
What are the breeding methods of lily bamboo? what is the flower language?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lily bamboo, also known as short-leaf bamboo banana, Fugui bamboo, its leaves are green and shiny, is a more popular foliage plant. What are the propagation methods of lily bamboo: sowing propagation, if lily bamboo needs to reproduce in large quantities, you can choose to sow and reproduce, which is more suitable for sowing in spring and summer.

Lily bamboo, also known as short-leaf bamboo banana, Fugui bamboo, its leaves are green and shiny, is a more popular foliage plant.

What are the propagation methods of lily bamboo?

The propagation method of lily bamboo:

1. Sowing and reproduction

If lily bamboo needs to reproduce in large quantities, you can choose to sow and reproduce, and sowing in spring and summer is more suitable. 20 ℃ is the suitable temperature for lily bamboo germination and rooting. The sown soil should be loose, fertile and well drained. It is suitable to use sandy soil rich in humus, or a mixture of rotten leaf soil, plant nutrient soil and river sand.

2. Cuttage propagation

In spring, cut the healthy stem into 5'10 cm leafless stem nodes, insert the branches with stem tips that have grown for a long time in the indoor hiding place into the clean coarse river sand, cover them with plastic bags after pouring through the water, and put them in a bright place indoors to keep the matrix moist. 25 or so can take root. Or you can insert the cut branches into the water and take root in about half a month in an environment of about 25 ℃.

Cultivation and management of lily bamboo:

Lily bamboo likes the high temperature and humid climate and likes to grow in a warm and humid semi-overcast environment. 20-28 ℃ is the suitable temperature for its growth. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. If the temperature is too low or the air is too dry, the leaf tips of the lily bamboo will dry up.

The negative tolerance of lily bamboo is relatively strong, and it can grow in the case of full-day or half-day sunshine, and it does not have high requirements for moisture, both drought and moisture resistance, but not cold-resistant, afraid of hot sun and exposure, and likes to be humid. therefore, it grows better in a humid environment, and can spray water to the leaves and the surrounding environment during its growing period, applying fertilizer every half a month.

What is Lily Bamboo Flower language?

1. The flower language of lily and bamboo

Lilium is an evergreen shrub of Liliaceae. Its leaves are green, shiny and bright.

There are golden stripes in the middle of the leaves, which is really beautiful, so lily bamboo is a very common cultivated foliage plant in the family.

Lily bamboo flower language is: although love is very tired, but I do not regret thinking of you, a beautiful and poignant symbol of love.

2. Will the flowers of lilies die?

The flowers of the lily bamboo are fresh and beautiful, so will he really die immediately after blooming?

Because some people say that lilies will die after blooming, because, like bamboo, a large number of bamboo will die after flowering.

It is obvious that bamboo is bamboo and lily bamboo is lily bamboo. They are two completely different plants, so their growth conditions are naturally different.

So we can know that when the flowers fade, the lily bamboo will not die like the bamboo. The lily bamboo will grow as usual after flowering and will not die.

Does the lily bamboo blossom? how long does the lily bamboo blossom / blossom from February to April

Lily bamboo, also known as Fugui bamboo, sounds very auspicious, coupled with its green leaves and evergreen seasons, so it is deeply loved by flower friends. In the impression of many people, lily bamboo is just a kind of foliage plant, but some people wonder if lily bamboo will blossom. How long does the lily bloom? What is Lily Bamboo Flower language? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

Does the lily bamboo blossom?

Lily bamboo, please don't be confused with lilies. After all, they are foliage plants and flowering plants. However, we all know that all plants blossom, and lilies are no exception. It is understood that if the cultivation method of lily bamboo is strictly followed, it will blossom after 2-3 years.

Second, how long does the lily bamboo bloom, from February to April

Flower friends who have raised lilies know that they will blossom, and they usually bloom in spring, so lilies are also a kind of primroses. As for how long the lily blooms, the flowering period is usually from February to April, and the flowers are white, pure and natural, which is somewhat similar to the beautiful lilies.

Will the lily bamboo blossom die? no

After the lily bamboo blossoms, some people say that it will die, because just like bamboo, a large number of bamboo will die after it blossoms! Will the lily blossom die? In this regard, the editor can clearly tell that the lily bamboo will not die like bamboo, but will continue to grow normally. After all, bamboo is bamboo, lily bamboo is lily bamboo, they are two completely different plants.

