
How much is the price of firethorn bonsai?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Firethorn bonsai, this is a lot of people like farming, the growth is really good-looking, firethorn bonsai production method is what? What is the price of firethorn bonsai: the production method of firethorn bonsai: (1) generally speaking, September is the best time for firethorn bonsai to press branches.

Fire thorn bonsai, this is a lot of people like farming, looks really good, fire thorn bonsai production method is what kind of? How much is the price of fire:

The method of making firethorn bonsai:

(1) pressing time

Generally speaking, September is the best time for firethorn bonsai to press branches. Because in September, the plant basically completed the growth of flowers and leaves, in a more mature state, when pressing branches can grow a particularly beautiful posture in the next year, and this time is relatively cool, more in line with the growth characteristics of Pyracantha.

(2) branching process

The pressing process of firethorn bonsai is mainly divided into three processes: heading, substrate and pressing branches. There are two ways to press the branch, one is to put it in a moist place, so that it can be planted in a soil pot after 1 month, and the other is to plant it directly in a flowerpot and under the condition of 20-25 ℃, it can grow into a natural growth after a month.

(3) styling

When the work of pressing branches is completed, in March of the following year, we will use an inch-sized flowerpot and put it into the right soil to allow it to grow freely. In May, we will use a 4-inch flowerpot, and in August and September, we will be able to make a shape.

Price of firethorn bonsai:

Firethorn bonsai price is not high, as a strong ornamental bonsai, its performance-to-price ratio is also relatively high. Generally speaking, the price of firethorn bonsai ranges from dozens of yuan to hundreds of yuan, and consumers can choose and buy according to their personal preferences and the form of bonsai.

Production and Management of Tree Bonsai

Production and Management of Tree Bonsai

Bonsai with trees as the main body, due to different materials, it is usually divided into "tree view" and "pile view" two categories. The tree scene is made of young trees and processed artistically, so it is often called "cultivation from childhood". Yang School, Sichuan School of Bonsai and so on often use this method to make bonsai trees. Young trees are obtained by sexual or asexual reproduction, such as sowing, cutting, grafting, striping, splitting and other methods to cultivate young trees for 2-3 years or a few more years. The pile scene comes from the mountains and collects old tree stumps, strange tree stumps and dead tree stumps formed by years of cutting or other natural reasons.

A relatively complete bonsai of trees, after processing, usually has the characteristics of dry bending (thick), twisted branches, fine leaves, root dew and so on. Dry bending: no matter oblique dry type, recumbent type, water-facing type, cliff type, etc., most of the trunk has one or more bends that are not on one plane (a few are flat and up) and bend to varying degrees, taking curvature as beauty, of course, straight lines can also be considered, this is because straight lines still exist objectively in nature. The linear trunk is strong and powerful, with towering trees and aboveboard spirit, as long as it is handled properly, in some cases, its grace is not necessarily inferior to that of curved pines, for example, the main body of Huangshan welcome pine is not so curved, and the three-dimensional picture formed by its straight trunk and horizontally curved and drooping branches is still very coordinated in the spatial structure. Rough dry, whether straight dry or curved dry, is also an important feature, because only rough dry can show the "quaint and vigorous" of trees. Of course, "rough" should be determined according to the needs of the composition. It is usually considered in terms of the ratio of tree height to tree diameter, rather than formal thickness. Branches: as the ancients said, "there is no inch straight". The bending of branches also imitates the bending of old branches of ancient trees in nature. of course, straight branches of crab claws and antlers are also beautiful. Fine leaves: it is appropriate for bonsai trees to choose leaflet species, and the proportion between branches and leaves is coordinated in order to show the dense, natural and lifelike state of spring onions. Lugen: it is the beauty of old trees and old trees, so most bonsai trees should be treated by exposing their roots. The imperial view of trees is the summary and epitome of the beautiful tree scene in nature.

The cultivation, production and management of bonsai trees is not only an artistic work, but also a detailed work of horticultural science. A bonsai with noble taste and admiring trees often takes years or even decades of careful cultivation to take shape. For example, in the creation of Lingnan bonsai, "an inch of branches have been born for several years, and Jiajing has become ten years old."

The production and maintenance management of bonsai trees usually have the following aspects: selection of tree species, cultivation of tree blanks, processing and modeling, landscape matching in pots, maintenance management and so on. Maintenance management includes: temperature management, light management, water management, fertilization, pruning modeling, turning basin to change soil, pest control and so on.

I. selection of tree species

China is rich in plant resources. There are also many materials suitable for making bonsai. Generally speaking, it is better for those with dense branches, thin leaves, resistance to pruning, resistance to transplantation, strong adaptability, long life, suitable shape and beautiful shape. Our ancestors were good at making use of plant resources. During the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty (1796-1820), Su Ling in Wuxi divided the bonsai plants into four masters, seven sages, Rocks of Eighteen Scholars and Siya of flowers and plants (see introduction for details). At present, one or two hundred bonsai tree species have been found in China, which are generally divided into the following categories:

1. Pine and cypress

Five-needle pine, black pine, Luohan pine, Huangshan pine, juniper, cypress, Cryptomeria fortunei, metasequoia, pond fir, Cunninghamia lanceolata, yoke wood, sparrow Chinese pine, cedar, Masson pine, true cypress, Swertia pine, Huashan pine, white pine, red pine, cypress and so on.

