
The fairy refers to how to raise more flowers and how to maintain the four seasons correctly.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Fairy refers to the origin of Brazil Daquan, like the warm and humid climate, the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ℃ 25 ℃, the winter temperature is not lower than 7 ℃. Cactus has a certain ornamental, it is a more popular indoor ornamental plant, the cactus is placed at home

Fairy refers to the origin of Brazil Daquan, like the warm and humid climate, the suitable temperature for growth is between 15 ℃-25 ℃, the winter temperature is not lower than 7 ℃. Cactus has a certain ornamental, it is more popular indoor ornamental plant, put the cactus at home, but also can enjoy the beautiful flowers, make people feel happy.

Fairies refer to how to raise more flowers.

1. The fairy refers to the control of nutrients in autumn

Autumn is the flower bud growth period referred to by the immortal, especially from September to October, which is the important period for raising buds. At this time, it is necessary to let the fairy finger bask in the sun and gently cut the branches to make the buds grow on the sturdy stems. Only in this way can there be sufficient nutrients to bloom.

2. The fairy refers to the proper thinning of buds.

In the budding stage of the fairy, sometimes there may be too many buds, which needs to be thinned, and a large bud can be kept at the top of each segment. If the stem node is relatively strong, two buds can be retained.

3. Fairy refers to the need to properly control water and fertilizer.

During the budding period referred to by fairies, the growth is relatively slow because the temperature is relatively low, so there is not much demand for water and fertilizer. At this time, watering and fertilization do not need too much, if too much, it may lead to plants can not normally absorb water, nutrients, serious will lead to bud loss, plant decay. Therefore, during this period, it is best to control water and fertilizer.

4. The fairy refers to the need to control diseases and insect pests

In the cultivation of fairy fingers, occasionally infected with pests such as red spider tears, causing plant leaf nodes to fall off, the need for timely prevention and control, otherwise it will have an adverse impact on flowering.

5. The fairy refers to the need for anti-freezing during overwintering.

The bud period of the flower refers to the end of October to the beginning of November, when the bud growth will be concentrated in winter, and the winter temperature will drop, even to a low temperature value that is prone to frostbite of the fairy finger. So it is best to put the fairy finger in a place where the room is warm and accessible to the sun, Yang Hui, if there are no measures to keep warm inside, you also need to pay attention to keeping warm.

The fairy refers to how to maintain the four seasons correctly.

1. Spring maintenance of fairy finger

Spring is after the flowering period of the fairy, when the fairy refers to the need for maintenance and management because flowering consumes a lot of nutrients, first reduce watering and stop fertilizing, and bask in more sun. In mid-April, the fairy finger should be placed outdoors, in maintenance, do not need to pour too much water to satisfy the basin soil can be slightly moist. By the end of spring, the plant can return to normal, and then it can be watered and fertilized normally.

During this period, if the water and fertilizer is proper, the stem can grow longer.

2. Summer management of fairy finger

In summer, the maintenance of the fairy finger is very important, one of the most important is watering, watering should be based on the changes of the weather, usually watering should meet the needs of the fairy finger, but in the rainy weather, it is necessary to stop watering, the fairy finger avoid the rain, if you are not careful to get caught in the rain, it may cause branches to fall off, so you should pay attention to avoid the rain in summer.

In the hot summer days, you need to stop fertilization, if the plant growth is relatively robust, you can apply a small amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. It should be noted that although the fairy likes the light, the plant will be in a semi-dormant state in summer and need to be shaded by progress, but do not keep it indoors for a long time in a place that is too hidden so that the plant will not grow too much.

3. Autumn maintenance of fairy finger

Autumn is the season when the fairy finger begins flower bud differentiation, which requires timely watering and more application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Autumn fairy refers to the need to enter the house, but the time to enter the house should be later, after entering the house, put the plant in contact with the light, but also should often turn the pot to make the sunshine balanced.

