
How to increase the yield of flax

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to increase the yield of flax

Flax is an annual herb of flax family. Flax is one of the main fiber substances in China, and it also has oil varieties. With a wide range of planting area, flax is in great demand in our country every year. As a result, many people are constantly expanding their acreage and want to increase their output. In fact, good management in planting can also effectively increase the yield, so what should be done to increase the yield? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. Sowing seeds at the right time

Flax must undergo vernalization and sufficient light during the growing period, otherwise its flowering and seed setting rate will be affected and decreased. Therefore, we must pay attention to the sowing time, although appropriate early sowing will decrease the plant height, but can effectively improve the seed setting rate and seed quantity. And the lodging resistance will also be strengthened, and the specific sowing time should be determined according to the planting area when sowing. For example, in the north, seeds should be sown at 4-6 each year, and if seeds are used, they should be sown at the beginning of May. In the south, it should be sown after rice harvest.

2. Sowing density

Sowing density is very important to the growth of flax, and it will have a certain effect on the flowering and seed setting rate of flax. According to the previous planting situation, the emergence of flax is about 75%, and the survival rate is only about half. Most of the reasons are because the planting is too dense and the quality of soil preparation is poor, so we must control the planting density when planting. Do a good job of soil preparation before sowing, turn it about 30 centimeters deep, disinfect and weed, and then apply sufficient base fertilizer. When sowing, the method of strip sowing is used to control the row spacing at about 15 cm, and the sowing amount is reduced appropriately. Under such conditions, the complete seedling rate of flax is high, the plant distribution is uniform and reasonable, and the plant branches and fruits will increase obviously.

3. Rational fertilization

Flax has a more comprehensive demand for nutrition, so we must pay attention to the proportion and dosage of fertilizer when applying fertilizer. In the case of sufficient soil fertility, too much nitrogen fertilizer will reduce the lodging resistance of flax, lead to flax lodging and reduce the rate of flax growth. Therefore, we must control the proportion of nitrogen fertilizer and improve the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can effectively improve the yield and quality of flax. When topdressing, we should control the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at about 1:4:4, which is an ideal proportion in flax planting.

4. Topdressing foliar boron fertilizer

Boron is also indispensable when growing flax. The lack of boron in flax growth will lead to flower shrinkage, inability to form pollen tube, reduce pollination and fertilization rate, resulting in flax flowering but not fruiting phenomenon. Therefore, after topdressing nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer, we should spray foliar boron fertilizer in time after flax flowering. It can effectively increase the yield of flax, properly spraying foliar fertilizer can increase the seed yield of flax, reduce the planting cost and improve the utilization rate of fertilizer.

The above is a brief introduction to the methods to improve the yield of flax, we should also pay attention to the selection of seed varieties when planting flax. Some varieties have high stem yield, but low seed yield, while others are on the contrary. Therefore, when we select seeds, we should try to choose double-high varieties, or choose varieties with high yield according to our own planting direction. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.