
How to grow artichoke

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to grow artichoke

Artichoke, also known as vegetable thistle and French lily, is not only a perennial herb of Compositae, but also a plant for both medicine and food. At present, it is mainly distributed in Taiwan, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Hunan, Yunnan and other places in China. Artichoke is in great demand in the market, but it is in a market environment in short supply because of its planting scale. So do you know how to grow artichokes? Today, follow the editor to learn the planting method of artichoke.

1. Land selection and preparation

Artichoke is suitable for growing in a relatively mild environment, with the characteristics of resistance to light frost, fear of drought and heat. When choosing a planting site, we usually choose loam or clay with loose soil, sufficient soil fertility, rich water resources, good soil permeability and good drainage. Sand and heavy clay are not suitable for growing artichokes. Deep ploughing the soil, and apply enough basic fertilizer, and finally the land will be leveled, the soil can be fine to sow.

2. Planting method

Artichokes are generally propagated by seeds, but ramets or rhizomes are also used in some areas. The best temperature for seed germination of artichoke is 20 degrees, and the best temperature for plant growth is about 15 degrees. In addition, the skin of the seeds is relatively hard and thick, so it is necessary to soak seeds in warm water before planting. Wait until the seeds sprout white, you can sow, sowing time to control the density of sowing, generally, the distance between each plant should be maintained at about one meter. Finally, cover the seeds with soil, cover with a layer of black plastic film, and wait until the seedlings emerge.

3. Field management

After emergence, it is necessary to check the growth of seedlings in the field and replenish the seedlings in time to ensure that the seedlings are complete. The second is to control the amount of watering during the growing period of seedlings, and the humidity in the field should not be too high, which can be kept at about 20%. In addition, it is necessary to control the temperature in the field. In general, the highest temperature should not exceed 34 degrees, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 4 degrees, otherwise artichokes stop growing, affecting yield and quality. There is to be reasonable topdressing, when the seedlings grow to about 15 centimeters when the application of organic compound fertilizer; when it is just flowering, we can use an appropriate amount of dung and urine water to promote the growth of flower buds; finally, after each harvest of buds, we had better have a topdressing, so as to ensure the yield of artichoke, generally mainly urea. Of course, we also need to pay attention to the reasonable watering after each topdressing, and timely drainage when there is too much water, so as not to cause unnecessary losses.

4. Overwintering technology

Because artichoke is a perennial herb, it needs to be prepared to survive the winter so as not to affect the yield in the coming year. If it is a mild area all the year round, it can be consistent with the usual management. However, there are four distinct seasons in some areas, so in order to avoid freezing damage to artichokes, in winter, we will cut off the stubble of flowers and stems 10 centimeters below the soil surface, then cover the soil flat, and finally cover the cut stems and leaves on it. this can effectively prevent artichokes from freezing.

5. Pest control

The main disease of artichoke is root rot, which usually occurs in Rain Water's season. Of course, if we can put water management in place in the process of planting, this disease can be avoided. When the root rot disease occurs in the early stage, we can also use agricultural streptomycin sulfate to control it. During the growth of artichoke, aphids run through its whole growth period, so dimethoate can be used to control it. Finally, the harm of the ground tiger, the longest occurred around April, we can spray trichlorfon in advance, so that we can effectively prevent it.

Artichoke is a very scarce vegetable and medicinal herb in the market, so many people do not know it very well, so this shows that its planting prospect is also great, and friends who plant it can also consider it.