
Culture methods and points for attention of Cymbidium how much is it per pot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Big flower cymbidium, this is a kind of plant, do not underestimate this big flower cymbidium, this big flower cymbidium blossoms is really beautiful, what are the breeding methods and points for attention of Cymbidium

Cymbidium, this is a kind of plant, do not underestimate this Cymbidium, this Cymbidium blossoms is really beautiful, what are the breeding methods and precautions of Cymbidium? How much is a pot of Cymbidium:

Culture methods and points for attention of Cymbidium:

Culture methods of Cymbidium:

1. Soil: Cymbidium requires loose, ventilated and well-drained cultivation substrate, which can be planted with rotten leaf soil or mixed cultivation with moss, charcoal, fern root, charcoal, bark, broken bricks and so on. It is not suitable to use ordinary culture soil and culture soil for planting Chinese orchids. Poorly ventilated and drained soil can lead to root rot. ?

2. Watering: Cymbidium likes higher air humidity. In spring, summer and autumn, while giving sufficient water to the roots, the leaves should be sprayed frequently. However, during the short dormancy period after flowering in early spring, Cymbidium must be watered less and more watering only when the new buds grow larger and new roots.

3. Sunshine: the growth of Cymbidium needs sufficient scattered light, shading net should be used to shade about 50% in summer and autumn, and open shading net to accept direct light on cloudy days or when the sun is soft in winter and spring. However, during the flowering period, the orchid plant should be placed in a place with weak light so that it can blossom brightly.

4. Temperature: warm in winter and cool in summer, and the suitable temperature for growth is 10 ℃ to 25 ℃. The suitable temperature at night is about 10 ℃, especially when the temperature is above 5 ℃ during flowering, and the flowering period can be prolonged by more than 3 months when the temperature is below 15 ℃.

5. Fertilization: during the growth period, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, and thin chemical fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied. If more bone meal and mature bean cake fertilizer are applied, the flowers will be larger and more. Liquid fertilizer should be 1 ∶ 1000? Dilution, once every 10 days, sufficient fertilizer should be applied before flowering, and no fertilizer should be applied during flowering and midsummer.

6. Insect pests: Cymbidium is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests if the cultivation environment is bad. Common diseases include Fusarium disease, black rot, soft rot, anthracnose, gray mold, white silk disease, etc., so it is necessary to spray fungicide every half a month to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and special attention should be paid to the cleaning of environmental sanitation, water sources, plant materials and utensils.

7. Pruning: the pseudobulm of Cymbidium generally contains more than 4 leaf buds. In order not to disperse nutrition, the new buds and their growing points must be removed thoroughly. This operation should start from the end of the flowering period, pick buds once a month and stop before the new flowering period, so as to concentrate nutrition, strengthen the mother corm and make the flowers bloom bigger and more.

Matters needing attention in Cymbidium culture:

(1) points for attention of flowerpots and substrates: potted pots with four-wall porous pottery pots are commonly used, with 1 part of peat moss, 2 parts of fern root, or granular materials such as bark, broken bricks, charcoal, pots and volcanic ash with a diameter of 1.5 cm. So that the ventilation and water permeability is good, the root system will not rot. In a flowerpot with a diameter of 15 cm, 3 orchid seedlings can be planted in each pot, while 10 orchid seedlings can be planted in a large pot.

(2) temperature precautions: the suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 10: 25 ℃, and the night temperature is about 10 ℃. If the temperature is about 15 ℃, the leaves will be green and green, and the flower buds will elongate suddenly. Large flowers come out from January to February, the flower stem is soft and can not stand upright, and must be supported by a column. The buds appeared earlier from February to March, which made the time of changing pots earlier. If it is as high as 20 ℃, the luxuriant growth of leaves will affect flowering, and the buds will be withered and yellow. For this reason, the method of cooling cold water by sprinkler irrigation at night is often used in tropical areas to increase the temperature difference between day and night, which is good for growth and flower bud differentiation.

