
Is the five-colored plum poisonous? what if the leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Five-colored plum, this is a lot of people are super like, this five-colored plum is so likeable, five-colored plum poisonous? Five-color plum leaves yellow how to do: five-color plum poisonous: there was a pot of five-color plum in front of me, I cherished, with my hands to touch, as a result, I went to the hospital! The doctor told me

Five-colored plum, this is a lot of people are super like, this five-colored plum is so likeable, five-colored plum poisonous? What if the leaves of five-colored plum turn yellow:

Is the five-colored plum poisonous:

Once there was a pot of five-colored plum in front of me. I cherished it and touched it with my hands. As a result, I went to the hospital! The doctor told me that five-colored plum leaves and flowers contain certain toxins, excessive touch will cause skin itching, especially for people who are sensitive to the skin.

The doctor also said, it's a good thing I didn't cherish it enough to eat five-colored plum, otherwise it would be more than just itchy skin. Swallowing five-colored plum will cause vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea and other serious consequences. The doctor asked if there were any children and pets at home. I said, I am the only single dog at home! The doctor sighed and said, that's a good feeling. Otherwise, children and pets touch five-colored plum will also cause discomfort, but also reduce a lot of trouble. I.

To sum up, five-colored plums are poisonous. But the doctor also said that as long as I pay a little attention, I don't have to throw away the five-colored plum.

What if the leaves of five-colored plum turn yellow:

1. Cut off the dead leaves

Cut off the yellowing leaves of the five-colored plum, and then add a layer of pastoral soil to the root, so that the root of the plant can be protected, and when the weather gets warmer, watering and fertilizing can keep up with it, the plant can flourish quickly.

2. Enhance the illumination

No matter which season it is in spring, summer, autumn and winter, colorful plums need plenty of light. Indoor maintenance should also often move the plants to places with plenty of light for photosynthesis. Where there will be cloudy and rainy weather for a long time, you need to avoid rain and take time to bask in the plants.

Five-colored plum is poisonous, we should be careful not to put it where there are children. If the leaves turn yellow, it should be disposed of.

Catharanthus roseus flower words, Catharanthus roseus pictures

Catharanthus roseus, because it blossoms continuously from spring to autumn, has the reputation of "every day and spring". It is precisely so that it will be deeply loved and pursued by loved flowers, and today's Catharanthus roseus will also be widely used in indoor potted plants. as a higher ornamental plant flowers, I believe many friends will ask a breeding method, flower language and the role of flowers and so on. So the editor briefly introduces the relevant information of Catharanthus roseus here.

[plant archives]--

English name: Catharanthus roseus

Study: Herba Catharanthi rosei

Alias: daily spring, daily grass, daily new, 04:00 spring, clock flower, wild goose red, five-colored plum, four seasons flower, red periwinkle

Family: Apocynaceae

Genus: Catharanthus roseus

Growth environment: mostly on the edge of the forest, roadside, beach and garden grass, mostly for cultivation

Distribution of origin: originated from the Mediterranean coast, India, tropical America, in China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces (autonomous regions) cultivation is more common.

Morphological features: perennial evergreen herbs. Clumpy, slender stems, prostrate or procumbent, up to more than 1 meter long, leaves opposite, elliptic or ovate, apex acute, green, shiny, golden yellow and gray-green markings between leaf margin and veins, flowering from April to May, flowers solitary, blue, Corolla butterfly-shaped.

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[properties of traditional Chinese medicine]-

Bitter; cold; poisonous

Liver meridian

[efficacy] detoxification and anti-cancer; clearing away heat and calming the liver.

[indications] it mainly treats many kinds of cancer, hypertension, carbuncle, sore and scald.

[source of medicinal materials] is the whole grass of Catharanthus roseus and Catharanthus roseus.

Oral administration: fried soup, 5-10g; or made from extract

[medicinal parts] the shape is the same as Catharanthus roseus, only yellow flowers.

