
Is loose-tailed sunflower poisonous? can you breed it indoors? how to change the pot correctly?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sunflower is a small palm plant with strong shade tolerance. Put at home, can effectively remove benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and other volatile harmful substances in the air, but also improve indoor air humidity. Is loose-tailed sunflower poisonous? can you raise it indoors? is loose-tailed sunflower poisonous?

Sunflower is a small palm plant with strong shade tolerance. Put at home, can effectively remove benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde and other volatile harmful substances in the air, but also improve indoor air humidity.

Is loose-tailed sunflower poisonous? can you raise it indoors?

1. Is the sunflower poisonous?

People who want to plant sunflower will worry about whether it will be poisonous. In fact, this kind of worry is completely superfluous. Loose-tailed sunflower is completely non-toxic, not only non-toxic, but also can treat many diseases as a medicine. The main function of loose-tailed sunflower as a medicine is to converge and stop bleeding. It has a good therapeutic effect on diseases with symptoms such as hemoptysis and hematochezia. Thus it can be seen that the claim that sunflower is poisonous is a complete rumor.

2. Whether sunflower can be planted indoors

Sunflower is a non-toxic plant, so it can be planted indoors. The plant shape of loose-tailed sunflower is very beautiful and has a strong ornamental nature. planting indoors can make the interior full of sentiment and interest. In addition to the ornamental effect, loose-tailed sunflower can absorb harmful gases in the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene and other highly volatile harmful gases, which has a good purification effect on the air and is beneficial to our health. Not only that, the water evaporation performance of loose-tailed sunflower is very strong, so planting loose-tailed sunflower indoors is like placing a natural humidifier. Putting a pot of loose-tailed sunflower indoors can keep the indoor humidity between 40% and 60%. This performance of loose-tailed sunflower can also increase the indoor temperature in winter, so it is very beneficial to plant loose-tailed sunflower indoors. On the other hand, loose-tailed sunflower is also easier to grow indoors and easier to survive. Sunflower is a small palm plant with good shade tolerance and can be planted in a cooler indoor environment.

How to correctly change the basin of sunflower

1. The time of changing the basin of sunflower

Loose-tailed sunflower needs to change the pot, mainly because the growth of the plant leads to the flowerpot is too small to coordinate with the plant, and will lead to its growth is inhibited, it is best to change the pot at this time.

The time to change the basin of loose-tailed sunflower should be in the last ten days of March to the middle of September every year. If it is raised in greenhouse, the basin can be changed in all seasons.

After changing the pot, the flowerpot should be placed in a slightly shaded place, so that it can better slow down and avoid water loss and wilting.

2. The method of changing the basin of loose tail

The general step of changing the basin of loose-tailed sunflower is to take out the plant, change the soil, put it back on the basin, and maintain it after the basin.

When taking out the plant, you can gently tap around the flowerpot with your hand, so that the root will be shaken and separated from the flowerpot. Turn the flowerpot upside down, gently hold the plant with your hand, then hit the bottom of the flowerpot, and the plant can come out.

After taking out the plant, it is necessary to re-prepare the pot soil, choose a flowerpot of the right size, then put tiles at the bottom of the flowerpot to promote drainage, and then add ceramsite as a filter layer, and then put fertilizer and soil in turn. First put a part of the soil, and then put in the root of the plant, pay attention to the root system to stretch well, and then continue to fill the soil. After filling, the soil should be watered thoroughly.

It should be noted that loose-tailed sunflower will be combined with changing pots for ramet reproduction. Ramet is relatively simple, mainly carried out around April.

Introduction to the function of indoor flowers and fengshui

The fengshui relationship of indoor plant arrangement

As soon as the plants are transported

How to use plants for transportation

It is a wake-up call on March 5 or 6 every year on the 24th solar term of the lunar calendar, when the temperature picks up quickly and spring thunder begins to sprout gradually. Flowers and trees are turning green, spring return to the earth is very suitable to put more green plants at home to decorate the home, but also play the role of luck, because the correct use of green plants can play the effect of financial evil spirits.

