
Do water-raised lilies want to bask in the sun? what if the leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lilies, this is a lot of people are super like, this lily looks good, the meaning is also good, to see the water lilies want to bask in the sun? Lily leaves yellow how to do: water-raised lilies to bask in the sun: water-raised lilies can bask in the sun, but should pay attention to the method. Most varieties of lilies like light.

Lily, this is a lot of people are super like, this lily looks good, meaning is also good, to see the water lily to bask in the sun? What about yellow flowers:

Do water-raised lilies want to bask in the sun:

Water-raised lilies can bask in the sun, but pay attention to the method. Most varieties of lilies like light, and they should be planted in shade and shade in the south. Lilies are suitable for fertile, loose, well-drained soil, do not require too much humus, PH value is neutral or slightly acidic, lilies are short-day plants, require warm, wet and cold climate, afraid of high temperature and heat.

Lily is a good species, but raising it in a flowerpot will generally degenerate. It is recommended to plant it in the ground. If you can only plant it in a pot, you should choose a larger and deeper root, because bulb plants like lilies have well-developed roots, and lilies are very special. They have double roots, even if they grow roots under the bulb, the bottom of the stem will also grow roots, it is better to bury it deep, it doesn't matter to be exposed to the sun, wind and rain, and you don't have to worry about freezing to death. But it is better to clear the snow as soon as possible when covered with snow in winter, because the stem of the lily is so tender that it will be broken and cannot bloom if it is broken.

What if the leaves of lilies turn yellow:

The main results are as follows: 1. Too much watering leads to the yellowing of lily leaves: the young leaves are dark yellow and dull, the old leaves have no obvious change, the branches are small and yellow-green, and the new shoots are not long, indicating that they are overwatered.

Solution: put the flowers out of the pot in a ventilated, cool, self-drying soil mass and then put them back into the basin.

2. Long-term lack of water leads to the yellowing of lily leaves (dry yellow): the yellow of lack of water is different from the yellow of more water, the yellow of lack of water is withered and dry at the tip or edge of the leaf, and the old leaves wither and fall off from bottom to top, but the growth of new leaves is relatively normal.

Solution: pay attention to watering enough and thoroughly.

3. Exposure leads to yellowing (burning yellow) of lily leaves: strong sunlight shines directly on some flowers that like shade, which can easily cause withering of leaf tips and edges, and macula in the sunrise part of leaves.

Solution: just move to the shade.

Water-raised lilies can bask in the sun, and the yellowing of the leaves of this lily can also be handled.

The reason for the yellowing of lotus bamboo leaves what to do about the yellowing of lotus bamboo leaves

Lotus bamboo is a species of dragon blood tree of Liliaceae, which is hydroponic, potted and hydroponic. The ornamental value is extremely high, and it is one of the few greening and decorations that can be placed indoors for a long time. If the leaves of your farmed lotus bamboo turn yellow, hurry up to see why the leaves of lotus bamboo turn yellow and what to do!

The reasons for the yellowing of lotus bamboo leaves:

Burns caused by intense sunlight

Lotus bamboo likes a shady environment, raised indoors, there is no light, but as long as the water and nutrients are adequate, it can grow well. Some flower friends are afraid of its lack of light, so they put it on the balcony or windowsill. I don't know that the strong light will cause damage to the leaves of lotus bamboo. When the strong sunlight shines directly on the lotus bamboo, it is easy to cause the withering of the tip and edge of the flowers, and the yellow spots appear in the sunny part of the leaves.

Yellowing of leaves caused by lack of light

Although lotus bamboo likes a hidden and cool environment, it is impossible to keep plants in such an environment for a long time without photosynthesis. When the leaves were placed in a shady environment for a long time, the leaves could not get enough sunlight and could not form chlorophyll, and the whole leaves turned yellow and fell off.

A high concentration or amount of fertilizer.

The yellowing of lotus bamboo caused by excessive fertilization or excessive concentration shows that the new leaf tip appears dry brown, the general leaf surface is thick but not glossy, and the concave and convex does not stretch, and the old leaves are scorched yellow.

