
Can you tell the difference between ivy and creeper?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Nowadays, many people like plants, and more people like hydroponic plants, which is convenient to raise and more beautiful, so can ivy be hydroponic? What is the difference between ivy and creeper? Can ivy be hydroponic: can hydroponic. In the early stage of hydroponics, attention should be paid to changing water frequently, preferably once every 1 or 2 days.

Nowadays, many people like plants, and more people like hydroponic plants, which is convenient and good-looking, so can ivy be hydroponically cultivated? The difference between Ivy and Parthenocissus?

Can ivy be hydroponically cultured:

It can be hydroponically cultivated.

In the initial stage of hydroponics, attention should be paid to changing water frequently, preferably once a day or two, so as to ensure the cleanliness of the water body and prevent the lower end of branches from rotting. In about 10 days, ivy will grow white and tender and take root. After the new roots grow, you should also change the water frequently. After about 2 or 3 weeks, hydroponic ivy will show a lush growth trend.

In the process of hydroponic ivy rooting, do not give light. Put hydroponic ivy in astigmatism or shade at the right temperature, not too hot or too cold. Wait for the root to grow out, then gradually give light. Ivy is a shade-tolerant plant, avoid strong light, so when water culture ivy, as long as scattered light.

Hydroponic ivy should avoid direct sunlight in summer and pay attention to ventilation and cooling. It is best to keep the room temperature above 10 ℃ in winter in the north, and the branches and leaves can be sprayed and washed with water close to room temperature every other time to improve the air humidity and keep the leaves clean and green. In the middle of summer, as ivy is dormant, it should be cultivated with clean water. Put it in the sunny place indoors in winter to pass the winter safely.

After hydroponic cultivation in spring, the nutrient solution should be poured thoroughly for the first time, and then be replenished every 10 days. Replenish water on weekdays and keep the matrix moist. But be careful not to have too much water, so as not to cause rotten roots. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used for foliar fertilization in the peak growing season. After that, the nutrient solution should be changed every 2 or 3 weeks. In addition, when planting hydroponic ivy, pay attention to protect the roots, try to straighten out as much as possible, so that most of the roots can be soaked in water.

The difference between ivy and ivy:

1. Differences between families and genera

1. Ivy: Ivy belongs to the plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, Rosacea, Umbellifera, Araliaceae, Polygonaceae, Ivy evergreen woody vines.

2. Parthenocissus: Parthenocissus is a large perennial deciduous woody vine belonging to the plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, Rosa subclass, grape order, grape family and Dijin.

2. Morphological difference.

1. Ivy: Ivy is a woody stem, the stem can be up to 3-5 meters long, much branched, aerial roots on the stem, delicate branches pilose, rust-colored scales, leaves alternate, umbels solitary or 2-7 terminal, yellowish-white or green-white, fruit round, berrylike, yellow or red, flowering from May to August, fruiting from September to November.

2. Parthenocissus: the shape of Parthenocissus is similar to that of wild grapevines, the rattan stem can be up to 18 meters long, the epidermis has lenticels, Cymes often grow on the short branches between the two leaves, not obvious in clusters, yellowish green or berry purple-black, mostly hermaphroditic, hermaphroditic, small globular berries, blue-black when ripe, white powder, birds like to eat, florescence in June, fruit period from September to October.

3. Differences in habits

1. Ivy: Ivy has strong adaptability to the environment, like cool climate, strong cold tolerance, avoid high temperature and muggy environment, the temperature is above 30 ℃, growth stagnation, light requirements are not strict, in direct sunlight or lack of light indoor can grow and develop.

2. Parthenocissus: Parthenocissus has strong adaptability and likes shady and humid environment, but it is not afraid of strong light, cold, drought, barren, wide climate adaptability, can maintain semi-evergreen or evergreen in winter south of warm temperate zone, resistant to pruning, afraid of stagnant water, lax soil requirements, wet environment or sunny place, can thrive, but grow best in wet and fertile soil. It has strong resistance to harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide and hydrogen chloride, and has the ability to absorb dust in the air.

