
What if the pig doesn't eat long?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if the pig doesn't eat long?

Many farmers in the breeding process often appear such a situation, that is, their own pigs only eat in the fattening process, but do not gain fat, this is why? So what should we do when we encounter such a situation? If you are interested, let's get to know it with the editor. The following are several preventive measures and solutions introduced to you by the editor.

1. The reason why pigs don't eat long.

There are many reasons why pigs don't eat long, and there are different solutions and preventive measures for this phenomenon caused by different reasons. For example, there are chronic consumptive diseases, such as asthma, circovirus, parasites, etc., and congenital growth and development disorders, such as stiff pigs, stiff fetuses, stiff milk, disease, medicine, poison, and so on. These are all the reasons why live pigs can't eat long.

2. Preventive measures

Preventive measures are the precautions that we need to make before this happens. In general, this phenomenon is caused by human factors, if it is aimed at the problem of disease, then we need to strengthen feeding management in the process of breeding, do a good job in group management, health management, vaccine prevention and so on. Secondly, the nutrition balance can be ensured through the rational allocation of feed. There is to keep the breeding environment quiet, to avoid stress reaction and so on.

3. Solution

Cause of disease

In order to solve the problem that pigs do not eat long, when this situation first occurs, we need to solve the problem according to different reasons. If it is asthma, then you need to use asthma drugs as long as scientific deworming can be done. But if it is porcine circovirus disease, we need to do a good job in vaccine management. If the parasite is caused by the phenomenon of eating only for a long time, it is necessary to feed deworming drugs from time to time.

Stiff pig

Secondly, fetal stiffness requires timely early mating, good management of sows, and reasonable allocation of nutritious feed, adding Yisan and Yimuyuan to avoid the formation of weak pigs. The solution to milk stiffness is similar to fetal stiffness, which can be arbitrarily supplemented with Yisan, Yimuyuan and cloth, which can regulate the health of sows and the high quality of milk. Stiffness needs to be treated according to the cause of rigor. Generally, we can use de Yisan and cloth its energy powder to replenish qi and blood and promote metabolism. Drug stiffness can use the right amount of chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, can not be overused, otherwise it will also cause adverse reactions. Finally, there is poison stiff, we can add mycotoxin double treatment agent-Pujian in the process of breeding, which can have a detoxification effect.

These are all the contents that the editor wants to share with you today. If you are interested, you can also follow us. At the same time, the editor also hopes to help more needy breeding friends in this way.