
Cyclamen, why do the flowers bloom and rot more and more?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cyclamen is opened before and after the Spring Festival in Zi'an, and the bright red forehead color is very suitable for festive festivals, so go to understand why cyclamen flowers are getting lighter and lighter. What about cyclamen rotting roots? Why cyclamen flowers are getting lighter and lighter: the reasons why cyclamen color becomes lighter, 1. Lack of nutrition.

Cyclamen is opened before and after the Spring Festival in Zi'an, and the bright red forehead color is very suitable for festive festivals, so go to understand why cyclamen flowers are getting lighter and lighter. What about cyclamen rotting roots?

Why cyclamen flowers bloom more and more faintly:

First, the reasons for the fading of cyclamen.

1. Insufficient nutrition

In fact, this is a normal phenomenon of cyclamen, the vast majority of cyclamen sold in the flower market, before the market, the use of professional fertilizer, poured water is softened water, so the flowers are particularly gorgeous. After buying home, the environment changes, especially fertilizer and water changes, so that cyclamen nutrition can not reach, and then the color is getting lighter and lighter.

2. Lack of light

Lack of light will also cause cyclamen to fade. Cyclamen likes light but is afraid of strong light, lack of light, it is easy to lighten the color of cyclamen, too strong light and easy to burn leaves, it is really a contradiction.

Second, the solution to the color fading of cyclamen.

1. Apply professional fertilizer

The growth of flowers needs a process of adaptation, just like the daily life of food and clothing, suddenly reduced to beggars, how to stand. It is suggested that flower lovers of cyclamen should water their flowers with pure water or cold plain water for a day, and apply cyclamen professional fertilizer every half a month. Remember to use professional fertilizer first, slowly adapt to it, and then add some general fertilizer.

2. Low light is fine.

Lack of light is one of the reasons for the dim color of cyclamen, but many flower lovers can not control the weak light, excessive shading and even excessive exposure. Xiaobian has the secret after cyclamen blossoms. At 11: 14, you should pay attention to shade in these three hours and leave it on the balcony the rest of the time.

What about cyclamen rotting roots:

First, the root cause of cyclamen

The main causes are low temperature, bacterial infection and so on. The most common causes are hot and stuffy summer, poor ventilation, or excessive stagnant water.

1. Overwatering

During the growth period, too much watering will make the basin soil water in a state of saturation, the root is in a state of suffocation for a long time, absorptive capacity decline, lack of oxygen in the soil, bacteria active, resulting in a lot of harmful gases, resulting in tuber rot.

2. Improper fertilization in pot.

Cyclamen is a bulbous plant, and the normal growth of roots is related to the health of the whole plant. If the tuber is planted deeply in the pot, it will drown its top when fertilizing, and it is also easy to cause rot.

Second, the treatment method of cyclamen rotten root.

1. Ways to avoid rotting roots of cyclamen

In order to avoid cyclamen rotting roots, when watering, do not directly water, so that there will be water in the center of the tuber, the correct way is to gently lift the leaves, along the edge of the flowerpot, slowly watering. Moreover, the principle of ensuring that it will not be done or watered. The same is true when fertilizing, in addition, fertilization should not be too thick, otherwise it will burn roots. In summer, we should pay attention to the cyclamen to prevent the heat and cool down.

2. The treatment method of rotting root of cyclamen.

If the bulb part of cyclamen has rotted, the rotten part can be removed with a sharp blade, smear the wound with plant ash, dry the wound, replant it into permeable and breathable soil, and recover gradually for about a month, watering as little as possible. If most of them have rotted, there is no value for recovery, so it is recommended to abandon them.

All right, guys, you all know that, right? you know.

What about the yellow leaves of cyclamen? the reason why cyclamen is getting lighter and lighter.

When we cultivate flowers and plants, we often encounter all kinds of problems. For example, when raising cyclamen, the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow. For example, cyclamen finally blossoms, but the flowers of cyclamen are getting weaker and weaker. So what will you do if you encounter these situations? The following editor will introduce to you what to do if the cyclamen leaves turn yellow, and what if the cyclamen becomes lighter and lighter?

What if the cyclamen leaves turn yellow?

Cyclamen leaves turn yellow

Symptoms: the flower stems of cyclamen are rotten and the leaves are yellow.

Reason: too much water.

Solution: stop watering, wait until the leaves of cyclamen are not yellow, and the soil is dry before watering. And watering should be supplied from the bottom, the basin soil can only be watered when it is dry, and the water temperature is close to room temperature.

Cyclamen leaves yellowing two

Symptoms: cyclamen leaves curl and yellowing.

Reason: lack of nutrition, need to pay close attention to fertilization.

Solution: you can buy special fertilizer from the florist. But do not add too much nutrition to flowers, usually a small amount of cooked soybeans, cooked peanuts, bean cakes, changed steamed bread and so on, so that you do not have to worry about cyclamen lack of nutrition.

Cyclamen leaves yellowing three

Symptoms: the leaves turn yellow when watered, and the buds just grow withered when there is less water.

Reason: dormancy

Solution: cyclamen flowers can bloom two seasons a year, mainly in spring and autumn. Cyclamen likes half shade, so don't shine directly in the sun. With the high temperature in summer, cyclamen is going to go dormant. Water as little as possible during dormancy and keep the soil moist to prevent the roots from rotting off due to too much water.

