
How to plant Zanthoxylum bungeanum? what is the harvest time?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prickly ash is divided into prickly ash shell and prickly ash seed, prickly ash shell is used for cooking, seed is used to extract oil. Prickly ash seed is heavier than prickly ash shell. How do you grow pepper? How long is the harvest time? How is Zanthoxylum bungeanum planted: seed treatment, seed treatment Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed shell is hard, oily, impervious, germination is more difficult

Pepper is divided into pepper shell and pepper seeds, pepper shell is used for cooking, seeds are used to extract oil. Pepper seeds are heavier than pepper shells. How do you grow pepper? How long is the harvest period?

How to grow pepper:

1. Seed treatment

Seed treatment prickly ash seed shell hard, oily, impermeable, germination is more difficult, before sowing first to degrease treatment and storage. autumn sowing: soaking seeds in alkaline water, adding water to submerge seeds with 0.025kg of alkaline water, removing empty shelled grains, soaking for 2 days, washing seed coat oil, taking out, washing with clean water, and sowing.

In spring sowing, seed can be treated by stratified sand storage, seed dressing with cow dung, horse manure mixed pile or small cellar storage. The method includes: mixing 6 fresh cow dung and 1 prickly ash seed evenly, burying them in a pit 30 cm deep for winter storage, taking them out and crushing them before sowing in the next spring, and sowing them together with cow dung;

Mixed pile of horse manure: from the middle of March to the middle of April, the water-selected prickly ash seeds and 3 parts of horse manure are mixed and stacked under the sun, and then sown after turning and exposing white; and the small cellar is stored by digging a cellar and irrigating in winter.

2. Sowing

Sowing is divided into spring sowing and autumn sowing. In spring drought area, sowing before soil freezing in autumn is good, emergence is neat, emergence is 10~15 days earlier than spring sowing; spring sowing time is generally around "spring equinox". Sow 25kg per mu. Small ridge seedling can be trenched and sown, 4 rows per ridge, row spacing 20 cm, ditch depth 5 cm, soil covering 1 cm, sowing 4~6kg per mu, covering the bed surface with grass to keep moisture after sowing, and removing it several times after emergence. Can also be used to cultivate ridge method seedlings, autumn sowing, every 24~27 cm open a deep 1 cm, 9 cm wide ditch, seeds evenly scattered into the ditch, after sowing will be both sides of the soil culture in the ditch.

After the beginning of spring, check the germination of seeds in time. If a few seeds are cracked, part of the covering soil will be scraped off and 2~3 cm will be reserved. After 5~7 days, most of the seeds will be scraped off and the covering soil will be kept about 1 cm thick. In this way, the seedlings will soon emerge. Such as spring sowing after germination of seeds, seedlings can be unearthed 4 to 5 days after sowing, 10 days or so out of Qi. This method applies to areas prone to early spring.

3. Seedling management

Thinning and fixing seedlings when seedling height is 4~5 cm, keeping seedling spacing 10~15 cm. During seedling growth period, 3000~4500kg of human excrement or 10~25kg of chemical fertilizer can be applied to each mu in June to July respectively. Fertilization should be combined with irrigation. After application, cultivation and weeding should be carried out in time. Pepper seedlings most afraid of waterlogging, rainy season arrival, nursery to do a good job of waterlogging drainage. The height of 1-year-old seedlings is 70~100 cm, and they can be planted in the nursery.

How long is the pepper harvest period:

The harvest season of prickly ash is generally August to September, which is also a good time for seedling collection of prickly ash. At present, the main varieties promoted are Dahongpao (lion head), Xiaohongbao, golden pepper, oil pepper, etc. The middle-aged trees with strong tree vigor, many fruits and excellent quality should be selected for planting trees. The mature prickly ash with purple fruit skin and blue-black seed appearance, plump and disease-free shall be selected for seed collection.

Pepper seed prices are not high, pepper shell prices are higher than pepper seeds. Pepper seed germination method is very simple, you can soak in alkaline water for 2 days, wash off oil, remove after you can sow. There are two stages of sowing, spring and autumn. Pepper planting is relatively easy, management is also very simple. Pepper harvest time is the most manpower, because pepper harvest can only be done manually, and pepper trees have thorns.

You should know the process of planting pepper.