Yellowing of leaves caused by lack of fertilizer

Flower friends who are cultivated in soil or in water all have this experience. They haven't fertilized the plants for a long time, and they find that the leaves of the branches show signs of yellowing. This is the yellowing of leaves caused by lack of fertilizer. The performance is that the color of the young leaves becomes lighter, showing yellow or light green, while the old leaves are more normal or gradually change from green to yellow.

What if the leaves of lotus bamboo turn yellow:

Light condition treatment

Lotus bamboo likes a cool environment, but it can't always stay out of the sun and occasionally move out for photosynthesis to make the plant's leaves greener and more beautiful.

When moving out to bask in the sun, avoid the sun when the light is strong. Otherwise, the strong light will burn the leaves, and it is not good to have macula.

Water and fertilizer treatment

If the concentration of fertilizer is high or if there is too much fertilizer, you should stop fertilization immediately and wash part of the fertilizer with a large amount of washing.

If the leaves are yellow caused by lack of fertilizer, then usually apply thin fertilizer frequently and add some alum water at the right time. In addition, lotus bamboo is a foliage plant, which should be fertilized mainly with nitrogen fertilizer to make the leaves dark green and fresh.

A complete collection of techniques for raising flowers in water

A complete collection of techniques for raising flowers in water

With the progress of technology, hydroponic flowers are becoming more and more popular. Hydroponic flowers are not only beautiful, but also clean and comfortable. The following is to introduce several common flower aquaculture skills!

The method of hydroponic culture of Cymbidium is as follows: the container chooses the hydroponic culture of Cymbidium, the first thing is to choose a good container. Generally speaking, it is better to use a transparent glass container. If you raise a seedling, you only need a glass can. If you want to plant a lot of water, you can use fine wire to compile a metal mesh with a diameter of one centimeter, and make a glass hydroponic box slightly smaller than the metal mesh, or you can use a goldfish tank instead. Then the metal net was covered on the hydroponic box, and the seedlings of Cymbidium were inserted into the nutrient solution through the mesh, and the depth of the flower root in the culture medium did not exceed the limit of the false bulb of the root. The preparation of nutrient solution can be divided into inorganic and organic. The inorganic nutrient solution can be prepared according to the following examples: 1.5g of calcium, 0.01g of ferrous sulfate, 1g of urea, 1g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5g of magnesium sulfate. After the above five inorganic salts are mixed together, they can be dissolved in 1000 grams of water. The organic culture solution was prepared as follows: fried flax seed flour 100g, bone powder (made of salt-free fresh bone) 100g, bean cake powder 150g, cooked sesame powder 50g, and then dissolved in 1000 grams of water. Compared with the above two kinds of nutrient solution, the organic fertilizer is rich in composition, but the nutrient content is not high, and the inorganic fertilizer composition is relatively simple, but the fertilizer effect is big and the effect is quick. In order to learn from each other's strong points to offset their weaknesses, the two can be used together. If used alone, inorganic fertilizer is applied once a week, and organic fertilizer is applied once every 5 days. To cultivate magnolia with water, you can't directly use tap water, but must use "trapped" water. The so-called "trapped" water means putting tap water in a container and drying it in the sun for 3 minutes for 5 days to precipitate chlorides such as bleach powder, which are harmful to the roots of Cymbidium. The "trapped" water, from the outside, the sediment changes from strips to lumps, and the color of the water is green. After "trapping" good water, the position of the submerged root must not submerge the false bulb. If the water level is too shallow, the magnolia can not get sufficient water supply, and if the water level is too deep (flooding the false bulb), it will cause root fester. In the process of breeding, we should pay more attention to observe the changes of water quality, and find that some roots turn yellow or black, indicating that the water is both anoxic and less fertile, and the water must be changed immediately. Whether the air, sunlight and temperature can deal with the ventilation of the roots of hydroponic orchid is the key to the success or failure of hydroponics. After a period of culture, there is a layer of moss on the root. When the moss is too thick, it will seriously affect the respiration of the root and corrode the culture medium. At this time, you need to gently brush off the moss layer with a soft and clean brush (it does not need to be very clean, because a small amount of moss at the root does not affect much). In addition, always check whether there is enough oxygen in the water. The method of inspection is to put two or three small fish into the water culture box. If the small fish swim freely in the water, it means that there is no lack of oxygen in the water. If the small fish always float to the surface, their mouths and gills are exposed to the surface to breathe, which means there is no oxygen in the water. It is found that after anoxia in the water, oxygen must be replenished. There are two methods: one is to change the water, and the other is to supply oxygen to the water with a small oxygen pump. In the treatment of sunlight, magnolia is a semi-yin-yang plant, we should pay attention to the light, especially in summer, to avoid the strong direct sunlight, so that it can receive scattered light. In addition, according to the light-oriented characteristics of Cymbidium leaves, we should pay attention to make the leaves receive light evenly, otherwise the leaf length will be different, the growth direction will be scattered back and forth, and the illumination angle should be adjusted every two or three days. In terms of temperature treatment, the ambient temperature of adult Cymbidium should be 11 ℃-25 ℃, and the seedlings can be slightly higher, 20 ℃-35 ℃. The temperature difference between day and night should be mastered in orchid cultivation in water, which should be kept at about 20 ℃ during the day and not less than 15 ℃ at night in winter.