2. Foliage

Melon seed yellow poplar, fish scale yellow poplar, triangular maple, red maple, silk cotton, Fujian tea, sparrow plum, tiger thorn, Jiuli incense, hammer elm, ginkgo biloba, maple incense, red maple, beech, holly, Xiaola, Chinese mosquito mother, opposite section from wax, holly, wood fan, red nan, mountain orange, fine leaf banyan, park tree, peach leaf coral, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Phoenix tail bamboo, Luo Han bamboo, Buddha belly bamboo, purple bamboo, dwarf palm bamboo, cycad and so on.

3. Ornamental flowers

Camellia, golden finch, tea plum, plum blossom, purple myrtle, green peach, stick stem begonia, rhododendron, welcome spring, weeping silk begonia, Xifu begonia, sweet-scented osmanthus, pomegranate, June snow, exploring spring, gardenia, wax plum and so on.

4. Fruit viewing class

Firethorn, fruit pomegranate, Phyllostachys pubescens, bergamot, kumquat, medlar, golden marbles, Hawthorn, purple Taurus, Lao Rao persimmon, persimmon, Chinese wolfberry, bottle orchid, peach, kumquat, melon and so on.

5. Lianas

Ivy, wisteria, Lingxiao, Luoshi, honeysuckle and so on.

II. Tree cultivation

Bonsai trees mainly come from two aspects: one is to obtain seedlings, and the other is to dig tree stumps from the mountains. The former uses sowing, cutting, grafting, split, striping and other methods to raise seedlings. This method belongs to childhood cultivation, the trunk can be bent, but because the tree is small and thin, it takes a long time to form a large bonsai. In order to dig up the stump, the latter can choose old trees, strange trees and large stumps with special shape, which can be cultivated and processed quickly, but the shape of the trunk has been determined, so it can not be shaped according to the requirements of composition, but can only be treated according to wood. The transition of thickness between trunk and lateral branches is not natural, and it still needs to be cultivated for several years to make the transition between trunk and lateral branches natural.

Techniques of stump excavation and cultivation. The time of stump excavation should generally be arranged in winter when deciduous trees lose their leaves, after the trees enter the dormant period, and before the trees sprout in the following spring, some cold-intolerant tree species in the south should be excavated from March to April in spring and when the temperature gets warmer. Tree stumps collected in early winter can be planted, cold maintenance can be carried out in the north, and the Yangtze River basin can also be excavated in warm and thawing weather in winter. In the process of transportation or storage, protective measures should be taken to prevent the stump from losing water and drying up. When digging tree stumps in the mountains, the old tree stumps formed by years of cutting or damage by other natural factors should be selected. In the dense forest, the straight and tall ones are not suitable to be used as bonsai piles. When digging stumps, first determine the tree species, and then look at the age of the stump head, taking years as the best. The form is old, simple, vigorous and tortuous. Also pay attention to the shape of the trunk and root and the texture of the surface, of course, do not blindly pursue strange shape. Stump volume generally should not be too tall, to facilitate processing modeling, suitable for potted plants and indoor and outdoor furnishings. Although some tree stumps have some defects, they can be improved and made up for after cultivation and modeling. Pile diggers should have many years of practical experience and be good at identifying the advantages and disadvantages of pile heads. If you want to get high-quality goods, you can't get them if you don't climb or cross the rock. When digging tree stumps, you should bring picks, shovels, saws, shears, basket bags, ropes and other tools. Before selecting the head of the stump, you should carefully study and consider it carefully to avoid changing your mind in the middle of digging, resulting in unnecessary waste of labor. First cut or truncate the treetop and overlong or superfluous branches on the stump, leaving the truncated trunk and branches, and then dig around the stump, dig carefully, after exposing the main and lateral roots, truncate the main and lateral roots and leave as many lateral roots as possible. The size of the root disk left behind should be determined according to the thickness of the stem of the pile head, and it should also be considered to be suitable for potted plants. usually, the size of the root disk is mainly 2 to 4 times the diameter. However, it is larger when truncated in the field, because when planting, the top of the root disc should be cut off a little to ensure that the incision is fresh and beneficial to the root. The stump is dug up to keep it fresh to prevent dehydration and wilting. It is usually placed in a turnip basket and filled with moss to maintain humidity. It can also be packed in a plastic bag and protected from direct sunlight. Fresh-keeping stumps, after 10 to 15 days of transportation, will not affect the survival. Evergreen species with weak sprouting power, such as pine, pearl yellow poplar, cypress, etc., cannot cut off all the branches and leaves, but must retain some branches and leaves, and the roots must carry soil to ensure survival. Sprouting tree species, such as Lycium, Gardenia jasminoides, Phyllostachys pubescens and most deciduous trees, will not be affected by cutting off their branches and leaves. Some people dig up the stump, plant it locally for a year, feed it, and then transport it back for planting.

The root system of the tree stump collected from the mountain has been destroyed, and most of them have only main root and lateral root, but no absorbing root system. Therefore, the process from stump planting to new root absorption is actually a cutting process, similar to root cutting in stem propagation, so some people call this process "embryo cultivation". If the technique of root insertion propagation is used to "raise embryos", the survival rate must be very high. The method of embryo culture is the method of same root insertion and propagation.