At this time, in order to promote the flower bud differentiation of the fairy finger, the new flat stems and malformed stems need to be removed in late September, and buds will appear around November.

4. The winter maintenance of fairy finger

In the area north of the Yangtze River, the fairy finger usually begins to bud from the end of October to the beginning of November. At this time, the temperature drops, and it begins to enter the severe winter season. Flowerpots should be placed in a warm and bright place indoors and bask in the sun as much as possible. If the indoor temperature can be kept above 15 ℃ in winter, New Year's Day can blossom before and after the Spring Festival. In the room where there is no heating in winter, the potted flowers should be placed in a warm, bright place where the cold wind can not blow, to create a relatively stable living environment, to ensure a temperature of more than 5 ℃, to make it semi-dormant to overwinter, and to absolutely avoid the low temperature environment below 0 ℃. At this time, the buds can grow slowly and blossom from February to March in spring.

Fairy refers to how to raise more flowers, and how to prolong the florescence / temperature of fairy finger is very important.

Keeping a pot of fairy finger at home, in addition to watching its vacuuming function, of course, it also has excellent ornamental value, especially when the fairy finger blossoms, it looks beautiful! However, it is a pity that the fairy refers to the short flowering period and few flowering, so many people ask: how can the fairy raise more flowers? How to prolong the florescence of fairy finger? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

First, the fairy finger how to raise can be more flowering

Fairy means that after flowering, it looks beautiful, but it has a short flowering period. So many flower friends, in order to appreciate more beauty, many people want to let fairies refer to more flowers. In this regard, the editor summed up three points: nutrition, temperature and pruning, as long as we do, there is hope for more blossoms. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Control nutrients

From September to October, the fairy finger enters the flower growth period, when the plant needs a lot of nutrients, and in order for the fairy finger to blossom more, nutrients need to be properly controlled. We should let it bask in the sun and cut the branches lightly so that the buds grow on the sturdy stems. After this can be done, the fairy refers to flowering in order to have sufficient nutrients.

2. Anti-freezing in winter

From October to November, the fairy finger enters the budding stage, because it is winter, so the temperature is very low, and in some places it will even drop to the point where the fairy finger can be frostbitten. So it is best to put the fairy finger indoors warm, and can come into contact with the sun in the place to maintain, if there is no indoor warm measures, but also need to pay attention to keep warm. After doing so, the fairy points out that the flowers will bloom beautifully.

3. Proper pruning

In the budding stage of the fairy, sometimes there may be too many buds. At this time, in order to bloom more, we should sparse the buds. Method: leave large to small, keep a large bud at the top of each segment, and keep 2 buds if the stem node is strong.

Second, how to prolong the florescence of fairy finger

1. Light regulation

In the breeding method of fairy finger, it has been said that light is very important, which affects the flowering time of fairy finger. It is understood that the fairy refers to a short-day plant. If you want to prolong its flowering period, you must give it sufficient light for at least ten hours a day. When there is no sunlight, use light to fill it up. In this way, the flowering period of the fairy finger will be extended.

2. Temperature control

If you want to prolong the flowering time of the fairy finger, you can make an article on the temperature. It is understood that the most suitable temperature for fairy flowering is about 20 ℃, in indoor breeding, we can appropriately cool down to restrain its growth, so that the fairy refers to the flowering time will be postponed, so as to achieve the purpose of flowering in New Year's Day.

3. Drug regulation

In addition to regulating the environment to control the florescence of fairies, drugs can also be used to regulate. You can buy some drugs that can regulate the florescence, which is also a good choice. But the drug does some harm to the plant, so it is not recommended to use it.

Generally speaking, the fairy finger is a plant that is easy to feed, so as long as we are more careful, the fairy finger will grow very well. Of course, if you want to prolong the flowering period of the fairy finger and let it blossom in New Year's Day, you can follow the above method, oh ~ about the fairy finger blooming and prolonging the flowering period, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

The fairy refers to the reason why it doesn't blossom.

