
What is the reason why the Cateran flower does not bloom when it blossoms?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Timely pruning is necessary if the Cateran flowers are to grow better. When does the Katran flower blossom? What is the reason for not blooming: when does the cartland flower bloom: Cartland usually blossoms in spring and autumn, blossoms once or twice a year, and the flowering period is usually 3 or 4 weeks.

Timely pruning is necessary if the Cateran flowers are to grow better. When does the Katran flower blossom? What is the reason for not blooming:

When does the Cateran flower bloom:

Cartland usually blossoms in spring and autumn, blossoms once or twice a year, and the flowering period is usually 3-4 weeks.

The horticultural hybrid of Cartland is one of the most famous orchids in the world. The pseudobulb is clavate or cylindrical, with 1 ~ 3 leaves at the top; the leaves are thick and hard, the midvein is concave; the flowers are single or several, born at the top of the pseudobulb, and the flowers are large and beautiful, bright and rich in color.

Native to tropical America, it is the national flower of Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and other countries. There are more than thousands of varieties. The colors are white, yellow, green, red and purple and so on. Propagation should be done by plant division, tissue culture or aseptic sowing. Sex likes warmth, moisture and plenty of light.

Potted plants such as fern roots, moss and bark are usually used. High air humidity, proper fertilization and ventilation are needed during the growth period.

What is the reason why Cartland flowers do not bloom:

In general, it takes 4 ∼ 6 years for Cartland to mature and blossom. If in the growth process, the orchid plant growth is not mature and frequently split, in order to reach the number of production, because the orchid plant does not have enough time to grow and mature, it is impossible or rarely blossom.

Therefore, in the process of cultivation, this work is not carried out unless the plant grows all over the basin, or the substrate such as water moss has rotted, and the plant has to be changed. As mentioned above, frequent ramets can affect flowering.

Light is the most important factor affecting the health and flowering of Cartland plants, and the flowering rate will be delayed or the flowering rate will be low if lack of sunlight. The key to the maintenance of Cartland after flowering is that Cartland needs more light, except at noon, where the sun shines directly on the plant, on the eastern and shaded south windowsill, or on the western windowsill.

If it is cultivated in a greenhouse, it should be shaded to 50% or 70% of the full light. If the light is sufficient, the leaves should be medium green and the false bulbs should be erect, but some varieties do not need too much daylight, such as dark scarlet flowers and mini flowers that bloom in winter.

The Cateran flowers are really beautiful and live up to their fame.

What is the fancy language of the Cateran flower?

Its colors are colorful, delicate and changeable, and it often appears on occasions where men express their love for women, sometimes warm yellow, sometimes unrestrained red, and sometimes even mysterious black, they are enchanting with sincere blessings to their feelings. They are Cartland, so do you want to know Cartland's fancy words? Just follow the editor and have a look!

Cartland: love, admiration, feminine charm.

Cartland is a horticultural hybrid and is one of the most famous orchids in the world. The pseudobulb is clavate or cylindrical, with 1 or 3 leaves at the top; the leaves are thick and hard, the midvein is concave; the flowers are single or several, born at the top of the pseudobulb, and the flowers are large and beautiful, bright and rich in color. Native to tropical America, it is the national flower of Brazil, Colombia and other countries. There are more than thousands of varieties. The colors are white, yellow, green, red and purple and so on. Propagation should be done by plant division, tissue culture or aseptic sowing. Sex likes warmth, moisture and plenty of light. Potted plants such as fern roots, moss and bark are usually used. Cartland, also known as Akamu, Gardolialan, Cadoriaran, Gadoriaran, Katrlialan, originates from tropical America, with more than thousands of varieties. The colors are white, yellow, green, red and purple and so on. Propagation should be done by plant division, tissue culture or aseptic sowing.

Sex likes warmth, moisture and plenty of light. Potted plants such as fern roots, moss and bark are usually used. High air humidity, proper fertilization and ventilation are needed during the growth period. The flower is large, elegant and gorgeous, the flower color is delicate and varied, the flower is fragrant and fragrant, with 3 pointed sepals at the apex, which extend vertically as the biggest feature of the flower. It has the laudatory name of "king of orchids" and "queen of orchids" in the world. It is the national flower of Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and other countries.