After the root pile was collected and transported back, it was possible to survive as long as the main and lateral roots did not dry up. First, the main side of the root system is cut flat with a saw or knife to cut off the excessive part of the root system. The size of the root plate should be suitable for potted plants, and the cut should be smooth to facilitate the root. When planted in a mud basin or nursery, water should be watered thoroughly for the first time. The trunk is covered with straw or moss, or it can be covered with plastic sheeting to moisturize. And shaded until new absorbing roots were formed. Other management is the same as cutting propagation. Pick the buds when the new buds grow to 2cm long. According to the requirements of modeling, delete the new buds out of place or too dense to ensure that the buds are left to grow and thrive. Bud picking can be divided into 2-3 times, and new roots may occur 1-2 months after germination, gradually reduce the time of shading, increase the light in the morning and evening, and gradually remove the shading in autumn after the heavy summer day. At this time, strengthen management and promote growth. The stump can be cultivated for about 1-2 years, and then it can be processed and modeled, while the deciduous tree species such as elm, sparrow plum and maple can be modeled by using the new branches of the same year. The modeling of young trees is usually carried out after 2 or 5 years of cultivation.

Third, modeling technology

Bonsai modeling of trees is the process of taking a series of artistic treatment methods for young trees or root stumps (stumps) of old trees to turn them into miniature (shrunken) big trees, occupied trees and giant trees. It is the process of epitomizing the essence of trees in nature into a small basin.

There are many beautiful trees in nature. Such as the welcome pine and upside down pine in Huangshan, the ancient cypress in Zhongshan Park in Beijing, the white bark pine in Jietai Temple, the "clear, strange, ancient and strange" ancient cypress in Deng Weishan in Suzhou, the Lianli pine in Mount Tai, and the ancient ginkgo biloba in Yangzhou Stone Pagoda Temple are all like natural bonsai, which is the role of nature. Therefore, bonsai writers should learn from nature and be good at absorbing beneficial nutrients from nature so as to make their artistic talents grow up. This is what people say, "there are hills in the chest and the belly is full of forest springs."

Tree bonsai modeling generally includes trunk modeling, branch modeling, foot treatment, selection of pots, landscape and several frames. The first is the trunk, that is, the trunk is straight (planting or oblique planting), straight (curved or straight), texture (peeling or carving) and so on. The second is the posterior branch, after the trunk is finished, start to deal with the branch, tie the top piece first, then down to the foot piece (sometimes the lower foot piece, and then upward). In the same branch, first tie the main branch, then tie the side branch, and then twig, from thick to thin. The third is foot treatment, such as root exposure, root introduction, stone attachment and so on. The fourth is to select the basin, spot the scene (stone, accessories, moss), select a few.

When bonsai trees are modeled. We should also choose a good viewing surface, which is the side of the main picture that provides appreciation to the viewer. In the viewing surface, the posture and texture of the trunk, the shape, quantity and distribution of branches, as well as the feet, potted noodles, stone spots, scenery and several frames should be the best part of the bonsai, and the viewing area (viewing area) should also be the largest part (commonly known as big noodles).

In the two sides of the viewing, the scope of viewing is relatively small, although it is not the main viewing surface, but it can also be appreciated. The reverse side of the viewing side is the back. Generally not for people to appreciate, the shape is not demanding, because the bonsai trees usually stand against the wall, that is, people usually say that the wall is made of paper landscape painting, so it is generally not used for viewing.

The best time for modeling, deciduous trees are usually carried out in the raw season when the new shoots are not fully lignified, because the branches are softer, bend easily and are not easy to break. Evergreen tree species should be carried out in autumn and winter, if carried out in the sprouting and growing season, it is easy to damage new buds and shoots.

1. Trunk styling

⑴ young trees (tree view) trunk shape: the trunk of young trees is thin, the material is relatively soft, so it has a certain degree of plasticity. Under artificial treatment, a variety of shape changes can be formed, and these changes are usually controlled by four factors. The trees used for processing are usually positive and straight, or basically positive and straight. On the other hand, the upright trunk (trunk) is tilted to any direction, with the increase of the tilt angle, the inclination of the trunk is increasing, and then the trunk will lie down in the horizontal state of basin ink, and the inclined trunk will continue to fall downwards. it becomes a dangling state. The other is the bending of the trunk, which bends the trunk in any direction and winds it into several bends. Usually the two factors of tilt and bending appear on the same trunk at the same time, that is, it forms a bend while tilting and sagging. Tree bonsai in most cases, tilt and bending of these two factors simultaneously and comprehensively affect the trunk (including branches, of course), resulting in the formation of today's various bonsai. Such as qu dry type, horizontal dry type, cliff type and so on. Straight and curved, positive and straight are two groups of factors corresponding to each other. In nature, most of the trees seen (their trunk and branches) are straight but not curved or positive but not curly. Only those old trees, old trees, strange trees, due to the role of natural factors, there is a certain degree of bending state. Therefore, when modeling, bending and tilting the trunk is an ancient phenomenon in nature, but in the artistic modeling of bonsai trees, various art schools further concentrate, refine, summarize, exaggerate and sublimate the music and music of trees in nature, so that this natural beauty has more artistic vitality.

In most cases, the overall tilt (or overhang) direction of the trunk is parallel to the viewing surface, that is, perpendicular to the line of sight of the viewer (or author). That is to say, the trunk is tilted to the left or right, because only in this way can the trunk be tilted, a special momentum is displayed in front of the viewer, and this picture is the viewing surface.

