
Does the culture method of Douban green blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Douban green leaves, evergreen, beautiful plant shape, is an excellent indoor potted foliage flowers. Suitable for the maintenance of small and medium-sized pots, it is one of the ideal decorative flowers for families, and is often used to decorate windowsills, bookcases, coffee tables and so on. The editor would like to share with you the culture methods and points for attention of Douban green.

Douban green leaves, evergreen, beautiful plant shape, is an excellent indoor potted foliage flowers. Suitable for the maintenance of small and medium-sized pots, it is one of the ideal decorative flowers for families, and is often used to decorate windowsills, bookcases, coffee tables and so on. The editor shares with you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of Douban green.

First, the culture method of Douban green

1. Soil selection of Douban green.

Douban green requires soil humus to be rich, loose, fertile and well drained. 7 parts of leaf soil and 3 parts of river sand can be selected to form culture soil with a small amount of base fertilizer, or 6 parts of peat soil, 4 parts of perlite and a small amount of base fertilizer can be mixed. When planting, you generally buy potted plants directly, and you don't need to match the soil. You can have a little understanding of the composition of the soil.

2. The temperature requirement of Douban green

Douban green likes warm, moist, semi-shady environment, high temperature tolerance, the suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, it can grow normally at 10: 15 ℃ in winter, stop growing below 10 ℃, suffer under 5 ℃, and die when it is less than 0 ℃. A small pot of beans and green leaves is not so easy to raise.

3. The lighting requirements of Douban green.

Douban green is more shady, and can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light in the four seasons. You can see more light in spring and autumn, more sunshine near the south window in winter, and north windowsill in summer to block the light properly. When the light is suitable, the leaf color is gorgeous, and the light is too strong or too dark to make the leaf color lose its delicate and beautiful color.

4. Watering method of Douban Green

Watering to basin soil is suitable for dry and wet, in the growth process, spring and autumn is the peak season of growth and development, more water. The summer weather is hot, but the growth of the plant is slow because of the high temperature, which can be irrigated once in the morning or evening, high temperature and wet stems and leaves are easy to rot, depending on the weather and basin soil. The basin soil should be slightly dry, because its stems and leaves are fleshy, too wet and easy to make the roots rot, especially in winter due to low temperature, showing a dormant state, basin soil should be dry.

5. Fertilization method of Douban green.

Douban green is usually renewed once every 2 ~ 3 years. During the growth period, mature liquid fertilizer or nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was applied every 15 to 20 days, and the concentration was 15% 20% for cake fertilizer and 0.2% for 0.3% nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer. If fertilization is not measured, it can reduce nitrogen fertilizer and make the markings on the leaves more significant.

Points for attention in Douban green culture:

Despite the fact that the small green pot of Douban is very cute, it is well raised by others. If the maintenance is half-hearted, it will also be futile. So trim it in time. When Douban green grows to about 10 cm, it is necessary to pick the heart to promote the germination of lateral branches and make the plant fuller.

At ordinary times, management should pay attention to moderate light and reasonable fertilizer and water. When the sun is not too strong, you can put the potted plants outside. But summer can not be exposed to direct light, especially can not be placed in the sun, otherwise it will cause branches and leaves to turn yellow.

Does Douban blossom green?

Douban green will blossom, but it is not common. If properly maintained, Douban green will blossom twice a year, flowering in February-April and September-October.

Douban green blossoms, but the shape is not a flower, it is something that sticks out from the middle of the leaves, people are likely to think it is a new bud, but in fact, after careful observation, we will find that Douban green flowers are different from leaves. Douban green is a spike, dense florets, green and white, with pollen on it, which may be more obvious with a magnifying glass.

Does Douban Green blossom? matters needing attention in Winter Culture of Douban Green

Douban green leaves round, green, shiny, small plant type, is a small foliage plant, placed in front of the window, coffee table, desk fresh and beautiful. So what should we pay attention to when breeding in winter? Does Douban blossom green? Next, I will answer for you one by one.