Most of them are hybridized by Laililan, Cartland and Bailasolan, and there are also native Cartland, such as Cattleyawalkeriana. Perennial herbs. Pseudobulb clavate, 10-15 cm long, terminal leaf, leathery, light green, flowers large purplish red. The cultivated varieties are rich in color, including white, yellow, orange-red, crimson, purple-red and complex color. Common varieties are yellow "Xiangshan", "falling", green "Yulin", white "beautiful", pink "really beautiful", red "fireball", purple-red "long river", two-color "Christmas candy" and so on.

Cateran flowers in a variety of shapes, colors, dazzling, often appear in festivals, banquets, used for flower arrangement. Such as Carter III, Phalaenopsis as the main material, with Wenxin orchid, Magnolia, asparagus bottle, bright and elegant, there is a strong rhythm confusion. If Cartland as the main flower, with red palm silk, carnation, porous tortoise back bamboo, bear grass, it is light and lively. And the florescence is long, a flower can bloom for about a month, and the cut flower can be appreciated for 10-14 days. Cartland and Dendrobium, Phalaenopsis and Wandai Orchid are listed as the four ornamental orchids with the highest ornamental value, especially in the bride's bouquet.

Flower etiquette

The corsage is made of 1 or 2 cut flowers, and the beautiful mini bouquet is lovely. If the potted plant can be wrapped in thin decorative paper, tie the ornaments.

According to relevant records, the stem of this plant was used as a binding material by the British in 1818 and was brought to England from Brazil. The British horticulturist William WilliamCattley planted the branches and blossomed in 1824. At this time, botanist Dr.Lindley saw Cartland's beautiful flowers and thought it was a new species of Orchidaceae, so he named Cartland's Cattleya Cartland genus with more than 60 species after Khatri. After nearly 200 years of cultivation and breeding, horticulture has become an important ornamental plant of Orchidaceae. Cartland is a perennial herb, belonging to epiphytic orchid, evergreen all the year round. The plant has 1-3 leathery thick leaves, which is the tissue for storing water and nutrients.

What about the yellowing leaves of Cateran flowers? how to prune them?

The Cateran flower is called the "queen of orchids" because of the most colorful flowers in this genus. What about the yellowing leaves of Cateran flowers? how to prune them:

What if the leaves of the Cateran flowers turn yellow:

1. Water yellow: due to excessive watering, the soil is wet for a long time, the air permeability is relatively poor, and even part of the fibrous roots become rotten. At this time, watering should be reduced and watered reasonably according to the demand.

2. Fat yellow: it usually refers to excessive fertilization, which shows that the tip of the old leaf turns yellow and falls off. Although the new leaf is relatively thick and shiny, it is generally shown as concave and convex. If it is a valuable flower, you can sprinkle a layer of cabbage or radish seeds and pull it out a few days after emergence in order to consume nutrients.

3. Dry yellow: due to the lack of water or dehydration for a long time, although the color of the new leaves is relatively normal, the lower leaves gradually dry yellow and become aging.

4. Alkali yellow: this mainly occurs in some acidic soils in the south, while the alkaline water quality in the north shows that the leaves gradually fade and turn yellow, or even fall off. The easiest way is to pour fermented rice washing water or Rain Water.

How to trim the Cateran flower:

1. Disinfect the scissors used for pruning each time, put them in a cool place to dry and trim them.

2. Cartland generally has more flowers, not many will not bloom at the same time, when some flowers bloom, some flowers have withered or turned brown, so cut off these withered flowers in time to avoid affecting flowering.

3. If you want to blossom again in the coming year, it is best to cut the inflorescence axis from the base. When the substrate is aging, it should be changed in time, and the pots should be changed in May or June when the new leaves grow. It is best to put a layer of water plants on the original water plants and put them in a slightly larger flowerpot.

No matter how beautiful the flowers are, they also need careful care.