
How to raise Scutellaria barbata? why is it also called Han Xincao?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Scutellaria barbata is also called immortal, the flower is small, but it is very beautiful. When raising Scutellaria barbata, if you can blow it up, it must be very beautiful. Scutellaria barbata is a plant of Labiatae, which has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, anti-cancer and so on.

Scutellaria barbata is also called immortal, the flower is small, but it is very beautiful. When raising Scutellaria barbata, if you can blow it up, it must be very beautiful. Scutellaria barbata is a plant of Labiatae, which has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and pain, anti-cancer and so on. Often used in the treatment of injury, hematemesis, hemoptysis, abscess hemorrhoids and other diseases.

How to raise Scutellaria barbata?

Pot-burst maintenance of Scutellaria barbata:

1. Lighting

The growth of Scutellaria barbata is closely related to light. First of all, it needs to have enough sunlight, in the daily maintenance process, be sure to put it in a place with plenty of light, not in the dark for a long time. If there is enough light, the blossom will flourish.

2. Temperature

When Scutellaria barbata is growing, what it needs is a warm environment. If the temperature remains warm and stable, it will grow well and blossom vigorously. Pay attention to the need for heat preservation in winter.

3. Watering

The growth of Scutellaria barbata has a high demand for water, so it is necessary to keep sufficient water when raising Scutellaria barbata, but when it is hot in summer, evaporation is more exuberant, so you can pour a little more water appropriately. Reasonable watering can make Scutellaria barbata grow well and store some nutrients for flowering.

4. Fertilization

Scutellaria barbata has a low demand for fertilizer, but in order for it to blossom better, nutrients must be adequate.

First of all, when choosing soil, you need to choose sandy soil, so that the drainage will be better. Fertilizers are generally fertilized once every half a month, with phosphate and potash as good. In this way, the plants will not only grow vigorously and bloom more, but also the flowers will be very gorgeous.

5. Pruning

In order to make the whole plant type of Scutellaria barbata look fuller, proper pruning and coring are very necessary, so that Scutellaria barbata has more branches and will burst naturally.

Finally, if you want half-branch lotus to burst the pot, you can put several plants in the flowerpot, which can also achieve the effect of breaking the pot.

Why is Scutellaria barbata also called Han Xincao?

1. A nickname for Scutellaria barbata

Scutellaria barbata is a trade name, in addition, according to different habits, there are many other names, such as: mixed head grass, toothbrush grass, square Malan, ear grass, meridian grass, purple grass, square grass, half flower, half flower, partial head grass …... One of the most famous and widely circulated is Han Xincao.

2. The origin of Han Xincao.

According to legend, Han Xin, one of the founding fathers of the Han Dynasty, lost his father and mother when he was young, and his family was poor, so he lived hard by selling fish. One day, when Han Xin was selling fish in the market, he was beaten by several scoundrels and was bedridden. Neighbor Aunt Zhao took care of the meal and got an herb from the field to fry him with soup. within a few days, he was back to health. Later, Han Xin joined the army and became a general with outstanding military meritories. he took good care of his soldiers very much. after each battle, there were many wounded. While visiting and comforting, he sent people to the fields to collect the herbs that Aunt Zhao had healed him. After harvest, they were assigned to the barracks and boiled soup in a cauldron to make the injured Shipong drink. The slightly injured were cured in three or five days, and the seriously injured were cured in ten and a half days. The soldiers were very grateful to Han Xin.

The army doctor asked Han Xin about the name of the herb that cured everyone. Han Xin only knew the type of this herb and did not know its name. Everyone heard that Han Xin did not know the name of this herb, so they wanted to give this herb a name, and some people suggested that it be called "Han Xincao", so the name "Han Xincao" has been spread to this day.

Why is Scutellaria barbata also called Han Xincao?

Another name for Scutellaria barbata

Scutellaria barbata is a trade name, in addition, according to different habits, there are many other names, such as: mixed head grass, toothbrush grass, square Malan, ear grass, meridian grass, purple grass, square grass, half flower, half flower, partial head grass …... One of the most famous and widely circulated is Han Xincao.

The Origin of Han Xincao

How did the name "Han Xincao" come from?

According to legend, Han Xin, one of the founding fathers of the Han Dynasty, lost his father and mother when he was young, and his family was poor, so he lived hard by selling fish. One day, when Han Xin was selling fish in the market, he was beaten by several scoundrels and was bedridden. Neighbor Aunt Zhao took care of the meal and got an herb from the field to fry him with soup. within a few days, he was back to health. Later, Han Xin joined the army and became a general with outstanding military meritories. he took good care of his soldiers very much. after each battle, there were many wounded. While visiting and comforting, he sent people to the fields to collect the herbs that Aunt Zhao had healed him. After harvest, they were assigned to the barracks and boiled soup in a cauldron to make the injured Shipong drink. The slightly injured were cured in three or five days, and the seriously injured were cured in ten and a half days. The soldiers were very grateful to Han Xin.