After the rose flowers fade, cut off the residual flowers, let the flower branches grow for several days, wait for the first axillary buds on the flower branches to grow stronger and accumulate nutrients, then cut off the 3-node cuttings, remove the petiole of the bottom layer, cut the bottom bud cover surface into a slope with a sharp blade, and immediately insert it into a prepared bottle filled with clean water, and the cuttings can be inserted into the water. In order to reduce the water evaporation of leaves, some leaves can be cut off. In the case of avoiding light, the incision is easy to grow new roots, so brown bottles should be used. If there is no brown, you can wrap the bottle with a black plastic film. Put the bottle on the south-facing windowsill and do not bask in the sun directly. When the temperature is high, the water can be changed once a week. When the temperature is 15-25 ℃, it only takes about 20 days to grow roots, and when the young roots grow to 1-2 cm long, they can be transplanted in a pot. Because the young root grows in water, in order to make it adapt to the environment, it is watered once a day at the beginning of transplanting, and then decreases gradually. After a week of shading, you can see the sun sooner or later, and you can survive. The advantages of water insertion are: simple method, high survival rate, no time limit, and can be cut and inserted after flower fade.

The characteristic of rhododendron soilless cultivation is to replace soil with artificial substrate. The soilless cultivation of rhododendron with solid substrate in Hunan Forestry Institute has achieved very satisfactory results. The variety is summer cuckoo, the crown structure of soilless cultivation is compact, the number of flowering is large, the flower diameter is large, and there are few diseases and insect pests. It not only improves the quality of flowers, but also greatly reduces the heavy physical work, so it is a cultivation method worth popularizing. 1. The root system of rhododendron is very slender, which requires loose matrix to facilitate air permeability and drainage. 1 part of vermiculite, 1 part of pearl sand, 1 part of river sand and 1 part of cinder were mixed in proportion. After mixing the substrate, sterilize with 0.1% carbendazim solution, mix evenly into the substrate and cover the plastic film for 1 day. Then rinse with clean water for many times, dry, mix well with 0.4% agricultural compound fertilizer solution, then cover it with plastic film for a month, and then use it in the basin. two。 The preparation of nutrient solution azaleas have strict requirements for fertilizer. During the growing period, thin fertilizer is applied diligently. According to the experiment, good results can be obtained by spraying low concentration foliar fertilizer with agricultural compound fertilizer as the main fertilizer, supplemented with trace elements, PH value controlled at about 5. The preparation of a large number of elements: 1 liter of water plus 2 grams of agricultural compound fertilizer and 0.5 grams of magnesium sulfate is the standard solution. The preparation of trace elements: 1 liter of water plus 20 grams of disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate, 15 grams of ferrous sulfate, 4 grams of manganese sulfate, 6 grams of boric acid, 0.2 grams of zinc sulfate, 0.1 grams of copper sulfate and 0.2 grams of ammonium molybdate as mother liquor. When in use, 1 liter of standard liquid and 1 ml of trace element mother liquid are all elements. The preparation of foliar fertilizer: 1 g urea, 1 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.02 g boric acid and 10.1 g V. B in 1 liter of water. 3. Water and fertilizer management because the substrate drainage, air permeability is good, but the water retention is poor, so the amount of water is generally more than soil culture, in order to keep the substrate moist; at this time, pregnant buds, leaf bud germination, need a large amount of fertilizer, about 10 days to pour a full amount of culture solution. From March until the buds burst, foliar fertilizer is sprayed every 15 days or so. After flowering, there is a large amount of water, in addition to watering every day, foliar watering should be carried out in the evening. At this time, the amount of fertilizer is also large, so it can be changed to irrigate the nutrient solution once a week and spray foliar fertilizer once a week to promote the sturdiness of new branches and facilitate flower bud differentiation. After the