
How to raise Prunus mume by Cuttage Propagation

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hanging bamboo plum, this kind of plant is super good-looking, it is green all the year round, how does hanging bamboo plum raise explosive pot? What is the method of cuttage propagation of hanging bamboo plum: how to raise the popping pot: hanging bamboo plum is originally a kind of plant that lives on wetlands, so we know that it likes wetting very much.

Hanging bamboo plum, this kind of plant is super good-looking, it is green all the year round, how does hanging bamboo plum raise explosive pot? What is the method of cuttage propagation of Prunus mume:

How to raise the explosion pot of hanging bamboo plum:

Diaozhumei is originally a kind of plant that lives on wetlands, we know that it likes wetting very much, and the most important thing to raise Diaozhumei well in summer is water.

The temperature in many places is more than 30 degrees in summer, and the consumption of water in such an environment is very large. Potted bamboo plums should not only be watered and replenished every day, but also learn to spray it sooner or later, and it is also crucial to properly maintain humidity.

The process of conservation should not allow the soil to be too dry. If it is too dry, the plant will wither and the leaves will wilt and scorch the edge.

The soil can choose sandy soil with good drainage, or humus soil with certain water retention capacity, which is not picky about the soil.

It is not suitable to apply fertilizer when the temperature is too high, especially when the temperature exceeds 33 degrees, you can only give thin fertilizer, and you can no longer apply fertilizer at noon, properly spray water on the ground to cool down, or keep the bamboo plum in a slightly shady and cool place.

Methods of cutting propagation of Prunus mume:

Its best cutting temperature is between 15 and 25 degrees, too high or too low temperature is not suitable for cutting propagation, but the summer temperature is relatively high, most of the time the temperature is more than 30 degrees.

After the temperature is more than 27 degrees, it is not suitable to breed bamboo plum, too high temperature will cause the stem of the cuttings to rot, and it is difficult to induce new roots.

If you want to breed bamboos and plums in summer, it is best to choose cuttings when it is overcast and rainy, cut off a stem about 7cm long and 12cm long, remove the leaves at the bottom, and cut them directly in the wet sandy soil, during which time you should frequently water and spray water to keep the soil moist and the air moist.

Proper water spray on the ground to cool down, coupled with high humidity, it is easy to take root and sprout if the temperature is maintained below 25 degrees, and it can be raised directly in bright light in summer.

This is the end of the method of raising the popping pot of hanging bamboo plum, so we should pay attention to the method of cutting.

How to cut bamboo plum, the propagation method of hanging bamboo plum / four points can be cut into the pot.

Diaozhumei is loved by people because of its unique branches and leaves, so some people want to raise more pots, so it is necessary to consider the problem of reproduction, so how to reproduce? The editor introduces to you two common and simple breeding methods of hanging bamboo plum.

How to reproduce Diaozhumei

In general, there are three propagation methods of potted plants, namely, cutting, ramet and sowing. Because the seeds of Dianzhu plum are difficult to obtain, so its reproduction mode is slightly different, how to reproduce? The answer is cutting and dividing plants. Let's learn more about the breeding methods of these two kinds of bamboos and plums.

The Propagation method of Prunus mume

First, how to cut bamboo plum

1. When is the cutting time

The use of cutting propagation, the time should be chosen in March-early May, or September-October, the appropriate temperature at 18-25 degrees, lower than 18 degrees will be difficult to root, and higher than 18 degrees cutting is easy to rot and infection, so the time choice is very critical.

2. Pruning branches

Choose a sturdy main stem or lateral branch, cut into a section with a length of 7-10 cm, each section should contain 2-4 nodes, retain the upper parietal leaf and lateral leaf, cut all the other extra branches and leaves, and then leave them in the shade.

3. Cuttage

The substrate can be cultivated with river sand or vermiculite, and if possible, half of the garden soil and rotten leaf soil can be mixed, and the selected branches can be inserted into the matrix, buried in the length of soil branches to two or three internodes, and then watered appropriately.

4. Post-management

The soil should be kept moist after cutting, and the air humidity should be 75-85%. It can be sprayed 1-3 times a day, half of which can take root after 15 days, and can be transplanted after the new buds grow. After that, normal maintenance is carried out in accordance with the breeding methods and matters needing attention of hanging bamboo plum.

Note: during the cutting propagation, we must pay attention to the temperature control, the temperature is too low or too high will affect the success rate of cutting, in the spray should also avoid excessive, otherwise easy to cause bacterial infection.

Second, the ramets of Prunus mume.

1. When is the ramet

Usually in the spring March-April ramet, it is a relatively simple operation and high survival rate of the control method, but the time must choose the right time, late spring or early autumn is a more suitable time.

2. Specific operation

Select the luxuriant mother plant, take it out of the pot, cut the sprouting seedlings with roots, and then plant them in the prepared flowerpot, pay attention to keep the soil moist and the temperature suitable.

