
How can I keep the flowers indoors?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Immortal pill flower, this is to bloom, this immortal pill flower bloom is a large flower, very good-looking, how to cultivate immortal pill flower method? How can the elixir flower be kept indoors? How can the elixir flower be cultivated? 1. Temperature: The elixir flower likes sunshine, likes warmth, and is not cold.

Immortal pill flower, this is to bloom, this immortal pill flower bloom is a large flower, very good-looking, how to cultivate immortal pill flower method? Can the flowers be stored indoors?:

How to cultivate immortal flowers:

1, temperature: elixir love sunshine, love warm, not cold, should be placed in sunny courtyard, roof garden and south, west balcony. When the lowest temperature in winter drops to 5℃, it should be moved indoors and placed in a sunny place in the windowsill for maintenance. It can be safely overwintered by keeping the room temperature above 5℃. The temperature in the next spring can be stabilized above 10℃.

2, pot soil: elixir pot should choose soil pottery pot with good permeability, such as the selection of poor permeability and more beautiful purple sand pot, plastic pot. Can be in the bottom of the floor cushion layer broken tiles or broken hard plastic foam blocks, enhance ventilation drainage. Basin soil requirements rich in humus, loose, fertile acid soil, pH 5.0~6.5 is appropriate. Avoid using saline-alkali soil and heavy clay, culture soil can be prepared according to 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of sandy loam soil and 2 parts of river sand, and properly mixed with some decomposed bean cake powder or sesame oil residue, or put a little hoof powder as base fertilizer at the bottom of the pot.

3. Fertilization: Elixir flowers like fertilizer. During the growth period, a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer should be applied once every half month. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied alone, otherwise the branches and leaves will grow too long and the flowers will be few. From the middle of April to the beginning of May, the secondary decomposed soybean cake water is applied, and from the middle of May to the budding, the nitrogen and phosphorus mixed decomposed liquid fertilizer is applied for 2~3 times, and the decomposed phosphorus liquid fertilizer is also applied for 2~3 times at flowering stage.

4, watering: elixir pot soil to see dry see wet, see dry that is, watering, watering thoroughly that is, do not waterlogging. Water is poured once every 4 days in spring, once every 1~2 days in summer, and water is sprinkled around potted flowers once a day in the morning and evening to improve air humidity. Soft water is suitable for irrigation in summer, hard water is unfavorable to the growth of elixir flowers, light leaves yellow, heavy death. To overcome the alkalinity of the soil and water quality, alum fertilizer is watered once a week during the growing season to keep the plants green.

5. Pruning: In early winter, the plants should be shaped and pruned, keep healthy branches, cut off diseased branches, weak branches, over-dense branches, etc. When pruning elixir flowers, attention should be paid to picking, when the seedlings are 15 to 20 cm high, picking once to promote multiple branches, so that the plant shape is plump. After flowering, it should also be pruned several times. When turning pots and changing soil every spring, leave about 20 cm of overwintering old plants for a heavy shear.

Can the flowers be kept indoors?

Ixirs are not suitable for indoor maintenance for:

Like most plants, elixirs absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night, especially in bedrooms.

The elixir flower seeds are indoors, the sunny balcony is OK, and the light in other places is slightly darker and the sun is not sufficient. In the long run, the plants are thin, flowering less or not easy to flower. Moving outdoors ensures sunlight and normal growth.

The elixir flower is suitable for growing in a high temperature and humid environment. The temperature of the ordinary family environment is between 15 and 23℃, but in the ventilated balcony, the temperature does not reach the standard, it is difficult to form flower buds, and the plants are weak and not suitable for flowering.

The cultivation method of elixir flowers is introduced here. This elixir flower is not suitable for indoor cultivation.

How does the magic flower grow?

Elixir flower is also called Shandan flower, dragon boat flower, its flowering long color gorgeous, mostly used in gardens, can also be potted flower cultivation. If you don't know how to grow elixirs, take a look at the following.

Cultivation method of elixir flower

Elixir prefers warm, moist and sunny environments. Not cold, resistant to semi-shade, not resistant to moisture and strong light. The optimum temperature for growth of Ixandra is 15-25℃, 24-30℃ from March to September, and 13-18℃ from September to March of the following year. Winter temperature is not low 0℃, too low easy to suffer from freezing damage. On the contrary, elixir flower is resistant to high temperature and grows normally above 32℃.

Generally speaking, elixir flower is more adaptable to temperature. The elixir prefers wet to dry. Sufficient water is needed during the growth period of stems and leaves, and the pot soil is kept moist, which is beneficial to the germination of branches and the growth of leaves. But long-term too wet, easy to cause part of the root rot, affecting growth and flowering. If the soil is too dry or wet, water supply is not timely, will produce defoliation phenomenon.

Elixir flower needs sufficient sunshine, especially in the growth period of stems and leaves. Under sufficient sunshine, the leaves are green and shiny, which is conducive to the formation of inflorescences, neat flowers and bright colors. It can also grow in a semi-shady environment, but the leaves are light green, lack luster, flower less, and the color is lighter. However, proper shade under strong light in summer can prolong the flowering period.