ambush, pay attention to keep the substrate moist, and sprinkle water to the leaf surface, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced to about 20 days to pour nutrient solution. After the autumn is cool, you can gradually increase the amount of fertilizer, apply a full amount of nutrient solution once in half a month, and spray 1 Mel foliar fertilizer twice to promote the robust growth of flower buds. After the beginning of winter, the physiological activity of rhododendron is weak, so it is not suitable to apply fertilizer, but can be watered properly according to the dry and wet degree of the substrate. In the process of cultivation, there were almost no diseases and insect pests. Hyacinth is not only a plant of Liliaceae, but also a bulbous flower. Hyacinth has plump inflorescences, various colors and white roots. Key points of hydroponics: (1) choose and buy a container that can hold the bulb, preferably a large gourd-shaped container on the top and bottom, with a better transparent glass texture. Some household utensils such as goblets and bottles can be selected, as well as large-mouthed containers. (2) the water temperature should not be high, and it is better to be below 15 ℃. (3) after putting the bulb on the bottleneck, the water level can be lowered to just touch the water surface of the root, so that the root can fully absorb oxygen and promote the growth of the root. When the root develops, the black cloth covers the culture container and allows the bulb to develop further. (4) move the container to a sunny place in winter to make the flowers big and strong. (5) several hyacinths can also be planted in the fish tank, and the matrix is made of sand and shady ferns to form a wild and interesting small scene, which is also very chic. African Compositae perennial herbs with large flowers and rich colors, often blooming throughout the year. Like warm, sunny and well-ventilated environment, is a semi-cold-resistant flowers, like fertile and loose. African chrysanthemum is a good variety of cut flowers, which can be cultivated in water for a long time, highly ornamental, and good at absorbing formaldehyde. Water farming of these plants generally does not require special management. Containers with a certain volume for root expansion can be used, while glass containers with open mouth are more beneficial to maintaining water quality and root growth. When planting, you should avoid immersing the leaves in water so as not to cause decay; under suitable light conditions, you can quickly take root; when you find less water, add some water to prevent the root system from drying; when the water becomes dirty, take out the plant, clean the container, and rewater it. General water plants, three days to change the water, apply a nutrient solution, the proportion of the nutrient solution and how much depends on the size of the plant. Asparagus: Liliaceae, Tianmen winter morphological features: asparagus plant shape elegant, leafy branches slender and beautiful, shaped like clouds, like bamboo, elegant posture, water roots fleshy white, coupled with a transparent container of scenery, both dignified and beautiful, but also appears noble and elegant, is a good product in hydroponics. Growth habits: like warm, humid and semi-humid environment, suitable temperature 15-25 degrees Celsius, motivation minimum temperature not less than 5 degrees Celsius, like scattered light, avoid direct strong light, avoid dry air. Key points of hydroponic culture: 1) sampling: select soil-cultured plants with good shape and vigorous growth, wash the soil and cut off rotten roots, plant them in a hydroponic container, and add water to the root system of 1/3-1/2. 2) maintenance: start to change water every 2-3 days, remove rotten roots in time, two weeks later, the roots basically adapt to the environment and have grown aquatic roots, and then you can change fresh water every 5-6 days. When the plant has a strong growth potential, the nutrient solution should be shallow rather than deep, and it should be replenished every 10 days or so in summer. When the sediment in the nutrition industry is increased to renew the nutrient solution, it is generally renewed once a month, and the strong light is avoided in summer. The motivation should be placed in a warm place with strong light. Keep the room temperature above 5 degrees Celsius, spray water to the leaves when the air is dry, maintain high air humidity and clean branches and leaves. Ivy alias: Araliaceae: Araliaceae. Because of its dense