
Cutting method of crabapple flower when does potted plant blossom

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Crabapple flower, this is super many people like, good-looking, especially when blooming, is a string, what is the cutting method of crabapple flower? Potted crabapple flower when to bloom: begonia flower cutting method: (1) cutting time. Family cutting should be between April and May.

Crabapple flower, this is super many people like, good-looking, especially when blooming, is a string, what is the cutting method of crabapple flower? When do potted crabapple flowers blossom:

Cutting methods of crabapple flowers:

(1) cutting time.

Family cutting should be carried out from April to May when the temperature rises to more than 20 ℃. At this time, the air humidity is high, the temperature is high, and the management is simple, which is suitable for the rapid rooting of begonia in the four seasons.

(2) cutting substrate.

Wash and dry the river sand and place it in a basin. The river sand washed and dried basically achieved the purpose of disinfection, and the sun-dried river sand was beneficial to the daytime sunshine temperature and promote the cuttings section healing and rooting.

(3) selection of cuttings.

Cut strong branches, each with 3-4 nodes, cut into a flat top at the top and a horseshoe at the bottom to expand the contact surface with sand and promote rooting.

(4) cutting and management.

Cut in the sand basin with a row spacing of 3 cm × 4 cm. When cutting, we first cut holes in the basin sand with bamboo sticks of the same thickness as the cuttings, and then insert the branches of four seasons crabapple, which do not need to be watered within 2 days after cutting, so as to facilitate the formation of healing tumors on the shear surface. On the fifth day, spray water with a temperature similar to that of sand, and pour it to the bottom of the basin to see the water flow out. Keep it in the shade and generally no longer water it. About 10 days can grow 3-4 cm root system, then put the pot in the sun, and watering according to the weather conditions, after 6-7 days, it can be planted in the basin.

Begonia likes sunshine, is not tolerant to shade, and avoids dampness. Begonia flowers are extremely hardy and have strong adaptability to cold and arid climates, so they can withstand cold climates. generally speaking, begonia can grow well at minus 15 ℃ and can be placed outdoors.

When does potted begonia blossom:

Begonia flowers in different regions, due to the difference in temperature, the flowering time is also April-May, extended to March-June.

This is the end of the introduction about the cutting method of crabapple flower and the time of flowering. You can plant one when you have a chance.

How to raise Begonia Flowers in potted plants

Crabapple flower is known as "national beauty". The flower appearance of begonia is wonderful and its ornamental value is very high. Su Shi once wrote "only afraid of sleeping late at night, so burning high candles according to red makeup" is enough to prove the charm of crabapple flowers. How to raise crabapple flowers in that family? Then Xiaoqi shared the breeding methods and matters needing attention of begonia flowers.

I. Culture methods of crabapple flowers

Crabapple flowers like light, but also withstand semi-shade. Strong adaptability, cold tolerance and drought tolerance. Soil requirements are not strict, generally in good drainage areas can be cultivated, but avoid low-lying, saline-alkali land. It has strong sprouting power and can be pruned. Begonia flowers are extremely hardy, so they can withstand cold weather, but they must also have a certain degree. Generally speaking, begonia can grow well at minus 15 degrees and can be placed outdoors, but if it is particularly cold, such as minus 30 or 40 degrees, we should pay attention to take protective measures.

The planting and turning of crabapple flowers should stop from February to March, or in the twilight of autumn. It is appropriate to use loose and fertile garden soil, humus mixed with sand or rice chaff ash as substrate, and mountain mud can also be used. When going up or turning the basin, a large number of rotten cake crumbs and bone meal can be included in the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. The young trees make rapid progress, and the pots can be turned every 1-2 years, and the old stumps can be 2-3 years away. When turning the basin, the roots and branches need to be trimmed to increase elegance and maintain average. Begonia flowers should be treated in sunny, ventilated gardens. If there is a lack of light, the progress will be poor and there is no need for shade in summer. Crabapple flowers are more cold-resistant, they can be buried in the outdoor shelter from the wind and the rising sun in summer, or they can be moved into brilliant indoor wintering, and the temperature can be kept at 0 ℃. If the indoor temperature is heated in summer, you can blossom in advance and leave the room in March of the following year.

Begonia flower cultivation should keep the basin soil moist, but not stagnant water. Proper watering is needed in spring and summer. Watering should be real-time and strong at low temperature in midsummer, such as lack of water, leaf edge is easy to scorch, watering is gradually eliminated after cool autumn, and less watering after defoliation in summer to prevent rotting roots. It is a deciduous tree species and should not spray too much water on the branches and leaves. Crabapple flowers like fertilizer, can be properly applied, should pay attention to the common use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. If nitrogen fertilizer is used too much, it is easy to cause the sign of luxuriant branches and thin flowers. After flowering in spring, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied to promote the progress of branches and leaves. More phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied in summer and spring to facilitate the decomposition of flower buds and ensure that the flowers are colorful. Fertilizer can be used as cake fertilizer, human feces and urine, bone meal, chicken dung, fishy water and so on.