(3) temperature precautions: the roots of Cymbidium are often exposed in the air and like higher humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to water and humidify around the flowerpot; there is a short period of dormancy after flowering, during which there should be less watering, and the vigorous growth period of spring and summer should not be dry.

(4) precautions for lighting: Cymbidium likes the sun slightly, but it can not be exposed to the sun in summer, otherwise it will produce serious sunburn, excessive shade will make the plant delicate, the leaves can not stand upright, flowering less and easy to get sick.

(5) matters needing attention in fertilization: Cymbidium has large plants, luxuriant growth and needs more fertilizer. Fermented cake fertilizer, chicken manure and so on can be mixed with clay of 1 stroke 3 and then mixed with water to make a ball with a diameter of about 2 cm to dry. Put on the basin in spring, there should be a certain distance from the new bud, which can be applied twice a year. Every number of times. In the vigorous growth season, if you feel underfed, you can apply fermented liquid fertilizer 1-2 times a week.

How much is a pot of Cymbidium:

The price of Cymbidium varies from year to year according to the market. Generally speaking, during the holidays, the price of the flowers will rise accordingly. It also needs to be divided according to its quality. Generally speaking, the wholesale price of the best Cymbidium with more than 4 arrows is 150 per pot. And in florist shops all over the country, it will go up a little bit. The mid-range of 3mur4 arrows is about 100mur150, and the price of Cymbidium is less than 100 yuan.

This is the end of the introduction on the breeding method and florescence of Cymbidium. Why don't you come and raise a plant as soon as possible.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

Selection of cultivation substrate and pot

It is appropriate to choose a long barrel-shaped basin with porous bottom and four walls, and the cultivation substrate should choose bark blocks or fern roots with good air permeability and water permeability, and charcoal, ceramsite and other things should be added in the lower part of the basin to facilitate drainage.

Fertilization and watering

It is not suitable to water immediately after ramet planting. If it is found to be dry, water can be sprayed on the leaf surface and basin surface to prevent the leaves from drying up, falling off and pseudo-bulbs from shrinking. It can be watered after the new buds and roots grow. Watering in cultivation should depend on the weather and vibration. It depends on the wet and dry conditions. The ministry should be provided with sufficient water during the vigorous growth period and watered in time in the dry and hot seasons. When the temperature is low in winter, the watering times can be reduced. The ph for watering should be 6. 5. Cymbidium prefers fertilizer. After sprouting in spring, compound fertilizer with a concentration of 0.1% Mel 0.2% nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a week. Or rotten thin cake fat and water. In the bud period, the available phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied in advance.

Culture method

1. Soil

In order to cultivate Cymbidium, the choice of soil is very important. It likes loose, breathable and well-drained soil. It can usually use rotten leaf soil to grow Cymbidium, and it can also use moss charcoal shavings and bark blocks to prepare basin soil. It can not use ordinary culture soil, because their ventilation and drainage are relatively poor, after planting will lead to the root rot of Cymbidium.

2. Moisture

Cultivation of Cymbidium can only be properly watered to make it grow normally. Cymbidium, a plant that likes high temperature and high humidity, should give sufficient water to its roots in spring, summer and autumn, and spray water to the leaves in time. However, after flowering in early spring, Cymbidium will enter a short dormant period, which is necessary to reduce the water supply and wait for the new buds to grow larger before they can be watered more.

3. Sunshine

Cymbidium is a sunny plant, it likes to grow in a sunny environment, but it can not accept strong light, it is best to put it in an environment with plenty of scattered light, but after entering the flowering period, Cymbidium should be placed in a place with weak light, so that its flowers can be more beautiful.

Matters needing attention

During the cultivation of Cymbidium, we must pay attention to the prevention of diseases and insect pests, leaf spot disease, gray mold and other diseases should be timely sprayed carbendazim, after the occurrence of insect pests should be caught in time, or spray drugs. In addition, when cultivating Cymbidium, we should also pay attention to pruning. Its pseudobulbs generally contain more than four leaf buds, so that their nutritional molecules must be removed completely.