When planting, it is best to expose the bulbous roots of the flowers to 1/3 of the soil, water them directly in the flowerpot, and try not to get water on the flowers and leaves. Because the leaves of cyclamen are round and concave in the middle, it is easy to store water, and if the water evaporates and leaves water stains for a long time, the leaves will be easy to dry and yellowing, affecting the ornamental.

It is best to wipe it with a soft cloth and water it thoroughly when it is dry and wet. Can not be watered every day, because cyclamen globular roots have the function of storing water, watering too much will easily produce the symptoms of yellowing of buds and leaves. Dry food can be watered every three days in spring and once every five days in autumn.

Cyclamen leaves turn yellow

Symptom: cyclamen leaves are curled

Reasons and solutions:

(1) Illumination: cyclamen likes light but is afraid of strong light, so it can not be exposed to the sun. There is enough sunshine every day. Cyclamen should be placed in windows, balconies and other places with sufficient light, and often change the position of flowerpots. Plenty of light can make the flowers more beautiful and the leaves more shiny. Although cyclamen belongs to the shade-tolerant Primulaceae, it is easy to yellowing leaves due to lack of light for a long time.

(2) moisture: watering should be properly controlled, too much water will cause rotten roots, and can be watered again when flowers and leaves wilt mildly. Watering can be done by soaking the bottom of the basin, and do not sprinkle too much water on the leaves.

(3) ventilation: cyclamen likes ventilation, smoke and dirty air will make the petals dry and wither, but they can not be placed directly in the tuyere.

(4) temperature: cyclamen can grow normally at room temperature above 5 ℃. When the room temperature is low, cyclamen can keep its florescence for a long time, but the flowering is slow. The flowering is fast when the room temperature is high, but the flowering period is short.

(5) humidity: humidity should be maintained at 60% Murray 70%. Too little humidity will make flowers smaller, and too much humidity will cause Botrytis cinerea and other fungal venereal diseases in petals and leaves. It is strictly forbidden to spray water on the petals, otherwise they will rot.

(6) Fertilizer: fertilize twice a month, import or domestic compound fertilizer can be used, 5-8 grains are applied each time and placed at the depth of 2 cm in the substrate.

Cyclamen leaves turn yellow

Reason: the yellowing of cyclamen leaves is mainly caused by the poor air permeability of the basin soil and the over-drying of the basin soil.

Solution: when the temperature is 15-25 degrees, the cyclamen can be used to replace the soil with better permeability.

What if the cyclamen flowers are getting weaker and thinner?

Reason 1: inappropriate watering

Cyclamen does not like too much water, too much water will rot the roots. But cyclamen can not lack of water, otherwise the leaves will wilt and droop, when the lack of water, just pour a little water. In order to prevent cyclamen from being short of water, some people not only water too much water at one time, but also store water in the receiving basin under the flowerpot, which is disadvantageous to the growth of cyclamen. The stagnant water in the water basin will cause cyclamen to rot.

Solution: at the temperature of 17 ℃ ~ 18 ℃, water cyclamen once every 3 days and wait until the soil is dry before watering. In addition, be careful not to spray water on cyclamen leaves and flowers.

Reason 2: insufficient fertilization

The main reason why cyclamen flowers are getting lighter and lighter is related to lack of light and insufficient fertilization. it should be pointed out that most cyclamen sold in the flower market use professional fertilizer before they are on the market, and the water is softened water. the flowers cultivated in this way are particularly gorgeous, so it is difficult to raise them well.

Solution: it is recommended that flower lovers of cyclamen should be watered with pure water or cold boiled water after buying cyclamen, and apply professional fertilizer every half a month.

Reason 3: dormant period

Cyclamen will have the habit of dormancy every summer, about June, cyclamen flowers lag behind, leaves withered and fall, cyclamen leaves yellow how to do?

Solution: at this time, you can take the flower ball out of the flowerpot and put it in a plastic bag, and then put it in the refrigerator, but the temperature should not be below 0 degrees. After autumn, take out the bulb, pick the old roots and withered leaves, and replant them in the flowerpot. When the new leaves begin to germinate, the normal water and fertilizer management can be restored gradually.

What about cyclamen rotting roots?

The reason for the rotting root of cyclamen

The main causes are low temperature, bacterial infection and so on. The most common causes are hot and stuffy summer, poor ventilation, or excessive stagnant water.

Too much watering

During the growth period, too much watering will make the basin soil water in a state of saturation, the root is in a state of suffocation for a long time, absorptive capacity decline, lack of oxygen in the soil, bacteria active, resulting in a lot of harmful gases, resulting in tuber rot.

Improper fertilization in pot

Cyclamen is a bulbous plant, and the normal growth of roots is related to the health of the whole plant. If the tuber is planted deeply in the pot, it will drown its top when fertilizing, and it is also easy to cause rot.

The treatment method of rotting Root of Cyclamen

Ways to avoid rotting roots of cyclamen

In order to avoid cyclamen rotting roots, when watering, do not directly water, so that there will be water in the center of the tuber, the correct way is to gently lift the leaves, along the edge of the flowerpot, slowly watering. Moreover, the principle of ensuring that it will not be done or watered. The same is true when fertilizing, in addition, fertilization should not be too thick, otherwise it will burn roots. In summer, we should pay attention to the cyclamen to prevent the heat and cool down.

The treatment method of rotting Root of Cyclamen

If the bulb part of cyclamen has rotted, the rotten part can be removed with a sharp blade, smear the wound with plant ash, dry the wound, replant it into permeable and breathable soil, and recover gradually for about a month, watering as little as possible. If most of them have rotted, there is no value for recovery, so it is recommended to abandon them.