[harvest and storage] harvested from late September to early October of that year, the aboveground parts were harvested on a sunny day, first cut off the woody hard stem of the plant stem, and then cut the small segment of growing 6cm and dry it.

The main toxicity of vincristine is to inhibit the function of bone marrow, and vincristine is more toxic to nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, such as abnormal sensation, disappearance of knee reflex, myasthenia, neuralgia, alopecia and abdominal colic, intestinal obstruction, etc. however, it is much lighter to leukopenia and thrombocytopenia than vincristine.

[pharmacological action]-

1. Most of the alkaloids isolated from Catharanthus roseus have anti-tumor effects, among which vincristine and vincristine are the most valuable and have been used in clinic. The chemical structures of the two drugs were very similar, but the antitumor spectra were different, and there was no cross resistance between the two drugs.

two。 Intravenous injection of total alkaloids can reduce blood pressure in anesthetized cats and rabbits, and the blood pressure decreases rapidly, which is the same as the slow hypotension of total alkaloids, and the hypotension is accompanied by the deepening of breathing and the increase of amplitude.

3. The water extract of Catharanthus roseus leaves can also reduce blood glucose in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rabbits and dogs.

4. The diuretic effect of Vindolinine in Catharanthus roseus on saline loaded rats.

5. The total alkaloid of Catharanthus roseus has no excitatory effect on isolated uterus and intestine, but has inhibitory effect on isolated heart in large dose. It is introduced abroad that total alkaloid of Catharanthus roseus can be used as hemostatic in uterine bleeding and its root can be used for abortion.

How to raise Catharanthus roseus? -

◆ growth habits: like dry, high temperature, ventilation, sunny environment, resistant to drought but not resistant to water and moisture.

◆ growth temperature: the optimum temperature for Catharanthus roseus growth is 18: 24 ℃ from March to July, 13: 18 ℃ from September to March of the following year, and the winter temperature is not lower than 10 ℃.

◆ storage place: sunny and slightly dry environment.

◆ sunlight demand: Catharanthus roseus is a positive plant, growth and flowering require sufficient sunlight, sufficient light is also conducive to prevent plant overgrowth. There is not enough sunshine in winter and the temperature drops, which is not conducive to growth.

◆ watering: Catharanthus roseus avoid dampness and fear of waterlogging, basin soil watering should not be too much, too wet affects growth and development. In particular, indoor winter plants should be strictly controlled watering, it is better to dry, otherwise it is easy to freeze. Open field cultivation, midsummer showers, pay attention to timely drainage, so as not to cause the whole area to die by waterlogging.

◆ fertilization: suitable for fertile and well-drained soil, resistant to barren soil, but do not be alkaline. Clayey soil with hardening and poor ventilation results in poor growth of plants, yellowing leaves and no flowering.

◆ potted soil: when Catharanthus roseus is cultivated, it is better to dry the potted soil.

◆ heart picking: Catharanthus roseus without heart picking has little effect on its own growth, but if it can pick the heart once or twice during the seedling period, it will make its plant shape more beautiful.

◆ pruning: usually we should also do a good job in pruning Catharanthus roseus, and cut off the old and weak branches in time, otherwise it not only affects the overall beauty but also consumes nutrients in vain.

◆ disease control: Catharanthus roseus plants are poisonous, so they are relatively resistant to diseases and insect pests. The main diseases in seedling stage are: seedling quenching disease, Botrytis cinerea and so on. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and drug damage in seedling stage. If it happens, it should be watered with clean water immediately to strengthen ventilation and reduce the harm. The main pests are: red spiders, aphids, tea moths and so on. Long-term rain is very disadvantageous to Catharanthus roseus, especially susceptible to disease. Don't get caught in the rain during the production process.

The culture method of Catharanthus roseus

① cuttage propagation: cuttings should be tender and pay attention to heat preservation and moisture preservation during cutting.

