
How do rich trees blossom? what's the picture like?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Make a fortune tree, this is a lot of people like to breed, the name of the fortune tree itself means auspicious, how does this fortune tree grow and blossom? What is the picture of the rich tree blooming: the trunk of the rich tree can be used as a raw material for pulp, and it is also an excellent tree species with economic value.

Make a fortune tree, this is a lot of people like to breed, the name of the fortune tree itself means auspicious, how does this fortune tree grow and blossom? What the picture of the rich tree blooming looks like:

The trunk of the rich tree can be used as the raw material of pulp, and it is also an excellent tree species with economic value. Its leaves have 5-7 palmately compound leaves, while the new small leaves are oval in shape.

As long as it is properly maintained, the wealth trees planted in the south will blossom from April to November every year, and the wealth trees will produce pale green fireworks, and the flowers will produce oval capsules after successful pollination.

Most people raise small potted rich trees. Where the annual temperature is more than 5 degrees, the rich trees can be planted and preserved, and they are more likely to bloom.

How to raise a rich tree to blossom:

1. Lighting

Originally, the rich tree likes the light very much, but the rich tree, which is used to the indoor shade environment, cannot be exposed too much at once, its negative resistance is also very good, and the decoration is very convenient. if you want it to see the light, you can first see the morning light, and then slowly increase the light.

2. Pay attention to temperature

Rich tree is a tropical plant, like a warm environment, the best temperature for growth is 15-30 degrees, the lowest temperature in winter can be kept above 5 degrees, pay attention to avoid frostbite, low temperature will lose leaves.

3. Pay attention to watering

In the process of maintenance of wealth trees, proper watering is very important, especially during the period of high temperature in summer, if there is a wealth tree with scattered light, it should be watered at least once a day, but it can be watered at least once a month in indoor shade or air-conditioned rooms.

A fortune tree that is not taken care of is like a dou who cannot afford it. He only cares about growing green leaves and absorbing sunlight, but without a strong stem, he cannot take root. A fortune tree is not a tree with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Shallow bowls can not be developed top-heavy, pay attention to watering according to their own maintenance environment, good ventilation, good light, more watering; shade, indoor maintenance, less watering.

About the rich tree flowering pictures and flowering breeding methods are introduced here, hurry up to breed a rich tree!

When will the rich tree blossom? How to raise a rich tree to blossom

Because the rich tree has a beautiful meaning, it is a common indoor green plant. Because the potted tree is not easy to blossom, most people think that the tree is a foliage plant. In fact, the tree will blossom. The tree will generally blossom in April or May. So how to raise the tree to blossom?

When will the rich tree blossom?

The rich tree has white and pink flowers from April to May every year. The inside of the flower is light yellow, the outside is brown or green, and the petals are lanceolate or linear. If well maintained, the length of the flower can reach about 22 cm, similar to the tail of a comet. Emitting fragrance, the color of stamens is yellowish red, as long as petals. Juqiao net

How can a rich tree blossom easily?

It is normal for rich trees planted outdoors and not potted to blossom, but those planted in flowerpots are less likely to bloom. Rich trees have higher requirements for soil, have sufficient moisture in the high temperature growth period, have strong drought tolerance, do not suffer from watering for several days, and reduce watering in winter. Once the rich tree opens, it needs to consume a lot of nutrients. After flowering, it can be fertilized properly in the soil to ensure the nutrition of the rich tree growth.

Will the rich tree blossom?

The name of the rich tree is "Malaba Chestnut", which is originally from Mexico and is a common indoor foliage plant today. In the process of raising wealth trees, many people do not see them blossom. There will be a question in mind, will the rich tree blossom? In fact, if the conditions are right, the rich tree can blossom.

Will the rich tree blossom?

The leaves of the rich tree are palmately compound leaves, and there are six or seven leaflets on each petiole, and there are also eight. Because of the homonym of "eight" and "Fa", people give it an auspicious name: the rich tree.

The rich tree is an evergreen tree with a height of about 10 meters. Palmately compound leaves alternate, petiole 10-28 cm long; leaflets 5-9, leaves long oval, entire, leaf tip pointed, about 10-22 cm long, pinnately veined, petiolules short. Flowers are solitary in leaf axils, with 2-3 bracteoles and yellowish flowers.

The scientific name of the rich tree "Malaba chestnut" is a tropical plant. As long as it reaches a certain age and the environment and temperature are suitable, it is possible to blossom. Because today's rich trees are planted in potted plants, there are few phenomena of blossom and fruit. Planted on the rooftop, there are more suitable conditions before it will blossom.

Some people have found that even in the wild with suitable tropical conditions, only one of the 1000 wealth trees will blossom, and potted wealth trees are even more rare. The flowers of the rich tree are white, slightly, long, about 4 to 5 centimeters long, with little red spots in front of the strips.

Pictures of making a fortune blossom

The above introduces the conditions of the rich tree blooming, the appearance of the rich tree blooming, as well as the related pictures, hoping to help the majority of flower growers to better understand the rich tree.