What needs to be paid attention to in home fengshui is that it is appropriate to choose plants with broad leaves in planting at home, and avoid choosing sharp and thin leaves of cactus, which is easy to give birth to tongue disputes. Do not plant plants with slender leaves, so that the owner is prone to tongue disputes. Ferns and kudzu vine plants had better not be planted, such plants are more shady, if the growth is luxuriant, the home is easy to provoke "unclean" things. You can choose more broad-leaved plants with strong vitality.

The plants that need to be paid attention to are: such as nocturnal incense, which emits a large number of particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell at night, which have adverse effects on patients with heart disease and hypertension, oleander flowers are poisonous, flowers are easy to make people sleepy, reduce human function, tulip flowers have soil alkali, too much contact with hair is easy to fall off, and so on, it is a ferocious tree and should not be planted.

Plants can also be divided into five colors.

Gold-white, apricot, gold, belongs to yellow flowers, and must be matched with metal flowers and accessories, among which Fortune Tree, Ten Thousand Gold, money Tree, Narcissus and Yellow Orange are most recommended.

Wood-cyan, green. All green plants belong to it, and seed plants should be chosen to symbolize the meaning of "hair". Such as emerald small potted plants, bamboo and cypress

Water-black, blue, represented by hydroponic plants, with blue or transparent glass floral apparatus, bamboo transportation, evergreen, etc.

Fire-red, purple, flowering or fruiting plants, choose red flowers and flower utensils, such as fire crane, butterfly orchid, impatiens are very suitable.

Soil-yellow, brown, indoor shade resistant planting, should use black flowers or flowers set with gems, such as emeralds

For example, if there is a lack of five elements in the life box, you can choose the relevant color of the plant to plant, which can make up for the lack of hit.

If people who are generally unfamiliar can choose the relevant plants in the following ways

Living room; you can refer to the following plants

Chrysanthemum is a symbol of prolonging life and increasing blessing points, which contributes to the stability of the air field and magnetic field. Pay attention to longevity chrysanthemum, big Persian chrysanthemum are suitable for home, but should pay attention to the sun exposure, insect pests should also be paid attention to. [this is suitable for the elderly]

Tangerine: "tangerine" and "auspicious" are homophonic, potted oranges have become family furnishings during the Spring Festival. The golden appearance of oranges has the meaning of gold and silver treasures, which is quite helpful to increase financial resources. Be careful not to pull out the kumquat and clean up the dead branches and leaves from time to time.

Daffodils; to ward off evil spirits and filth, to bring good luck, but also to attract wealth. Note that before the daffodil blossoms, it is like a green onion. It is very important to keep it fresh.

Auspicious grass is also called Ruicao. When you look at its name, you can see that it is a plant with auspicious meaning. Auspicious grass is small and green all the year round, and it is easy to grow in mud and water, symbolizing "good luck."

Rich bamboo, also known as "ten thousand years bamboo", is a popular "cash cow", symbolizing wealth. Be careful not to pour too much water, so that the roots will rot.

The following plants can be raised not only in the office but also in the living room.

Auspicious type of gathering wealth

Rich tree, rich bamboo, dragon blood tree, broad-leaf banyan, Penglai pine, seven-leaf lotus, loose-tailed sunflower, brown bamboo, gentleman orchid, ball orchid, cyclamen, citrus, tiger tail blue, nest fern and so on, these plants have the effect of good luck and wealth in office feng shui.

Quiet and gentle type

Lily, hanging orchid, rose, calla lily, evening fragrance king, tulip and so on, have the effect of tranquility and peace of mind.

Strong and prosperous Wenchang type

Asparagus, calamus, Fugui bamboo, fragrant snow orchid, Phoenix tail bamboo, mangosteen and so on, these plants can strengthen people's thinking ability, calm the mind, and strengthen Wenchang.

Healthy and refreshing type

Rose, carnation, Milan, begonia, camellia, etc., neat and refreshing, can promote health, belongs to the health messenger of office space.

The type of transforming evil spirits and expelling evil spirits.

Jade Kirin, descendant ball, golden thorn Prajna, keel, potted gourd and so on have strong exorcism power, can control external evil spirits, and belong to the safe guardian of office space.

Bedroom; bedroom as a place to rest, it is generally not suitable for oversized plants, small potted plants are better. Too many flowers and plants are easy to gather Yin Qi, and plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, so it is easy to affect people's health.

In the spacious bedroom, you can choose the standing large potted plant: in the smaller bedroom, you can choose the hanging potted plant; or put the plant on the window sill or dresser.