4. Differences in distribution.

1. Ivy: Ivy, also known as Chinese ivy, centipede, etc., is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa, and is distributed in Central China, East China, Southwest China, Gansu and Shaanxi.

2. Parthenocissus: Parthenocissus, also known as bundled stone dragon, maple vine, small insect lying grass, red silk grass, red kudzu, red grape vine, Bashan tiger, etc., originated in eastern Asia, Himalayas and North America. China's Henan, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Fujian are distributed.

5. Difference in efficacy

1. Ivy: Ivy tastes bitter, pungent and warm in nature. it has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, promoting blood circulation and detumescence, calming the liver and detoxification, and has therapeutic effects on falling injury, waist and leg pain, rheumatoid arthritis and so on.

2. Parthenocissus: Parthenocissus is sweet, astringent, warm and poisonous. it has the effect of breaking blood, activating tendons to stop bleeding, detumescence and poison, for rheumatic joint pain, external injury, carbuncle swelling and other symptoms.

All right, guys, remember that it can be hydroponically cultivated.

Which plants are suitable for hydroponic culture?

Hydroponic plants are favored by flower consumers at home and abroad because of their cleanliness, elegance, strong ornamental, environmental protection and no pollution. Here are several types of hydroponic plants that can be used as hydroponics:

Araceae plants

Mainly include: tortoise back bamboo, hulk, Guangdong evergreen series, tufted spring feather, emerald, green Luo, Dai fan leaf, golden queen, silver queen, star evergreen, mini tortoise back bamboo, black beauty, green yellow, ruby, Qin Ye Xi Lin taro, silver-wrapped taro, and wrapped taro, sea taro, red palm of crane, calla and so on.

Plants of the family Camellidae

This kind of flowers are highly adaptable and have the instinct of natural hydroponics. Almost all the flowers of the family Echinaceae can adapt to hydroponic conditions, such as purple-leaf duck toe, purple back evergreen, hanging bamboo plum and so on.


The vast majority of Liliaceae flowers can adapt to hydroponic conditions, such as aloe, + curl, orchid, plant coke, dragon blood tree, millennium green, tiger tail orchid, tequila, Phnom Penh rich bamboo, sea onion, silver evergreen, auspicious grass and so on. But Liliaceae's wine bottle orchid is not easy to grow in water.

Sedum plants

More suitable for hydroponic cultivation are: Lotus palm, hibiscus palm, silver wave brocade, gemstone flower, falling to the ground and so on.

Other plants

Peach leaf coral, parasol grass, vegetable leaf grass, purple hungry banyan, orchid pine, bamboo begonia, cow's ear begonia, gentleman orchid, Dolan orchid, change leaf cymbidium, silver leaf chrysanthemum, fairy pen, crab claw orchid, triangular pillar grafting ball, dragon god pear, pineapple, Caiyun Pavilion, golden leopard, June blood, Parthenocissus, ivy, kidney fern, bird's nest fern, palm bamboo, pocket coconut, spider holding eggs, etc.

First of all, the difference between hydroponics and hydroponics

Aquaculture: flowers used for water cultivation generally have inflated bulbs, which are rich in nutrients, and their growth and flowering mainly rely on their own stored nutrients. During cultivation, it is only necessary to soak the root system in clean water and fix it without providing nourishment. The main flowers suitable for water cultivation are daffodils, tulips, hyacinth, rich bamboo and so on. In order to make water-raised flowers grow luxuriantly and blossom brightly, the key is to select fully developed bulbs to provide nutrients in the process of their growth; the second is to change water frequently and persist in changing water once every two or three days to maintain sufficient oxygen content in water and improve root activity; and then to maintain sufficient sunlight to make it grow healthily.

Hydroponic culture: it is a special cultivation form in the type of non-solid substrate of soilless culture. it mainly refers to the flowers and plants cultivated completely with water, using water as the medium, planting the flowers and plants directly in the container containing water. it is a new cultivation method of indoor greening plants.

