
How can carnations blossom several times a year?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Carnations are very beautiful, and many people are planting them. How many times a year can carnations bloom? How do you raise it in water? Carnations can bloom several times a year: carnations are perennial herbs, one plant and one flower, and the flowering period is from April to September. If cultivated in a protected area, it can blossom all the year round.

Carnations are very beautiful, and many people are planting them. How many times a year can carnations bloom? How do you raise it in water?

Carnations can blossom several times a year:

Carnation is a perennial herb, one plant and one flower, the flowering period is from April to September. If cultivated in a protected area, it can blossom all the year round. Because the flower buds of carnations differentiate many times in a year. As long as the temperature is suitable, when the new shoot grows to a certain length, the top vegetative growth stops, the leaf color changes to dark green, and the nutrients are concentrated on the top of the shoot, there will be flower bud differentiation and flowering.

In addition, preference for bright light and dryness is an important feature of carnations. Whether indoor, potted over summer or greenhouse to promote cultivation, all need sufficient light, should be placed in the sunny position of direct light. As long as there is plenty of sunshine and good ventilation, carnations will blossom all the year round.

How to raise carnations in water:

Carnation hydroponics, just take a bottle and insert it into the carnation. The period of mass propagation is from December to February of the following year, and the rooting time is about 30 days, 25 days from March to April and 20 days from May to July.

Like a cool, dry, sunny and well-ventilated ecological environment. The cold tolerance was good, but the heat tolerance was poor. The plant grew slowly when the optimum growth temperature was 14 ℃ / 21 ℃ and the temperature was more than 27 ℃ or lower than 14 ℃. It should be planted in calcareous soil which is rich in humus and well drained. I like to be fat.

All right, that's all for the introduction of carnation aquaculture, boys and girls.

16 kinds of flowers and plants that bode well!

Goodbye, 2015!

Hello, 2016!

Can be expressed in flowers and plants.

We try not to use words.

I hope these 16 species of plants bring their own joy.

It can bring you good luck in the new year.

Good luck

If you want to be "lucky", you must have a "good luck". Pineapple family, perennial herb. Its most striking feature is the bright red core at the top.

Suitable for the living room, with the intention of gathering wealth and getting fat; if you like to get wet, you can also place the bathroom. You will inhale a lot of carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night, so having it means you have a home oxygen bar.

Gentleman orchid

There is a kind of nobility that comes from the soul. The gentleman orchid is loved by people because of its "gentleman's wind". Amaryllidaceae genus Orchidaceae, native to Africa.

Like semi-overcast and humid environment, can vacuum, purify air and medicinal use. It can be placed in front of the door, in the study or at the table. New Year's Day and the Spring Festival are in full bloom.


It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. Welcome distinguished guests with cyclamen, or have good luck. Cyclamen is a perennial herb of Primulaceae. Originated in Greece, Syria, Lebanon and other places.

It has a strong ability to absorb sulfur dioxide and has a humidifying function at home, virtually protecting the skin. Can be raised by water, suitable to be placed on a sunny desk, with calming and calming effect; can also be placed in the living room.


It is the flower most in line with the oriental aesthetic, can be used to express the truth of friendship, but also the witness of pure love. Cymbidium, epiphytic or terrestrial herbs. It blossoms all year round with a special fragrance.

Like the humid climate, it is best to put it outside in the open space around you, as well as indoors with plenty of sunshine. If the air at home is dry, one of the ways to increase humidity is to grow more orchids.


Daffodils bloom during the Spring Festival, symbolizing yearning and reunion. The unflowered daffodils look like onions and garlic and mainly depend on temperament after flowering. If you want to raise daffodils well, you must first learn to choose daffodils bulbs, which determine the number of flowers and the rich fragrance of flowers.

Like warm, like wet; can be hydroponic, can be cultivated in soil. Brightly colored daffodils can be placed in the living room, study and bedroom to choose something elegant and elegant. It absorbs noise and exhaust gas from the home and releases fresh air.

Rich bamboo

The name of the rich bamboo is directly pleasing, representing the prosperity of the flowers and the peace of the bamboo. Perennial evergreen herb native to the Cana Islands and tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Put four rich bamboos on the Wenchang position, which is usually called "Wenchang bamboo".