Sweet-smelling plants such as jasmine, hyacinth or nocturnal incense can make people fall asleep in the natural fragrance. And put the gentleman orchid, golden kudzu, asparagus and other plants, with a soft sense, can relax nerves. The culture medium for plant plants in the bedroom can be replaced by water moss to keep the room clean.

There are many kinds of sweet plants in the bedroom, such as lilies, bananas and acacia, all of which express the love between husband and wife for a hundred years.

The relationship between two green plants and marriage fengshui

At first glance, it seems that there is no way to connect plants with marriage. in everyone's impression, we only know that some plants represent some meaning, such as asparagus, which symbolizes the happiness and sweetness of marriage and everlasting love. it symbolizes the calla lilies of one heart and good luck, and so on. But from another perspective, green plants not only give people a sense of freshness, softness and comfort, but also subtly affect the relationship between husband and wife after marriage.

In fengshui, green is the most auspicious and healthy color system. If you put suitable plants in the room, it can not only create a stable, quiet, warm and peaceful environment, but also improve the "harmony" between husband and wife to a certain extent. For example, hot summer days tend to make people irritable, especially when husband and wife come home from work, accompanied by physical discomfort, they are likely to argue about something big, and if they see large green leaves or exquisite green, the "summer heat" will disappear.

In fact, in ancient China, people always liked to associate plants with marriage. for example, in the Book of songs, a man who was about to get married said, "I sprinkle lotus leaves on the roof and hang calamus and Malan flowers on the wall; let mint fragrance fill the courtyard and camphor is used on the beam; on the wall are shellfish leaves, on the door is magnolia, on the ridge of the roof is peony, and various vines are wound into curtains. The ground is covered with grass blankets and mats hung with magnolia; orchids are fragrant, hazelnuts and lotus flowers are intertwined, butterflies and lilies are reflected, and flowers bloom in the garden.

In addition, green plants are also huge "carbon absorption and oxygen production plants". The green leaves of plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and react with the water absorbed by plants under the action of sunlight and chlorophyll to form glucose, release oxygen at the same time, and then form starch by glucose molecules. Therefore, putting some green plants in the room, such as rich bamboo and rich trees, not only symbolizes the vitality of marriage, but also can produce fresh oxygen, which is of great benefit to health.

Here is a brief introduction to the location of the plants that make the marriage "thrive" and "weak":

1. If you put some long green plants with thick leaves or large leaves in the direction of Dangwang, you can achieve the effect of "prosperity", such as iron tree, elephant tree, Camptotheca acuminata, evergreen and so on.

2. In the "declining position", it is suitable to put prickly plants, such as "keel", "jade unicorn", and all kinds of cactus. These spiny plants, placed in the "bad position" or "evil position", have the role of "transforming evil spirits" in fengshui.

But it should be noted that some plants release oxygen during the day and compete with people for oxygen at night, and some plants have cancer-promoting effects, such as mandala, Sanshui, red impatiens, scissors, broad-leaved kiwifruit, and so on. So you must know clearly when choosing.

The placement of geomantic omen of three plants

1 gate

If the gate is facing the stairs, it can be used.

Sword leaf red, fish tail sunflower. Brown bamboo

Change the evil spirit. Put it in the collision place. Another example is that the balcony window is very angry and can be used.

Cactus, rose, jade unicorn

To transform evil spirits, you can also plant potted gourds to transform evil spirits.

2 porch

As the porch is the area where family visitors get the first impression after entering the room, the indoor plants on display play an important role. The designs of large plants with lighting, stylish trees and blooming orchid potted plants are all suitable for hallways. In addition, the same kind of plants can be considered between the porch and the living room in order to connect the two spaces.

Put plants in the porch, green the indoor environment, increase vitality, make the auspicious person more auspicious, the murderer counterattack is auspicious. However, it must be noted that the plants placed in the porch should mainly be evergreen plants that appreciate leaves. For example

Iron tree, rich tree, Pueraria lobata and foliage banyan

Wait. And prickly plants such as cactus and roses, rhododendrons, etc., should not be placed in the porch, so as not to damage the feng shui there, and the porch plants must remain evergreen, and if withered and yellow, they should be replaced as soon as possible.

