
How does Snow White plant grow? is it poisonous?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Snow White, this is a kind of plant. I don't know who chose such a name. It is clear that this plant is not white at all, so how does Snow White plant grow? Whether Snow White plants are poisonous: how to raise Snow White plants: first, initial management. Keep the substrate moist during the maintenance of Snow White flowers

Snow White, this is a kind of plant. I don't know who chose such a name. It is clear that this plant is not white at all, so how does Snow White plant grow? Whether Snow White plants are poisonous:

How to raise Snow White plants:

First, initial management. The maintenance of Snow White flowers should keep the substrate moist and water more during the growing period from March to August. It is necessary to sprinkle water frequently in summer to increase environmental humidity. During the growing period, the amount of fertilizer should be sufficient to promote its rapid growth, and fertilizer and water should be applied every two weeks from March to August. Reduce fertilization after autumn. Can be irrigated with flower balance fertilizer 20-20-20.

Second, light management. Snow White flowers like the bright and ventilated environment, the light is controlled at 15000-20000LX in spring, shading and ventilation should be strengthened because of high temperature, high temperature and high humidity in summer, and it is better to control the light at 8000-10000Lx in summer. The temperature in autumn and winter is lower, and the light is controlled to 20000-30000Lx or all-day sunshine. If the light is too strong, the leaves will be yellow and green, and the shade will be too long and lodging, which will affect the ornamental effect.

Third, temperature management. Snow White flowers like high temperature, not cold-resistant, the suitable temperature for growth is 25-30 ℃. The lowest overwintering temperature is above 13 ℃. Once frozen, the leaves will wilt, the terminal bud will be necrotic, and the bottom leaves will fall off. Heating equipment is needed for winter maintenance.

Fourth, pest control.

1. Leaf spot disease: the weather with high humidity is easy to occur. The disease spot is straight brown spot at first, the periphery is water-immersed fade green, and shows wheel-like expansion, round to oval, the edge of brown inside gray-white. In the later stage, black-brown mildew spots appeared in the center of the lesion, and turned into a dark-brown mildew layer under wet conditions. The way to prevent and cure the disease is to remove the diseased leaves in time, and to control it with 800 times mancozeb, once a week, 3-4 times in a row.

2. Anthrax: it mainly occurs on the leaves and can spread to the petiole when it is serious. In the initial stage, the plaque showed a flooded small macula, and after expansion, it was oval to irregular brown or yellowish brown, slightly rimmed, and in the later stage, the plaque became dry and produced small black spots arranged in wheel patterns. The main reason for this disease is poor ventilation, and it is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when it is harmed by shell insects. The method of this disease is to strengthen maintenance and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer; at the initial stage of the disease, 1000 times chlorothalonil can be used, once a week, 3-4 times in a row.

Whether Snow White plants are poisonous:

White Snow Gong is mainly placed at home is not poisonous, as long as touch Snow White's juice, and can not eat.

So much for the breeding methods of Snow White, but don't eat Snow White.

How to fertilize Snow White flowers? What kind of fertilizer does Snow White apply?

Snow white flower belongs to Guangdong evergreen foliage plant of Araceae. The shape and color of the leaves vary, and the leaves are often inlaid with different stripes. They are very beautiful, and they are excellent plants for purifying the air. They are more suitable for home planting and are known as the indoor "queen". Snow White flowers should avoid strong light and water more when planting. Today, the editor of China Agricultural Chemical Merchants Network will share with you in detail how to fertilize Snow White flowers. What kind of fertilizer does Snow White apply?

The fertilization method of Snow White flower:

1. Snow White flowers like to be fat but not resistant to fertilizer, and the fat weight is easy to rot the stem. When planting Snow White, the basic fertilizer should be sufficient, and a small amount of topdressing can be used.

2, Snow White flower fertilization must not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to burn the root system.

3. In the peak growing season of Snow White, liquid fertilizer can be applied once every two weeks.

What kind of fertilizer does Snow White apply?

Snow White flowers should be careful not to be overweight when fertilizing. Today, the editor will share with you a better fertilizer-Yongkang flower special fertilizer, which can evenly and efficiently provide nutrients for the growth and development of Snow White flowers, prevent disease and resist adversity, improve photosynthetic efficiency, bear early fruit, improve ornamental effect, and are more suitable for the application of Snow White flowers.

Snow White flowers are not resistant to fertilizer, so there must be a small amount when fertilizing. Here, the editor would also like to remind everyone that the whole plant of Snow White flowers is poisonous and should not be eaten by mistake. Accidental eating will cause inflammation of the mouth and tongue, stomachache, diarrhea and so on. You should go to the hospital for treatment immediately.