The cutting time of Catharanthus roseus is usually in spring, and we try to cut off a relatively tender branch as a cutting. it can be a tender strip on a new branch or a new one on an old branch, always tender, with two or three leaves at the top, and then insert the bottom of the branch into the wet sand. Try to control the temperature between 20 and 25 degrees during cutting. after watering, you can cover the basin soil and cuttings with a film to moisturize, and put the basin soil in a cool, ventilated place to wait for rooting.

② Water plug Propagation: pay attention to changing water in summer.

The selection of water cuttings of Catharanthus roseus is similar to that of ordinary cuttings, and the truncated branches can be inserted directly into clear water, but always change water for cuttings, preferably every two days, to ensure the content and cleanliness of nutrients in clear water. When necessary, you can also add a few drops of nutrient solution to promote the rooting of water cuttings. Generally speaking, it takes about 20 days to take root.

The flower words of Catharanthus roseus-

Legend: there are many legends about Catharanthus roseus all over the world, among which it is said that the great thinker Rousseau likes flowers and plants very much. One day, he went for a walk by the river and found Catharanthus roseus, which reminded him of his happy past with his lover 30 years ago. According to legend, if men and women eat the leaves of Catharanthus roseus together in places that no one else can see, love will suddenly sprout.

The words of Catharanthus roseus: happy memories, everlasting youth, steadfastness!

Conclusion: nowadays, Catharanthus roseus has been widely used in indoor potted plants, but it is worth reminding everyone here that although Catharanthus roseus, which has the good name of "day and spring", belongs to the family Phyllostachys pubescens, it breaks its stems and leaves and gives off white milk, which is highly poisonous, so don't eat it by mistake!

"the most complete and quasi-drug-taking plants in history" counts the flowers that can fight against PM2.5

As the weather in haze becomes more and more frequent, PM2.5 has broken its watch several times, poking people's nerves. It almost obscures our view of the blue sky and white clouds and the sun, and it is a luxury to open windows to welcome fresh air. Can plants save the air on which we live? Many people want to ask: can indoor plants alleviate haze air pollution? If so, which plants have detoxification effect?

Haze is mainly caused by suspended particles, and it has been affirmed by many experts that plants that can absorb particles can play this important role. Therefore, the news of "poison grass" radiation protection and disinfection of formaldehyde for three hours to 92.4% "spread on the Internet. Office workers who face computers every day and citizens who have just finished decorating their new homes have come to the flower market to buy" drug weeds. " For formaldehyde, radiation, etc., can "drug addicts" really have such a powerful "drug addiction" effect? Experts confirmed that "poisonous weeds" can purify the air, but rely on "poisonous weeds" to absorb formaldehyde and prevent radiation, which is far less effective than window ventilation. So which plants can resist PM2.5 or which plants can remove formaldehyde? today we have visited several large green flower markets. Please follow the Eternal imprint wedding planning to find out.

∮ dripping Guanyin ∮

Dripping Guanyin, Araceae, Amorphophallus, also known as Dichondra, bergamot, etc., perennial evergreen herbs with medicinal value; under warm and humid conditions, water drips down from the tip or edge of the leaf; and the flowers are like Guanyin, so it is called dripping Guanyin. It is reported that dripping Guanyin also has the effect of removing dust from the air, and it is beneficial to health when placed in the room.

The leaves of Dishui Guanyin are the main ornamental organs.

Dripping Guanyin root and stem of the white juice is poisonous, dripping "water" is also toxic, if skin contact, will cause itching or strong irritation, eye contact can cause severe conjunctivitis, or even blindness. The fruit is red and highly poisonous.

Dripping Guanyin bonsai

The root of Dishui Guanyin is also of great ornamental value.

Dripping Guanyin can be cultured in water.

♪ flower language ♪ has like-minded, sincerity and elegant connotation.