3 living room

The living room is the space where indoor plants are most often placed in the family, and the most visual effects and the most expensive plants should be placed in the living room. The living room plants are mainly used to decorate furniture and coordinate the monotonous straight line state of the home with the scattered plant state. and the configuration of plants, first of all should focus on decorative beauty, the number should not be many, too many not only messy, and poor growth. The selection of plants should pay attention to the matching of size. In addition, it should be placed against the wall so as not to hinder the movement of the occupants.

The plant placement from the living room can also reflect the personality characteristics of the host: the pinnate leaves of ferns give people a sense of intimacy; the texture of goose down makes people gentle; iron begonia shows a hard, prickly stem, which keeps people away; bamboo shape reflects an indomitable character; orchids have quiet fragrance, elegant and refined character, and the temperament of plants is coordinated with the host's character and indoor atmosphere.

The layout of the living room should avoid messy green plants or ordinary ornamental flowers scattered in the living room windowsill, fireplace and television and other positions. Careful selection of plant types can make indoor changes; such as the use of hanging baskets and trailing plants, can make the high room appear lower; the lower room can make use of neat, straight plants, so that the interior appears taller, the plants with small leaves and curved branches can make the narrow room appear broad.

The balance of plant proportion is extremely important, and the application of contrast can not be ignored. The magnificent decoration of the living room can be enhanced by large and simple leaf-shaped plants, while complex and changeable foliage plants can enrich the monotonous room. give the living room a broad and comfortable feeling.

Usually rich bamboo, penglai pine, cactus, Luohansong, seven-leaf lotus, brown bamboo, rich tree, gentleman orchid, cyclamen, citrus, nest fern, dragon blood tree and other plants are called "auspicious things" in fengshui.

4 bedrooms

The bedroom pursues elegant and clean, quiet and comfortable atmosphere, and plants are placed inside, which helps to improve the quality of rest and sleep. Sweet-smelling plants such as jasmine, hyacinth or nocturnal incense can make people fall asleep in the natural fragrance. And put the gentleman orchid, golden kudzu, asparagus and other plants, with a soft sense, can relax nerves. The culture medium for plant plants in the bedroom can be replaced by water moss to keep the room clean.

In the spacious bedroom, you can choose the standing large potted plant: in the smaller bedroom, you can choose the hanging potted plant; or put the plant on the windowsill or dresser after putting on the exquisite set basin.

5 Restaurant

The restaurant is a place for family reunion, and it is located close to the kitchen, so it is easy to water. Some potted plants with gorgeous flowers, such as begonias and Christmas flowers, can add a cheerful atmosphere, or colorful hanging pot plants can be placed on wooden compartments to separate the restaurant from other functional areas. Modern people pay great attention to the cleanliness of the dining area, so it is best to use aseptic culture soil to grow restaurant plants.

In addition, the restaurant plants should also pay attention to: the growth of plants should be good, the shape must be low, so as not to prevent people sitting opposite to communicate and talk. Suitable plants are: saffron, cyclamen, begonia, ivy and so on, but in the restaurant, avoid plants with too strong smell, such as hyacinth.

6 Kitchen

The rate of plants in the kitchen is second only to the living room, because some members of the family spend a lot of time in the kitchen every day, and the humidity is very suitable for most plants. In addition, the kitchen of the general family uses white or light color decoration and stainless steel sink, colorful plants can soften tough lines, inject a breath of life into the kitchen.

Usually located in the north-facing room with fewer windows, some potted decorations can eliminate the cold feeling. Due to the lack of sunshine, you should choose plants that like shade, such as Guangdong evergreen and dotted trees. The kitchen is a workshop with frequent operation and bits and pieces, smoke and temperature are larger, so it is not suitable to put large potted plants, while hanging potted plants is more appropriate. Among them, hanging orchid is the best, a pot of hanging orchid is placed in the bedroom, which can absorb indoor harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides within 24 hours and play the role of air filter.

7 bathroom

Due to the large humidity in the bathroom, the large temperature difference between cold and warm, and the cultivation of moisture-resistant ornamental green plants, which can absorb dirt, it is suitable for the use of ferns, figs, Pueraria lobata and so on. Of course, if the bathroom is spacious, bright and air-conditioned, you can cultivate more gorgeous plants such as pineapple, bamboo taro and Huilan, decorating the bathroom like a mini garden and making people enjoy it.

