
How do hydroponic white palm leaves turn yellow and droop? which is better than soil culture?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Water culture white palm, small friends in the city generally use water culture white palm, convenient and simple, water culture white palm leaves yellow drooping how to do? Water culture white palm or soil culture white palm which is good? What is the flower language of white palm: hydroponic white palm leaves yellow drooping how to do: 1. Cut off the yellowing leaves in time.

Water culture white palm, small friends in the city generally use water culture white palm, convenient and simple, water culture white palm leaves yellow drooping how to do? Water culture white palm or soil culture white palm which is good? What is the flower language of White Palm:

What if the hydroponic white palm leaves turn yellow and droop:

1. Cut off the yellowing leaves in time.

2. To find out the factors that lead to the yellowing of leaves. Generally speaking, frequently changing water for white palm, too much fertilization, insufficient light, too low temperature and other factors will cause leaf yellowing. Parents should prescribe the right medicine according to the actual situation and correct improper maintenance methods.

3. After finding out the causes of the yellow leaves, put the white palm in the light and ventilation place, and usually move its position as little as possible to provide a fixed growth environment for it.

Is it better to cultivate white palm with water or soil:

For beautifying the indoor environment, hydroponic white palm is the most concise and environmentally friendly cultivation method. It can ensure that the root system of the plant is white and beautiful, and the overall ornamental value of the plant is also greatly improved.

For the growth of white palm, soil culture is better than water culture. Because the soil is full of nutrients and rich in trace elements, it can promote the growth of white palm root system, while hydroponic white palm is not easy to meet the conditions, and it is difficult to make white palm blossom.

The flower words of white palms:

Everything is going smooth.

White palm leaves oblong or sublanceolate, both ends acuminate, base cuneate. The flower is a Buddha bud, slightly fragrant, leafy, that is, its flower does not have petals, but consists of a white bract and a yellow-white spike, similar to the palm of the hand, hence the name white palm; its flower is large and conspicuous, the pedicel is long and high above the leaf surface, white or green, also known as white taro, bract taro and flat taro.

Because the leaves of white palm are similar to those of bamboo taro, the flowers are very similar to crane heads, graceful and graceful, and the flowers are white, so they give people a sense of beauty of "pure and calm, peaceful and peaceful", and are regarded as "innocent flowers". In our country, because the people feel that white palm has a kind of auspicious meaning, it is "plain sailing" according to the image of its flower. It means that everything is smooth and safe. Suitable for potted plants, decorating living rooms, corridors, windowsills, study bedrooms, bathrooms and so on.

This is the end of the problem about the hydroponic white palm, this white palm is very suitable for giving away, and the flower language is super good.

Analysis of the causes of yellowing of White Palm leaves in Water Culture

White crane taro likes high temperature, humid and semi-overcast environment, white crane taro leaves are larger, more sensitive to humidity, afraid of strong light exposure, summer shade 60% 70%, but long-term lack of light, it is not easy to blossom. What if the hydroponic white palm leaves turn yellow? Today, the editor of wed114 Wedding Network brings you the reason why the leaves of white palm turn yellow.

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of white palm

Environmental abrupt change

When people suddenly change in the environment, they will be dissatisfied with soil and water, and they will show physical discomfort, as will plants. The living environment of white palm changes suddenly, the soil, temperature, humidity and light change suddenly, or change the pot to injure the root, slow the seedling improperly, all these will cause the plant leaf to turn yellow.

Improper watering

White palm is a fleshy root, although it can be hydroponically cultured, it does not mean that more water is needed in soil culture. In particular, the watering method is wrong, each time the amount of water is less and the number of watering is more, the water is easy to stay at the joint of the rhizome, causing the root growth point to rot to death. The phenomenon that the young leaves are dark and yellow, and the new shoots are not long.

Soil becomes alkaline

White palm likes acidic soil, if planted in the north, because the water quality and soil quality are alkaline, the leaves will fade gradually, turn yellow or even fall off after long-term application.

The sun is uncomfortable.

Strong direct sunlight, easy to cause leaf tip, leaf edge withered, leaf sunrise part of the macula. But white palm in winter and early spring need better light, do not shade.

Temperature discomfort

The growth of white palm requires a semi-shady place, and the leaves are easy to yellowing when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃. The leaves are dull and lose their luster. Long-term cryogenic liquid will cause withering and yellowing of the ground.

Excessive fertilization

White palm does not like fertilizer, excessive fertilization shows that the old leaf tip turns yellow and withered, and the new leaf is thick and shiny, but concave and convex does not stretch.

What if the leaves of white palm turn yellow in hydroponic culture?