Does Douban blossom green?

According to the verification, it can be confirmed that Douban green can blossom, if properly maintained, it will blossom twice a year, flowering in February-April and September-October. Perhaps many flower friends have seen Douban green blossom, but they have ignored it, because Douban green flowering is something that sticks out from the middle, and people are likely to think it is a new bud, but in fact, after careful observation, you will find that it is actually different from leaves; Douban green is a spike, dense florets, green and white, with pollen on it, which may be more obvious with a magnifying glass.

Douban green, a small herb commonly used as a potted plant decoration, is widely welcomed for its bright luster and natural green. Like the warm and humid semi-overcast environment. The suitable temperature for growth is about 25 ℃, and the lowest is not less than 10 ℃. It is not resistant to high temperature, requires high air humidity, avoid direct sunlight, and likes loose, fertile and well-drained moist soil.

Matters needing attention in winter culture of Douban green

1. Move to a brightly lit place for maintenance

2. Outside, it can be wrapped in a film to survive the winter, but the film should be opened every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

Light management: for fear of bright light, you need to keep it in the semi-shade, or give it 70% shade. For indoor maintenance, put it in a brightly lit place as far as possible, and move to outdoor semi-shade or shade for a month every one or two months to accumulate nutrients and restore growth.

Fertilizer and water management: there are many requirements for fertilizer and water, but they are most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and should follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less quantity and more times, and complete nutrition":

Spring, summer and autumn: these three seasons are its peak growing season. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- clear water-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao"-- "Huabao" at least twice a week). The interval period is about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance, with shorter intervals during sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering during rainy days or low temperatures. Keep it indoors for 2-6 days. Watering time should be arranged as early as possible when the temperature is low in the morning. Summer is watered in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and plants are often sprayed.

Winter: during the dormant period in winter, the main task is to control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, with an interval of about 7 to 10 days. Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.

Does Douban green blossom? how to treat / prune Douban green after flowering and moderate fertilizer and water?

As a herb of Piperaceae, Douban green leaves can not only be dark green all the year round, but also similar to succulent plants, so the ornamental value of leaves is very high, but in fact, in addition to the good-looking leaves, other parts also have a high ornamental effect. So does Douban green blossom? How long is the green blossom period of Douban? How to deal with Douban green after flowering? Let's learn more about it.

Does Douban blossom green?

In fact, Douban green will also blossom, but its flowering is not common, so it is often mistaken for non-flowering, and the premise of flowering is suitable temperature, appropriate light, proper nutrients and so on.

How long is the green blossom period of Douban?

The florescence of bean green is usually from February to April, or from September to December, and the specific time is closely related to the environment, among which temperature is the most important factor. When flowering, its inflorescence is spikelike, 2-4.5 cm long, and bracts are subrounded peltate. The flower grows in the depression of the inflorescence axis, as shown in the red circle in the picture above.

How to deal with Douban green after flowering

1. Pruning

Although Douban green flowering is very rare, its flower shape is much worse than that of leaves, so after flowering, people tend to cut off its flowers in order to reduce the consumption of nutrients and promote the rapid recovery of Douban green growth.

2. Reduce fertilization

Douban green is a perennial plant, which does not die after flowering, so it needs reasonable maintenance and management after flowering. The first point is to reduce fertilization. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the content of phosphorus and potassium is not too high, it is the main component to promote flowering.

3. Appropriate watering

Douban green will consume a lot of nutrients after flowering, but at this time, it is not appropriate to water too much, let alone stagnant water in the basin, you can water a small amount to ensure that the soil is not too dry, wait until 1-2 weeks later, and then change to 5-7 days of watering.

4. Control lighting

After Douban green blossoms, it is necessary to control the environmental light it is located in should not be too strong, especially it can not be maintained in direct sunlight, the best position is in a semi-shady and ventilated place, to ensure a certain amount of light at the same time, reduce the phenomenon of thin leaves caused by dim light.