Pepper planting, how to select the most critical seedlings!

Zanthoxylum bungeanum has the characteristics of fast growth, early results, large returns, wide use, simple cultivation management, strong adaptability, developed root system, water and soil conservation, etc., so it is welcomed by everyone. Today, I will share with you how to plant Zanthoxylum bungeanum, how to select seedlings is the most critical!

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a deciduous shrub, 3-5 meters high, fruit, branches, leaves and stems have fragrance. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is thermophilic and needs higher temperature during its growth and development. Zanthoxylum bungeanum has strong adaptability to soil, especially deep fertile and moist sandy loam; It is not strict with soil pH, grows well in neutral or acidic soil, grows better in mountain calcareous soil, and has strong photophilicity. It grows in shade, has poor fruit setting, strong germination resistance, strong pruning resistance and long hidden bud life.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum grows fast, bears fruit early, annual seedlings can be as high as 1 meter, blossoms and bears fruit 2 years after planting, bears a large number of fruits 3 years later, delays 15-20 years, lives 30-40 years, and can sprout and renew after aging.

The main types of pepper cultivation:

Artificial cultivation of pepper in the taxonomy only pepper this species. Because the seed breeding method has been adopted in the propagation of prickly ash in China, and the cultivation range is wide, the internal factors of genetic variation and the external factors affected by climate in various places and the taste habits of people in various places can be divided into many varieties according to different characteristics. The same variety also has different names and names all over the country, which leads to the disorder of pepper varieties and is difficult to define. Usually according to its mature period, quality, color taste, divided into late mature spicy type and early light hemp type two categories. The main cultivars are described below.

1. Dahongpao: also known as lion head, big red pepper, Ge Ta pepper, wind pepper, Qin pepper, etc. Dahongpao enjoys a high reputation for its large grain size, red color, strong taste and mellow fragrance. It is the most widely cultivated variety in all parts of the country. Dahongpao pepper also has many varieties selected from all over the country, such as no prickly pepper, Hancheng's "yellow pepper", Gansu's "Qin 'an No. 1" and so on.

Tree characteristics: shrubs or small trees, in natural growth, tree shape is round head or clump shape, fruit stage tree height 3-5 meters, annual new shoots purple green, branchlets hard, upright, internodes shorter, fruit branches stout, perennial branches gray brown, skin thorn large and thin, broad base, often degenerate, with the increase of branches, thorn tip purification and tumor. Pinnate compound leaves have 5-11 leaflets, leaves are widely ovoid, leaf tips are gradually pointed, leaf color is thick, leaves are thick and shiny, the surface is smooth and waxy, and oil glands are not obvious.

Fruit characteristics: small fruit stalk, ear compact, fruit grain large, diameter 5-6.5 mm, each ear generally has 35-50 grains, more than 100 grains. Mature fruit thick red, the surface has thick, obvious wart gland point; The 1000-grain weight of fresh fruit is about 85g, and the maturity period is around the beginning of autumn, i.e. from late August to early September. However, due to the great change of altitude, site environment and climate in Yichuan maturity period, the harvest begins in the middle of August in the dry years near the Yellow River coast, while the harvest can not be achieved until late September in Niujiadian Township (about 1200m above sea level) in Beiyuan area. The difference between the earliest and the latest is nearly 30 days. Normally ripe fruit is not easy to crack, harvest period is too dry, it can lead to a large number of fruit cracking on the tree. Generally, 4-4.5 kg of fresh fruit can be dried in the sun for 1 kg of dried pepper. After drying, the pepper skin is thick red.

Cultivation characteristics: fast growth, early fruit, high yield, stable yield. The seedling height of one year can reach more than 1 meter, the fruit can be hung in three years after planting, 6-7 years enter the peak fruit period, the average dry pepper can reach 1-1.5 kg in the peak fruit period, and the annual yield reaches 3-5 kg in 10-15 years. It is suitable for cultivation in warmer climate and fertile and loose soil, especially in the "four sides" planting single plant, growth, fruit better, the highest plant can produce dry pepper up to 7.5 kg, if the site conditions are poor, it often forms a "small old tree", is the main pepper area on the west bank of the Yellow River and Weibei pepper area planted fine varieties.