To ensure the relative stability of the maintenance environment

Reduce the degree of change in the environment and wait for it to adapt. If the plant hurts the rhizome, you can put it in a cool place and wait for it to adapt slowly.

Choose the right soil

Choose acidic soil when planting and cooperate with watering in daily maintenance. The easiest way is to water fermented rice washing water or Rain Water, which can reduce the alkalinity of the soil.

Strengthen maintenance

The yellowing of white palm leaves is usually due to improper maintenance, watering, fertilization and light discomfort. The times of watering should be reduced, and the water in the soil should be watered again after waiting for the soil to dry a little bit each time.

Gradually shade the sun when the light is getting stronger, and move to the shade immediately if the plant is exposed to too much sun. Control the temperature and move it indoors if the temperature is too low.

Tips to prevent white palm leaves from yellowing:

Temperature control can be solved by strengthening water spraying or environmental ground sprinkling, or it can be covered with transparent plastic bags. Open ventilation for half an hour at noon to prevent high-temperature seedling burning.

After entering autumn, you can put it on the south-facing balcony or windowsill and bask in the sun for a while every day. It is best to change the soil after the beginning of spring.

Watering must be controlled. If it is put indoors, it can be watered once every half a month. If you can see the sun, it should be watered once a week and once a month.

The reason for the yellowing of white palm leaves, how to deal with the yellowing of white palm leaves

White palm is a common green plant, but it is easy for the leaves to turn yellow when planted at home. There are many reasons for the yellowing of white palm leaves, the main reason is caused by stagnant water. Many flower friends in the process of breeding white palm leaves will appear yellow situation, then white palm leaves yellow how to do? Next, let's take a look at the nine major causes of yellowing of white palm leaves and their solutions.

Cause analysis and treatment of yellowing of white palm leaves

The main results are as follows: 1. Environmental mutation leads to yellowing of white palm leaves: the cause of environmental abrupt change is that the soil, temperature, humidity and light suddenly change too much, or the leaves turn yellow due to the need to slow down the seedlings when the roots are injured in the basin.

Solution: reduce the degree of change in the environment and wait for it to adapt.

2. Too much watering leads to yellowing of white palm leaves (water yellow): although white palm can be hydroponically cultured, it does not mean that soil culture needs a lot of frequent watering, especially when the amount of watering is small and the number of times is large, the water is easy to stay at the joint of the rhizome and cause the growth point to rot to death. It shows that the tender leaves are dark and yellow, and the new shoots are shrunk.

Solution: in this case, the number of watering should be reduced, and each time the water in the matrix is slightly dry and then watered again.

3. Soil alkali leads to yellowing of white palm leaves: White palm likes acidic soil. If planted in the north, due to alkaline water quality and soil quality, long-term application will lead to gradual fading, yellowing and even shedding of leaves.

Solution: the easiest way is to pour fermented rice washing water or Rain Water.

4. Exposure leads to yellowing of white palm leaves (burning yellow): strong direct sunlight is easy to cause withering of leaf tips and edges, and macula appears in the sunny part of leaves.

Solution: just move to the shady and ventilated place.

6. Lack of sunlight leads to yellowing of white palm leaves (lack of light yellow): White palm needs better light in winter and early spring, do not shade.

Solution: gradually shade the sun when the light is getting stronger, and if you enjoy it in the shade, you can't put it in the sun directly. Otherwise, there will be discomfort due to rapid changes in the environment, such as wilting, yellow leaves, and even death.

7. Temperature discomfort leads to yellowing of white palm leaves: the growth of white palm requires a semi-shady place, and leaves are easy to yellowing when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃. The leaves are dull and lose their luster. Long-term cryogenic liquid will cause withering and yellowing of the ground.

Solution: adjust the temperature, special circumstances can be moved to the air-conditioned room!

8. Excessive fertilization leads to yellowing of white palm leaves (fat yellow): too much fertilization shows that the old leaf tip turns yellow and withered, and the new leaf is thick and shiny, but the concave and convex does not stretch.

Solution: you can sprinkle a layer of cabbage or radish seeds on the surface and pull them out a few days after emergence to consume nutrients.

9. Diseases and insect pests lead to yellowing of white palm leaves: if harmful mites are harmful, the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on.

Solution: special mites can be sprayed for control, such as triclofenac, Nisolang, pyridaben and so on.

Experience of white palm maintenance

The main results are as follows: 1. White palm grows fast and needs a large amount of fertilizer, so liquid fertilizer must be applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season.

2. Provide sufficient water, always keep the basin soil moist, and spray water to the leaf surface and ground during the high temperature period.

3. The amount of water should be reduced at the end of autumn and winter to keep the basin soil slightly moist.