The degree of inclination of the trunk should be determined according to the needs of the composition. The upright trunk, which does not bend or bend, usually shows a straight, towering or graceful posture. The tilt increases the momentum of the trunk, and the momentum increases with the increase of the degree of inclination (that is, the angle). The greater the degree of tilt, the greater the momentum, the more dangerous and strange it will be. The straight trunk (or branch) shows the spirit of uprooting the tree vigorously and forcefully, while the curved trunk (or branch) shows a soft, gentle posture. Bends can be divided into size, shape (that is, the degree of bending), position and number on the trunk. Usually the bend on the trunk becomes smaller from the bottom up, that is, the bend in the lower part is larger and the upper part is smaller. The bending degree of the bend affects the momentum of the bonsai trees, so it should be decided according to the needs of the theme. In addition to the "opposite turn" of the Sichuan School and the Youlong bend of the Hui School, the bends on the trunk are in one plane, that is, bending back and forth from left to right, the general bends on the trunk should not be on the same plane, but should be changed to increase the vitality of the picture. The number of bends can be more or less, it can be one or several, depending on the needs of the picture, it should echo the size, shape and position of the bends.

No matter what form of bonsai, its trunk is due to the comprehensive effect of positive sum, straight and curved four factors, which makes the trunk (or branch) produce dynamic and quiet, peaceful and strange, steady and dangerous, rigid and soft changes. When making bonsai trees, we should pay attention to adjust these changes. The shape of the trunk of a potted bonsai is good or bad, mainly depends on whether it can deal with the strange in the middle of the plane, the combination of strength and softness, the stillness in the movement, the movement in the stillness, and the stability in the danger. If we further study it, the shape and texture of the trunk are also two factors that affect the shape of the trunk. They also have a connection with the upright and upright, which comprehensively affects the momentum of the trunk. In some cases, shape and texture can enhance the effect of the picture and enhance the momentum brought by the four factors.

The methods of trunk bending include brown silk binding, metal wire binding, engraving, twisting and so on.

A thicker trunk (dry body), if it is to be bent, is usually wound around hemp or cloth on the trunk in order to prevent it from breaking during bending. A hemp bar or cloth strip can be added to the outside of the bend to increase toughness. If the trunk is thicker and more difficult to bend, you can use a chisel to make a groove on the side of the curved part of the trunk, the depth of which is 2 beat 3 of the xylem, and then wrap the hemp or cloth according to the above method. Brown wire or wire can be used when bending, and thicker trunk (dry body) can be bent with iron top ring, hanging ring and other new technology. if the groove is carefully managed, it will gradually heal after 2 months. The thicker ones also use the method of engraving to bend the trunk, carving a knife across the back of the bend before bending, reaching the depth of the xylem to 3 points, and then bending and cracking (figure 5-1).

⑵ pile scene modeling: usually the trunk of the stump is relatively thick and can not be bent directly, so the trunk can only be properly tilted to increase the momentum of the tree. Of course, carving means can also be used to adjust the form to make it more vigorous and simple. When modeling the trunk (dry body), we should first select the viewing surface according to the needs of the theme. Face the side that meets the requirements of the picture to the author for people to appreciate. The ornamental surface of the trunk should be the best side in terms of shape and texture, or after modification, it can become the best side.

The so-called modification, one is to take the potential for the trunk, the potential is the tree potential, and the potential is to plant the stump into the basin, which can be positive, lateral, and lying, and the positive is quiet, and the momentum shown by the trunk affects the whole tree. The posture of the trunk plays a leading role in the picture, controlling the momentum of the whole picture. The slant is also oblique, there are different degrees of oblique, its potential also has different degrees. As for the posture of the trunk, it is not only closely related to its shape and texture, but also consider the shape and quantity of the main and side branches (branches) and their position on the trunk, as well as the shape and texture of the trunk. In short, it should be shown in front of people with the best picture. The second is carving, usually carving off part of the trunk, or processing and finishing the original decaying part of the trunk, so that it presents a natural decaying state, so that the trees become more old and simple. Show the picture of dead wood in spring, withered and prosperous each other, but also take the method of peeling off part of the bark on the trunk, revealing the xylem, showing the strong character of the trees that have experienced vicissitudes. There are also trees that peel off all the bark at the top of the tree, exposing the top of the white xylem, indicating the withered top of the old tree, and the tree form of peeling off the bark is called "Shili stem", indicating the white bones after peeling.

2. Branch modeling

Branches are pieces composed of branches and leaves, which have been described in detail in the previous chapter. There are usually two types of distribution of branches on the trunk and the way in which branches are born on the trunk:

First, the left and right branch type, regular shape of the tree bonsai, generally left and right branches, branches distributed on both sides of the trunk, that is, the left and right side of the trunk. There are also a small number of regular shapes, in addition to the left and right branches, there are one to several branches behind the trunk.

Second, the tree is divided into four-branch type, the natural shape of the tree bonsai, belonging to the four-branch type. That is, the branches are scattered around the trunk, also known as square branches.

The growing part of the ⑴ branch on the trunk: the curved stem shape, most of the branches are born in the protruding part of the back of the bend, and few are distributed in the bend, even if in some cases, the branches need to be distributed slightly to the side, or the branches should be arranged in the upper or lower part of the bend. Straight-shaped bonsai trees, branches should be naturally distributed in the four directions of the trunk, up and down scattered around the distribution. The main consideration of this form is to be natural and decent, and there can be no artificial traces.

The size of the branch and its distribution on the trunk: the size of the branch mainly depends on the needs of the theme to be represented. The diameter of the branch should be in proportion to the diameter of the trunk. Generally speaking, the largest diameter of the branch on the trunk (the diameter in the left and right direction or the longest diameter) is 2 to 10 times the diameter of the trunk. The top piece diameter of some young bonsai trees can be 22 times that of the trunk, so the picture still looks natural.

