
Planting techniques of Mimeng Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Mimeng Flower

Mimeng flower, also known as Jiuli incense, small brocade flower, Mongolian flower, is a plant of Brucaceae, it can be used as medicine, it has the functions of dispelling wind, cooling blood, moistening the liver and eyesight, and is often used to treat a variety of eye diseases. So how should Mimeng flowers be planted? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Land selection and preparation

Mimenghua likes a warm and humid environment, so it is appropriate to choose sandy loam soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage when planting. After choosing the place. After selecting the land, ploughing is carried out, the depth is 30-40 cm, and the rake is fine and leveled to make a seedbed 1.2m-1.3m wide, while the field should be treated with rotten farm manure as base fertilizer, 1500-2000 kg per mu, waiting to be planted in the bed.

2. Methods of reproduction

When Mimeng flower is propagated by seed, the best sowing time is in autumn, on the whole seedbed, trench is opened according to the row spacing of 35 cm, and the ditch depth is 3-4 cm. Then sow the seeds evenly into the ditch and cover the soil by 0.5 cm. Should not be too deep, lest lead to seeds can not be smooth emergence, it is best to cover a layer of straw, heat preservation and moisture, in order to facilitate seedling emergence. Always keep the seedling bed moist after sowing, remove the cover grass in time when the seedlings are unearthed, cultivate them for 1-2 years, and plant them when the seedlings grow to about 1 meter. After the seedlings were dug out, the roots of the seedlings were trimmed, the excess fibrous roots were trimmed, and the holes were planted according to the row spacing of 2 × 2 cm. One plant was planted in each hole, and the fixed root water was poured after covering the soil.

3. Field management

After the seedlings are unearthed, we should loosen the soil and weed in time, so that there are no weeds in the field, always keep the soil moist, and properly apply some thin fertilizer and water after each fertilization, vinegar seedlings grow. After planting, it is necessary to plough and weed 3-4 times a year, combined with soil cultivation, so as to avoid root system exposure and plant lodging. Topdressing should be applied once in flowering and fruiting period, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is suitable, or organic fertilizer or farm manure can be selected. When the trunk of the plant is more than 3 years old and fixed, the weak branches, disease and insect branches, withered branches and sprouting branches of the root system should be pruned to reduce nutrient consumption.

4. Diseases and insect pests

In the cultivation of Mimeng flower, there is basically no disease, and there are mostly pests such as drillworm and red spider, which mainly harms the twigs and can be sprayed with imidacloprid and monocrotophos during the spawning period, while red spiders mainly harm leaves and can be controlled by dimethoate.

The above is the introduction of planting technology of Mimeng flower. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.