Suitable for hydroponic flowers are green, Guangdong evergreen, zebra evergreen, star evergreen, tortoise back bamboo, silver taro, hulk, ruby taro, green gemstone taro, Qin Ye Xi Lin taro, synthetic taro, sea taro, crane flower, calla lotus, silver bract taro, carnation, asparagus, African chrysanthemum, tulips, hyacinth, chrysanthemum, big rock tung, cyclamen, rose, gladiolus, orchid, Milan, gentleman orchid, camellia Jasmine, rhododendron, kumquat, violet, Phalaenopsis, inverted golden bell, Brazilian iron, Brazilian wood, hulk, goose wood, cactus, begonia, ferns, palm peach, leaf coral, parasol grass, colored grass, purple velvet, blue pine, bamboo crabapple, cow ear crabapple, Aristolochia, Euphorbia, crab claw orchid, triangle post, dragon god wood, pineapple, pineapple, golden millet orchid, keel, color cloud pavilion, golden leopard Red back cinnamon, June snow, Parthenocissus, Sihai wave, ivy, kidney fern, bird's nest fern, brown bamboo, pocket coconut, lotus palm, hibiscus palm, silver wave brocade, gemstone flower, rooting, purple duck toe grass, hanging bamboo plum, aloe, point blast 12 volumes, hanging orchid, Zhu Jiao, dragon blood tree, ponytail iron, tiger tail orchid, tequila, Phnom Penh rich bamboo, sea onion, silver edge evergreen, silver edge mascot.

Acquisition of hydroponic plants

The main results are as follows: 1 Root washing method, first of all, the plant raised by water should have beautiful plant shape and good decorative effect, but the ornamental effect of the plant that is too small is not good, so it is not suitable to be used as root washing material. Second, the growth is robust and free from diseases and insect pests. Robust plants are easy to recover and adapt to the water environment. Some plants with just divided plants and poor root system are not suitable to be used as root washing materials, but can be maintained in solid substrate and wash their roots after their roots are developed.

The technical points of root washing are as follows: first of all, do not excessively damage the root system when washing the root, so as not to cause the wound to rot. Second, trim it properly. The old and withered roots should be pruned, and some flowers have luxuriant roots, which can be pruned to reduce oxygen consumption and promote the occurrence of new aquatic roots. The roots of some flowers are rare and can not be pruned, which is conducive to adapt to the aquatic environment, and the aboveground branches and leaves can be slightly trimmed. Third, disinfect the wound to avoid infection. The disinfection solution can be 800 times of carbendazim or 600 times of chlorothalonil. Fourth, the roots should be stretched when raised in water, and should not be squeezed into a mass and stuffed into the nutrient solution, which will not only easily lead to rotten roots and affect plant recovery, but also not beautiful and affect the ornamental value.

Root washing water is easy to survive in a warm season. If the temperature is low, the plant growth is weak, which is not conducive to the root; if the temperature is high, the oxygen content in the water is low, it is easy to lead to root rot. Late spring, late summer and early autumn are suitable seasons, and the temperature is stable at about 20 ℃.

2 Water insertion method, water insertion is suitable for flowers that are easy to take root, such as rich bamboo, duck metatarsus and so on. The following points should be paid attention to when pruning water. First, the branches are ornamental. Second, the branches grow healthily and are free from diseases and insect pests. Third, woody plants had better cut biennial or annual mature branches, which are easy to take root; herbs choose stout branches. Fourth, the position of the cut is very important. Should be at the lower 2~3cm of the node, the large branches are slightly longer and the thin branches are slightly shorter, so it is easy to take root under the node. Fifth, the quality of the cut is the key. The cut should be flat, the scissors should be sharp, and don't crush the cut. Sixth, the incision can be treated with rooting powder to promote rooting, and the lower leaves that enter the water should be removed.