Fourth, the flower language of lilies and bamboo

Flowering plants all have their own unique flower language. Although the lily bamboo is an ornamental foliage plant, but properly maintained, it will also produce small white flowers, which are particularly beautiful against the green and glossy leaves. Over time, the beautiful language of lilies and bamboo flowers has been formed: flowers bloom rich, bamboo reports peace.

Interpretation of Flower language

1, blooming rich: Lily bamboo, also known as rich bamboo, it symbolizes the blooming of wealth, good luck, rich life, and hence the name. Its slender and unrestrained leaves, emerald green leaf color, coupled with small flowers, make people feel auspicious.

2. Bamboo News Peace: in China, there is a message of "Bamboo Blossom Wealth, Bamboo Peace". Because the lily bamboo stems and leaves are delicate, graceful and full of bamboo rhyme, they are very popular. Therefore, when the lily bamboo blossoms, it gives the bamboo newspaper the flower language of peace.

Lily bamboo gives people moral meaning

In life, people often give lilies and bamboos. I believe everyone wants to know what this means! According to the editor's inquiry, if someone gives you lily bamboo, it means to wish you peace and wealth. Many stores will choose to send lily bamboo when they open. Secondly, lilies and bamboos are also a good choice for the elderly.

Lily Bamboo Aquaculture skills what to do if the leaves turn yellow

Lily bamboo, also known as short-leaf bamboo banana, likes high temperature and humid semi-shady environment. Strong negative tolerance, afraid of hot sun exposure. It has the meaning of longevity and everlasting youth.

How to raise Lily Bamboo in Water

1. Alias

Short-leaf bamboo banana

2. Habits

Like high temperature, humid semi-shade environment. Strong negative resistance, afraid of hot sun exposure, during the growth period should be more to the leaf and the surrounding environment spray water. The suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 ℃, and the winter overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃. Slightly lower temperature and air drying will cause leaf tip drying.

3. Ornamental characteristics and application

Lily bamboo is a perennial evergreen shrub or small tree plant, the leaves grow in clusters, the leaves are linear or lanceolate, the tip is acuminate, the leaves are 12 cm long and 1.8 cm wide, and the leaves are green and shiny. The leaves are variants of Phnom Penh and Golden Heart. Suitable for display in the living room.

4. Flower language

Live a long life and live forever.

5. Aquaculture skills

After washing the root, change the water every 3-4 days, put in a few pieces of charcoal for antiseptic, do not move the position and change direction within 10 days, about 15 days can grow silver-white fibrous root.

It is not suitable to change water after rooting, and water can only be added in time after water evaporation. Often changing water is easy to cause leaf yellow branch wilting and root rot.

It is best to inject a few drops of brandy into the bottle every 3 weeks or so, add a small amount of nutrient solution; you can also use 500 grams of water to dissolve the powdered aspirin half tablet or vitamin C tablet, add a few drops when adding water, can keep the leaves green.

What if the leaves of lily bamboo turn yellow?

1. Lack of light

If in the process of cultivating lily bamboo for a long time in a shady environment, without any light, then the leaves can not get enough sunlight, can not carry out photosynthesis, can not form chlorophyll, so the leaves of lily will turn yellow.

Prevention and control methods:

In the environment of lack of light, the leaves of lily bamboo turn yellow, and it is the best and most direct way to replenish light directly to lily bamboo for so long. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually move the lily bamboo from the shade to a place with light for maintenance. Make sure you see light every day.

two。 Too much watering

In the process of culture, if the lily bamboo is watered too much, it will cause rotten roots, which will lead to the dark yellow and dull leaves of the lily bamboo.

Old leaves will not be affected, but serious will lead to small yellow and green branches, new shoots atrophy not long.

Prevention and control methods:

This situation is caused by too much watering, so the lily bamboo can be removed from the pot and placed in a ventilated, cool, self-drying soil mass, and then put back into the basin.

Also pay attention to reduce the irrigation of water, you can see that the basin soil is dry and then irrigated, do not dry do not irrigate, must not accumulate water.

3. Too little fertilizer

Too little fertilization will cause the young leaves of lily bamboo to become lighter and gradually turn yellow, while the old leaves of lily bamboo are relatively normal or change from green to yellow gradually.

Prevention and control methods:

When the leaves of lily bamboo turn yellow due to excessive fertilization, you can check whether the potted soil has dry knot. If so, you should change the soil as soon as possible, apply thin fertilizer frequently and sprinkle some alum at the right time, and pay attention to nitrogen fertilizer.