∮ orchid ∮

Orchids are perennial herbs. The root is fleshy, hairless and symbiotic. With false bulb, commonly known as Reed head, wrapped with leaf sheath, often connected with multiple pseudobulbs, existing in rows at the same time. Leaves linear or sword-shaped, leathery, erect or pendulous, flowers solitary or in racemes, pedicels bearing numerous bracts. Flowers bisexual, fragrant. Corolla consists of 3 sepals, 3 petals and core column.

Orchid is a traditional famous flower in China, which is widely loved because of its elegant and chic beauty. It is reported that she also has the function of vacuuming. Buy some pots and go home!

♪ language ♪ is beautiful, noble and virtuous.

∮ green pineapple ∮

Green pineapple, also known as golden kudzu, is native to the tropical rain forest of Solomon Islands in Indonesia. Large evergreen vines. Tropical areas often climb on the rocks and tree trunks of rainforests and can grow into giant vines. Can grow in the general environment, sexual preference for warm, humid environment, requires loose soil, fertile, good drainage. The green radish vine is several meters long and has air roots at the internodes. With the increase of growth age, the stem becomes thicker and the leaves become larger and larger. Leaves alternate, green, a few leaves will also be slightly yellow mottled, entire, heart-shaped.

Moreover, the green pineapple is an extremely tenacious herb, which can grow with water, which is also known as the "flower of life". It has a beautiful meaning of tenacity and kindness, and the green pineapple is placed in the living room near the door. can show the host's tenacious kindness, hospitality of the good quality.

Variegated green pineapple

Environmentalists have found that a pot of green pineapple is equivalent to an air purifier in a room of 8m / m / 10, effectively absorbing harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene in the air. Green pineapple is not only tenacious in vitality, but also placed indoors, and its ability to purify the air is no less than that of ivy and orchid. The newly laid floor is very easy to produce harmful substances. Because green pineapple can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air at the same time, it is very suitable to be placed in the newly decorated room.

Green pineapple is cheap and convenient to breed. Its green leaves and tender branches are infinitely loved by people. Coupled with its tenacious, kind-hearted and happy flower language, it has become the darling of small flowers in the family. Many people like to raise a pot of green pineapple at home to beautify the home. According to people's preferences, the position of green pineapple is also different.

1. Green pineapple is placed in the living room. Green pineapple is suitable for the place where the family has the most contact, next to the TV in the living room and on the table in the living room is a good choice.

2. Green pineapple is placed in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place for people to sleep and rest, and it is appropriate to create a beautiful and quiet atmosphere. Green pineapple, a small, elegant plant, can be placed.

3. Green pineapple is placed in the kitchen. Putting green pineapple in the kitchen with the most lampblack not only achieves the goal of environmental protection, but also adds a little green to the kitchen, which can be said to kill two points with one stone.

4. The green apple is placed on the windowsill. The location of the windowsill is exclusive to Luluo. Pay close attention to, we can find that the plants on the windowsill of the general family are all green apple, because its size is very small, it is just right to put it on the windowsill, it will not crush the windowsill, and it will not block the beautiful scenery that the owner thinks.

♪ flower language ♪ flower of life, watch happiness ~

∮ Boston fern ∮

Boston fern is a plant of the genus Dryopteris, a horticultural variety of native Chinese ferns in Britain, often called Boston kidney fern, which is about 30 centimeters tall. The common Boston ferns are dense-leaf Boston fern, wrinkled-leaf Boston fern, fine-leaf Boston fern and so on. Kidney fern is native to tropical Asia and Africa. Taiwan is mainly distributed in low-and middle-altitude mountain forests. There are more than 30 species in the world. Because of its spore sac-like kidney and its underground bulb water reservoir such as kidney-shaped, it is called kidney fern, also known as Dryopteris and jade fern.

Boston fern is an expert in dealing with formaldehyde in plants, absorbing about 20 micrograms of formaldehyde per hour and is considered to be the most effective "biological purifier". In addition, it can also inhibit xylene and toluene released from computer monitors and printers. Recently, it has been proved that it has good vacuuming ability.