The flower of crabapple has strong germination ability and rapid progress. Need careful hairdressing and pruning. After falling leaves in summer to before sprouting in spring, chaotic branches such as withered branches, disease and insect branches, weak branches, cross branches, stacked branches and over-dense branches can be cut off. After blooming in spring, depending on the demand of appearance, you can properly truncate overlong branches, promote the division of lateral branches, increase the number of flower buds, and ensure that the flowers are unique in the coming year. In addition, after sprouting in spring, the bud heads of too many begonia seedlings that are too dense and in poor status can be erased to prevent their weak branches from spreading.

II. Matters needing attention in flower culture of crabapple

1. It is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist for watering. Drought and midsummer weather also need to spray water on the leaf surface and the ground, and increasing air humidity is beneficial to growth. Avoid stagnant water in the basin and get caught in the rain, otherwise the roots are easy to rot. In winter, the basin soil is slightly dry, spraying leaves and environment with clean water every 7 days, which not only increases humidity but also makes leaves clean. During the growth period, thin cake fertilizer and water were applied once every 10 days, and quick-acting phosphate fertilizer was applied in the bud stage. Pay attention to fertilization, do not splash fertilizer on the leaves; flowering and winter and summer should not be fertilized.

2. The suitable temperature for the growth of bamboo crabapple is 18-20 ℃, which has a well-ventilated and scattered light environment. Measures such as shading, ventilation and water spraying should be taken in high temperature season, and it is better to keep room temperature above 10 ℃ in winter, which can be placed in a place with plenty of sunshine. During the growing season, the family should be exposed to outdoor scattered light once or twice a week, and should be placed in a sunny shelter in winter.

3. The bamboo crabapple plant is relatively tall, so it is necessary to set up support branches with thin bamboo and other things to prevent lodging. At the same time, every spring, we need to turn the basin, change the soil, prune and cut off the weak branches, overlapping branches and residual roots. For the plants that have flowered for 2-3 years, the plants that are too high should be truncated, leaving only 6-10 cm of the stem to germinate new branches.

The above is how to raise crabapple flowers and crabapple flower culture methods and matters needing attention. Before breeding crabapple flowers, we should first understand the breeding methods of begonia flowers, so that we do not have to worry about raising live crabapple flowers.

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Potted crabapple flower culture methods 1, potted crabapple flowers like semi-shady environment, put on the inside of the balcony, facing east or west window. 2. Water the crabapple flowers until the soil is dry and then water again, each time until the water flows out. 3. Potted crabapple flowers should be more heart-picking, do not worry about the buds, constantly take off the top of each branch, it will continue to branch into a ball, rather than a long one, not only less ugly but also easy to break. The flowers that have opened should also be trimmed in time. 4. Always turn the direction of the flowerpot so as not to let it grow askew in a direction of light. 5. The leaves of potted crabapple flowers are too dense to be removed. If they are not well ventilated, it is easy to get mildew. In this way, I have carefully raised a pot, which is very luxuriant and proud, but it is only one pot. Since then, I have never had the patience to make a second pot. Newly planted crabapple flowers should pay attention to water conservation, ventilation and scattered light. Watering and fertilizing. It is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist for watering. Drought and midsummer weather also need to spray water on the leaf surface and the ground, and increasing air humidity is beneficial to growth. Avoid stagnant water in the basin and get caught in the rain, otherwise the roots are easy to rot. In winter, the basin soil is slightly dry, spraying leaves and environment with clean water every 7 days, which not only increases humidity but also makes leaves clean. During the growth period, thin cake fertilizer and water were applied once every 10 days, and quick-acting phosphate fertilizer was applied in the bud stage. Pay attention to fertilization, do not splash fertilizer on the leaves; flowering and winter and summer should not be fertilized. Light and temperature. The suitable temperature for the growth of begonia flower is 18-20 ℃, and it has a well-ventilated and scattered light environment. Measures such as shading, ventilation and water spraying should be taken in high temperature season, and it is better to keep room temperature above 10 ℃ in winter, which can be placed in a place with plenty of sunshine. During the growing season, the family should be exposed to outdoor scattered light once or twice a week, and should be placed in a sunny shelter in winter. Bind and turn the basin. As the crabapple flower plant is relatively tall, it is necessary to use thin bamboo and other things to set up support branches to prevent lodging. At the same time, every spring, we need to turn the basin, change the soil, prune and cut off the weak branches, overlapping branches and residual roots. For the plants that have flowered for 2-3 years, the plants that are too high should be truncated, leaving only 6-10 cm of the stem to germinate new branches.