Cactus refers to, also known as cactus branch, Candle Festival cactus, beautiful plant shape, beautiful flowers and colors, high ornamental value, is an ideal pot for indoor breeding.

Fairy refers to how to raise

The culture method of fairy finger:

1. Temperature

The suitable growth temperature of fairy finger is between 19-32 ℃, and the suitable temperature in winter is 7-13 ℃. At the same time, it can withstand 1-2 ℃ low temperature. Proper shading and ventilation are needed during the hot summer season.

2. Lighting

The fairy is slightly shady, so it is best to put it in a semi-shady environment. Like the sun, we should give proper light throughout the year, otherwise the branches will become thinner, bloom less, the florescence is short, and the ornamental value will be greatly reduced. Avoid direct sunlight in summer and do a good job of shading. In addition, the fairy refers to short-light plants, the daily light time should be controlled within 10 hours.

3. Soil

It is suitable to grow in soil rich in organic matter and good drainage. The growth is poor in the clayey soil, and the basin soil should be mixed with 20-30% river sand.

4. Fertilization

Do not like big fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is better, apply thin fertilizer every two weeks.

5. Watering

Fairy refers to more drought-resistant, management basin soil should be dry and wet, do not water too much, otherwise it is easy to lead to root rot. Fully watered during the growing season. During the period of low temperature dormancy in winter, keep the basin soil dry.

Points for attention of immortals:

1. Control moisture

Winter needs to go through a period of freezing and dormancy, otherwise it is difficult to blossom. After freezing, it is necessary to keep it dry until it is about to bloom, during which there is no need to water.

After entering the spring, it is still not watered, and when the flower buds are the size of soybeans, you can begin to water them thoroughly, which can promote the fairy finger to have more buds, which is conducive to flowering.

During the dormancy period after the fairy refers to flowering and high temperature in summer, it is necessary to control moisture and prevent rain to avoid rotting roots.

2. Turn the basin and trim

The basin is turned once every 2 years, and the substrate can be prepared with rotten leaf soil, peat soil, rice chaff ash and other materials. Spring combined with turning the basin for pruning, thinning the overdense branches, and shrunk the remaining branches. Spray stone sulfur mixture after pruning to reduce the harm of germs in spring.

3. Pest control

Give priority to prevention, pay special attention to the control of scale insects and stem rot. Drugs for general diseases and pests can be mixed, and carbendazim, methyl topiramate and other drugs can be used alternately.

Fairy refers to the reason why it does not blossom.

1. Fairies mean that they do not blossom because there is no time.

Cactus will blossom, under normal circumstances, cuttings or grafting cactus, need to be cultured in 2muri-3 years before they can blossom. Therefore, in the cultivation of fairy refers to, if the maintenance time is not enough, less than the age of flowering, then it is unlikely to bloom. This requires good care and patient waiting on weekdays.

In addition, if the flowering time of the easy fairy is not reached, it will not blossom. The flowering time of the fairy finger is generally later than that of the crab claw orchid. It begins to bud from October to November, but it does not blossom until February. It usually withered at the end of March and early April.

2. Fairies refer to the fact that they do not bloom because of improper lighting.

Light is an important condition for fairy finger flowering, for fairy finger, it needs short-day sunshine to blossom well, which requires a suitable sunshine time.

Generally speaking, the flower buds of fairy fingers begin to differentiate in autumn, and it is necessary to ensure short sunshine before flowering is advantageous. If the light is too long, it will affect the flowering of fairy fingers.

In general, the autumn light in the northern part of China can meet the flowering needs of the fairy finger, but not in the southern region. Therefore, in the flower bud growth of the fairy finger, it is required to have more than 12 hours of dark environment every day, and sometimes it needs to be shaded. Love needs to pay attention at night, it is best to put the cactus in a place where there is no light, otherwise it will affect the flowering.