Because of its unique elegant posture, Boston fern was widely cultivated as early as the Victorian era. Up to now, Boston ferns are often placed in indoor environments such as living rooms, bedrooms and toilets. The leaves are feathery and can grow to 60150 inches long. the longer they grow, the leaves will slowly roll up, adding freshness to the interior. Among all the Boston ferns, Bostoniensis is the most famous one cultivated in Boston, USA. In order to make the Boston fern look better, the air humidity must be kept constant and carefully cared for.

Put it in the higher place of the room, let it hang down naturally, forming a green waterfall, making the room green, giving people a feeling of vitality and vitality. Or plant in the hanging basket or hanging basin hanging in front of the window, ceiling and other places, will make the bedroom full of natural vitality; it can also be planted in high tube flowerpots, and then placed in bamboo, rattan pots, installed on several high feet, so that its luxuriant and clumpy leaves float around, and the long and curved leaf posture curve is obvious, very eye-catching.

∮ monoanther ∮

Monoanther flowers, subshrubby plants, stems fleshy. Simple leaves opposite, long oval, leaf blade dark green, midrib and lateral veins yellowish, obvious contrast, very beautiful. Inflorescence terminal, bracts golden, florescence up to 2 months. It is also a good choice for dedusting flowers.

Golden vein monodrug flower leaves are dark green and glossy, leaf veins are yellowish, leaves are neat. The spikes of flowers are golden. Many potted plants are planted in halls, reception rooms and exhibition halls, while in the south, they are planted in flower paths, flower beds and other places to cooperate with safflower plants to increase the ability of garden and other outreach.

Monoanther flower seedling

Single anther flower group planting

∮ Rich Tree ∮

Rich trees: rich trees, evergreen trees, like high temperature and humid climate, poor cold tolerance, seedlings avoid frost, adult trees can withstand light frost and long-term 5-6C low temperature, South China can live in the open winter, the north must be moved into the greenhouse in winter, like fertile loose, permeable and water-retaining sandy soil, acid soil, avoid alkaline soil or clayey soil, more resistant to water and moisture, but also slightly resistant to drought. Release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide; suitable for warm, humid and well-ventilated environment, Xiyang is also resistant to yin and convenient for management and maintenance.

♪ Flower language ♪ is full of origin, prosperity and bright future.

∮ Milan ∮

Milan: Caviar orchid (scientific name: Aglaia odorata) is an evergreen shrub, small tree, alias Magnolia, Magnolia, etc., belonging to the neem family. Young branches with star-shaped rust-colored scales at the top, flowers yellow, extremely fragrant. Seeds with fleshy aril. It blossoms from July to August, or blossoms in four seasons.

Milan likes warmth. The higher the temperature, the more fragrant the flowers will come out. Avoid severe cold, like light, avoid strong sunlight, slightly shady, fertile loam rich in humus, good drainage loam. The basin was changed once in 1 ~ 2 years, and fertilized once in 1 ~ 2 weeks during the growth period. The winter moves into the room where there is direct sunlight, and the overwintering temperature is above 10 ℃. Natural scavengers can remove harmful substances from the air. A faint fragrance, full of elegance.

♪ flowers say ♪ there is love, life will blossom {the legend of Milan flowers, please see tomorrow ~}

∮ African jasmine ∮

African jasmine: formerly known as ash wood, alias ash wood, green yellow fruit and so on. It is similar to the jasmine of Melilidae only in that the leaves are opposite and the flowers are fragrant. Because the homonym of ash wood is similar to jasmine, and in order to make the name good and easy to sell, the florist gave it a new name "African jasmine". The volatile oil produced has significant bactericidal effect. Can make people relax, conducive to sleep, but also improve work efficiency.