8 balcony

Because the balcony is more empty and the sunlight is sufficient, it is suitable for planting all kinds of brightly colored flowers and evergreen plants. You can also use the combination of hanging pots, railings to put flowering plants and ornamental potted plants against the wall to decorate the balcony. Put some flowers and plants on the balcony, in addition to beautifying the environment, there are good effects of fengshui. There are many plants suitable for planting on the balcony, most of which can be divided into two categories: prosperous and evil spirits.

If you look out from the balcony, the nearby mountains and rivers are beautiful, and without any appearance, you should put the plants that can achieve the effect of growth and prosperity. There are roughly the following kinds of plants that are placed on the balcony and have the positive effect of fengshui:

Evergreen: belongs to Araceae, with stout stems, thick leaves, green colors, and strong vitality. The big leaves of evergreen spread out, it is like a thick palm stretched out, to accept gas to receive blessing, has a strong effect on household fengshui, so the bigger the evergreen leaves, the better, and should remain evergreen.

Two. Money tree: the leaves are thick and plump, easy to grow, exuberant vitality, absorb external gold and gas, which is very conducive to transporting money for the family.

Three. Iron tree: also known as dragon blood tree, the most popular on the market is the Brazilian iron tree planted in mud. The leaves of the iron tree are long and narrow, and there are yellow spots in the center. The iron tree means that it is strong and replenishes the qi and blood of the house. It is one of the most important thriving plants.

Four. Brown bamboo: its stem is thinner, and the leaves are narrow and long. Brown bamboo is planted on the balcony, which can ensure the safety of the house.

Five. Rubber tree: Indian rubber tree with straight trunk, thick and glossy leaves, strong breeding power and easy to grow, suitable for outdoor and indoor planting.

Six. Rich tree: it is characterized by stout stems, long and green leaves, tolerant and easy to grow, full of vitality.

Seven. Cash cow: slender leaves, dark green color, is a shady plant, very rich flavor.

If you look out of the balcony and the surrounding environment is bad, there are sharp corners, straight streets, street bows, or facing temples, hospitals, cemeteries, and so on, plants that can dispel evil spirits must be placed. The difference between the evil spirit plant and the prosperous plant is that its stem or flower leaf has thorns, and if there is a thorn, it can rush to the top of the evil spirit, making it shun, and can play a role in protecting the home. This kind of evil spirit plant, including cactus, rose, cuckoo, keel, jade unicorn and so on.

Flowers and plants that are not suitable for planting at home

1. Flowers that produce an unpleasant smell

Pine and cypress, jade cloves, elderberry and so on. Pine and cypress secrete lipids and release a strong smell of couplet oil, which can cause loss of appetite and nausea for a long time. The peculiar smell of jade lilacs can cause asthma and annoyance.

two。 Oxygen-consuming flowers and plants

Cloves, evening primrose, etc. When they carry out photosynthesis, they consume a lot of oxygen and affect human health. When nocturnal incense stops photosynthesis at night, it emits a large amount of exhaust gas, which can make people with high blood pressure and heart disease feel depressed.