Like yin and dampness, can purify indoor air. Potted plants can be cultured in water, and the life span of potted plants is longer than that of hydroponic culture. Oxidize it for a day before raising it with tap water. Can cut its stem bottle, or processed into "open bamboo", "curved bamboo" placed in the desk, living room and bedroom.

Make a fortune tree

The name of the fortune tree is born for "easy to sell". It is also known as Malaba chestnut, melon chestnut, Sino-American kapok and goose palm money. it is known at a glance that it is native to Costa Rica, Australia and some small islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Small evergreen trees of the kapok family are distributed in the tropics of southern China. Sun exposure is taboo. The favorite environment is sunny and shady. It can adjust indoor temperature and air, and has the function of natural humidifier. It is suitable to be placed next to the TV in the living room. It looks very lively.

Seven-leaf lotus

It is a precious plant native to the deep mountain forests of Yunnan and Hubei, and belongs to the third-class national protection of precious and endangered plants. Its leaf shape is very special, for oval seven pieces. Commonly known as "dragon claw leaf", it is of great value in medicine.

It has strong environmental adaptability and can grow no matter in the room with direct light or insufficient light. It is relatively hardy and stops growing after 30 ℃ of high temperature.

Artemisia paniculata

Primulaceae. Like warmth, avoid high temperature, bear low temperature. Putting it indoors can keep the air fresh and make people feel good. It is also of high medicinal value and can be put into dishes for direct consumption.

Money tree

The gold tree gets its name because its leaves are like coins strung together, and its real scientific name is "Citrotaro". Native to tropical Africa, perennial evergreen herbs are rare foliage plants with underground tubers.

Like warm, afraid of cold, resistant to drought, afraid of water in the basin soil. It is called "tree" because it looks like a woody plant. Suitable for the office, living room financial position, not only can adjust moisture, but also contains the meaning of gathering wealth and getting fat.

Mangosteen flower

Mangosteen has nothing to do with mangosteen. It is a perennial herb. Generally placed in the study, with the role of Wangwenchang. Its branches and leaves are shaped like bamboo, and the flowers bloom in clumps of white, pink, red, purple and other colors.

Its most important effect is to take medicine after drying, especially with the function of clearing heat and detoxification and relaxing muscles and activating blood circulation.

Yellow rose

In the new year, I hope you can have this luck, wait for your love with yellow roses. As a yellow strain of roses, yellow roses have the characteristics of all the shrubs of Rosaceae.

It likes cold and heat, likes yang and bogeys yin, and likes to grow in water-rich soil. Yellow roses are especially suitable for the dining room, which can promote the peaceful atmosphere of the family.

Yellow carnation

Carnations are native to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe and West Asia. Like mild nature, can not bear the heat and cold, like the light. Each color carnation has its unique meaning, and the yellow carnation represents the gratitude to the mother.

Like yellow roses, the most suitable place for yellow carnations is the dining room. When you eat your mother's delicious food, what could be more warm than putting a yellow carnation by her side and spending time with her in the kitchen.

Asparagus asparagus

Asparagus is not bamboo, it is just a branch shaped like bamboo. It represents eternity, and asparagus represents long-term love in weddings. Its biggest feature is the leaves, which are as dense as clouds.

Originated in South Africa, like warm, humid and semi-overcast ventilated environment. Winter is neither cold nor drought. Avoid direct sunlight in summer. It likes clean and ventilated environment, placed in the living room and study, a little more book aroma, but also can purify the air.

Penglai pine

Penglai means "longevity" and is generally used as a lining for flower arrangements such as chrysanthemums and carnations. Tianmen winter family Tianmen winter, perennial shrubby herbs. Native to southern Africa.

I like a warm, semi-overcast environment. Not resistant to cold, afraid of sun exposure and high temperature; not resistant to drought and stagnant water, it takes some effort to take care of it. In winter, it should be placed on the windowsill to be exposed to the full sun; and it needs less watering, and the basin soil can be slightly dry. When the room is dry, spray more water on the canopy to make it look more green.


Kumquat, which means "wealth", symbolizes the recruitment of wealth and is the boon of the first month. Holding kumquat in hand means good luck. Evergreen shrub of kumquat in Rutaceae that blossoms at the beginning of summer and ripens at the end of autumn.

It likes sunshine and warm, humid environment, and is not resistant to cold. 80% of vitamin C exists in the pericarp, and eating kumquat has the effect of resolving phlegm, sobering up and eating.