Generally speaking, the diameter of the branches in the lower part of the trunk is the largest, and the branches at all levels decrease gradually from the bottom to the top, but there are exceptions. This depends on what the theme of the picture is. The lower branch is large and gradually decreases upward, and the vertical section of the crown is triangular. If the difference between the diameter of the next branch and that of the upper branch is called the grade difference, then the crown formed by the large grade difference is a wider obtuse triangle, showing a wider crown. The smaller grade difference is the narrower acute triangle, which shows the more pointed and narrow crown, and the trees are tall and straight. The crowns formed with equal or similar grades are cylindrical, showing a tranquil picture (figure 5-2).

The shape of ⑵ branch: the shape of branch mostly adopts regular shape of disc and natural shape.

First, the shape of the disc, the branches are round, oval and so on. First, the main branch is tied into 2-3 bends, and then the lateral branches of all levels on the main branch are tied into 2 bends, which are distributed on both sides of the main branch and lateral branches. except for Yangpai bonsai, the above-mentioned main and lateral branches do not have to be strictly tied on one plane, but basically on the same plane. Then, by pruning the twigs on the side branches, the branches become a relatively round branch, which can be in the form of a cloud head (cloud) or a flake disc. The round well is horizontal or slightly drooping and should not be inclined upward. Drooping means old trees, old trees, increase the momentum of the tree. Horizontal state of the disc, it is better to hang down a bit at the beginning, because after loosening the branches will still grow upward to the horizontal shape.

Second, the natural shape: the branches are composed of the main and lateral branches of the natural branches. This formula is mainly based on other pruning, through pruning, the use of buds under the cut to change the direction of the control branch, so that it bends naturally, and combined with the retention and abandonment of the branch to control the shape of the branch. This style is used for styling by means of shortening, cutting, and other means, and its form is very natural, just like the sky.

Number of branches: the number of branches on the trunk, some of the regular shapes are very strict. Modern bonsai is relatively free, not necessarily bound by a certain pattern, but we should pay attention to the relationship between density and density in the picture. The main branches are evenly distributed, but not too evenly, there should be dense and sparse, some parts are dense and unventilated, and some places are sparse enough to run horses. That is to say, the distribution of the branches in the picture should be dense in the dense place, sparse in the sparse place, close to each other, ingenious cooperation and variety, so as to prevent the branches from being evenly distributed from bottom to top and from left to right. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the distribution of branches from being too sparse or too dense. Deal with the relationship between secret and sparse.

Sometimes because of the exuberant growth of trees, luxuriant branches and leaves, the branches are connected to each other, and the sparse parts of the original picture are invaded and become dense but not sparse, or less sparse, resulting in density imbalance. At this time, because the branches are connected to each other, the picture is lack of change, staying but not living, which will give people a sense of depression.

3. Brown wire method and wire method

The traditional cutting method of Chinese bonsai is brown silk, that is, brown silk is used to bend tree trunks or branches. Yang School, Sichuan School, Su School, Tong School and so on all adopt the brown silk tie method. Various factions have created many methods of clipping, which are often called "brown methods". For example, there are as many as 11 brown methods in Yangpai. In modern times, metal wire is used to bind branches instead of standard wire, and aluminum wire and copper wire are also used to wrap branches in Japan. Compared with brown wire, wire has the advantages of simple shape, fast speed, free and flexible, and easy to grasp. However, because the color and shape of the wire are very different from those of the branches, the bonsai pierced with the wire can not be enjoyed immediately, and the wire will have to be removed several years later before it can be enjoyed. Judging from the current situation, the wire binding method for factory production in the flower bed is still effective. On the contrary, the color and shape of the brown silk are similar to the branches, and the brown silk used are very slender, interspersed between the branches and leaves, often unnoticed, so after the brown silk tie, the bonsai can be watched immediately, but the brown silk tie method is strong in craftsmanship and not easy to learn. however, as a professional bonsai worker, the strict training of brown silk method is still very important and indispensable. It plays a very important role in cultivating the quality of a bonsai worker.

⑴ palm silk: Palm silk is a tough fiber extracted from palm bark. Rubber grows on the trunk of palm trees and can be peeled off from mature palm trees. Its pulling force, wear resistance and corrosion resistance are all very strong, so it is very suitable for binding the stems and branches of trees. Since ancient times, Chinese bonsai trees have been tied with brown silk, which is called "brown silk binding method". Different factions of bonsai brown silk binding methods are not exactly the same, each has its own set of relatively complete and effective binding techniques, this technique is called "brown method". Brown silk tie method, the first step is to twist the brown silk into brown thread, and the thinnest branch is made of brown silk as a brown thread, that is, it is tied with a brown silk. A thick brown thread twisted with two or more brown filaments on stems and branches. When binding, one end of the brown line is fixed at the bottom of the bend (bottom), which is also called the lower point. Cross the two brown lines back and forth a few times, and then use a strand to tie the other end of the brown line to the top of the bend (top), also known as the focus point, tie a knot, and then press the stem or branch in a predetermined direction and curved Radian to a predetermined position, then tighten the brown line and tie a dead knot to fix it, so that a bend is completed. The top and bottom of the bend are the upper and lower focus points, and it is important whether the location of the focus point is correct or not, because it determines the size of the bend (the length of the string), the direction of the bend, the shape of the bend (whether it is natural and smooth or stiff), as well as its influence on the next bend and its position in the whole picture. Due to the different thickness of the stem or branch (including the thickness of different parts of the same stem or branch), the wood quality of the stem or branch is different. The number, size and position of nodal scars on stems or branches are different, which increases the difficulty of ligature. If you want to bend the trunk of a tree or many branches and tie it to a predetermined position, you must have skilled skills and be able to use all kinds of brown methods freely. Yang sent bonsai to tie the lateral branches and twigs of a main branch to a horizontal plane, which should be said to be a very difficult task.

