
Where is the best hydroponic method for hyacinth placed at home?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hyacinth is a very popular flower, which can be seen in many people's homes and offices, so do you know that hyacinths should not be put in those places at home? Do you know how to cultivate quick and convenient hyacinths? I don't know. Let's go and have a look.

Hyacinth is a very popular flower and can be seen in many people's homes and offices. Do you know where hyacinth is best not to be placed at home? Do you know how to grow the quick and easy hydroponic hyacinth? I don't know. Let's take a look.

Where is the best place for hyacinths?

Not recommended for the bedroom. Hyacinth flowers can be refreshing, put in the bedroom will make people insomnia. Although the fragrance of hyacinth is nontoxic, after all, there are aromatic ketones and other chemicals in the fragrance of plants. A small amount of inhalation can be excreted by metabolism, but long-term intake will increase the burden on internal organs and affect human health. Put hyacinth in the living room and other air circulation can be.

Hyacinth hydroponics

Hydroponic hyacinth is one of the most popular ways to conserve hyacinth, buy hyacinth seed ball, only need a glass pot, a clear water, flower appreciation root kill two birds with one stone.

1. Preparation of hydroponic hyacinth

Seed Ball Selection:

Hyacinth seed ball is essential, we can buy that seed, to choose healthy, skin is not damaged seed ball. Because hyacinth bulbs look like purple onions, if you buy vegetables often, pick them the way you pick onions!

Instrument preparation:

Hyacinth glassware, professional hydroponic containers with hydroponic baskets. Pots, water, carbendazim, used for disinfection before planting.

Environmental requirements:

Hyacinth bulbs are generally planted in October, with indoor temperatures around 15 ° C, a certain humidity and controllable lighting. In addition, the water temperature of hydroponic hyacinth should be equivalent to room temperature, not too cold or too hot.

2, hyacinth hydroponic methods and precautions

Root cleansing:

After buying the seed ball, the surface layer will have a purple protective layer, even a small amount of soil, we need to clean it up, so as not to affect the water quality of hydroponics. Rinse the seed balls under a gentle stream of water, then peel off the purple skin until the white part is exposed.

In addition, the roots should also be cleaned up. Before the seed balls are sent to you, they must have crossed the ocean. I don't know how much mold they have brought (of course, you can't see it), so cut off the old roots at the bottom. The old root is generally black, dirty feeling, hydroponics grow out of the new root white is beautiful.


The hyacinth seed balls were not completely cleaned after washing, and they still needed to be disinfected. Mix the prepared carbendazim with water, soak the seed balls for 15~20 minutes, take them out and dry them with paper towels. Put them in a cool place to dry naturally. After one day, you can plant them.

Seed ball placement:

Hydroponic hyacinth only need to put the seed ball in the container, generally 2~5 mm away from the water surface, water should not be too much, before rooting to ensure that the root system has enough growth space to breathe.

For hydroponics easy, you can choose a glass cup of similar size, of course, with a hydroponics basket container is best.


Water change-clean water maintenance hyacinth, change water once a week; if using nutrient solution, change once every 10 to 15 days, the specific time can be based on the cleanliness of the water quality in the container.

Disinfection-Do not fill up water during hydroponic cultivation. After two months of curing, place hyacinths in wide-mouthed glass jars and add a small amount of charcoal to help disinfect and prevent decay.

3. Shading in rooting period

Many flower friends are very upset about the root of hyacinth, because your method is wrong. Just planted hyacinth must be shaded, can put the container as a whole in a dark place, or with opaque plastic bags, newspapers will cover the root part. Sunshade in 15~20 days, 5 days for a change of water. After shading, it can accelerate rooting. When you see a lot of white roots emerging from the roots, shading ends.

4. Sunbathing in the long leaf period

The roots grow well, and the next step is to grow leaves, which requires plenty of sunlight. It is autumn and winter, the sun is not very strong, put the container in a sunny place by the window, and make up for the lack of sunlight before.

During the long leaf period, the white roots of hyacinth are already very lush. Pay attention not to hurt the roots when changing water each time. When changing water each time, as long as the bulbs are gently lifted, water can flow in or out from the cracks.

5. Supplementary light during growth and flowering

It takes 50 to 60 days for hyacinths to bloom from planting, and sufficient nutrients are essential to bloom gorgeous flowers. One of the direct sources of nutrients is sunlight. After the hyacinth grows flower buds, it is necessary to increase the temperature appropriately to ensure that the temperature is between 15 and 21℃ to promote the growth of flower buds.

The hyacinth's pedicels grow taller and flower, reducing light exposure. A small amount of scattered light can make flowering longer.

6. Continue to grow after flowering

Is buying a pot of hydroponic hyacinth just for viewing flowers? What should I do after the flowers wither? Can we continue? In reality, most flower friends will choose to throw away the seed balls and buy new ones next year. However, frugal flower friends who like to toss and save will save the seed balls and continue planting next year!

Hyacinth flowers wither continue to water, wait until the temperature rises in June, leaves gradually withered, at this time all hyacinth leaves will be cut off, and cut off all roots, seed ball will be placed in a cool and ventilated place to dry (do not sun), and then wrapped with newspaper, placed in a cool and ventilated place, the temperature does not exceed 10℃ (placed in the refrigerator freezer is also a good choice). From October to November, when the weather gets cooler, it can be replanted.