The Story of Snow White Historical prototype of Snow White

Snow White (fairy tales spread in continental Europe)

Snow White (Snow White) is a character in a fairy tale that is widely popular in Europe, of which the most famous version is found in Germany's Grimm Fairy Tales in 1812. It tells the story of Snow White being abused by her stepmother (the birth mother in the original manuscript of the Brothers Grimm), escaping to the forest and meeting seven dwarfs. The historian Bartles said that the historical prototype of Snow White was Maria Sofia von Eltar, who was born in 1725 in Laurent am main in western Germany.

Title: snow White

Author: brother Grimm

Original name: Snow White / Schneewittchen

Category: European and American folklore

First published: Germany

Protagonist: Queen, Snow White

Story evolution

Snow White (Illustration Franz, 1905-1910) in their first version, the Grimm brothers released their first version collection, and the first evil was Snow White's jealous mother. In the first version before one version was sent to another folklore researcher, in addition, she did not order a servant to take her to the forest, but needed her to collect flowers and abandon her; in the first version, the task was transferred to a servant. I believe it changed to a children's story in which the stepmother was watered down in a later version.

Disney's mutated Snow White gives the dwarf the name and includes magic, moving trees and a singing Snow White.

Changes in many other stories exist throughout Europe. In these changes the dwarves are robbers, while the magic mirror is a dialog with the sun or moon.

Snow White and the Dwarfs in a version from Albania, collect John Georg von Hahn, the main character of life with 40 dragons. Her sleep is made up of a ring. There is a turning point at the beginning of the story, where a teacher urges the heroine to kill her evil stepmother and she will take her place. The origin of this story is controversial, and it may not be any older than the Middle Ages. In fact, it is possible that two Albanian versions of Snow White: one stepmother tried to kill her, and the other in her two sisters tried to kill her jealousy. Jealous Sisters is another Albanian fairy tale. The death in these two fairy tales is due to a ring.

The parallel stepmother's question of her magic mirror, the Indian epic Padmavat (1540) includes the line: "who is more beautiful, am I still Padmavati?" Queen Nagamati asked for her new parrot, and it gave an unpleasant reply. "

This story in the poem of Russian writer Alexander Pushkin is the story of the dead princess and the seven knights (1833) are similar to Snow White, where knights replace dwarfs.

Story content

Grimm Brothers Edition

At the beginning of the story, the queen sits in an open window sewing her fingers in the winter snow when she stabs her with her needle, causing three drops of blood to fall on the ebony window frame on the snow. Appreciating the beautiful combination of colors, she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish I had a daughter with a window frame as white as snow, red as blood and black as wood." Soon after, the queen did give birth to a daughter as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as ebony. Their name was Snow White, and soon after, the queen died.

A year has passed since Snow White was placed in a crystal coffin, and the king needs a new wife, who is beautiful but also viciously supercilious and proud. The new queen has a magical mirror. Every morning she asks, "I have the magic mirror. Who is the most beautiful person in this land?" The mirror always replied, "my queen, you are the most beautiful in that land." "the Queen is always happy because the Mirror never lies. But when Snow White reached the age of seven, she became as beautiful as the sky and even more beautiful than the queen. When the queen asked her mirror, it replied, "my queen, you are the most beautiful here." But Snow White is more beautiful than you a thousand times. "

The Queen was shocked that she turned yellow and green, jealous, and from that moment her heart turned against Snow White, and every next day she hated Snow White more and more. Jealousy and pride, like weeds, grow high in her heart every day until she has no peace day or night. The queen ordered a Huntsman to kill Snow White in the depths of the forest. She asked to prove that Snow White was dead and he came back with her lungs and liver. The hunter took Snow White to the forest. After raising his knife, he found that he could not kill her seriously and begged him to sob: "Oh, dear hunter, Don't kill me!" Let me use my life, I will run into the forest and never come back! The hunter left behind her and lived, believing that the girl would eat some wild animals. He instead brought the queen's lungs and liver to the young wild boar, which was made by the cook and by the queen.

A few days after winding through the forest, Snow White found a cottage belonging to a group of seven dwarfs. Since no one was at home, she ate some small meals, drank some wine, and then tested all the beds. The last bed was comfortable enough for her, she fell asleep. When the dwarves come home, they immediately know that someone is sneaking in, because everything is in their home and in the obstacle. After they talked loudly about who was sneaking in, they found Snow White sleeping. When the girl woke up and explained to them what had happened, the dwarf took pity on her and said, "if you will keep the house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and make everything clean and orderly, then you can live with us, and you will have everything you want. They warned her to be careful when she was at home alone, not to let anyone go deep into the mountains when she was out.