3 allergic flowers and plants

Five-colored plum, hydrangea, geranium and so on. Once people touch, touch this kind of flowers and plants, it will cause skin allergies, heavy itching is unbearable, there is a rash. How to use plants to transport on March 5 or 6 every year on the 24th solar term of the lunar calendar is a wake-up call, when the temperature picks up quickly and spring thunder begins to sprout. Flowers and trees are turning green, spring return to the earth is very suitable to put more green plants at home to decorate the home, but also play the role of luck, because the correct use of green plants can play the effect of financial evil spirits. What needs to be paid attention to in home fengshui is that it is appropriate to choose plants with broad leaves in planting at home, and avoid choosing sharp and thin leaves of cactus, which is easy to give birth to tongue disputes. Do not plant plants with slender leaves, so that the owner is prone to tongue disputes. Ferns and kudzu vine plants had better not be planted, such plants are more shady, if the growth is luxuriant, the home is easy to provoke "unclean" things. You can choose more broad-leaved plants with strong vitality. The plants that need to be noticed are For example, nocturnal incense will emit a large number of particles that strongly stimulate the sense of smell at night, which will adversely affect patients with heart disease and hypertension. Oleander flowers are poisonous, their fragrance is easy to make people lethargic, reduce human function, tulip flowers have soil alkali, too much contact with hair is easy to fall off, etc., it is a ferocious tree, it is not suitable to plant, it can also be divided into five elements of gold-white, apricot, gold, yellow flowers. And must be matched with metal flowers and accessories, among which Fortune Tree, Ten Thousand Gold, Golden Tree, Narcissus and Yellow Orange are most recommended. Wood-cyan, green. All green plants belong to it, and seed plants should be chosen to symbolize the meaning of "hair". Such as emerald small potted plants, bamboo and cypress water-black, blue, hydroponic plants represented, with the use of blue or transparent glass flowers, bamboo, evergreen and other fire-red, purple, will bloom or bear fruit plants, choose red flowers and flower utensils, such as fire crane, butterfly orchid, impatiens are very suitable. Soil-yellow, brown, indoor shade-tolerant planting, should use black flowers or flowers inlaid with gems, such as emerald statues if there is a lack of people in the five elements, you can choose the relevant color plants to plant, so you can make up for the lack of hit. If the general unfamiliar people can follow the following methods to select related plants; living room; you can refer to the following plants; chrysanthemums have a symbol of prolonging life and increasing blessing points, which is conducive to the stability of the magnetic field. Pay attention to longevity chrysanthemum, big Persian chrysanthemum are suitable for home, but should pay attention to the sun exposure, insect pests should also be paid attention to. [this is suitable for the elderly] Orange: "tangerine" and "Ji" are homophonic, potted oranges have become family furnishings during the Spring Festival. The golden appearance of oranges has the meaning of gold and silver treasures, which is quite helpful to increase financial resources. Be careful not to pull out the kumquat and clean up the dead branches and leaves from time to time. Daffodils; to ward off evil spirits and filth, to bring good luck, but also to attract wealth. Note that before the daffodil blossoms, it is like a green onion. It is very important to keep it fresh. Auspicious grass is also called Ruicao. When you look at its name, you can see that it is a plant with auspicious meaning. Auspicious grass is small and green all the year round, and it is easy to grow in mud and water, symbolizing "good luck." Rich bamboo, also known as "ten thousand years bamboo", is a popular "cash cow", symbolizing wealth. Be careful not to pour too much water, lest the roots rot. These plants can be raised not only in the office but also in the living room. Auspicious gathering wealth tree, rich bamboo, dragon blood tree, broad-leaf banyan, Penglai pine, seven-leaf lotus, loose-tailed sunflower, brown bamboo, gentleman orchid, ball orchid, cyclamen, citrus, tiger tail blue, nest fern and so on, these plants have the effect of good luck and wealth in office fengshui. Tranquil and gentle lilies, hanging orchids, roses, calla lilies, evening fragrance king, tulips and so on, have the effect of tranquility and peace of mind. Zhuang Wenchang type asparagus, calamus, Fugui bamboo, fragrant snow orchid, Phoenix tail bamboo, mangosteen and so on, these plants can strengthen people's thinking ability, calm the mind, and can strengthen Wenchang Wenchang. Healthy and refreshing roses, carnations, Milan, begonia, camellia, etc., neat and refreshing, can promote health, belongs to the health messenger of office space. Jade Kirin, descendant ball, golden thorn Prajna, keel, potted gourd and so on have strong exorcism power, which can control external evil spirits and belong to the safe guardian and bedroom of office space. Bedroom as a place to rest, it is generally not suitable for large plants, small potted plants are better. Too many flowers and plants are easy to gather Yin Qi, and plants absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, so it is easy to affect people's health. In the spacious bedroom, you can choose the standing large potted plant: in the smaller bedroom, you can choose the hanging potted plant; or put the plant on the window sill or dresser. Sweet-smelling plants such as jasmine, hyacinth or nocturnal incense can make people fall asleep in the natural fragrance. And put the gentleman orchid, golden kudzu, asparagus and other plants, with a soft sense, can relax nerves. The culture medium for plant plants in the bedroom can be replaced by water moss to keep the room clean. There are many kinds of sweet plants in the bedroom, such as lilies, bananas and acacia, all of which express the love between husband and wife for a hundred years.