
How to plant camellia seeds? can you raise them indoors?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Camellia, this is a kind of plant that many people like, super likable, so how to grow this camellia seed? Can you raise it indoors: how to plant camellias seeds: 1. Seed harvesting and storage in autumn when the fruit is slightly cracked, it will be harvested immediately and put in a cool and ventilated place to dry.

Camellia, this is a kind of plant that many people like, super likable, so how to grow this camellia seed? Can I keep it indoors:

How to plant camellia seeds:

1. Seed harvesting and storage

In autumn, when the fruit cracked slightly, it was harvested immediately, put it in a cool and ventilated place indoors to dry, and the seeds were taken out after the fruit cracked naturally. It is necessary to sow seeds immediately after seed collection, and it can also be treated by stratified sand reservoir. After washing and disinfecting the fine sand with clean water, lay the seeds and fine sand in appropriate containers, cover the upper layer with 5cm fine sand, and then bury the container in human soil to prevent mildew and rodent damage.

two。 Seed treatment

Seed treatment: the seed coat of camellia is hard and needs to be treated to make the seeds germinate quickly and neatly. The following methods can be used: one is to carve the seed coat with a sharp knife; the other is to soak the seeds in warm water of 40-50 ℃ for half an hour, then soak the seeds in 20-25 ℃ for 5-6 days, and take the bottom seeds as sowing seeds; third, soak the seeds with 100 μ g / g gibberellin solution for one day and night. (note: camellia sowing does not need to break the shell, which leads to damage to the protective body of the germ is not conducive to germination.)

3. Sowing seeds

Put the navel to the side, cover with a layer of fine fertile soil, and cover with a layer of plastic film to keep the soil moist so that the seeds can germinate and emerge as soon as possible.

4. Management after emergence

When the seeds germinate and expose the soil, remove the film on a cloudy day or in the evening. One month after the seedlings are unearthed, apply some organic fertilizer or chemical fertilizer every month. In the process of seedling growth, it is necessary to loosen the soil in time, it should be shallow rather than deep, and then gradually deepen. When leaf blight or blight occurs, spray 0.8% Bordeaux solution.

5. Moderate illumination

Camellias need proper light and are afraid of direct sunlight. At the end of spring and autumn, camellias should be moved to the balcony or the ground where there is much light, and receive all-day light to promote plant growth and development, flower bud differentiation and strong buds. Into the summer sun is the strongest, it is necessary to move the flowerpot to see the light behind the sun, well-ventilated environment maintenance, can also be moved to the north balcony or south balcony under the nursery.

6. Suitable temperature

Temperature is an important condition for the physiological activity of camellia. Camellia is warm in nature, the most suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the relative humidity is 60 to 65%. For the growth of camellias, spring shoots generally sprout in mid-late March, begin to sprout in April, form terminal buds in mid-late May, stop growing, and gradually differentiate into leaf buds or flower buds. It takes 180 to 240 days from flower bud formation to flowering.

7. Appropriate amount of nutrients

Camellia is a fertilizer-loving flower, because the tree is strong, there are more leaves, and the florescence is longer, so it needs more fertilizer. In the process of fertilization, apply sufficient liquid fertilizer, combined with changing pots, apply 3 to 80 grams of rotten cooked cake fertilizer powder or sun-dried chicken and duck manure in each pot according to the size of the flowerpot, and mix well with the bottom soil. Increase the application of organic fertilizer according to the growth period of the plant. Except when it is the coldest and hottest in winter and summer, the rotten dry cake water is applied once or twice a month. The fertilization method is as follows: peel off the basin edge soil for about 2 minutes, and apply liquid fertilizer into the ditch to cover the ready-to-use soil to avoid odor.

Can camellias be grown indoors:

The room is fine, but it should be ventilated regularly. The improper management of potted camellias at home is easy to die, which makes flower growers have a headache. The reason is mainly caused by two factors, one is the poor ventilation of the root, the other is the lack of humidity on the leaf surface.

Hypoxia in the root system of camellia will lead to dyspnea, decline of physiological activity in vivo, and gradual decay and death of root system over time. After the beginning of spring, we should pay special attention to the basin bottom drainage hole can not be blocked. When planting camellias with large pots and buckets, it is necessary to insert several special drainage rods in the basin, that is, depending on the size of the basin, insert several hard paper cylinders around the basin, fill them with river sand, and then pull out the paper cylinders to ensure good drainage. The camellias had better choose tile pots, which have good air permeability, the worst porcelain, and the soil with slightly acidic mountain mud is the best, and the field mud is the worst. If the mud is added to the tile basin, it is beneficial to the growth of camellia. It is not easy to die.

