
Common diseases and control methods of chicory

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Common diseases and control methods of chicory

Chicory is mainly a medicinal plant in our country, but many people use it as a dish for eating. In fact, whether it is medicinal or edible, the history in our country is very long. The planting area of chicory in China is also very wide, and its planting technology is relatively simple. The incidence of diseases and insect pests is not high at the time of planting, but it will also be harmed to some extent. So what are the common pests of chicory? What is the prevention method? Let's take a look together!

1. Common diseases

downy mildew

Downy mildew mainly occurs in spring and autumn every year. Downy mildew mainly damages chicory leaves. At the initial stage of disease, the leaves at the base of the plant are damaged first, and then gradually spread upward. After the disease will appear on the diseased leaves of many pale yellow irregular spots. Then the disease spots will gradually expand and extend, merging with each other, causing the whole leaf to turn yellow. When the humidity in the field is relatively high, mold layer will be produced on the back of the disease spot and gradually extend to the leaves. In severe cases, all leaves are brown and all die, resulting in more than half of the yield reduction.


Rot disease is the most common disease of chicory, usually beginning in the middle of chicory growth and can lead to an all-day failure of chicory when severe. As with downy mildew, putrefaction disease mainly starts from the leaves or stems at the base of the plant, and the diseased parts produce pale yellow water-stained spots, and then gradually spread to the upper and petioles. When the humidity is too high, the diseased spot will gradually soften and rot, and then spider silk bacteria will appear at the base. When humidity is low, plants wither and die, sometimes accompanied by a foul smell.

2. Prevention and control methods

downy mildew

First of all, we should strengthen field management and control planting density, preferably by using high ridge cultivation. When watering, we should pay attention to watering methods, not flood irrigation, to prevent excessive moisture and excessive humidity to provide conditions for the onset of downy mildew. Then in rainy days to pay attention to do a good job of rain prevention, to avoid water in the field, too much water to timely drainage. And to regularly use chlorothalonil and other dust spray control, about half a month or so once. After the disease, use Anke powder mixed with water for prevention and control. Ensure comprehensive and uniform spraying to prevent leakage spraying.


Rot disease prevention is the main, in the prevention and control of rot disease, we must first select seeds, try to choose no pests or high disease resistance seeds. Then use carbendazim to disinfect seeds before sowing, control sowing time and sow in time, strengthen management and fertilize reasonably. In summer, it is also necessary to do a good job of shading, pay attention to drainage in rainy season, remove the diseased plants in time after finding them, and then spray them with thiophanate-methyl and other powders, mainly at the base of the plants.

The above is a brief introduction to common diseases and control methods of chicory, chicory is usually also affected by aphids, whitefly and other pests. Therefore, we should strengthen pest control when controlling diseases to avoid unnecessary losses. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!