The army doctor asked Han Xin about the name of the herb that cured everyone. Han Xin only knew the type of this herb and did not know its name. Everyone heard that Han Xin did not know the name of this herb, so they wanted to give this herb a name, and some people suggested that it be called "Han Xincao", so the name "Han Xincao" has been spread to this day.

Scutellaria barbata barbated skullcup herb picture: Scutellaria barbata how to raise / how to propagate Scutellaria barbata business card Scutellaria barbata barbated skullcup herb the introduction of Scutellaria barbata Scutellaria barbata is the dry aboveground part of Labiatae plant Scutellaria barbata, with heat-clearing and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, detumescence and pain relief, anti-cancer and other functions. Jiang Yi's "Herbal Mirror picking up the Legacy Fu" records "half a lotus to solve the fairy grass injured by snakes". In addition to the treatment of venomous snake bites, it is also used to treat tumors, which has a certain short-term effect. The Compendium of corrected Materia Medica recorded that "this grass has purplish-white flowers, purplish red, pairs of leaves, used in July and August." The morphology is similar to that of this species. There are many kinds of folk herbs in the name of half lotus or "half branch". The hundred Grass Mirror contains "there are 72 kinds of half branches." In the Compendium of Materia Medica, Zhao Xuemin contains half branches of rat teeth, half branches of dog teeth and half branches of tiger teeth, which are several plants of the genus Sedum of the family Sedum. This product is contained in the first edition of the Pharmacopoeia of the people's Republic of China in 1985. The flower words of Scutellaria barbata present the legends related to my life: according to legend, Han Dynasty general Han Xin is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also a general who cherishes his subordinates very much. After every battle, he will send people to the fields to collect an unknown herb to cure the soldiers, and the soldiers who have used this herb will soon get better. The soldiers were so grateful to Han Xin that they called the nameless herb Han Xincao to commemorate Han Xin's love for them. And the soldiers all love Han Xin, so when they fight, they will move forward bravely and kill the enemy bravely, even if they give their lives. Scutellaria barbata is distributed in Jiangsu, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guizhou, Yunnan, Taiwan, Henan and other places. The cultural background of Scutellaria barbata, also known as Han Xincao, is often used to treat diseases such as injury, hematemesis, hemoptysis, abscess and hemorrhoids. How did the name "Han Xincao" come from? According to legend, Han Xin, one of the founding fathers of the Han Dynasty, lost his father and mother when he was young, and his family was poor, so he lived hard by selling fish. One day, when Han Xin was selling fish in the market, he was beaten by several scoundrels and was bedridden. Neighbor Aunt Zhao took care of the meal and got an herb from the field to fry him with soup. within a few days, he was back to health. Later, Han Xin joined the army and became a general with outstanding military meritories. he took good care of his soldiers very much. after each battle, there were many wounded. While visiting and comforting, he sent people to the fields to collect the herbs that Aunt Zhao had healed him. After harvest, they were assigned to the barracks and boiled soup in a cauldron to make the injured Shipong drink. The slightly injured were cured in three or five days, and the seriously injured were cured in ten and a half days. The soldiers were very grateful to Han Xin. Everyone heard that Han Xin did not know the name of this herb, so they wanted to give this herb a name, and some people suggested that it be called "Han Xincao", so the name "Han Xincao" has been spread to this day. The cultivation technique of Scutellaria barbata is better with loose and fertile sandy loam or loam, ploughing, while applying 2000 kg farm manure per mu as base fertilizer, ploughing fine and leveling to form a 1.3m wide border. The ecological habits of Scutellaria barbata grow on the edge of ponds, fields or roadsides. Disease control of Scutellaria barbata in the process of growth, there is almost no disease, aphids and vegetable black insects are easy to occur during flowering, the former can be controlled by dimethoate, and the latter can be sprayed with 50% dichlorvos 1000 times. The reproduction mode of Scutellaria barbata is mainly seed propagation, and it can also be propagated by ramet. ⑴ seed propagation is mostly direct seeding, from late September to early October, strip sowing or hole sowing. Strip sowing is ditched according to the row spacing of 25-30 cm, and the ditch depth is about 4 cm; the hole seeder opens the hole according to the hole spacing of 27 cm. When sowing, first sow the seeds in the plant ash mixed with animal dung water, mix them into seed ash, and then evenly scatter the seeds in the ditch or hole, covered with a layer of fine soil or plant ash, the thickness shall not exceed 0.5 cm. After sowing, the soil should be kept moist before emergence, and the seedlings can emerge about 20 days after sowing. Use 1.5-2 kg of seeds per mu. ⑵ ramet propagation was carried out in spring and summer. Dig up the old roots of the plant, select strong, pest-free plants for split, each plant has 3-4 seedlings, according to the hole distance of about 27 cm hole planting, cut and watered. The