
What disease can cockscomb flower cure? how much is the seed market price per jin?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Cockscomb, this is a super beautiful flower, is super suitable for raising in the courtyard, so what disease can this cockscomb cure? How much is the seed market price per jin: what disease can cockscomb flower treat: although dampness and heat in the body are invaded by damp evil, liver qi stagnation will have liver wood and spleen soil.

Cockscomb, this is a super beautiful flower, is super suitable for raising in the courtyard, so what disease can this cockscomb cure? How much is the seed market price per jin:

What diseases can be cured by cockscomb flowers:

Although there is dampness and heat in the body, there is dampness and evil invading the body, but the stagnation of liver-qi will lead to liver-qi stagnation, which can not turn the spleen into dampness and keep the water wet in the body, so that the liver is maintained so that it is not damaged. The chicken crown flower enters the liver meridian, while nourishing the liver, it can also replenish the spleen and stop belt, which is a traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases. In the case of Trichomonas vaginalis, the white chicken crown flowers are also dried in the sun, but this time they are not mixed with wine, but with rice soup. The dosage is 610 grams at a time, three times a day. In addition to trichomonal vaginitis, this method is effective for other types of vaginal inflammation and excessive leucorrhea. In addition to abnormal leucorrhea in gynecological diseases, irregular menstruation is the most common. Based on the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding, cockscomb can also be used to treat menorrhagia and menorrhagia. For example, the method of using cockscomb flowers to treat menstruation is also recorded in Jixiao prescription: take an appropriate amount of red cockscomb flowers, dry them in the sun and grind them into the end. 5-9 grams at a time, mixed with wine on an empty stomach.

How much is the market price of cockscomb seeds per jin:

The price of Celosia cristata seed is about 100-120 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the quality, variety and market of the seed. There are many varieties of cockscomb, there are high, medium and short plant types, the shapes are cockscomb, torch, feather, fan, etc., and the colors are bright red, orange, dark red, purple, white, red and yellow, etc. the leaf color is dark red, emerald green, yellowish green, red-green and so on. The seed prices of different varieties vary greatly.

The disease that can be cured by cockscomb flower is introduced here, now you know the price!

Can Celosia cristata treat gynecological diseases? what diseases can cockscomb flowers cure?

Cockscomb is called this name because it looks like a rooster's head. It is loved by everyone, not only because it is good-looking, but more importantly, it has high medicinal value and is especially suitable for women. bring a lot of help to female friends.

Does cockscomb flower treat gynecological diseases?

Cockscomb flower can cure gynecological diseases. Celosia cristata has the effects of cooling blood, stopping bleeding, stopping belt, stopping dysentery, and has excellent therapeutic effect on functional uterine bleeding, excessive leucorrhea, dysentery and so on. In addition to abnormal leucorrhea in gynecological diseases, the most common is irregular menstruation. Cockscomb can also be used to treat menorrhagia and menstrual bleeding.

What disease can cockscomb flower cure?

Although there is dampness and heat in the body, there is dampness and evil invading the body, but the stagnation of liver-qi will lead to liver-qi stagnation, which can not turn the spleen into dampness and keep the water wet in the body, so that the liver is maintained so that it is not damaged. The chicken crown flower enters the liver meridian, while nourishing the liver, it can also replenish the spleen and stop belt, which is a traditional medicine for the treatment of diseases. In the case of Trichomonas vaginalis, the white chicken crown flowers are also dried in the sun, but this time they are not mixed with wine, but with rice soup. The dosage is 610 grams at a time, three times a day. In addition to trichomonal vaginitis, this method is effective for other types of vaginal inflammation and excessive leucorrhea. In addition to abnormal leucorrhea in gynecological diseases, irregular menstruation is the most common. Based on the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding, cockscomb can also be used to treat menorrhagia and menorrhagia. For example, the method of using cockscomb flowers to treat menstruation is also recorded in Jixiao prescription: take an appropriate amount of red cockscomb flowers, dry them in the sun and grind them into the end. 5-9 grams at a time, mixed with wine on an empty stomach.

How to make cockscomb

Stewed pig lungs with cockscomb flowers

Material: White chicken crown flower 20 grams pig lungs 100 grams rock sugar 30 grams


1. Wash the white cockscomb and seal it in a gauze bag; wash the pig lungs, cut them into granules and break them with rock sugar.

2. Put the white cockscomb, rock sugar and pig lungs in the stew cup and add 200 ml of water.

3. Boil the stew cup over martial fire and simmer for 50 minutes.

Efficacy: clearing heat and detoxification, cooling blood and stopping bleeding. Patients with cirrhotic ascites and bleeding are eaten.

Chicken crown flower egg soup

Raw materials: 40 grams of cockscomb, 1 egg, right amount of sugar.

Practice: add two bowls of water to the cockscomb, fry to a bowl, remove the dregs, shell the eggs and bring to the boil, add the right amount of sugar.

Efficacy: clear heat and cool blood to stop bleeding. It is suitable for blood heat metrorrhagia, epistaxis, hematemesis, hematochezia, drowning and thrombocytopenic purpura.