2. Goujiao, with strong tree body, large branching angle and relatively open tree vigor; perennial branches gray-brown, large and sharp prickles, flat base; leaves are wider, oval and circular, leaf color is lighter than Dahongpao, light green or yellowish green; clusters are not compact, fruit stalks are longer, particles are small, fruit diameter is about 4MM, 1000-grain weight of fresh fruit is about 70 grams, harvested before and after summer heat, fruit color is light red or yellow-red, and 1 kg can be dried for every 3.5 kg. Features: long life, late germination, late flowering, frost resistance, strong resistance to late frost damage.

3. Xiaohongpao:

Characteristics: the tree is shortsighted, but small, thin and small spines, strong lignification at the base of spines, platform-shaped; the branching angle is large, the tree is open; the perennial branches are grayish brown, the branches are thin and soft, easy to droop, the leaves are small and thin, and the color is pale. Fruit stalk is longer, cluster is looser, ear small grain, fruit diameter 4-4.5 cm, fresh fruit 1000-grain weight about 85 grams, ripe fruit bright red, fragrance thick, mature in mid-August, that is, 10-15 days earlier than Dahongpao mature, 3-3.5 kg dry system 1 kg.

Another: Qin 'an No.1, Lion Head Zanthoxylum bungeanum: This variety was found by Forestry Bureau of Qin' an County of Gansu Province in 1982 from Dahongpao Zanthoxylum bungeanum, and passed provincial and municipal identification in 1983. This variety belongs to the excellent short-branch variety of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, with early maturity, high yield, high quality, stable character, strong resistance, easy to pick, suitable for a wide range of characteristics. The 84 days from flowering to harvest generally begin to mature in early August, with thick red fruit, bright color, thick hemp flavor and mellow fragrance. In the peak fruit period, the fresh pepper can reach 15 kg per plant, and 4 kg fresh pepper can be dried into 1 kg dry pepper.

Cultivation characteristics are: suitable for a wide range of growth, in the altitude of 1120-1840m can still grow normally fruit. Compared with common Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Dahongpao Zanthoxylum bungeanum has stronger resistance to drought, cold, water and barren. It is of special significance to popularize Zanthoxylum bungeanum in the sub-suitable area of eastern Northern Shaanxi where frost and low temperature damage are easy to occur.

In addition, there are Han Cheng selected "yellow pepper","lion head","toothless pepper" and so on, pepper although seed reproduction, genetic traits are relatively stable, but also can be seen variation is also common.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum has a long history of cultivation in China, and its name is very complicated. There are many different names for the same species. In the identification of pepper varieties to be distinguished by its characteristics, can not only see what the name.

Pepper planting, how to select the most critical seedlings, pepper types and we share the above points, welcome to add instructions.

What is the difference between pepper and pepper?

Pepper is not only one kind, now the general rural pepper is green pepper, which is also the most common kind of pepper. There is also red pepper, this pepper mainly grows in Sichuan that area, it will taste heavier than green pepper. In addition to these two kinds of pepper, there are white pepper, bean pepper and so on. I don't know if you've heard of rattan pepper. Is rattan pepper the same kind as pepper? Let's find out together.

What is the difference between pepper and pepper?

Vine pepper and pepper can be distinguished from the following aspects:

1. Appearance: vine pepper is mainly green small particles, while pepper is mainly reddish brown.

2, taste: rattan pepper and pepper are condiments, but the stimulation of rattan pepper is smaller than pepper. Cane pepper can be used more, while pepper should be used less.

3. Appearance of trees: pepper trees have a larger appearance, loose branches and leaves, and thicker branches. The vine pepper tree is relatively low, branches are relatively compact, branches and leaves are small.

4. Leaf appearance: Zanthoxylum bungeanum not only has thick leaves, but also has many leaves, mostly pinnate compound leaves. And rattan pepper leaves thinner, and leaves than pepper to also relatively few, mostly pinnate compound leaves, and petioles have pinnate wings.

5. Fruit appearance: Zanthoxylum bungeanum fruit has stomata without tuberous protrusions, the tuberous shape of vine pepper fruit is obvious, and the pericarp has obvious bright spots under the light.

Green pepper growing environment

Cane pepper is a kind of positive tree species, which likes light and dry and cool climate environment, and is relatively drought-tolerant. It grows well in areas with annual average temperature of 17-18℃ and annual rainfall of 900-1300 mm. But not tolerant of waterlogging, long-term ponding will lead to pepper tree death. The soil requirements are also not strict, and it can grow in the pH range of 6.5-8.0.