branches and leaves, Ivy is not only the most ideal indoor and outdoor wall vertical greening material, but also an excellent ground cover plant, suitable for climbing buildings, walls, steep slopes, rock walls and shady ground and other places, the demand for potted plants is increasing day by day. (1) morphological characteristics and varieties of evergreen climbing vines, the branches are thin and soft, with aerial roots. The vine grows in a spiral shape and can climb on other objects. Leaves alternate, leathery, dark green, with long stalks, leaves on vegetative branches triangular-ovate, entire or 3-lobed, leaves on flower branches ovate to rhombic. Racemes, florets globose, yellowish. Drupe globose, black. Chinese ivy (H.nepalensisvar.sinensis), Japanese ivy, colored leaf ivy (CV.discolor), golden ivy, silver edge ivy (CV.siluerquetn) are commonly cultivated in the same genus. (2) Ecological habits Ivy is a typical negative vine, which can also grow in full light, grow well in warm and humid climate, and is not resistant to cold. Lax requirements on the soil, like moist, loose, fertile soil, not resistant to salt and alkali. (3) breeding method the nodes of ivy can take root naturally in moist air, and will naturally enter the soil after touching the ground, so cuttings are often used for propagation, vegetative branches are used as cuttings, sun shading is needed in time after cutting, and the air humidity should be high. the bed soil should not be too wet, and it will take root in about 20 days. (4) cultivation techniques Ivy cultivation management is simple and extensive, but it needs to be planted in a place with moist soil and air circulation. Transplantation can be carried out in early autumn or late spring and need to be pruned after planting to promote branching. Many places in the south are planted in the shade of the garden, making it naturally prostrate on the ground or on the rockery. There are many potted plants in the north, potted plants can bind all kinds of supports, traction and plastic surgery, maintain under the shade in summer, less watering, otherwise it is easy to have stem rot, if this disease occurs, the diseased plant should be separated from health, and carbendazim and methyl thiophanate should be sprayed alternately, put into the greenhouse in winter, indoor to maintain the humidity of the air, not too dry, but the pot soil should not be too wet. Hydroponic ivy can be used as a whole plant or cuttage, preferably in spring and autumn. After the roots grow in the cutting bed, the roots can be planted in the basket for root-promoting mutagenesis. Once the cultivated ivy is excellent in maintenance, clean and hygienic, it is a good product to watch at home, and the cultivated general nutrient solution on the market can also use foliage plant nutrient solution. The concentration of nutrient solution is generally 1pm 4 of the original formula. (4) other efficacy Ivy is not only a good greening plant, the whole grass can also be used as medicine, which has the effects of dispelling wind, promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling, and mainly treating rheumatic joint pain, low back pain and injury. Smash the juice or add water to fry and wash the affected area, which can treat sores, measles and eczema. Kirin Ki Lin is usually propagated by cutting. from April to early September, strong branches are cut as cuttings. the wounds of newly cut stems will produce white milk, which can be dipped in plant ash or charcoal powder to prevent the outflow of milk. Then leave it in a dry and cool place for 3 to 4 days. After the cut is dried and shrunk, the unicorn palm has no close relationship with aquatic plants, and the principle of pollution-free cultivation must be strictly followed when hydroponics. And regular replacement of new nutrient solution to increase dissolved oxygen. The temperature should not be too low in winter, or the leaves will fall. The concentration of nutrient solution must not be too high, nor should it be overshadowed, otherwise it will cause atavism, and the columnar fleshy stem of the original unicorn palm will grow, which will affect the ornamental effect; in serious cases, it will lead to rotting root death. The white juice of Euphorbiaceae is poisonous. In particular, do not enter the eye, be careful not to let the child misuse the entrance, the eye. Tequila common varieties are: Phnom Penh tequila, Jinxin tequila, silver tequila, green tequila and narrow tequila and so on. Strong sex, like the sun, not