The queen asked the magic mirror at the same time, the queen asked her mirror again: "the magic mirror in my hand, who is the most beautiful piece of land?" "the mirror replied," my queen, you are the most beautiful and real here. But Snow White beyond the mountains in the seven dwarfs is thousands of times more beautiful than you. " The queen was horrified to learn that the hunter had betrayed her and that Snow White was still alive. She was always thinking about how to get rid of Snow White, and then she disguised herself as an old peddler. The queen then walks to the villa of the dwarfs, offering brightly colored, silky shoelaces and persuading girls to take the most beautiful lace as a gift. Then the Queen's shoelace was so tight that Snow White fainted, causing the Queen to leave her and die. But the dwarf came back only in time and Snow White reappeared when the dwarf loosened the lace.

The morning after the Queen arrived at the wedding, the Queen consulted her mirror and the mirror once again revealed Snow White's survival. Now enraged, the queen dressed up as a comb seller and persuaded Snow White to bring a beautiful one as a gift. She brushed Snow White's hair with a poisonous comb and the girl fainted, but she was a resurrected dwarf. And the next morning the mirror told the Queen that Snow White was still "times more beautiful than its mistress." Now the Queen almost has a cardiac arrest in shock and anger. As a third and final attempt, she secretly consults the darkest magic, making poisonous apples and disguising a farmer's wife that she gives it to Snow White. The girl was, first of all, unwilling to accept, so the Queen cut the apples in half, ate the white (harmless) part and gave the red (poisonous) part to Snow White. The girl was eager to bite and fake death in the state of the waterfall, which led to the victory of the queen. This time, the dwarfs could not revive the girl because they could find Snow White in poor health and, assuming she was dead, they placed her in a glass coffin.

The passage of time, and the prince across the land to see Snow White. He strode to her coffin and was so beautiful that he immediately fell in love with her. The dwarf succumbed to his plea to let him have a coffin, and when they carried it away as his servant, they found some roots. The obstacle caused by the earthquake drove a poisonous apple from Snow White's throat and awakened her. The prince then declared his love for her and soon had a wedding plan. The couple invited every queen and king to the wedding, including Snow White's stepmother. At the same time, the queen, who still believes that Snow White is not alive, asks her the miraculous mirror, who is the most beautiful land in the world. The mirror said, "you, my queen, are fair and real." But the young queen is a thousand times more beautiful than you. "

Incredibly appalled, filled with fear and doubt, the Queen was, first of all, hesitant to accept the invitation, but she finally decided to go. Not knowing that the new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, her heart filled with the deepest fear when she realized the truth. As punishment for her attempted murder, a pair of shoes brought iron and pliers and placed in front of the queen. She was then forced into iron shoes and danced until she died.

Domestic translation version

In a faraway country, there lived a king and queen who longed for a child. So I sincerely prayed to God.

"Oh, God! We are all good kings and queens. Please give us a child! " Soon after, the queen gave birth to a lovely little princess. The girl's skin was as white as snow, her cheeks were as red as apples, and her hair was black and supple, so the king and queen named her Snow White.

People all over the country bless Snow White deeply.

Snow White, painted by Theodor Hosemann in 1852.

Snow White grew up gradually under the favor of the king and queen, and finally became a beautiful girl loved by everyone. Snow White is very kind and caring. She often plays with animals. Forest animals, such as deer, rabbits, squirrels and birds, all like Snow White because Snow White will give them food and tell them stories. Snow White, with a kind personality like an angel, lives a happy life.

However, the good times did not last long, and Snow White's mother fell ill and died.

The king married a new queen for Snow White, but the new queen was a witch proficient in magic. Although she is very beautiful, she is proud and irascible. Especially when she hates that others are more beautiful than she is.

"this is your new mother!"

When the king introduced the new queen to Snow White, she was still grieving for her dead mother. The new queen has a very strange mirror from which you can get all the answers you want to know.

Therefore, the queen often looks at the mirror and asks, "Magic Mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?"

"the most beautiful woman in the world is you, queen."

Snow White

However, one day, when the queen asked the mirror the same question, the mirror replied:

"now Snow White is more beautiful than you."

The new queen was very angry when she heard this.

"Damn it, how can anyone be more beautiful than me? I must get rid of her."

So she ordered the samurai of the court to say:

"I don't want to see Snow White again. Find an excuse to take her to the forest and kill her secretly. After killing, bring back her heart and tongue as evidence that you killed her. Did you hear that? There can be no mistakes. "

"Yes, queen."

