is resistant to shade, but likes light. If it is shaded for a long time, the growth will slow down, the leaf color will fade and lose luster, so the potted plant should be placed in a place with strong light, such as near the window, and must be moved to the balcony or outdoors regularly to receive light to restore vitality, but from indoor to outdoor, it should be carried out step by step, for a short time, such as 1 rain for 2 hours, and then for a long time, such as 1 rain for 2 days, the first weak light. After the strong light, do not expose to the sun.

2. Temperature and humidity: the rich tree likes the temperature and is afraid of the cold. In winter, the room temperature should be kept above 15 degrees Celsius and below 5 degrees Celsius, and the rich tree may die. The first principle of watering is that it would rather be dry than wet, watering more in summer and less in winter.

3. Pruning: indoor potted wealth trees are generally pruned twice a year, once in spring and autumn. When pruning, the newly grown shoots on the trunk should be cut off, the incision should be close to the trunk, the aging and yellowing leaves, the redundant weak twigs in the crown should be cut off, and the elongated branches at the top should also be cut properly to maintain a beautiful crown.

4. Change the basin: the rich tree has developed roots and grows fast. When indoor potted plants are planted for 2 years, the pots should be changed in time when their growth becomes weaker. The pots are usually changed in late autumn or winter. Do not water the pots before changing pots. If it is not easy to take out, you can insert a shovel along the pot wall to separate the soil from the four walls of the flowerpot. Then, shake the roots back and forth, pull the tree out of the basin and put it into a prepared container. Do not dig basin soil, so as not to hurt the roots. When changing the basin, it should be pruned properly according to the length of the root system, remove the fibrous roots entangled too much by rotten roots, and then put in the acid sand loam with good drainage, which should account for about 1/3 of the basin, and then add 5 murals and 10 grams of compound fertilizer. After mixing evenly with the soil, the pruned rich tree species can be returned to the basin and finally watered until the outlet hole at the bottom of the basin flows out.

The rich tree is elegant and evergreen, and it has become a leader in ornamental plants. We sincerely hope that the broad masses of farmers will embark on a real road of getting rich by relying on scientific cultivation methods and with the good wishes of "getting rich".