resistant to shade. It is slightly cold-tolerant and can be cultivated in the open field at the temperature above 5C. The leaves of adult tequila are only slightly frostdamaged at the low temperature of-5C, the aboveground parts of-13C are frozen and rot, the underground stem does not die, and the leaves can sprout and grow normally in the next year. Strong resistance to drought. Like well-drained, fertile and moist sandy soil. The origin usually takes several decades before flowering, but the mother plant dies after flowering and does not blossom in Nanjing. Cross-pollination can only bear fruit. Tequila can be hydroponically cultured all year round in a heated environment. When hydroponic, all its roots need to be removed, disinfected with disinfectant, and then soaked in rooting solution for a certain period of time. During hydroponic culture, attention should be paid to cabbage insects eating their leaves and hearts, thus losing commercial value and ornamental value. If insects are found to be caught manually, insecticides can also be used to kill them. Hydroponics should always get the place where the sun is good, and do not put it in a dark place for a long time, so that the leaves are easy to whiten and become thinner, thus losing their ornamental value, pay attention to heat preservation in winter, put them near the window in the sunny place during the day, and put glass bottles in plastic or cardboard boxes if there is no heating at night. If the leaves turn yellow or droop downward, it may be frostbite. At this time, we need to give it some measures to keep warm. Then put it away from the doors and windows, and remember not to put it near the north. When changing water in winter, you can change water with warm water of 12 to 18 degrees. Tequila is resistant and can pass the winter safely as long as you pay attention to management. The wealth tree is graceful, the leaf crown is majestic, the leaf color is green, put in the family living room, both elegant and generous, and lovable. The rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to the Malay Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands. In recent years, through cultivation and breeding, it has widely entered the urban and rural families of our country. As a family cultivation, we should pay attention to the following four points according to its living habits of high temperature, humidity, frost and dryness: first, pay attention to the sun. The rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, so it can't be shaded for a long time. Therefore, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors during maintenance and management. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, every 3 to 5 days, spray water to the leaves with a spray can, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful in Caiyun Pavilion. Originally from South Africa. Caiyun Pavilion is a perennial succulent plant. The stem is erect, 3-angled and 4-angled, dark green, with gray-green irregular beautiful markings in the center of the stem. The edge has a dentate process, and there are Obovate leaves at the protuberance. There are many branches, all vertical upward, forming a unique plant shape. The whole plant contains repeated milk. Caiyun Pavilion, with its peculiar shape and exotic customs, is a good product for several tables of green decoration. The habit of Caiyun Pavilion is half-overcast, but sufficient scattered light is required. Can withstand a low temperature of 5 degrees. Caiyun cabinet likes to dry and avoid wetting for a long time, but it is very suitable for hydroponic conditions. Caiyun Pavilion is usually propagated by cutting. From May to September, about 10 cm of the branches of the mother plant were taken as cuttings for cutting. The cuttings cut should not be cut immediately, for immediate cutting will cause the rot of the cut and lead to the failure of cutting. Caiyun Pavilion cut will flow out of milk, cut should be dipped in plant ash or toner, and dry in the shade for several days, after the incision is fully dry before cutting, it is very easy to take root. Key points of water culture and protection 1: if there is the occurrence of shell insects, in addition to moving them to a ventilated and transparent place, you can use a toothbrush to remove the shell insects and spray 250 liquid detergent to kill them. 2: the white emulsion in the stem of Caiyun cabinet is poisonous. Be especially careful not to look into the eye. The method of obtaining hydroponic material cutting and root