
When does evening primrose blossom? how to raise and bloom more?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Night incense, this is a kind of plant, this night incense is super liked by many people, when will this night incense blossom? How to raise and blossom nocturnal incense: when does nocturnal incense blossom: it is a beautiful and fragrant flowering plant. Generally speaking, evening primrose sprouts and grows in spring.

Evening primrose, this is a plant, this evening primrose is a lot of people are super like, this evening primrose when flowering? How to grow flowers at night:

When does the evening blossom?:

Evening primrose is a beautiful and fragrant flowering plant. Generally speaking, evening primrose sprouts in spring, blooms in summer and autumn, and is forced to dormancy in winter.

The specific flowering period of night primrose is concentrated in June-September, and generally more than 20 flowers can bloom on each flower branch. Evening primrose blooms usually at night.

In fact, the flowering period of night primrose can also be regulated. Plant the seed bulb of night primrose in a greenhouse with high temperature, keep sufficient light, pay attention to ventilation, and it can bloom in 2 months.

How to grow flowers at night:

When cultivating night primrose, some measures can be taken to make night primrose bloom better.

First of all, sowing is a good way to cultivate night primrose. Evening primrose can be sown in both spring and autumn, but the quality of flowering is better when sown in autumn.

The second is to pick the heart. After the evening primrose begins to shoot and grow, it can be picked, and after picking, it can make the evening primrose branch more and bloom more. After the evening primrose withers, it is necessary to cut off the remaining flowers in time, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients and is beneficial to secondary flowering.

In addition, it is necessary to give evening primrose sufficient water and fertilizer. In the growth period of night primrose, it is necessary to meet the demand of night primrose for water and fertilizer, so that night primrose can have sufficient nutrients to thrive and bloom. Avoid bad flowering.

The flowering time of evening primrose and the method of flowering more are introduced here, and you don't have to hurry to cultivate it.

When does it bloom and why does it not bloom?

Evening primrose is a flower that many families like to cultivate. Its branches are slender, flowering in summer and autumn. Yellow-green flowers open in the evening, with strong fragrance. It is very suitable for home planting. However, evening primrose cannot be placed indoors for a long time, which will cause dizziness, cough and even asthma and insomnia. Let's take a look at when evening primrose blooms!

When does evening primrose bloom?

Generally, the flowering period of evening primrose is from May to October. The reason why the span is so large is affected by variety, temperature, humidity, soil and climate from north to south, so it presents different seasons. In the north, the flowering period is in late June, while in the south, it is mostly from August to September. This is due to the high humidity caused by the summer heat in the south, which is suitable for the blooming of evening primrose.

Why does night light burn?

1. Night primrose is pollinated by ugly moths, unlike bees and other small things like other flowers, and moths only appear at night, so in order to attract moths to pollinate, they choose to smell at night, which is the adaptive ability of plants to the environment.

2. Night primrose and stomata are diametrically opposed to many flowers. Other flowers approach some stomata when the air humidity is large, and expand when the air humidity is small, while night primrose is opposite. If the air humidity is very large, the pores are very open, and the aromatic substances inside can expand more rapidly, thus fragrant. At night, because there is no evaporation of the sun, the ground temperature drops suddenly, the cold air drops, and the humidity increases sharply. Night primrose is of course easier to open in such a humid environment, and the opening is more intense.

Why doesn't the evening primrose bloom?

1. The flower buds of night primrose have been formed on the bulbs in the first year. It is possible to plant small tubers, which have not reached the flowering age, so they cannot bloom. Generally, the diameter of the bulb of night primrose should reach 2.2 cm or more, and the original inflorescence has been formed in the first year, and it can bloom only after planting.

2, dig bulbs too late or tuber winter storage is improper, the temperature is too low, damp and frozen, resulting in flower buds in the stem block by freezing damage or rot, planting in the next year can not bloom.

3. The time of bulb digging is too early, which affects the differentiation of flower buds in tubers, resulting in failure to bloom in the second year of planting.

4. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer leads to excessive growth of stems and leaves, less flowering, and even no flowering in serious cases.

When does the night flower bloom?/When does the night flower bloom?/When does the night flower bloom?

Evening primrose, also known as evening flower, is a flower that blooms at night and is often planted in home courtyards and other places. In the efficacy and role of night primrose, we know that it not only has a high ornamental, but also to use high value, with the effect of clearing the liver and improving eyesight. However, according to inquiries, evening flowers are harmful to the human body, is evening primrose poisonous? When does evening primrose bloom? In this regard, by the small editor for everyone to solve the problem.

Is it poisonous at night?

In home farming, most flowers are healthful, with the notable exception of evening primrose. Among the precautions for night primrose, we mentioned that night primrose blooms at night. The rich fragrance is harmful to the human body and can cause nausea, cough and other symptoms. It should be moved outdoors at night. From this point of view, is evening primrose poisonous? It should be there. Why is this so? Let's look down next.

Night primrose is toxic.

Studies have shown that night primrose will stop photosynthesis at night, emitting a lot of exhaust gas, harmful to the human body. And flowers contain a harmful substance, long-term placement in the living room bedroom, can make people dizzy, asthma, cough and insomnia, especially high blood pressure and heart disease patients especially suffocating uncomfortable.

2. Does evening primrose affect pregnant women? Yes.

Pregnant women have a strong metabolism and the room needs sufficient oxygen. But at night, night primrose stops photosynthesis and emits a lot of exhaust gas. This exhaust gas smells good, but it is fatal to pregnant women in sleep. If long-term smell of night primrose, pregnant women will even miscarry, so pregnant women to keep night primrose, night should be moved outside.

3. Is evening primrose harmful to the baby? Yes.

Night primrose flowers with strong aroma should not be placed in places where there are babies, which will affect the baby's nervous system and cause attention loss.

4. When does evening primrose bloom, 8-10 o 'clock

Evening primrose usually develops at night, and at night it emits a strong aroma. Evening primrose is pollinated by moths that appear at night, and evening primrose attracts nocturnal insects to pollinate it by its strong fragrance that emanates at night. This habit of night primrose is an adaptation to its environment.

Night flowers bloom at night.

Evening primrose is native to tropical Asia, where temperatures are high during the day and insects such as moths do not come out until evening. This also determines the flowering time of night primrose at night. After generations of environmental factors, night primrose has formed the habit of always emitting fragrance at night. Evening primrose usually opens between 8-10 p.m., when the temperature is just right.

5. How long is the flowering period of night primrose, flowering from May to September

Evening primrose is also called night clove, in mosquito repellent, the effect is very good. Evening primrose flowers long, from 5-10 months of continuous flowering, much loved, is a good potted flowers. So how long does evening primrose bloom, four or five months. Its aroma can make patients with hypertension and heart disease feel dizzy and depressed, causing chest distress and breathing difficulties, so night primrose is not suitable for indoor display.

About evening primrose has poison, and its flowering time introduced here. In general, night primrose looks good, and it can cure diseases when eaten. However, its flower fragrance is a big problem, if you want to raise flowers, it is best to consider clearly, after all, smell too much can not be good!