Seasonal flowers suitable for New Year's Day and Spring Festival

On the occasion of the New year, choose and cultivate several pots of timely flowers and plants to be put into the room, which can not only beautify the environment, but also add a joyous atmosphere to the festival. This paper introduces several kinds of timely flowers suitable for New Year's Day and Spring Festival.

As there are not many kinds of flowers that bloom naturally in winter, most people are used to decorating their homes with spring plums, wax plums and daffodils that bloom around the Spring Festival. Narcissus is a traditional famous flower in China, which has been cultivated for more than 1000 years. It has a simple and elegant color and pleasant fragrance. It is known as "Lingbo fairy" and "jade exquisite". If you want to enjoy the beauty of daffodils blooming and graceful during the Spring Festival, you only need to carve daffodils a month in advance and ensure an adequate supply of water.

With the development of horticulture technology, people can artificially control the florescence to make a variety of flowers bloom out of season during the Spring Festival, such as chrysanthemums, gladiolus, carnations and so on. If you want to choose family decorative flowers, Cymbidium is the first choice, because it has large and many flowers, long and green leaves, used to decorate the room will give people a sense of luxury and atmosphere. Cymbidium has many varieties and rich colors, such as yellow, pink, red and so on, and the tree type is larger, the plant height is about 1.3 meters, and the flower pattern is neat and unwithered for a long time, so it is suitable to be placed in a larger space or on a flower rack, which is generous and warm.

Kumquat symbolizes a bright future and prosperous fortune. during the Spring Festival, if you put a pot of kumquat in the living room, it is undoubtedly a good sign. If properly maintained, kumquat can also blossom and bear fruit and accompany the host to welcome the next Spring Festival. It should be noted that although the golden kumquat is very beautiful, it tastes sour and difficult to taste.

Since ancient times, China has regarded lilies as auspicious flowers, with the meaning of "Pepsi is in harmony with one's heart". In recent years, many businesses will use lilies as potted flower cultivation, which has a good beautification and fragrance effect on indoor, balcony and courtyard. The Corolla of lilies is large and fragrant. If you put a pot in the corner of the room, the whole house can smell its fragrance. However, although the lilies are elegant in style, they should not be placed too much, otherwise they will be counterproductive. Generally, a combination of 5 plants in a basin can be selected and placed near the upper tuyere such as doors and windows to facilitate the spread of fragrance.

There are many varieties of pineapple flowers, such as Dennis, Red Star, Pink Star, Pine Cone, Yingge, Red Arrow and so on, among which pine cone is a kind of flower that can reflect the flavor of the year. Pineapple is an indoor ornamental flower in winter and spring, evergreen in four seasons, beautiful flowers and rich colors, such as bright red, pink, golden yellow and rose. Pineal pineapple leaves are longer, but can stand upright, the middle bud looks like a string of red pine cones, far looks like a burning torch, can bring spring warmth to the winter room. According to the different combinations of pineapple flowers, there are many auspicious names, such as "Samsung Gaozhao", "Wufu Linmen" and so on.

Cyclamen, commonly known as radish begonia, rabbit flower, rabbit ear flower, is a perennial evergreen herbaceous ball flower. The word "cyclamen" comes from the transliteration of the scientific name Cyclamen. Because of its ingenious transliteration, the flower name has the meaning of "celestial visitors come". Because of its peculiar flower shape, it is a rare ornamental flower in winter, such as white, snow cyan, light red, scarlet, rose and so on. When buying, it is better to have luxuriant flowers and leaves.

Cyclamen has a strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, a toxic gas in the air. Its leaves can absorb sulfur dioxide and oxidize it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfate and other substances.


New Year's Day to the Spring Festival happens to be the season when camellias are in full bloom, with beautiful and colorful trees, which are of high ornamental value. Generally, it is better to buy plants with bright green leaves. Camellia flower is rich, dignified and elegant. It is one of the top ten famous flowers in Chinese tradition and one of the famous flowers in the world.


Narcissus, also known as Lingbo fairy. In the winter when the flowers are withering, the daffodils can take root and sprout with a spoonful of water and a few stones, blossom and report spring, bringing people full of spring with graceful grace and refreshing fragrance.