After reading the hydroponic hyacinth, do you want to raise a pot immediately? Then hurry up and move it.

Hyacinth hydroponics

Hyacinth originated in the Mediterranean coast and Asia Minor area, like sufficient sunshine and relatively humid environment, more cold-resistant, in the warmer winter areas in autumn roots, early spring sprouts unearthed, flowering in March, fruit ripening in late May, early June part of the ground withered into dormancy. Flower bud differentiation takes about 1 month at 25℃. After flower bud differentiation to elongation before growth, there should be about two months of low temperature stage, the temperature should not exceed 13℃.

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Hyacinths can be hydroponic like Chinese narcissus.

The specific operation method of hyacinth hydroponic culture is: select large and substantial seed balls in December, put them into shallow pots and fix them with pebbles, and add a little charcoal to help preserve and disinfect them. Fill with clean water, but only enough water to avoid touching the bottom of the bulb. Place in a cool dark place at room temperature 5-10℃. Because darkness helps hyacinth root, roots can grow in about 1 month. After the root system fully grows, move to a bright place without direct light, control the temperature at 10-13℃, change the water once every 2-3 days, and keep the water clean. After the leaves grow out, gradually increase the light, after the bud can accept direct light, but pay attention to often change the direction of light, so that the leaves and flower stems grow strong and straight, to prevent deviation to one side. The temperature gradually rises to about 20℃, and the water is changed once every 3-4 days until the flowers die.

It should be noted that after the hyacinth flowers die, the flower stems should be cut off and the bulbs planted in pots to enrich the bulbs. When the leaves are dry, dig out the bulbs and collect them. In autumn, they can be planted in pots to rejuvenate them. If the bulb is well preserved, it can still flower in the second year, but the flower will be short and the scape will shrink, which is mainly due to the degeneration of the bulb. Therefore, hyacinth cultivation to plant a year after buying new bulbs as well.

Many people keep hyacinths in a special glass bottle like a gourd. You can watch the flower clusters of hyacinths above, and you can see a bunch of thick white roots of hyacinths below. This flower and root scene, in addition to orchids, other flowers and plants are difficult to see, this strong characteristic created a very high ornamental value.

Conclusion: Hyacinth hydroponics are suitable for indoor use, whether at home or in the office, it is undoubtedly a cool color. Hyacinth's flower language is "as long as the fire of life ignited, you can share a rich life", and hyacinth together to maintain a strong vitality, the combat value to fill it!


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The role of hyacinth hyacinth hydroponics method

Hydroponic hyacinth is one of the most easily cultivated flower varieties in hydroponic flowers. It is a lily plant and a bulbous flower. Hyacinth inflorescence plump, colorful, white roots, so many people like to put a pot of hyacinth at home or office. Below, we will introduce the role of hyacinth and hyacinth hydroponics method.

The role of hyacinths

1. Hyacinth can be viewed by people

For people to watch is the most important role of hyacinth, this plant in spring can be used to decorate flower beds, can also be planted in the edge of the lawn, more can be made into potted plants placed indoors, no matter what kind of planting method, can let hyacinth play a role in beautifying the environment and for people to enjoy the pleasure of human body and mind.

2. Hyacinth can relieve fatigue

Hyacinth has a unique aroma, this aroma can directly stimulate human nerves, let human nerves relax, play a role in stabilizing emotions and reducing depression, in addition to indoor hyacinth, can also refresh, reduce the appearance of human fatigue.

3. Hyacinth can be made into essential oil

Hyacinth flowers in addition to ornamental, but also can extract attractive smell of aromatic essential oil, people use this essential oil can play a role in soothing the body and mind, relax the mood, but hyacinth bulbs are toxic existence, can not be eaten, if accidentally eaten, there will be poisoning, dizziness and diarrhea and stomach cramps are the most common poisoning symptoms.

The method of hyacinth hydroponics

Disinfection is also needed before hydroponic culture. After disinfection, special hyacinth hydroponic bottles do not need to put pebbles. If it is a jar, put pebbles and tap water for one night. Ball on bottle or pebble.

1. Choose a container with a bottle opening that can hold the bulb, preferably a gourd-shaped container with a small upper and a large lower, with a better transparent glass texture. Some living appliances such as high-legged glasses, wine bottles can be selected, but also can choose large containers. The water surface should have a space of 1cm-2cm from the bottom of the bulb. Do not submerge the bottom of the bulb with water to ensure that the roots breathe freely.

2, the water temperature should not be high, better below 15 ° C, you can use tap water directly.

3, put the bulb on the bottle neck, after the root, you can reduce the water level to the root just touch the water surface, so that the root can fully absorb oxygen, promote the growth of roots. When the roots develop, the black cloth covers the culture container and allows the bulbs to develop further.

In winter, the container should be moved to a sunny place to promote large and strong flowers.

5. When leaves and buds grow out, they are exposed to sunlight for one or two hours a day to make their leaves and pedicels strong; adjust one direction every day and do not make them grow on one side. Avoid the "neck" phenomenon.

6. Do not put the bulbs in direct sunlight before they germinate.

7. Several hyacinths can also be planted in the fish tank. The matrix is sand, supplemented by shady ferns, to form a small scene with wild interest, which is also very unique.

The above is for everyone to introduce the role of hyacinth and hyacinth hydroponics method, we all understand it? More home knowledge please pay attention.