Modern bonsai trees tend to be free in form, and bonsai can be made by means of rough binding and fine cutting. Even if you don't get home, you can still use the method of "fine cutting" to make up for it, and you can often get a certain artistic effect. However, as a bonsai artist, we still have to go through a strict training process, such as being able to skillfully master all kinds of brown silk binding skills, which is beneficial to the improvement of quality and the creation of deeper bonsai.

The thickness of the wire used is usually about 1 beat 3 times the thickness of the branch to be bound, and about 1.2 to 1.5 times the length of the branch to be bound. Stop watering the day before modeling to make the branches soft and should not be broken when bent. In particular, deciduous trees must stop watering the day before banding. Pomegranate and maple trees have thin skin and are easy to be hurt when piercing, so roll paper, hemp or old cloth outside the wire before tie to prevent injury and tender skin.

① trunk wire modeling method: when the trunk is tied with wire, first plant the tree in the basin obliquely, put the wire close to the rear of the trunk (that is, the back of the ornamental surface), insert the wire into the basin until the bottom of the basin, fix the wire in the soil, be sure to secure it, and then winding the wire, the angle between the wire and the trunk is generally 4500.Otherwise, it will cause the wire to be too dense or too sparse. In addition, the wire should be close to the trunk, but not too loose or too tight. The other end of the wire is wound and fixed on the twig at the tip of the trunk. After the wire is wound, you can bend the trunk, bend the first curve first, and twist gently along the winding direction while bending to prevent the wire from loosening away from the trunk until the curve is completed. Bend the second curve in the same way,. To the top (top).

② branch wire modeling method: first bend the main branch, one end of the wire is fixed on the trunk at the base of the main branch, be careful not to be loose. Then wind the wire like the trunk to the tip of the main branch. The problems that should be paid attention to when winding are the same as the trunk wire winding method. After the wire is wound, it bends the first corner and twists gently along the winding direction to prevent the branch from breaking. After the first song is finished, play the second song,. Then, using the same method, the lateral branches at all levels on the main branch are bent to form branches.

When modeling the branches of the pile scene (tree stump), the composition is first carried out according to the shape of the stump, and then the quantity, shape, size and location of the branches are determined according to the needs of the composition, and the main branches are selected to remove the excess branches. Thicker branches can be wrapped with hemp, cloth and other things to prevent tearing, Shanghai-style bonsai with rings and other simple mechanical pull bending branches, is a good way. The pile scene branch is modeled by the wire method, and the method and steps are the same as the branch metal modeling method introduced above (figure 5-3).

After the wire-shaped bonsai trees, as the trees grow, the wire will sink into the cortex of the branches. The wire must be removed in time before falling into it, which is called loosening. After loosening, some branches bounce back and restore their original form. At this time, they need to be wrapped with wire until they do not bounce back. Evergreen trees and some fast-growing tree species, due to their rapid growth, will be untied in 3 to 4 months in the vigorous growth season, while pine and cypress grow slowly, and the wire will not be removed until about a year later.

4. Root modeling (foot treatment)

There are four types of root shapes.

⑴ root, also known as Tigen, that is, the upper part of the root system thick abundant side of the root system out of the soil, its purpose is to show its old and simple, the other is to make part of the root hanging claws to show the beauty of its posture. The methods are as follows:

① method: also known as basin change method, this method is combined with the basin change, the root system is raised a little bit year by year, and then washed away part of the soil with water, gradually making the upper root system exposed to the soil surface. When necessary, the exposed roots should be treated according to the requirements of the picture. If the root system is too dense or redundant, it should be deleted, or the distribution of coarse root should be adjusted appropriately.

② sand culture method: the trees are planted in a deeper basin, the lower part is filled with fertile soil, the upper part is filled with river sand, the absorbing root system of the plant is introduced into the lower part, and then the upper part of the river sand is removed year by year, exposing the coarse part of the main and lateral root system, and then moved into the ordinary basin, the upper root is exposed. Tidy up the roots as above.

③ addition method: this method is suitable for the height of the flowerpot is not enough, in the upper four sides of the flowerpot around the tiles or other materials, such as thin wood, plastic sheet, in order to increase the height of the flowerpot. When planting trees, fill the upper part of the river sand with soil or lower soil. When the tree absorbs the root system and extends into the bottom, gradually remove the upper soil or river sand, remove tiles and other things to expose the upper root system. Shanghai bonsai is created in the same way.

To accumulate nutrients here. Then tie a strip of gauze cloth outside the metal ring and hang it down to the basin surface, and then put a bowl of water on the basin surface, soak one end of the sand cloth into the water, and the water seeps up to the metal circle through the sand face, creating an environment with high humidity, causing the drooping gas to take root. Also pay attention to the metal ring before falling into the cortex, should be cut off in time to avoid falling into the cortex, affecting the growth and ornamental of trees.

