
Can the breeding method of tiger Pilan be put in the bedroom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tiger Pilan, this is a lot of people like farming, grow that is super exuberant, but also relatively easy to raise, Tiger Pilan burst pot breeding method is what? Tiger Pilan can be put in the bedroom: Tiger Pilan's breeding method: Tiger Pilan is generally propagated by ramets.

Tiger Pilan, this is a lot of people like farming, grow that is super exuberant, but also relatively easy to raise, Tiger Pilan burst pot breeding method is what? Can Tiger Pilan put it in the bedroom:

The culture method of tiger skin orchid explosion pot:

Tiger skin orchid is generally propagated by ramets, because the growth is very slow with leaf cuttings. After some gilded tiger magnolia leaves are propagated, the young plants grow out of which there is no gold edge, while branched young plants can inherit Phnom Penh.

In the Spring and Autumn period, the tiger skin orchid can be dug up and some lateral plants with roots can be cut off. Transplanting with roots is easy to survive.

Some friends online shopping tiger Pilan root system withered will be cut off the withered root system, and then directly cut in the micro-moist soil, put in ventilation and shade maintenance, keep the soil moist, avoid exposure.

The growth environment of tiger skin orchid is kept warm, and the basin soil is dry and thoroughly watered. Adding appropriate slow-release organic fertilizer under the basin soil can promote the growth of tiger skin orchid very well.

Tiger Pilan can tolerate not watering for a long time, but it is not conducive to root growth. In addition, we should also pay attention to maintain a warm environment all the year round and keep the minimum maintenance temperature above 5 degrees to avoid frostbite.

Choose loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, avoid using clayey and heavy soil, and add 2-3 equal parts of river sand to the soil, which can increase drainage and ensure air and water permeability.

In order to make the tiger skin orchid blossom, in addition to keeping the basin soil dry and thoroughly watered, adding organic fertilizer and maintaining a warm environment, we should also pay attention to giving appropriate scattered light and not watering frequently to avoid frequent moisture in the soil, so as to promote the flowering of tiger skin orchid.

Tiger Pilan is indeed very shady, but if there is proper light to make the leaves thicker, the leaves are not easy to hang down.

When the tiger skin orchid grows too high, the leaves are easy to grow loose. at this time, the lower part of the rhizome can be tied with a rope, not too tightly, which can make the tiger skin orchid leaves grow more compact.

Can Tiger Pilan put it in the bedroom:

Tiger Pilan can be placed directly in the bedroom for maintenance.

Raising Tiger Pilan in the bedroom can not only purify the indoor environment, but also bring you more oxygen and keep the indoor air clean and healthy. The stomata on the leaves of Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid are closed during the day and open at night to release anions. 15 square meters bedroom, 2-3 pots of tiger skin orchid, can absorb more than 80% of harmful gases, ensure the environmental quality of the bedroom and protect your health.

The breeding method of exploding basin is introduced here, and it can be put in the bedroom.

Tiger Pilan Picture Culture method of Tiger Pilan

✿ related reading recommended ✿ shore flower picture ✿ Phnom Penh June snow ✿ cactus has leaves (◕ flowers ◕✿) flowers bonsai, plant culture please pay attention to Merlot flower bonsai area! . Tiger tail orchid leaves are firm and erect, with gray-white and dark green tiger-tail stripes, resolute posture, strange and interesting, it has many varieties, great changes in plant shape and leaf color, exquisite and chic. Today, the editor will introduce the breeding methods of Tiger Pilan and show you the pictures of Tiger Pilan. . while enjoying the pictures of tiger orchid, we understand its planting method. Tiger tail orchid is a perennial evergreen herb of Liliaceae, which is easy to grow, drought-tolerant and adaptable to the environment. It is a common excellent indoor potted foliage plant, suitable for decorating study, living room and other places. Commonly used plant division method, cutting method of propagation. First, the whole plant was removed from the basin, the old culture soil was removed, the rhizome was exposed, and then cut into several plants along its direction, and 2-3 plants could be planted in each pot. This method can raise seedlings all the year round, but it is the best in spring and summer, and can be combined with changing pots in spring. . Tiger skin orchid picture appreciation, tiger skin orchid is generally placed in the shade or semi-shade, but also prefer the sun, only when the light is too strong, the leaf color will become dark and white. I like the warm temperature. The suitable temperature is 18-27 ℃, and the growth stops when the temperature is below 13 ℃. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ for a long time, otherwise the base of the plant would rot and the whole plant would die. . Tiger skin orchid picture, tiger skin orchid watering should be moderate, not too wet. Tiger tail orchid is a desert plant, which can withstand harsh environment and prolonged drought conditions. If the leaves are watered too often, the leaves will turn white and the color of the markings will become lighter. The growth is exuberant from spring to autumn, it should be fully watered. During the dormant period in winter, watering should be controlled, the soil should be kept dry, and watering should be avoided into leaf clusters. When using plastic pots or other decorative flowerpots with poor drainage, avoid stagnant water, so as not to cause decay and fold down the leaves. . Tiger Pilan picture, Tiger Pilan should not be fertilized too much. In the peak growth period, fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less. If only nitrogen fertilizer is applied for a long time, the markings on the leaves will become dim, so compound fertilizer is generally used. You can also bury 3 holes of cooked soybeans evenly in the soil at the edge of the basin, each hole is 7-10 grains, be careful not to come into contact with the root. Fertilization was stopped from November to March of the following year. Lax requirements on the soil, in a very small soil volume can also grow normally, like loose sandy soil and humus, resistant to drought and barren. The growth is so strong that it does not inhibit its growth even if it is full of pots. Generally, the basin is changed once every two years and carried out in spring. Standard compost can be used when changing the basin. . the mechanism of formaldehyde absorption by plants is that formaldehyde molecules can bind to proteins in plants. Therefore, formaldehyde is toxic to plants. Although plants can not absorb formaldehyde, some plants sensitive to formaldehyde, such as Prunus mume and safflower sorrel, can produce toxicity in the presence of low concentrations of formaldehyde, which can be used as environmental indicators. . Tiger skin orchid is a kind of indomitable plant, which is widely cultivated and used widely. it is a common potted foliage plant at home, suitable for decorating study, living room, bedroom and other places for a long time to enjoy. Today, the editor's introduction to the tiger Pilan breeding method is here. Thank you for accompanying the editor to enjoy the tiger Pilan pictures. Is Tiger Pilan poisonous? can Tiger Pilan be put in the bedroom? Tiger Pilan effect

