
Field Management of rape planting

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Field Management of rape planting

Rapeseed is the main oil crop in China, which has a wide planting area and is an important economic crop. Field management is very important in order to obtain high yield, high yield and higher income. So how exactly should it be done? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction with the editor.

1. Timely ploughing and weeding

Mid-tillage can avoid soil consolidation or decrease in moisture retention, and promote the growth and development of roots, especially after watering or rainy season, the soil is very easy to harden and poor air permeability, and in serious cases, the roots will die of lack of oxygen. Weeding can eliminate weeds and rape for water and fertilizer and growth space, too many weeds are also prone to diseases and insect pests, at the same time will destroy soil microorganisms, so weeding must be timely, so that there are no weeds in the field. Generally speaking, weeding should be carried out 3-4 times a year, in accordance with the principles of shallow hoe in the early and later stage, deep hoe in the middle stage and no hoe before rain, while weeding should be done early and diligently.

2. Topdressing as early as possible

For rapeseed to grow fast and well, topdressing is indispensable. Topdressing should be done early and early. Rape needs less fertilizer at the seedling stage, but it needs a sharp increase after bolting, and fertilizer needs a certain amount of time to be decomposed before it can be absorbed by the plant. Therefore, we should pay attention to base fertilizer and timely topdressing to meet the fertility needs of rape reproductive growth, while in the peak growing season, we should spray foliar fertilizer to maintain the trace elements needed by the plant. In autumn, combined with ploughing and weeding, 25kg compound fertilizer per mu of food is mainly potash fertilizer to promote autumn hair. Before the beginning of spring, compound fertilizer should be applied once to promote spring growth, and soil should be properly cultivated after fertilization to avoid plant lodging and improve fertilizer utilization.

3. Pest control

There are still many diseases and insect pests in rape cultivation, such as cabbage green insects, aphids, ground tigers, mole crickets and other pests in the seedling stage, which can be controlled by spraying insecticides. At the seedling stage, there is also a more serious disease is downy mildew, which should be drained in time or sprayed every other week to prevent it. The disease in the flowering stage is mainly Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, which can be prevented by spraying Ruoshuitong at the flowering stage, while the pathogens in the podding stage are white rust and aphids, which can be controlled by spraying trichlorfon and Nanxin.

The above is the field management introduction of rape planting. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.