Fertile, loose and well-drained acid sandy loam soil is the best soil for cultivation of Idris amabilis. The mixed soil of culture soil, peat soil and coarse sand for pot culture is suitable at pH 5-5.5.

Four Seasons Management of Elixir Flower

(1)Spring management: early spring dragon boat flower should be placed in a place with light cultivation, keep the pot soil moist, and often spray water around it to increase air humidity. Change pots when the outdoor temperature stabilizes at 15℃. Proper pruning before changing pots, poor plant shape of dragon boat flower can be re-cut. After changing pots to survive, move to the balcony to cultivate, maintain sufficient light, see new leaves can start fertilizing after birth.

(2)Summer management: Dragon boat flower likes high temperature, strong light resistance, summer does not need shade. However, due to its many leaves, large evaporation, high requirements for moisture, should keep the pot soil moist, every morning and evening should be poured once water, at the same time multi-directional spraying of its leaves and surrounding to meet its requirements for air humidity.

Summer is the season for dragon boat flowers to grow and bloom. It can be arranged indoors with bright light and pay attention to the supply of fertilizer.

(3)Autumn management: autumn temperature cool, dragon boat flower growth and flowering slowed down, can reduce the amount of fertilizer to ensure adequate light. After the temperature drops at the end of autumn, in order to increase its cold resistance, it is subjected to low temperature exercise outdoors. Gradually reduce the amount of watering, so that the pot soil dry. Dragon boat flower can withstand short-term low temperature of 0℃ or so, but it is not resistant to frost. Before frost, it should be moved to a balcony with light for cultivation. If the indoor temperature is kept above 15℃ in autumn and winter, it should be moved to a place with light indoors when the outdoor temperature drops to 15℃, which can prolong the flowering time.

(4)Winter management: Dragon boat flower is not cold-resistant, room temperature above 5℃ can safely winter. At this time, the growth of Dragon Boat Flower is in a stagnant state, so sufficient light should be ensured, less watering should be done, so that the pot soil is dry and no fertilizer should be applied. When the indoor temperature is high at noon, spray water on its leaves and surroundings several times.

The cultivation method of immortal flower, the precautions for cultivation of immortal flower

Elixir flowers like sunshine, like warmth, not cold, should be placed in sunny courtyards, roof gardens and south, west balcony. When the lowest temperature in winter drops to 5℃, it should be moved indoors and placed in a sunny place in the windowsill for maintenance. It can be safely overwintered by keeping the room temperature above 5℃. The temperature in the next spring can be stabilized above 10℃. Ixirs can be potted in addition to being planted in the ground. Potted elixir flower should choose soil pottery basin with better permeability, such as purple sand basin and plastic basin with poor permeability and beautiful appearance. Can be in the bottom of the floor cushion layer broken tiles or broken hard plastic foam blocks, enhance ventilation drainage. Basin soil requirements rich in humus, loose, fertile acid soil, pH 5.0~6.5 is appropriate. Avoid saline-alkali soil and heavy clay. Elixir flower color bright, very ornamental value, by many people's favorite, the following look at elixir flower cultivation methods and precautions.

1. Soil requirements

The requirements for soil are relatively high. It is better to choose acid soil with loose ventilation and good drainage. The pH value of soil needs to be between 5 and 5.5. The soil is too acidic or alkaline to grow plants.

2. Sufficient light

Plants cannot grow without sufficient sunlight, and so can elixir flowers. When domesticating elixir flowers, you need to place them in a sunny place, and you need to maintain sufficient light every day, but in summer, the light is strong and you need appropriate shade.

3. Temperature control

The suitable temperature for the growth of elixir flowers is about 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, which is a flower that can withstand high temperatures and low temperatures. However, the temperature in winter culture should not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius, otherwise the plants will suffer from freezing damage.

4. Sufficient watering

The elixir flower is a flower that likes water, so it can be watered frequently when it is cultivated at home, but the amount of watering should be limited. There should be no accumulated water in the potted plant. Too much water will cause the root system of the plant to rot.

5. Adequate fertilization

Elixir flowers like fertilizer, in the growth period needs to fertilize once every half month, general nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, ferrous sulfate and horseshoe tablets according to the ratio of 1:1:2:3 mixed liquid fertilizer is the best fertilizer.

6. Shaping and pruning

The elixir flower needs to be trimmed at a certain time. When pruning, it is mainly to carry out proper thinning and picking of the plant, so that the plant can be better ventilated and transparent, and more flowers can be produced.

Notice of Spring Ixora Cultivation

Now it is spring, and friends who cultivate elixir flowers at home should pay attention. Spring temperature rises, sunny, is the elixir flower growth very fast stage, so we must grasp the reality. First of all, when the outdoor temperature is about 15 degrees, the elixir should be changed, but before changing the pot, it is necessary to properly trim the elixir so that more flowers will bloom in summer. Secondly, after the successful pot change, it is necessary to put the elixir potted plant on the balcony of the home for cultivation, mainly to keep the plant sufficient light, when the plant appears new leaves, it can gradually fertilize slowly.