Is tiger skin orchid poisonous? Can I put it in the bedroom? Many friends are more concerned about, after all, Tiger Pilan is raised indoors. Then Xiaoqi will talk to you about whether Tiger Pilan is poisonous, can you put it in the bedroom and the role of Tiger Pilan.

Is Hu Pilan poisonous?

1. Q: is Hu Pilan poisonous?

Answer: Tiger skin orchid is non-toxic. Putting tiger tail orchid at home can not only play an ornamental role, but also absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde in the house and reduce its harm to the family. Especially after newly decorated houses or newly purchased furniture, the effect is more obvious.

two。 Q: is the tiger Pilan blooming poisonous?

A: Tiger Pilan does no harm to the human body and is conducive to improving the city's environment, but the flowers it blooms are not well understood. I seldom hear that Tiger Pilan blossoms, but the smell of this flower is not good, no matter whether it is harmful or not, it doesn't smell good. You'd better put it on the balcony during flowering and put it in the house after the flowering period.

Summary: Tiger Pilan is non-toxic. Tiger Pilan can release oxygen while absorbing carbon dioxide, increasing the concentration of negative ions in indoor air. Tiger skin orchid is a natural scavenger. Studies have shown that tiger skin orchid can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases.

Can I put Tiger Pilan in the bedroom?

Put the tiger skin orchid at home, in addition to playing an ornamental role, but also can absorb formaldehyde and other harmful substances in the house, reducing its harm to the family. Especially after newly decorated houses or newly purchased furniture, the effect is more obvious. It is suggested that we put more green plants indoors to alleviate the harm of cations to the human body and promote the regulation of anions on human health. According to the investigation and comparison of the number of anions produced by various plants, botanists found that tiger skin orchid is the most suitable indoor, because it produces more than 30 times more anions than other plants! It is not only an "expert" in producing anions, but also can effectively absorb carbon dioxide at night and remove harmful gases such as toluene from the air. Breeding tiger skin orchid can not only purify the indoor environment, but also bring you more oxygen and keep the indoor air clean and healthy.

Summary: Tiger Pilan in the bedroom, ornamental role at the same time, it can also play so many roles, it is a good choice for home potted plants.

The function of Tiger Pilan

1. Ornamental value

Tiger skin orchid is a kind of plant with high appreciation value, which is often placed indoors as a decorative and ornamental plant. Tiger skin orchid leaves are strong, bright colors, full of life, suitable for indoor planting. In recent years, short-leaf varieties are more popular, while long-leaf varieties are more suitable for venue and hall layout. Although Tiger Pilan may be ordinary in appearance, not as outstanding and beautiful as peonies or carnations, it can give people a sense of tenacity, and we can make full use of it to match the home.

2. Decorate the home

It is a very frequent thing to put plants in the living room, and it should be noted that living room plants are mainly used to decorate furniture and coordinate the monotonous straight line state of the home with high and low scattered plant state. first of all, we should focus on the beauty of decoration, the quantity should not be much, so we should put the small tiger Pilan on the coffee table, if it is a large basin, it can be placed on the edge of the sofa, or in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, which makes people feel very harmonious and lively. If in the corner of the living room with a basin of chic tiger skin orchid, it will also make your living room more simple and unadorned.

3. Purify the air

I believe many people have heard of the role of Tiger Pilan in the home environment. Together with Cymbidium, Tortoise back Bamboo and Golden Bamboo, it is four kinds of plants with super air purification ability.

4. Medicinal value

Tiger Pilan also has high medicinal value and has been recorded in many medical books. Tiger skin orchid as a medicine, can clear heat and detoxification, the treatment of cold and cough, bronchitis, injury and other conditions.

5. Fengshui action

With regard to the fengshui function of Tiger Pilan, many people say that Tiger Pilan has the fengshui effect of attracting money. this effect comes from the study of the five elements of plants, and the potted tiger Pilan is placed in the living room, if the door is in the south. South belongs to fire, then the attribute of wood tiger Pilan wine is very suitable to be planted in the living room, which is said to regulate the gastrointestinal health of the family. Tiger Pilan raised on the balcony can increase wealth for the family, in fengshui balcony is the residential breathing place, should be in the balcony to plant exuberant plants, and Tiger Pilan is a kind of tenacious plant, can bring wealth for the family.

The above is the tiger skin orchid poisonous and tiger skin orchid function introduced, tiger skin orchid is not only non-toxic but also can absorb indoor harmful gas is a very good indoor potted plant.