Third, cockscomb muffin

Materials: 5 cups of japonica rice, turbid wine, white sugar, hot water, salt, jujube, cockscomb, stone ear, black sesame


1. Soak the rice in 20 ℃ water for 8 hours, remove it and grind it into noodles.

2. The mixture of 100g japonica rice flour with 10g sugar, 15g turbid wine and 45g water was fermented for 8 hours at 30 ℃.

3. Enucleate and shred the jujube. The cockscomb should be washed and picked up red and tender, and fried with black sesame.

4. Put the mixed noodles in a cake frame or steamer covered with clean linen cloth, and put jujube, chicken crown, black sesame and stone ear as seasoning on it.

5. After seeing the steam in the steamer, steam for more than 20 minutes, cool and cut into diamond and quadrangle.

How to plant cockscomb seeds

1. Seed sowing

The seed breeding method is commonly used in the propagation of cockscomb, such as selecting plots, applying sufficient basic fertilizer, ploughing and raking evenly, leveling the border, spreading our seeds evenly on the border, slightly covering the seeds, and watering thoroughly. Generally, seedlings can emerge in 10 to 15 days when the temperature is 15: 20 ℃. After sowing in summer in Grain in Beard, it can be interplanted with Paeonia lactiflora, peony or other crops.

2. Seedling stage management

Seedling height 2 inches, according to row spacing 1 foot, plant spacing 8 inches between seedlings, the seedlings can be transferred to other fields, must be watered after transfer. Weeding and loosening the soil must be done at the seedling stage, and when it is not too dry, water as little as possible, and the height of the seedling may be fertilized once. After sealing off the old leaves, when blooming and heading, if the weather is dry, water should be properly watered to prevent stagnant water in low-lying areas in the rainy season. After heading, the flower buds between the lower leaves and viscera can be erased to facilitate the growth of the main ear at the top.

It turns out that cockscomb can also make so many delicious food, after it is made, it not only tastes good, but also has a lot of benefits to the body. Friends who like it quickly choose their own favorite, do it, and you can also make one with your friends. Then you can have a "cockscomb delicacy" conference.

Characteristics of pictures of cockscomb flowers in Daquan

The cockscomb flower gets its name because the inflorescence is similar to the cockscomb, and the color is mostly red. It is one of the more famous herbaceous flowers with bright colors. According to the ornamental value, many people like to use it to beautify the environment. What are the characteristics of the cockscomb? let's find out:

Picture of cockscomb:

Characteristics of Celosia cristata L.

[basic Information]

Scientific name: cockscomb flower

Latin scientific name: Celosia Cristata

Aliases: chicken bun flower, old age red, Reed flower chicken crown, pen chicken crown small head chicken crown, Phoenix tail chicken crown, big rooster flower, chicken horn root, red chicken crown.

Distribution: originally from Africa, tropical America and India, it is mainly distributed in Anhui, Beijing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi and many other areas in China.

[morphological characteristics]

Celosia cristata is an annual herb with a height of 40-100cm, with erect stout stems, alternate leaves, long ovate or ovate-lanceolate, fleshy spikes terminal, fan-shaped, kidney-shaped, oblate, etc., with natural flowering period from summer to autumn to Frosts Descent. Commonly used seed reproduction, growing period like high temperature, full light and air dry environment, more drought-resistant and cold-resistant, strong reproductive ability. Autumn flowers are harvested and dried when they are in full bloom. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, entire. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, flattened cristate. The flowers are white, light yellow, golden yellow, light red, fiery red, purple red, brown red, orange red and so on. Utricles ovate, seeds black and glossy.

Celosia crimson has red or bluish white stems, stalked leaves with deep red, emerald green, yellow-green, red-green and other colors; flowers gather at the top, shaped like a chicken crown, flat and thick and soft, and grow in the shape of an inverted broom on the plant. The flowers and colors are also rich and colorful, such as purple, orange, white, red and yellow and so on. The seeds are small, purplish black, hidden in Corolla villi. There are three kinds of cockscomb plants: tall type, medium type and dwarf type. The dwarf type is only 30 cm high and the high one can be up to 2 meters. In 2009, Wang Jinzhang, a citizen in Shahekou District of Dalian, planted a 2.4-meter-high one. Celosia cristata has a long flowering period and can bloom from July to December. This product is a spike, flattened and thick, in the shape of a cockscomb. Long 8~25cm, wide 5~20cm, maximum diameter 40cm. The upper margin is broad, wrinkled, densely linear scales, narrowing at the lower end, often remaining flattened stems. The surface is red, purplish red or yellowish white; there are many dense florets below the middle, and the persistent bracts and perianth segments of each flower are membranous. The fruit lid is split, the seed is flat, reniform, black, shiny. The body is light and flexible. It is odorless and tastes light.

Cockscomb bonus, white two, although the same genus, but due to different medicinal properties, each has its own supply, the market is mainly red cockscomb circulation. It is of good quality with large flowers, bright colors and short stalks.