⑶ induces roots, and when young trees are modeled, the main roots are cut off to promote the formation of lateral roots and extend laterally to adapt to cultivation in shallow pots. If the larger tree, the root system is thicker, the root system can be fixed with wire, the shape is determined according to the shape of the basin, planted in a shallow basin. The root system can also be expanded horizontally, laid on a long plank, laid and fixed, and then planted in the soil together with the plank, so that the root system can be extended horizontally. The root system cultivated by this method can be planted in a shallow basin only 1cm to 2cm deep. Shanghai-style bonsai also uses this method.

⑷ stone attachment is to attach the root system of the tree to the gap of the stone, or to penetrate the root system into the cave of the stone to form the form of the tree holding the stone and passing through the stone, that is, the "stone attachment". When modeling, choose good plant materials and stone, plant materials should be well-developed and slender lateral roots. Stone should have a good shape with a certain momentum, good texture and multi-crevice caves.

The root system of the tree is fixed in the gap or buried in the soil through the cave, and then the method of lifting the root is adopted to gradually expose the root system of the stone-attached part to the soil surface together with the stone. Plant into the appropriate pot to form a stone-attached bonsai.

5. Select the basin, light the scene, and match several planes.

⑴ bonsai selection: after the modeling of the bonsai is finished or basically completed, we should choose an appropriate bonsai, which echoes with the trees in shape, size and color, and plays a good role in setting off the main body, so that the plastic arts characteristics of the main body will be doubly radiated. Do not rob the host or focus the viewer's attention only on the pot.

First of all, the size of the basin should be appropriate, first, from the growth characteristics of plants to consider, if the choice of the pot is too large, too much water storage, affecting plant growth. Seriously, rotting roots will occur due to long-term stagnant water. The other is to consider the composition of the picture, the relationship between the size of the basin and the trees should be coordinated, and the basin should not be too large or too small to form top-heavy. Generally speaking, the caliber of the basin should be less than the range of the crown, the jungle type should use a shallower basin, the area in the basin should be slightly larger, in order to show a certain range of space. The straight dry type should use a shallower basin, while the curved dry, oblique dry and lying dry should use a medium depth basin. The cliff type should use a deep thousand-cylinder basin. Then the shape of the bowl is square, rectangular, round and oval. The pots used should also echo the shape of the trees. Such as the performance of vigorous, tall and straight momentum of the tree bonsai, it is appropriate to use straight-line pots, that is, square or rectangular pots, to show strength and strength. If the performance of soft bonsai trees, it is appropriate to use curved lines of the main pot, that is, round, oval basin, in order to show a kind of soft beauty. Obliquely dry type is appropriate to use rectangular, oval shallow basin, jungle type, co-planting type, stone-attached type and other forms are suitable to use rectangular or oval shallow basin. The color of the basin should be soft, generally dark rather than gorgeous, and it should also be coordinated with the charm expressed by the trees. For example, the green pine and cypress bonsai of the four seasons should use dark purple sand pottery pots in order to show its vigorous and simple momentum. Red plum blossoms, fire thorns and pedicel begonia can be matched with white pots or light blue pots. The texture of the basin should also be paid attention to. General tree pots should use purple sand pottery pots, miniature bonsai should use glazed pottery pots or purple sand pots, and large bonsai stone basins should be used. The general flower and fruit bonsai tile pots are covered with glazed pots. The selection of basin body is also a kind of art. In concrete application, many rules can not be fixed, but they should be comprehensively considered according to the conception and innovated constantly in practice.

⑵ spot scene: there are four contents: stone spot, stone paste, moss point and accessories.

① point stone, some trees bonsai can be equipped with some stone to form a picture with mountain taste. Stone distribution should be carried out according to the requirements of the composition, unlike grazing sheep, all over the mountains and fields, irregular. Stone to choose color, texture size and tree coordination, the shape can not be weird. The relationship between master and subordinate, density, deficiency and reality, and echo should be considered in stone matching. The quantity of stone should be arranged uniformly according to the need of the picture. Generally, the odd number is appropriate, and the stone can be standing, lying, stacking, or half buried and half exposed. Like the rugged rocks in the mountains and the towering stones in the forest, as Gong Anjie once said in the painting Formula of the Ming Dynasty, "there must be several stones in a cluster, and there must be contact between big stones and small stones." This is also a principle of laying stones in the mountain forest. Cloth stone should pay attention to the rules that must be different in size, high and low, suitable for gathering and dispersing, far and near, commission tune, sometimes hidden and sometimes present, in order to receive the ideal artistic effect.

② stone paste, some bonsai trees may have some defects, such as larger crown, thinner trunk (trunk), uncoordinated top and bottom, top-heavy feeling, or trees that are too tall and straight, strong and soft, and unnatural. If you paste one or more stones under the tree to make the picture balanced and natural, just add softness and turn ugliness into beauty.

③ points the moss, and after the bonsai of the trees is finished, bryophytes are laid on the surface of the potted soil to show the weeds in the mountains, add living substances, and make the picture more lively and greenish.

④ accessories, bonsai trees, sometimes in order to meet the needs of the theme, or to enhance the natural atmosphere of the picture, you can set up some accessories in the basin, such as pavilions, platforms, buildings, pavilions, animals or characters. Accessories are porcelain, ceramic, stone, wood and so on. The selected accessories should take into account the theme needs of the work. To echo the shape of the trees, the size, quantity and color of the accessories should also take into account the composition needs of the whole picture to form a whole. Accessories are usually placed on the basin or between the stones, and can be placed during the exhibition or viewing, but can not be set up in order to facilitate management.