The length of cuttings varies with different species and purposes. As the purpose of water cutting is to obtain plants with ornamental value, unlike cutting propagation, cuttings are generally required to be longer. Water cuttings of vine plants should be longer, such as golden kudzu, ivy, etc.; short flower water cuttings can be shorter, such as purple velvet, geraniums and so on. Cuttings of the same plant can also be combined to form plump plant types or shapes that are scattered and varied.

Water plug season mainly considers the temperature factor, if the water temperature can be controlled at about 20 ℃, any season is suitable for water insertion. Under natural conditions, the temperature in spring and autumn is suitable, the plant grows vigorously, and the water insertion is easy to succeed. The lower temperature in late autumn, winter and early spring is not conducive to rooting, and the cuttings are easy to rot when the summer temperature is high.

There are two problems after cuttings are cut in water. First, the microbial infection of the cut will form a mucus layer at the cut, resulting in decay and failure of water insertion. Second, during the rooting period of shear healing, the respiration is strong, the oxygen demand is large, and the oxygen content in the water can not meet the needs. In view of the above problems, the key point of management after water insertion is to change water every day to ensure clean water quality and sufficient oxygen; pay attention to cleaning utensils and washing cuttings when changing water, especially cleaning cuttings. Water cuttings can be transferred to normal management after taking root.

Daily maintenance of hydroponic Flowers

1 nutrient solution: generally, we can use the special nutrient solution for hydroponics sold on the market, according to the instructions to match the appropriate concentration, such as dilution 400x or 1000 times, the proportion must not be mistaken. When preparing, the tap water should be placed for two hours to half a day, and after its temperature is close to room temperature and the chlorine in the water is volatilized, the concentrated nutrient solution can be added in proportion to become a nutrient solution that can raise hydroponic plants.

2 Water change: water change refers to the replacement of water with nutrient solution added in the bottle. In general, the water is changed every 5-10 days in spring and autumn, once in about 5 days in summer, and once in 10-15 days in winter (after the tap water is placed for half a day, the concentrated nutrient solution is added proportionally). The purpose of changing water is to ensure the oxygen supply in the water. Fresh water contains more oxygen, and plants will grow healthier. If you don't change water for a long time, plants can persist for a period of time. For example, sometimes people go on business trips or go on vacation. If they are not at home for ten days and a half months or even a month, the soil-cultivated plants can't stand it for a long time and die out, while hydroponic plants can persist as long as you add more water. But if the time is too long, the water in the bottle is not fresh or deteriorated, it will affect the growth of hydroponic plants, and in serious cases, it will also cause its death.

3 cleaning: every time changing water, rinse the roots and containers of plants with clean water, trim withered branches, fallen leaves and rotten roots. Under normal growth conditions, hydroponic plants will regularly rot some of their roots and grow new ones, so when you find rotten roots, don't panic, just use sterilized scissors to trim off the rotten roots, and sometimes some old roots can be trimmed off to promote the growth of new roots. But be careful not to hurt the aquatic roots, otherwise it will affect the growth of plants.

4 temperature: the suitable growth temperature of hydroponic plants is above 5 degrees above zero and below 30 degrees. In other words, as long as people feel more comfortable temperature, plants will feel very comfortable, they can grow normally, even in winter, can also flourish, add vitality for us.

5Ray: mainly scattered light.

What is scattered light? It is the natural light that comes in from windows and other places, which is naturally scattered indoors. General plant growth as long as there is a proper light on the line, do not have to be exposed to the sun, in summer, but also try to avoid direct sunlight.

6 Diseases and insect pests: the common ones are gray mold, leaf blight and other symptoms such as brown spots on the leaf surface, which can be controlled by fungicides such as chlorothalonil, carbendazim, carbendazim and so on. Insect pests are often harmed by aphids and scale insects. When the number of aphids and scale insects is small, they can be treated by hand and wiped off with a wet cloth. When a large number occurs, it is sprayed with 800 times of omethoate. In addition to aphids and scale insects, red spiders also occur, which can be controlled by triclofenac.