The space where the branches and leaves of camellias are located is lack of humidity, especially when the air is dry, high temperature and high heat, it is easy to cause the loss of water balance in the branches and lead to death. Therefore, potted camellias should try to maintain a moist environment and put some water tanks or pots around them. Entering the high temperature season, you should frequently spray water to the ground around the leaves and pots of potted camellias to increase a small range of air humidity and reduce the ground temperature. At the same time, when spraying water, it is best to drop edible vinegar in the water, one can clean the leaves, two can increase the acidity of the potted soil, avoid yellowing, and three can kill the bacteria and insects of potted camellias.

In addition, potted camellias do not turn the pot for a long time, which worsens the growth environment, which is also one of the reasons why camellias do not blossom or die. Camellias had better turn the pot once a year, after the spring Xiehua, at least turn the pot every other year to change the soil and trim the roots. Another harm of not turning the basin for a long time is that the soil is easy to harden and the permeability is poor when watering, resulting in wet and dry. Turning the basin, pruning the root system, removing part of the old soil and adding new soil are very beneficial to its growth. If urea topdressing is used in potted camellia seedlings, it should be especially cautious. If the concentration of urea is too high (water should be added 600-1000 times when liquid fertilizer is applied), the application of urea will cause leaf loss and exosmosis of plant cell sap, which is very easy to make the plant die.

This is the end of the planting method of camellia seeds. This can be cultivated indoors, but pay attention to ventilation.

Are camellias poisonous? are camellias suitable for indoor cultivation / non-toxic indoor cultivation has many advantages

Camellia, a very beautiful ornamental flower, if you know about it, we should know that the color of camellia is very bright. In life, there is a saying that the more gorgeous things are, the more poisonous they are. From this, there are rumors that camellias are poisonous. Are camellias poisonous? Are camellias suitable for growing indoors? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

Are camellias poisonous? there are two situations.

In life, as one of the top ten famous flowers in China, the beauty of camellias is admired, but some people wonder whether camellias are poisonous. In this regard, the editor found two results: one is that the camellias are poisonous, and the other is that the camellias are poisonous, as follows:

1. Camellia is non-toxic.

Before growing camellias, some people said it was poisonous! In fact, camellia is not poisonous, some people just confuse it with another plant. Therefore, keep camellias at home, do not worry about the harm. Not only non-toxic, there are many efficacy and effects of camellia, as a medicine, it can also help to treat many diseases.

2. Camellia is poisonous

There are many varieties of camellias, ordinary camellias are non-toxic, but there is another kind of camellias called Manjiluo, which is extremely toxic. It is understood that the seeds, fruits, leaves and flowers of Manjiro are all poisonous, and the seeds are the most toxic. Children can be poisoned after eating 3-8 seeds by mistake, with serious consequences.

Is camellia suitable for growing indoors?

Generally speaking, the camellias we usually raise are non-toxic, plus the camellias have a long flowering period and smell good. So is camellia suitable for growing indoors? it is obviously suitable, not only for camellia, but also for many advantages of indoor camellia.

Advantages of raising Camellia indoors

1. Strong ornamental

Camellias always bloom quietly when the weather is cooler in late autumn, so they are very suitable for planting at home for owners to enjoy. Keep the camellias at home, and after it blossoms, its colorful flowers and refreshing scent make people relaxed and happy. It is a great blessing in life to have such beautiful scenery at home.

2. Purify the air

Camellia has a strong ability to absorb carbon dioxide, and has a strong resistance to harmful gases such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen fluoride and smoke in the air, purifying the air. So a beautiful environment and purifying the air is also one of the advantages of raising camellia indoors.

3. The fengshui effect of camellias

In addition to the above two points, the benefits of indoor mountain tea are also reflected in fengshui. Raise camellias at home, whenever winter comes, when people are lazy, when they see such vibrant camellias, they will re-inject vitality into themselves and strive to make progress.

In addition, putting a pot of camellias on the balcony can not only beautify the home environment, purify the air, but also improve home fengshui. Because the balcony is more empty and the sunshine is more sufficient, it is very suitable for planting camellias. And the cultivation of camellias on the balcony also has the effect of invigorating wealth.

Generally speaking, camellias are very beautiful, and it is not difficult to raise them. More importantly, our common camellias are not poisonous, so excited friends can make a pot to raise them. If you don't know how to raise them, you can also take a look at the cultivation methods of camellias. As to whether the camellias are poisonous or not, the editor has introduced them here, hoping to give you some help. Finally, may everyone's camellias blossom beautifully.

Culture method of camellias how to grow camellias

Raising plants at home has become a popular trend nowadays, in which camellias have become the first choice for many families because of their relative advantages, but it is inevitable to encounter all kinds of problems in breeding. Today, the editor told you about the breeding methods of camellias, so that people no longer have to worry about its breeding.

First of all, let's understand the relevant properties of camellias:

Camellia belongs to evergreen shrubs or trees, mainly cultivated in Fujian, Yunnan and other places in China. Camellias prefer semi-shady growth environment, do not tolerate severe cold and heat, have higher soil quality, like slight acid and alkali resistance, and are required to be dry in the air environment. Fruit ripens in autumn every year.