The main value of vine pepper

Cane pepper has a wide range of uses and high economic value. Industrial and pepper uses are now used for lubricants, paints and soaps.

medicinal value

Roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds are medicinal, can dispel wind cold, qi pain, treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, toothache, traumatic swelling pain, but also for insect repellent and drunk fish agent.

dietary value

Cane pepper oil, bright color. Fresh taste, rich hemp fragrance, hemp flavor lasting, more fragrant than pepper oil, more hemp, more ecological, is the hotel, restaurant, family ideal daily condiment.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum growing environment

It is distributed from the northeast to the south, south to the north slope of Wuling, southeast to the coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, southwest to the southeast of Xizang; it is not produced in Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong. It is found in plains to higher mountains, in Qinghai, on slopes with an altitude of 2500 meters, and also planted. Suitable for warm and humid soil and deep fertile loam, sandy loam, strong germination, cold tolerance, drought tolerance, sunshine, disease resistance, long life of hidden buds, so strong pruning resistance. Intolerance to waterlogging, short-term ponding can cause death.

Zanthoxylum bungeanum efficacy and function

The efficacy of pepper mainly includes two aspects, medicinal and edible.

Medicinal pepper is a very important Chinese herbal medicine, dehumidification, insecticide, pain treatment food accumulation, vomiting, cough, cold, hernia, tooth pain, ascariasis, pinworm disease, itch, scabies sore have a certain therapeutic effect. Play analgesic, bacteriostatic, insect repellent. Can be used to treat schistosomiasis, ascariasis, vulvar pruritus and so on.

Diet, pepper is very important seasoning, cooking time, when the oil burned to 60 percent hot, put pepper, can make dishes very fragrant, remember not to put together with pepper, so that there is no fried pepper flavor before the pepper is burnt. There is pepper is suitable for tail and abdominal cold pain, loss of appetite, it is suitable for more urine.

Pepper picking time

1, pepper fruit maturity by varieties, climate, region greater impact, maturity is difficult to determine, due to varieties, ecology, management level, maturity is different, generally July to September for the harvest period. My area is mainly nine Yeqing pepper, roughly from mid-late June to the end of August, maturity varies from place to place.

2. Mature external characteristics: When pepper leaves appear oily and shiny, fruit color turns red or purple, peel has wart like protrusions with obvious oil spots, transparent and shiny, seeds turn black, peel is easy to crack, fragrance is thick and spicy enough, choose sunny picking.

3. Harvesting method: according to the characteristics and uses of the varieties, determine the harvest time, and harvest in the morning on a sunny day. When harvesting, pick the whole ear. Be careful to cut the ear handle with hands or scissors. Do not pinch the pepper seeds with hands to avoid crushing the oil cells on the pepper fruit and reducing its color, fragrance, taste and other qualities, affecting the economic value. After picking, gently put it in the basket. At the same time, the pepper fruit in the basket should not be loaded too much, so as to avoid crushing and collision, which will cause the oil cells on the peel to crack and affect the quality.

4. Precautions for harvesting: First, protect the branch group. The biggest characteristic of prickly ash is that the bearing branches have strong ability to bear fruit continuously. The medium and long fruit branches are basically at the top of the fruit branches. If the flower ears are cut with scissors during harvesting, it is easy to cut off the total axis of the flower ears, which affects the re-emergence of new flower ears. The correct way is: one hand holds the fruit branch, the other hand pinches the ear from the base of the fruit branch, and tries to keep the total axis of the ear. The second is to protect the leaves. All the nutrients produced by the leaves after picking pepper are transferred to nutrient accumulation. During the period from picking pepper to overwintering (end of October), the leaves shall be kept intact as far as possible, green and lush, photosynthesis shall be enhanced, and more nutrients shall be accumulated.

Cane pepper with pepper a lot of people are not clear, from the appearance point of view, these two things are very similar. But they are different in many ways. From the taste difference, pepper taste heavier; they also have a difference in tree length, rattan pepper tree is shorter, branches and leaves thin. Both are of similar value, serving as flavoring agents, industrial lubricants, paints and soaps.