After hearing this, the samurai really took Snow White to the forest.

When the samurai drew out his sword to kill the princess, he saw the princess picking flowers, pure and kind, like an angel. The samurai could not bear to kill her, so he said to Snow White:

"the queen ordered me to kill the princess, but I really couldn't bear it, so you'd better run away into the forest!"

When the samurai saw a pig, he ran to kill it and took out his heart and tongue as evidence.

After that, the samurai went back to the palace.

Snow White, who heard the cry of an owl, felt more and more terrible in the forest as she walked.

Suddenly, there was a cabin in front of him, so he cried out with surprise and delight:

"Ah, it's a cabin!"

Snow White hurriedly knocked on the door, but no one in the room answered the door.

She opened the door on her own initiative. After entering the cabin, there were seven small beds neatly arranged inside. After running in the forest all day, Snow White felt so tired that she lay down on the seven small beds and fell asleep before she knew it.

In the evening, when the seven dwarfs came back with hoes, they found someone in their home and sleeping in their own bed. Everyone asked strangely:

"who is this beautiful girl?"

"she sleeps soundly!"

"the little girl is so beautiful."

The voices of the dwarfs awakened Snow White.

The dwarfs said angrily:

"Why did you break into our house?"

"Gentlemen, I'm so sorry, because I got lost in the forest and walked all day. I was really hungry and tired. When I saw this cabin, I came in to have a rest."

Snow White told the dwarf the whole story again. Hearing this, the dwarfs sympathized with Snow White and left her behind.

"you can stay here!"

Snow White was glad to hear that the dwarf was willing to keep her.

"Thank you so much. I would like to cook, make the bed, wash clothes and clean for you here. I will do anything for you."

"Welcome. This will be your home from now on."

Snow White cleans the cabin very clean every day. When the seven dwarfs came back from the forest, there was a delicious dinner waiting for them. So day after day, Snow White and the dwarf lived a happy life.

The new queen thought Snow White was dead, and one day she asked the mirror:

"Magic Mirror, who is the most beautiful person in the world?" The mirror replied to the queen:

"Queen, you are beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you. She is now living a happy and happy life with the seven dwarves in the forest."

After hearing this answer, the queen knew that Snow White was not dead, and she was very angry.

"it's really abhorrent. Snow White must be made to disappear from the world."

The bad-hearted queen had an idea. She smeared the poison she had mixed with the bright red apple, ready to poison Snow White.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Snow White is bound to die as long as she takes a bite of this poisonous apple. By then, I will be the most beautiful woman in the world. " Then the queen dressed up as an old woman and went to the forest with a basket of apples. The bad queen came to the dwarf's cabin with a basket of apples.

"lovely little girl, would you like to buy a red and fragrant apple? I'll give you one. I'm sure you'll like it. "

Snow White, who had always loved apples, saw the big red apples and said happily:

"Wow! How lovely the red apples are! It must be delicious. "

So Snow White reached out and took the apple.

As a result, Snow White took only one bite and immediately fell to the ground and fainted.

When the wicked queen saw her lying on the ground, she laughed and said, "Ha!" Ha! Snow White has disappeared from this world ever since. "

When the dwarfs came home in the evening, they saw Snow White lying on the ground as dead. They immediately carried her to bed and tried their best to save her, but Snow White still didn't wake up.

The dwarfs wept and put Snow White in a glass coffin full of flowers, ready for a grand funeral.

At this time, the prince of a neighboring country happened to be passing through the forest and saw the beautiful and lovely princess in the glass coffin, as well as the dwarfs and animals mourning beside them.

When the prince knew what had happened, he looked at Snow White sadly with tears and said:

"Poor princess, if only you could come back to life!" The prince presented a bouquet of flowers to Snow White and gazed at her affectionately. "her skin is white and her cheeks are rosy, as if she were asleep, not like a dead man at all."

At last, the prince couldn't help leaning over and kissing her.

Suddenly, Snow White spit out the apple from her mouth. It was the prince's love for the princess that made the poisonous apple lose its effectiveness, and the princess gradually regained her body temperature and opened her bright eyes.

Snow White woke up, as if from a long sleep, her cheeks and lips were still ruddy.

"Wow! Did you see that? Snow White is alive! Snow White has come back to life! "

The dwarfs jumped for joy and shouted excitedly. The prince said with joy:

"that's great! Snow White has been reborn. God really won't let me down! "

Even the animals next to them chattered endlessly.