Culture methods of camellias

First, light conditions, camellias avoid strong light, so we must pay attention to the sun when planting, spring and autumn require sufficient light, but in summer, we must avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, as long as camellias are exposed to strong light for too long, it is easy to die, if there are conditions, it is best to transplant to the sunshade.

Second, temperature attention, camellia is not cold-resistant nor heat-resistant, the most suitable temperature is 18-25 degrees, so the ambient temperature should not be too high and too low, otherwise it will affect its growth, especially in winter, the indoor temperature must be above 3 degrees. If it is lower than 0 degrees, it will be frostbitten.

Third, watering matters, camellias like a humid environment, so we must pay special attention to not too dry, not too wet, can not be wet when dry, generally can be more watering in spring, this is conducive to germination, summer should be watered both morning and evening, it is best to water the leaves, do not water when the plant is high temperature, autumn and spring, but in winter watering should pay attention, it is best to water before and after the plant And don't water it every day, preferably every two or three days.

Fourth, the main points of fertilization, camellias prefer fertilizer, so in the whole breeding process, we should pay special attention to the use of fertilizer, such as adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer on the pot, but fertilization also has a degree, must not be too much, generally in the nearly half a year after flowering fertilization about 3 times, winter fertilization once on it, in order to make the flowers more beautiful, it is best to put more phosphate fertilizer in fertilizer.

Fifth, flower branch pruning, camellia pruning is very important, generally will affect the shape of branches and disease, weak branches cut off, as well as the arrangement of buds, once the buds are too dense, but also to comb, flowers should be picked in time after withering, can reduce the consumption of nutrients.

Sixth, turning the pot of camellias, which many people will ignore, many people will not turn the pot once planted. In fact, this is very wrong. Camellias are usually turned once every two years, and a large basin should be changed. Only in this way can it be beneficial to its growth. Special attention should be paid to the time of turning the pot, preferably in April. When turning the basin, we should be careful not to remove all the old soil and add a small amount of base fertilizer to it. And then water it.

Seventh, the prevention and control of diseases and pests, camellias are very easy to get sick, there are two common diseases-black mold, anthrax, then only need to spray 0.5 degree Bordeaux liquid, camellia pests are mainly tea tip moth, then the main cut off the tip of the insect.

Eighth, soil requirements, soil is the root of the growth of camellias, all nutrients of camellias are obtained from the soil, so the demand for soil is quite high, generally its soil contains high humus, PH value between 5-6.5, slightly acidic, the best soil configuration is: mountain soil 50%, sawdust or edible fungus residue 40%, cake fertilizer powder or livestock manure and phosphorus fertilizer powder 10%.

Ninth, air fluidity, the place where camellias grow requires extremely high air circulation, it is most suitable to grow in the breeze, but camellias are afraid of northwest wind and strong wind, because northwest wind and strong wind are easy to make water evaporate too fast, camellia supply and demand lose balance, which is not conducive to the growth of camellias.

Propagation of Camellia

The first kind, sowing

Sowing technology is very common in many professional breeding gardens, mainly for breeding new varieties. Generally speaking, if you use this method, seeds are collected in December, sown in 2-3 months, blossom 3-4 years later, and the thickness of the covered soil is about 2 cm when sowing. It will sprout in a month to a month and a half, and it can be transplanted the following spring.

The second kind, cutting

This technique can be said to be the most widely used method now. It is generally used to cut the twigs of the tree in spring, but it must be noted that the base of the cuttings should be soaked in Tsai acetic acid solution for about 10 hours before sowing. This can greatly improve the rooting rate, spray water to shade after planting, never let the strong light shine directly, and keep the guest humidity between 85% and 95%. The ambient temperature is 25-30 degrees, so that a month or so after insertion, new roots will be produced at the base of the cuttings, which will gradually reduce shading and increase light. When the seedling is 50-80 cm high, it can be planted.

The third kind, grafting

This technology is some difficult, not ordinary people can do, grafting time is generally better in early April to late September, grafting has a lot of benefits, can artificially improve varieties, but the technical requirements are very high, family decoration is not recommended.

Fourth, tissue culture

The technique of tissue culture is relatively tedious. Generally, the explants have anthers, embryos, buds and so on, which are usually divided into juvenile and adult. The culture media of the two are different. The 6-ganglionic glands of 0. 5-1. 0mg / L can be used in the young, and WPM plus 2. 0mg / L of 6-ganglionic glands and 0. 01mg / 1 in the adult. The main purpose of this method is to pay attention to the rooting method. The specific method is as follows: the base of the shoot is dipped in 1 mg / L noise butyric acid solution for 20 minutes, then inoculated on the basic medium without growth substance, dark treatment for 10-15 days, and seedlings can be transplanted 20-30 days after rooting.