It likes warmth and good sunshine, but it is required to avoid the strong direct sunlight in summer; it likes the environment with high air humidity and good ventilation, and is not resistant to cold, dry freezing and sharp drop in temperature; it grows best on loose, fertile loam with good drainage; it has strong sprouting and tillering ability, especially resistant to repeated pruning. ♪ flower language ♪ is simple and natural, pure and pure.

∮ aloe ∮

Aloe: can beauty, purify the air, evergreen aloe has a certain role in absorbing odor, the effect is longer.

Aloe vera has the ability to monitor air pollution, just like an air pollution monitor. Aloe is very sensitive to carbon dioxide in the air. In the sun, aloe uses carbon dioxide to produce organic substances conducive to growth, but the maximum concentration is 0.4%. If the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air exceeds 0.4%, the growth of aloe will be inhibited. As long as more than 10 micrograms of carbon dioxide per gram of air, it will damage chlorophyll, making aloe leaves brown or black spots, as a warning to remind people that it is time to open the window for air. What is more rare is that most plants carry out photosynthesis during the day, absorbing carbon dioxide, and at night, they need to release carbon dioxide through respiration. But succulent plants such as cactus and aloe usually carry out a kind of sedum acid metabolism, which can continue to absorb carbon dioxide at night and help purify the indoor air, especially in the bedroom.

In addition, when there are too many contents of hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and ammonia in the air, the growth of aloe will also vary. Aloe is also good at absorbing formaldehyde and can absorb 90% of formaldehyde in 1 cubic meter of air under 24-hour lighting.

It is recommended to put a pot of aloe vera at the desk and bedside, especially in the winter when windows are not often opened, which can help you monitor air quality all the time. Aloe is resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. When watering, it should be watered gently along the edge of the basin, and do not rush hard. In addition, it is usually necessary to wipe off the dust adsorbed on the surface of aloe leaves with a wet rag.

♪ Flower language ♪ the Source of Youth ~

∮ tortoise back bamboo ∮

Tortoise back bamboo: is a natural sweeper, can remove harmful substances from the air.

♪ language ♪ health and longevity ~

∮ Golden Cymbidium ∮

Golden orchid: it can remove harmful substances from the air and purify the air.

♪ flower language ♪ is helpless and gives people hope ~

∮ gold ∮

Golden cactus, also known as the yellow thorn, is a very popular species of cactus in the cactus family and amber genus. There is plenty of light, and you need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight every day. Summer should be properly shaded, but not too shaded, otherwise the sphere becomes longer and will reduce the ornamental value. The suitable temperature for growth is 25 ℃ during the day and 10 ~ 13 ℃ at night. The suitable temperature difference between day and night can accelerate the growth. In winter, it should be put in a greenhouse, or in a sunny place indoors, and the temperature should be kept at 8 ~ 10 ℃. If the winter temperature is too low, ugly macula will appear on the sphere. Absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen day and night. And easy to survive.

Like dry and avoid waterlogging; like sand and avoid stickiness; like alkali and avoid acid.

♪ flower language ♪ has a strong habit, meaning to resist adversity.

∮ green leaf orchid ∮

Green leaf orchid: also known as weeping pot grass, do not choose soil, light requirements are not strict. Has the extremely strong absorption toxic gas function has "the green purifier" the laudatory name.

∮ Baxi Railway ∮

Brazilian iron: Brazilian iron, also known as fragrant dragon blood tree, likes high temperature, well-ventilated environment, preferring light and shade, afraid of scorching sun, avoiding dryness and drought. Putting it in the study can promote good luck, and putting it in the office can help promote. It can remove harmful substances from the air.

♪ Baxi Railway ♪ means step by step.

∮ sunflower ∮

Loose-tailed sunflower: also known as coconut, Aoi Murasaki. Tufted evergreen shrubs or small trees. Its green palm leaves are very effective in purifying xylene and formaldehyde. Tropical plants, like warm, humid, semi-shady environment. The cold tolerance is not strong, the leaves turn yellow when the temperature is below 20 ℃, the lowest temperature for overwintering is above 10 ℃, and about 5 ℃ will freeze to death.