[growth habits]

Celosia cristata likes warm and dry climate, is afraid of drought, likes sunshine, and is not resistant to waterlogging, but it is not strict with the soil, and the general soil courtyard can be planted, which is a new way to develop courtyard economy. People of insight might as well give it a try.

The efficacy and function of Celosia cristata

1. There is no doubt that it plays a good role in decorating the home. Chicken crown flower, also known as Luhua chicken crown, pen chicken crown, big head chicken crown, Phoenix tail chicken crown and so on. Because of its flower shape and color like a crown on a rooster's head, it is named the cockscomb flower. > > more

2. It can effectively treat gynecological diseases. The varieties of cockscomb flower can be divided into broom chicken crown, noodle chicken crown, mandarin duck chicken crown, tasseled chicken crown and so on because of the different inflorescence morphology. the test tube method shows that the chicken crown flower has a good effect on Trichomonas vaginalis, and the worm tends to disappear after 5 minutes of contact with the drug solution, the main treatment of cold blood, hemostasis, treatment of hemorrhoids and bleeding, red and white dysentery, hematemesis, hemoptysis, hemoptysis, women collapse, red leucorrhea. > > more

3. It is an ideal healthy food. Per 100 grams of fresh, the main ingredients come from cockscomb inflorescence, which contains a lot of protein and rich in potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, β-carotene, vitamins 1 and 2, vitamins and other minerals and vitamins.

4. Cockscomb can make very tiring and delicious soup.

(1) turtle glue crown egg soup: beat the eggs 150 grams in a bowl, put 20 grams of glue in a bowl and stir well; wash the cockscomb flowers 75 grams and change the knife into slices; cook the chicken oil in the wok, stir-fry the bubbles with egg paste, add pork soup and refined salt, boil for 2 minutes, add the cockscomb and pepper, cook, put into the bowl, put on 25 grams of shallots and serve. This soup has the function of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, tonifying blood and nourishing blood, cooling blood and stopping bleeding.

(2) Bird's nest crown flower lung slice soup: add 18 grams of high-grade bird's nest to steaming water to make bird's nest stewed soft, then semi-high-grade clear soup, refined salt, cooking wine, ginger and onion juice, steamed bird's nest, 300 grams of pure pig lung slices after blanching water into a clean pot, boil 60 grams of chicken crown flower slices on the boiled fire, boil and taste, and then eat. This soup has the functions of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, benefiting spleen and stomach, clearing lung heat, relieving diarrhea and cough, treating hemoptysis and hematemesis.

5. Celosia cristata plays a good role in greening home. The cockscomb [3] gets its name because of its inflorescence red, flat and shaped like a chicken crown, and enjoys the reputation of "bird in the flower". Celosia cristata is one of the famous open-field herbaceous flowers in the garden. The inflorescence is terminal and prominent, with various shapes and colors, bright and bright, and has high ornamental value. It is an important flower in the flower bed. Tall varieties are used in flower borders and flower beds, and they are still good materials for cut flowers, and the vase of cut flowers can keep more than 10%. Dried flowers can also be made for a long time. Dwarf varieties are potted or planted at the edge.

Cultivation techniques of Celosia cristata

Climate and soil

I like a warm climate. The requirement of soil is not strict, but the cultivation of sandy soil with good drainage is better.


Seeds reproduce. General direct seeding, can also raise seedlings and transplant. During direct seeding, 5-6 taels of seeds per mu were mixed with fire and ash mixed with human and animal dung water, and holes were opened on the border according to row and plant distance, with a depth of about 3cm, and the bottom of the hole should be flat, first apply human and animal dung water, and then spread the seed ash evenly.

Field management

When the seedling height was 7-10cm, the seedlings were evenly distributed and replenished, and 4-5 strong seedlings were left in each hole. Weeding and topdressing were carried out after uniform mu for the first time and the second time in May. Water should be watered in times of drought. [2]

Harvesting and processing

Generally, before and after White Dew, the seeds gradually blackened and matured, the flower moss can be cut off in time, put in a ventilated place for drying and threshing, the flowers and seeds are managed separately, and they are used as medicine, generally yielding 300jin of seeds per mu and spending about 1000 jin. Flowers should come out early and return late in the sun, do not make night dew, so as not to deteriorate and reduce the efficacy, the seeds should be cleaned, bagged and stored to prevent mildew and insects. [3]

Management and maintenance

① is planted in sandy loam with high dry, sunny, fertile and well drained soil.

② should not be watered too much during the growing period. Watering should be controlled after flowering, properly watered in dry weather, and drained in time in cloudy and rainy days.

③ removed all axillary buds from seedling stage.

After the chicken crown was formed, ④ applied thin compound liquid fertilizer every 10 days (2-3 times).

The floral language of cockscomb

The cockscomb grows in autumn. When the enthusiasm of summer is replaced by the bleak autumn wind, when people feel melancholy day by day, the cockscomb blooms like fire, red colors and flowers, so people give it the flower words of "true love is eternal".

About the cockscomb pictures, cockscomb data characteristics and other related information to share with you here, hope to help you, more information about cockscomb flowers, please pay attention to the Tuba rabbit decoration flower column.