dietotherapy or medicinal value of Scutellaria barbata the medical information and health dietotherapy information of Scutellaria barbata are only for reference and can not be used as the basis of diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. The shape of the drug is 15-35cm long, glabrous or sparsely hairy on the rachis. The roots are slender. Stems tufted, slender, square columnar; surface dark purple or brownish green. Leaves opposite, shortly stipitate; leaf blade wrinkled, flattened and triangular-ovate or lanceolate, 1.5-3cm long and 0.5-1cm wide; apex obtuse, base broadly cuneate, entire or with a few obscure obtuse teeth; upper surface dark green, lower surface grayish green. Flowers solitary in axils of upper leaves of stem branches, calyx lobes obtuse or rounded; Corolla 2-lipped, brownish yellow or light blue-purple, ca. 1.2cm, hairy. Fruit oblate, light brown. The breath is slight, the taste is slightly bitter. Medicinal value 1. Pharmacological effects of Scutellaria barbata this product contains alkaloids, flavonoid glycosides, steroids, phenols, tannins and so on. The Scutellaria barbata is a kind of flavonoids (2-dihydroxy-6-magnum 7-8-trimethoxy flavonoids). In addition, there are two other flavonoids, berberine (5-dihydroxy-8-methoxy flavonoids) and 5-hydroxy-7-8-dimethoxy flavonoids. Animal experiments have confirmed that Scutellaria barbata has a certain inhibitory effect on sarcoma 180, Ehrlich ascites cancer, brain tumor 22 and so on. When Japanese scholars screened 800 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine for anti-tumor activity in vitro, they found that 88 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine had an inhibition rate of more than 90% on tumor cell proliferation, of which Scutellaria barbata had an in vitro inhibition rate of 100% on JTc-26 tumor cells and only 50% on normal cells. When observing the clinical anti-tumor efficacy of these traditional Chinese medicines, it is found that even for the treatment of advanced tumors without surgery, it can improve symptoms, inhibit tumor proliferation and prolong the life of patients. The experiment also confirmed that with methylene blue test tube method, semilianthus semilifolia had a slight inhibitory effect on acute granulocytic leukemia cells; with cell respiration method, the inhibition rate was more than 75%. Scutellaria barbata preparation also has a certain inhibitory effect on W256.U14.S186.EAC, ESC and other animal tumors [5] in addition to anticancer effect, the product also has bacteriostatic, diuretic, antitussive, antiasthmatic and other pharmacological effects. two。 Application of Scutellaria barbata in clinical treatment of cancer Scutellaria barbata is widely used in clinical treatment of cancer, and it is often combined with Hedyotis diffusa and Scutellaria barbata in the treatment of many kinds of tumors. A. Gastric cancer has been reported. Sanbao Gongde Dan, a compound pill made from Herba Scutellariae and Hedyotis diffusa, was used to treat 182 cases of advanced gastric cancer. Take orally 10g each time, 3 times a day, and take 10g decoction of bone skin and Chinese wolfberry respectively. The patients take the medicine for 1 month to 10 years. Results: 46 cases were basically cured (symptoms disappeared, canceration disappeared by gastroscopy and survived for more than 3 years), 52 cases were markedly effective, 45 cases were improved and 39 cases were ineffective. It is clinically proved that the longer the time of taking the medicine, the better the curative effect. In addition, 41 cases of gastric cancer were treated with anticancer injection (Hedyotis diffusa, Hedyotis diffusa, Radix Scutellariae, Solanum nigrum, Calamum), with a total clinical effective rate of 82.4%. B, esophageal cancer has been reported, with Scutellaria barbata compound lotus snake drink (Scutellaria barbata, Hedyotis diffusa, Liu Jinu, Yujin, etc.) oral administration, 1 dose a day, and at the same time with Kaidao powder 3 grams, divided into 3 times to treat esophageal cancer. It is proved to relieve symptoms, reduce pain and prolong survival time. After treatment, some patients can eat smoothly, recover their physical strength, take care of themselves, and the survival time is more than 5 years. In the people's Hospital of Nanzhang County, Hubei Province, 25 cases of esophageal cancer were treated with compound Scutellaria barbata (60 grams of Scutellaria barbata, 30 grams of Gongying, 30 grams of Huangyaozi, 6 grams of Coptis chinensis, 9 grams of Pinellia ternata and 1 wilt of whole melon). Results 6 cases were significantly effective (conscious symptoms disappeared, cytological examination showed that cancer cells disappeared, basal cells increased or proliferated severely, cancer cells atrophied or destroyed, and local lesions disappeared on X-ray), improved in 9 cases, ineffective in 7 cases, and died in 3 cases. the total effective rate was 60%. Zhang reported that 31 cases of esophageal cancer were treated. According to syndrome differentiation, Scutellaria barbata compound was used for qi stagnation and blood stasis and phlegm-dampness coagulation, with 60 doses as a course of treatment. The decoction with good curative effect is powder, 10 grams per dose, twice a day; if the course of treatment is poor, stick to the decoction for 2 courses. The results of treatment showed that 6 cases survived more than 5 years, 9 cases survived more than 3 years, 10 cases survived more than 1 year, and 6 cases died less than 1 year. Hepatitis, tumor and other symptoms. Scutellaria barbata pictures