Daffodils are mostly water-raised, and their producing areas are mainly distributed in warm and humid areas along the southeast coast of China, especially in Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Fujian and Chongming Island in Shanghai. Every Spring Festival, skilled craftsmen create different forms of Narcissus bonsai carving art, and in accordance with people's wishes, open in the scheduled period, adding a lot of luster to the New year, Spring Festival and other festivals.


Poinsettia, also known as Christmas flowers, Christmas red, ivory red and so on. In the middle of winter, thousands of flowers wither, poinsettia is dazzling, with its beautification of the room full of vitality. When choosing and buying, it is generally better to be strong and keep 4-5 branches. The flowering period is longer, Christmas, New Year's Day, Spring Festival can all be enjoyed. In the cold winter, putting a pot of bright red poinsettia at home feels like lighting a warm fire.

Poinsettia the red parts that are thought to be flowers are actually leaves, while the real flowers are the small yellow grains in the middle of the leaf bundle. Poinsettia is usually 60 cm to 3 m high and its dark green leaves are about 7 to 16 cm long. The top leaves are fiery red, red or white, so they are often mistaken for flowers.

This is a flower suitable for any blessing. In particular, the big red leaves look jubilant, as if they were holding hands to congratulate others. It is the best flower for Christmas and New year. In addition, in some weddings, you can see red and white Christmas red decorated with poinsettia saying, "my heart is burning." it can also be used as a courtship.

Chimonanthus mume

Ling Han blooming, fragrance Leng Yan, long florescence, beautiful flowers, is a good variety of cut flowers. A leafless yellow flower bottle, antique, do not have elegant interest.

Because of its color and fragrance, Lamei blossoms for a long time in winter, which is the winter feature of Jiangnan gardens. It is also suitable for bonsai for indoor viewing, and it is also the top grade of indoor flower arrangement in winter. It has a long vase time and can last for tens of days. It is a unique precious flower and tree in our country.


Liliaceae perennial herbaceous flowers, which have a long history of cultivation in China, are often regarded as a symbol of mascot and placed on the good wish of permanent youth. Its leaves are green and fruit is red, beautiful and elegant. Because of the hypertrophy of leaves and strong photosynthesis, it also has the function of purifying indoor air.

Evergreen is suitable to decorate the living room and study. Decorative application: young plants, small potted plants, can be placed on the desk, windowsill to watch. Medium-sized potted plants can be placed in the corner of the living room and the edge of the sofa as decoration, making the room full of natural vitality.

Evergreen is also famous for its unique air purification ability, which can remove nicotine, formaldehyde and so on. Moreover, the higher the concentration of pollutants in the air, the more it can exert its purification ability.

Tortoise back bamboo

Tortoise back bamboo, the leaves are oval, up to dozens of centimeters long, the two sides of the main veins are often split into tortoise shells, green all the year round, and extremely shady. Potted plants can be placed in halls, bedrooms and tables. Generally speaking, it is better to decorate the plant with 4 or 6 leaves.

Because the leaf shape of the tortoise back bamboo is very similar to the tortoise shell, and it is a more tolerant indoor plant species, at the same time, it has the strange ability to attract carbon dioxide, which is beneficial to human health, so its flower language is: health and longevity.

Green pineapple

Green pineapple is one of the excellent interior decoration plants. It is a perennial vine plant with soft stems and delicate leaves. There are irregular golden spots in the middle of the leaves, and the leaves are thick and bright green. Because of its smooth and straight, elegant and elegant, it is a leader in indoor greening decoration.

Not only can be potted and suspended, but also can be wound into flower baskets, flower balls or styles, etc., in order to improve its ornamental effect. Can also be placed on the top of the cabinet of furniture green pineapple set basin, let its vine stem calmly droop, or in the vine stem hanging too long circle hanging into a circle, just like green relief. This not only makes full use of the space and purifies the air, but also adds lively lines and bright green decorations to the rigid cabinets, which is full of vitality and adds harmony to the New year's room.


Also known as Shilahong, hydrangea and so on. The small flowers are reunited, the large inflorescences are shaped like hydrangea, and the colors are pure white, rose red, peach red, bright red and so on. With large leaves and green color, it is an indoor ornamental plant with beautiful flowers and leaves. The florescence is very long, from the beginning of winter to the beginning of the following summer. It is suitable for display during the New year and Spring Festival.

Through the detailed introduction of this article, I hope you can gain something! Thank you for your support and attention to the succulent flower bed!