washing. The cut branches should be dried in a cool and ventilated place for several days, and then inserted into the water after the incision is dry, otherwise it will rot and new roots can grow after a month. Cyclamen hydroponics and containers select 1-3-year-old cyclamen plants that are pest-free, exuberant and budding, and are best cultivated with soilless substrates such as perlite, vermiculite and sawdust, which do not hurt roots, slow seedlings and adapt quickly after changing the environment. Water containers are simple and economical, and can play the role of waste utilization in daily life, as long as they can hold water, such as fish tanks, teacups, beverage boxes, wine bottles and vases; transparent containers are the best, and roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits can be fully viewed. No matter what kind of container is used, its size, height and color should be consistent with cyclamen plants, so as to show the exquisitely carved, crystal and elegant charm of water-raised cyclamen. Water culture time and methods the florescence of cyclamen is usually from October to June of the second year, so the water culture time is generally from September to April of the second year. The selected cyclamen plants are removed from the pot and washed with 20 ℃ warm water. Then put it directly into a pre-prepared container, the depth of the water is flush with the rhizosphere, the deepest can not exceed 1 / 3 of the bulb to prevent the corm from rotting. Finally, put it in the right position in the room, add water and nourish liquid regularly. After the flowers failed in water for two to three months, the plants were taken out and planted in the cultivation medium for the summer. Water quality, water temperature water cyclamen water used had better be mountain spring water or magnetized water, the water quality is clean, not turbid, not precipitated, and contains a variety of trace elements necessary for plants, there is no need to change water during the whole water culture period. Tap water contains chlorine, which is disadvantageous to the growth of flowers, and it is easy to be turbid and precipitate. It should be changed every few days and should not be used as far as possible. The water temperature should be close to the indoor temperature at that time, usually 10 ℃ to 20 ℃. Light, indoor temperature cyclamen like sunny environment, water containers should be placed on the indoor sunny table or windowsill, not directly on the radiator. The most suitable indoor temperature is 15 ℃ to 20 ℃, the highest is not more than 25 ℃ and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. Adding nutrient solution to raise cyclamen should also supplement nutrition regularly during flowering. Generally, 50ml 1 ∶ 100x ornamental plant nutrient solution is added to each plant every 10 days, and mountain spring water is also used to prepare nutrient solution. If you find yellow leaves, small leaves, small flowers, etc., in the case of excluding rotten roots, you can add some more nutrients as appropriate: Gramineae Latin name: Arrhenatherumelatius character: perennial herb height: height 50 ℃ 100 cm florescence: summer (June-August) cold tolerance: cold tolerance (- 5 mol) negative tolerance: positive morphological characteristics: underground stem white rosary; aboveground stem clustered, smooth. Leaves tufted, linear-lanceolate, 30cm long, ca. 1cm wide, with yellow-white margins. Panicle long pedicellate, ca. 50cm, branched; spikelets with two flowers, bisexual or female above, male below; florescence June-July. Originally from Europe. Habits: extremely strong, cold-resistant and drought-resistant, regardless of soil. At the height of summer, the aboveground part often withered and dormant, and sprouted and grew again in early September. Propagation and cultivation: a ramet propagation was carried out in 2-3 years in Tongchang, which was carried out from March to April in spring or when the new leaves were first drawn after dormancy in September. The old plants were dug up and separated. Each plant should carry 2 mi and 3 new buds, and be separated together with the moniliform underground stem. The old plant should be pruned every year, the leaves should not be too long, the local lower stem should be cultivated in time after exposure, the plant cluster is exuberant and beautiful. When there is too much fertilization or excessive lack of fertilizer in cultivation, the leaf white spots will disappear and show green, which will affect the ornamental effect.