♪ flower language ♪ soft, so beautiful and moving.

∮ Osmanthus ∮

Osmanthus fragrans: Osmanthus fragrans, also known as wood rhinoceros and laurel, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. Osmanthus fragrans is divided into golden cinnamon, silver cinnamon, cinnamon, and four seasons osmanthus.

It can remove harmful substances from the air. The volatile oil produced has significant bactericidal effect. Sweet-scented osmanthus is one of the top ten traditional flowers in China. It is an excellent ornamental and practical tree species with greening, beautification and fragrance. Osmanthus fragrans can be regarded as unique. It likes warmth and strong resistance to adversity. It can withstand both high temperature and cold resistance.

I believe everyone is familiar with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in August. Sweet-scented osmanthus is often in full bloom in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, that is, the Mid-Autumn Festival. In the era of imperial examinations, sweet-scented osmanthus symbolized the honor of the literati. "Toad Palace wins the laurel" is the elegant name of Jinshi and the first.

Because of the homophonic "expensive" of "osmanthus", sweet-scented osmanthus also has the meaning of splendor and wealth. In some places, it is customary for brides to bring sweet-scented osmanthus, which means "give birth to a noble son early".

In the legend of "sweet-scented osmanthus wine", the kind fairy wine lady moved Wu Gang Daxian, who was in charge of osmanthus trees in the moon palace, and passed the sweet-scented osmanthus wine to the world. So sweet-scented osmanthus has the meaning of "harvest" again.

♪ flower language ♪ Chinese imply that sweet-scented osmanthus means "lofty", "beautiful", "auspicious", "friendly", "loyal person" and "straight and unyielding", "fairy friend" and "fairy guest"; Guizhi is regarded as "outstanding figure" and "official career"; Europe and the United States call Guizhi "glory" and "honor".

Attention should be paid to the health and safety of purifying indoor environment by using flowers and plants:

We already know which plants can be used to purify and which plants have better purification effect, so how to calculate the number of plants in the room? Many friends do not know very well.

The director of the China Indoor Environmental Monitoring Committee mentioned that when using plants to purify formaldehyde pollution in the indoor environment, we should pay attention to three points:

1. Plant decontamination can be selected for medium and low pollution.

Generally, in the environment where the indoor environmental pollution is mild or moderate pollution and the pollution value is less than 3 times of the national standard, plant purification can achieve better results.

two。 Select and place plants according to different functions and areas of the room.

Under normal circumstances, about 10 square meters of the room, 1.5 meters high plants put two pots is more appropriate. Among them, the bedroom: should not put too many plants, is not conducive to sleep at night; toilet: can put green pineapple, rich bamboo and other shade and moisture-resistant plants; study: suitable for anthurium, orchids and other elegant plants; living room: loose-tailed sunflower, wealth trees and other tall plants; kitchen: cactus and other small plants resistant to oil smoke.

3. Four taboos of purifying indoor environment by using flowers and plants

Bogey incense: the fragrance of some flowers and plants is too strong, which will make people uncomfortable and even have adverse reactions. Such as night flowers, tulips, five-colored plum and other flowers.

Taboo Min: some flowers can cause allergic reactions. Such as rose, jade cloves, five-colored plum, hydrangea, geranium, bauhinia and so on, people touch them, often cause skin allergies, or even rash, strange itching unbearable.

Avoid poison: some ornamental flowers and plants are toxic, and attention should be paid to mimosa, poinsettia, oleander, yellow rhododendron and champion red, etc.

Avoid harm: for example, cactus plants have spikes, families with children or children's rooms should not be placed as far as possible. In addition, for the sake of safety, the plants in the children's room should not be too tall, and do not choose flowerpot racks with poor stability to avoid harm to children.