After the prince explained his origin to Snow White, he held the princess's hands and said gently, "Princess, would you like to go back to the palace with me and be my princess?"

Snow White nodded shyly and agreed.

The dwarfs and the animals of the forest, some danced, some sang and sang to celebrate the prince and Snow White.

"May the prince and princess be happy forever!"

The prince took Snow White and rode his white horse to bid farewell to the dwarfs and the animals in the forest. They kept waving goodbye to the dwarfs.

"Dwarves, thank you for taking care of me. I will always remember you." "I wish you happiness. Goodbye!"

After they left the forest and returned to neighboring countries, they were immediately welcomed by the people of the whole country. In the eyes of the people, they are really made for each other.

Since the evil queen poisoned Snow White, she thought Snow White was going to die, so she was very happy.

One day, she asked the mirror confidently:

"Magic Mirror, Magic Mirror, I must be the most beautiful person in the world now!"

The mirror replied:

"apart from Snow White, you are the most beautiful person, but Snow White who lives in a neighboring country is thousands of times more beautiful than you."

The queen felt very strange when she heard this. She thought Snow White had been killed by her. But Snow White has always had good luck.

"it's so exasperating that I can't believe you can't kill Snow White!"

The queen was already a witch, so she flew to a neighboring country on a magic broom and sword, ready to remove the thorn in her eye. When she flew over the neighboring country, a flash of lightning struck at the bad queen.

"split! Blah! "

A noise knocked the witch queen off the broom.

The witch queen was finally punished by God and ended her life of wickedness.

At this time, the prince's country was jubilant, because the beautiful Snow White agreed to the prince's proposal and was holding a grand wedding.

Dwarfs and forest animals are also invited to attend the wedding. With the blessing of the people all over the country, the prince and Snow White will live happily ever after.

Historical archetype

A textual Research on the prototype of creation

After 17 years of textual research and discussion, fairy tale scholars in the small town of Lowe in southwestern Germany say confidently that Snow White comes from their hometown.

For a moment, Lowe became the focus of Snow White fans around the world, with interviews from television stations as far away as Japan and even Kazakhstan. Bartels, president of the Lowe Fairy Tales Association, said that Snow White's name was Maria von Ertl, an aristocrat born in Lowe on June 15, 1729.

The castle where Maria grew up became a museum. There is one in the museum.

The talking mirror "face" in the main Museum-this kind of vocal toy was very popular in the 18th century, and Lowe was the center of this kind of "magic mirror". The mirror is owned by none other than Maria's "vicious" stepmother, Claudia, the second wife of father Philip.

"Maria was visually impaired by smallpox when she was young, and the existing records say she is a kind-hearted girl," Bartels said. Maybe people subconsciously sided with Maria against her stepmother, so she was molded into a vicious person. "

The seven dwarfs come from the mine of Bieber in the west, and because the mine is narrow, there is only room for short miners. In order to avoid being hurt by falling stones, they usually wear colorful headscarves. The poisonous apple is coated with a toxin extracted from a plant rich in the local area.

Questions about Snow White

However, there is a question mark in the textual research of this story-in some of the textual research materials, the story should not be so simple and beautiful. Therefore, the accuracy of the above information is open to question. In Grimm's fairy tales, there are many stories that have a deeper meaning. According to some materials, the story of Snow White contains extremely complicated things about sex, incest, love, psychology, cannibalism and so on. This makes the connotation and expression of Grimm's Fairy Tales completely different.

However, please do not want to believe that this is true, when what I said is a lie, keep a pure memory.

Song lyrics

Ah, Snow White, her beauty is the envy of everyone.

But only her stepmother was very jealous of her.

Damn it, it's her stepmother.

She poisoned the princess's apple.

Fortunately, the most handsome prince saved the princess.

Prince, Prince finally married Snow White.

Adaptation of film and television

1937 Disney's first feature-length film animation Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

The Japanese writer group Tong Shengzao uses the original Grimm's fairy tales as the creative source to create Snow White in the Thriller Grimm's Fairy Tales and Snow White in the Thriller Grimm's Fairy Tales 2, and her queen is Snow White's biological mother.

Because of the description of Snow White in Grimm's fairy tales: unnatural white skin, black hair and red lips, which are considered by some to be similar to vampires, some authors set the princess as a vampire in their re-creation, such as Neil Gellman's Snow, Glass, Apples ("Snow, Glass, Apples") and the version of the fragrant butterfly (published in Flying Fantasy World issue 11, 2005).

The 2012 American dark version of Snow White and the Hunter

March 2012 American movie "Snow White Mirror"