⑶ scaffolding: after the modeling, basin selection and lighting of the bonsai are finished, there will be a few more, and only a perfect piece of work will be completed. Several frames are an integral part of bonsai, together with landscapes and pots to form a picture, so the selection of several frames should also consider the needs of the picture, echoing with the scenery and pots.

Bonsai World is so beautiful, let's see how to make it! Xiaxi Flower and Tree Market (ID:xxhmsc) we will continue to provide you with the latest seedling supply and demand information, price information inquiry, and daily push to you the hot topics in the industry, variety appreciation, market trends and related comments, etc. The modeling skills of miniature bonsai are mainly flowers and trees, decorated with rocks and other small pieces, which are more and more used in landscape design, landscaping and family appreciation. Miniature bonsai focuses on small shape, exquisite and chic shape, and pays more attention to the connotation of overall artistic beauty. The various furnishings of each group of bonsai should show different shapes and pay attention to the overall layout. Gather and disperse elegance, the theme is prominent, and finally achieve the artistic conception and aesthetic taste of the producer, which is the vitality of miniature bonsai art. There are four main steps in the production of miniature bonsai: taking materials. To make miniature bonsai, we generally choose materials with small branches and fine leaves, easy to work on the pot and strange roots, beautiful flowers and fruits, and easy to shape. Commonly selected are five-needle pine, lobular Luohan pine, real cypress, black pine, melon seed yellow poplar, Phoenix tail bamboo, fine leaf holly, June snow, asparagus, sparrow plum, southern bamboo and so on. The above tree species can be obtained by cutting, sowing and ramet. For rapid prototyping, you can also go to the mountains to find Chinese wolfberry, Caragana, golden beans, wisteria, centipedes, firethorns and other tree stumps, which can be planted in pots after artistic modeling. Styling. It is necessary to "intend to write first" and prepare the shape of ancient wood in your chest. The modeling should be highly summarized, and the commonly used methods are brown wire ligation, aluminum wire winding, branch folding, climbing and inverted suspension, etc., among which the aluminum wire winding method is more simple. In general, tree shaping should be carried out in the morning. The specific operation should be based on the thickness of the branch to select the appropriate diameter of aluminum wire winding the branch, and then bend the branch into the desired shape. When winding with aluminum wire, it must be close to the bark, the density is moderate, and the winding direction should be 45 degrees with the diameter of the branch. After 1 or 2 years, the trunk is basically shaped before the aluminum wire can be removed. Those unnecessary cluttered branches should be truncated or removed. Put in the pot. During plastic surgery, the trees should be transplanted from the mud basin to the purple sand basin or glaze basin. The shape, size and brilliance of the basin must match the tree body. In general, high barrel pots are suitable for cliff type; oval or shallow rectangular pots should be planted with straight or oblique dry type; round pots can be equipped with low disc koji plants; polygonal shallow pots should be planted with high dry plants. In addition, the pot rack should also be in harmony with the shape and color of the flowerpot and blend into a complete artistic structure. The ancients' appreciation of potted art has a famous saying of "one tree, two pots and three flower racks". Maintenance. The maintenance of miniature bonsai is especially necessary and considerate. The basin soil should always be kept moist, dry and wet, or irrigated with basin immersion method. Leave it in the shade in the middle of summer and spray water on the plant with a fine-hole spray can to keep it moist. During the growth period, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, usually once every 10 days or so. Can use fully mature bean cake water, hoof water and so on. All-element compound fertilizer can also be applied, and pot leaching is the best way to apply fertilizer. Scion collection, transportation and storage. When collecting scions, branches with full leaf buds, no disease and insect pests and good growth should be selected. If long-distance transportation, skimmed cotton can be spread on the bottom of the box, wet with water, transported to the seedling site, inserted in the shade of the sand bed or ground kiln, maintain humidity, can be used for five to seven days. Bonsai skill essentials: branches without inch straight, one inch three bends. A sparse place can walk a horse, but a secret place is not ventilated. One branch sees twists and turns, two branches are long and short, three branches are gathered and scattered, and many branches are exposed and hidden. The straight position should be hidden, not exposed, and the straight position should not be hidden. The bonsai of plum blossoms would rather be bent than bent, oblique rather than straight. Bonsai is silent poetry, three-dimensional painting, living sculpture. On the day of success, the achievement will take ten years! If you are not afraid of cutting the wrong branches, you are afraid of standing in the wrong position. Accumulate skills and cut off dry. Zhangshan, ruler tree, inch horse, divide people. There are no trees in the distant mountains, near the big and the small. The creation is shaped by a wonderful painter, and the terrain is far away. Jiaolong haunts 30,000 hectares, cloud and rain across twelve peaks. Clearing one's seat makes people free from vulgarity, and there is a breeze when they are at leisure. The mountains fall into the water and rustle at night, drunken dreams in the leaves of rivers and lakes. Remove the strong and retain the weak; remove the rough and keep the fine. The trial should be accurate and the judgment should be ruthless. Looking left and right, two and a half bends, cloud head and rain foot beautiful waist. If it is not dry or watered, it will be thoroughly watered. See dry see wet; thin fertilizer frequently applied; Jingshu rootless like cutting wood, pavilion view tip, bonsai view foot. Put ectopic buds on in spring and cut strong and weak branches in summer; fertilize in autumn and cut all branches in winter. Miniature bonsai is one of the most popular bonsai schools today. It uses the basin small, the idea is exquisite, the modelling is beautiful, decorates the room, is full of vitality. Source: bonsai World, check the latest market of seedlings immediately.