Note: ramet propagation is more commonly used. After taking out the mother plant, the rotten roots and dry leaves can be cut off to avoid grabbing the nutrients in the basin soil after the ramet, which can make rooting faster.

The method of Cuttage Propagation of Prunus mume when will it be cut

The reason why Diaozhumei is so popular, in addition to its own luxuriant leaves and the ornamental value brought by purple florets at maturity, it is also easy to reproduce, and its ability to adapt to the environment is also very tenacious. Cutting propagation is more common in many plant propagation methods, and cuttage is also the main way of propagation of Prunus mume.

Methods of Cuttage Propagation of Prunus mume

1. Cutting substrate of Prunus mume.

Before selecting branches, it is necessary to match the cutting substrate to prevent the branches from losing too much water. The cutting substrate, that is, the culture soil of Diaozhumei can be made of river sand, peat soil, etc., or it can be mixed with a variety of nutrient soils. It is best to disinfect the soil before use to remove germs or eggs that may be mixed in the soil.

2. Selection of hanging bamboo plum cuttings.

Cut cuttings on robust mother branches, the length of cuttings should be between five and eight centimeters, and three to five tender leaves are guaranteed on each cuttings to improve the survival rate of cuttings.

3. Hanging bamboo plum on the basin

When potting, there should be a filter layer and fertilizer under the flowerpot. The general order is to first lay a layer of clay or coarse sand at the bottom of the flowerpot as a filter layer, and then lay a layer of culture soil containing fertilizer. Finally, fill the flowerpot 3/4 with the prepared cutting medium and insert the cuttings into it.

4. Maintenance of hanging bamboo plum

After potting, maintain a suitable temperature (18 to 25 degrees Celsius), humidity (at least 75% of the air humidity, if the air is dry, spray to increase air humidity) and sufficient light to ensure that the cuttings take root normally.

When will Diaozhumei be cut?

Hanging bamboo plum can be carried out all the year round, but spring and autumn are the best.

How to make Diaozhu Mei blossom more often

1. Ensure the proper lighting of Diaozhumei.

Phyllostachys pubescens is a temperature-loving plant, during the growing period, it must ensure sufficient light, so as to ensure that the plant grows dense and full leaves. If you grow in a dark place with insufficient light, it will lead to slender, scattered and irregular stems and leaves, and the leaves are thin and unhealthy. It should be noted that although the light of hanging bamboo plum should be bright, it should not let the scorching sun shine directly, and it is easy to lose moisture and wither.

2. The suitable temperature for the growth of Prunus mume.

Diaozhumei is suitable to grow in a warm environment, spring, summer and autumn are its growing period, and it grows slowly or enters the dormant period directly when the winter temperature is low, so it is necessary to pay attention to the heat preservation when the winter temperature is lower than 10 degrees.

3. Watering of Diaozhumei

During the growth period of Diaozhumei, it is not advisable to water it too frequently and keep the basin soil slightly moist, which will make the leaves of Diaozhumei more colorful. In the winter dormancy period, basically watering every half a month is enough to ensure its water absorption, too much watering will lead to root rot and plant death.

What if the leaves of Diaozhu Prunus mume become soft?

1. Symptoms of softening of leaves of Diaozhu Mei

Leaves feel soft, feeling that there is no vitality, but also bent down, the normal leaves look energetic and full.

2. the causes and solutions of the softening of the leaves of hanging bamboo and plum

1. If the amount of watering is too little, the amount of water should be increased after softening. Bamboos come from wetlands in Mexico, so they need a lot of water to raise them. If the soil is too dry, it can easily cause the leaves of the plants to soften and turn yellow, and even the whole plant will wither. Especially in its growing period, it is necessary to replenish water every day, requiring higher humidity of the basin soil, and frequently spraying water on plants to maintain humidity, but there is also a dormant period, during which watering should be reduced.

2. If there is too little sunlight, it is found that it is necessary to increase the duration of sunlight when it becomes soft. Hanging bamboo plum likes to be exposed to the sun, but if it is in a dark environment for a long time, it is easy to cause the overgrowth of plants and soften the leaves, even if it is semi-overcast. Even in winter, you have to breed in a place where the sun can shine. If you can't stay in the sun all day, make sure you grow in the sun for a period of time every day. But it should be noted that the scorching summer is not suitable for exposure in the hot sun.

In fact, when the air is too dry, it will also cause the leaves to soften to yellow, and finally wither and fall. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the right amount of moisture at all times when breeding.

Hanging bamboo plum is not only of high aesthetic value, but also has the function of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which can clean the air, which is very suitable for home breeding. But Diaozhu plum is slightly toxic, so pay attention to precautions in the process of breeding, especially children, so as to avoid accidental eating!