
What does Zhu Jiao need to pay attention to when raising water well?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Zhu Jiao is suitable for indoor farming, but it is not very easy to raise. Annie knows how to raise Zhu Jiao well. What does aquaculture need to pay attention to? How to raise Zhu banana well: 1. Pot soil should be loose. Rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand can be mixed with a small amount of dried animal manure as culture medium.

Red banana is suitable for indoor cultivation, but it is not very easy to raise. Annie knows how to raise red banana. What do you need to pay attention to?

How to raise a banana:

1. Potting soil should be loose. It can be mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil, garden soil and river sand in equal amount and added with a small amount of dry livestock manure as culture medium.

2. Apply liquid fertilizer every 1-2 weeks during the growth period. Lack of fertilizer is easy to appear old leaves fall off, new leaves become smaller phenomenon.

3. Change pots before a large number of new leaves grow in spring every year, and combine pruning for plant division and cuttage propagation.

4, the growing season should always keep the pot soil moist, while maintaining a high air humidity; dry air easily causes the leaf tip and edge to yellow. After autumn should reduce the amount of watering, keep the pot soil properly dry, should wait for the pot soil to dry slightly before watering. Low temperatures and moist soil often cause root rot.

5, red banana likes sufficient light, but summer and autumn should be properly shaded (shade degree is about 50%); sun exposure is easy to cause leaves to burn, yellow. It can also withstand shade, but the light is too weak for a long time, and the color is not bright. In hot, dry climate, Zhu banana often occurs scale insects or red spider damage, should pay attention to spraying control.

What to watch out for in the water:

Pot available garden soil plus a small amount of river sand do culture soil, plus a few baked mashed eggshells do base fertilizer. Keep the soil moist during the growing season. Summer watering needs to be frequent, do not make the pot soil dry, otherwise poor growth, poor leaf color.

Only 3 to 4 times of thin fertilizer application throughout the year, that is, vigorous growth. Usually placed in bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight in summer, see sunlight more in winter, winter temperature above 10℃. Water depth 5 to 10 cm, change water every 3 to 4 days, do not move the position or change the direction within 10 days, about 15 days can root, stop changing water after rooting, water reduction, timely addition can be, if often changing water is easy to cause yellow leaves, withered. After rooting, a small amount of light was given, and a small amount of compound nutrient solution was dripped. After that, nutrient solution was applied once every 3 weeks.

Viburnum bungeanum is one of the most characteristic plants in foliage, with bright color, stripes, elegant plant state, bright and beautiful. We often can see its figure in the indoor hall, corridor, study, windowsill and other positions, adding a lot of happy atmosphere to life.

Now know how to raise Zhu banana can raise good bar.

Hydroponic flowers are cultivated in a non-solid medium (water or water added with appropriate plant nutrient solution). At present, most family hydroponic flowers are cultivated in static water, dissolved oxygen is less than 1mg/l, and flowers are barely maintained in anoxic containers. With the increase of summer temperature, the physiological metabolism of plants is vigorous, microorganisms multiply in large quantities, oxygen consumption increases sharply, dissolved oxygen decreases continuously, water quality deteriorates, and many unfavorable factors are formed for the growth of hydroponic flowers, which may cause root rot, branches and leaves wilting, and even cause plants and flowers to die. Therefore, in addition to preventing summer heat and high temperature, increasing oxygen content in nutrient solution is the key to ensure that hydroponic flowers spend summer safely.

How do water flowers flourish?

2. How to improve the dissolved oxygen content of nutrient solution?

There are many ways to increase dissolved oxygen, which can be summarized as chemical method and physical method. The following are easy to use and effective methods. 1, increase the number of times to replace the nutrient solution replacement nutrient solution is an easy way to increase dissolved oxygen. After measurement, the dissolved oxygen content of fresh nutrient solution is 70%-90% higher than that of original solution, which can improve the physiological hypoxia of flowers in time. For flowers with aquatic roots, it is advisable to change nutrient solution once every 3-5 days or no more than 7 days. When replacing nutrient solution, pay attention to the temperature difference between new solution and original solution should not be too large, too large temperature difference may cause physiological disorder of flower root system. When changing the liquid, we should wash the roots with water patiently, remove the withered roots and rotten roots, and cut off the aged roots to give birth to new roots. If the nutrient solution suddenly becomes turbid, or there are mosquito eggs, it should be replaced immediately. 2, vibration oxygenation vessel small hydroponic flowers, as long as the roots are clear without damage, nutrient solution is thorough, can use vibration method oxygenation, the operation method is to fix the flowers in one hand, the other hand to grasp the vessel, gently shake more than 10 times, shake the nutrient solution dissolved oxygen content can be increased by more than 30%. The method of vibration oxygenation should not be adopted for hydroponic flowers with turbid nutrient solution and poor root development, and the nutrient solution must be completely replaced. 3. Inflate the vessel. If there is a tank of ornamental fish beside the maintenance of hydroponic flowers, you can use the oxygen rod of the fish tank to inflate the vessel. How to raise flowers in water to flourish three, hydroponic flowers suitable for summer placed in what position? Most of the flowers selected in hydroponic culture are shade-tolerant foliage flowers and flowers with flowers and leaves. Such as fruit taro, white jade evergreen, silver bud taro, flower candle, pineapple and so on. These flowers like warm and humid, slightly resistant to shade, avoid high temperature and dry heat. "Hydroponic culture" only changed the cultivation form, it is impossible to change its growth habits and environmental factors needed. In summer, it is good to place hydroponic flowers in a bright, humid, cooler and well-ventilated environment. Avoid direct sunlight, but also can not be too shade, lest flower photosynthesis blocked, weak growth, stem elongation, leaf thinning. Cause color patches, color patterns of flower leaves lose luster.

4. Can hydroponic flowers be placed in air-conditioned rooms?

Yes. However, hydroponic flowers should not be placed in the air conditioning outlet position, too fast wind speed will cause damage to branches and leaves, light leaves curl, heavy coke edge wither. Also consider that the temperature requirements of flowers during the day is higher than at night, if the air conditioner is turned off at night, the ambient temperature is higher than the daytime temperature of the air conditioner, which is unfavorable for the growth of hydroponic flowers. When opening the air conditioner, put a basin of water next to the flowers or spray on the leaves to increase the humidity of the environment. The flowers are placed at a position far away from the air conditioner outlet. The temperature difference between day and night is not a problem. How to raise flowers in water to flourish? 5. How to do rotten roots of hydroponic flowers? As the temperature continues to rise, the water temperature will also rise, microbial reproduction will accelerate, dissolved oxygen will decrease, and water quality will deteriorate. Inappropriate addition of nutrient solution, so that the dissolved concentration is too high, may cause the root rot of hydroponic flowers, especially in the lily family of red banana, horsetail iron (fine leaf millennium wood), colorful millennium wood. The following methods can be used to restore the growth of rotting flowers: a. Remove all the rotting roots, and cut off the infected parts of the stems with sharp knives. b. Immerse the trimmed flowers in 0.5% potassium permanganate solution for 10-20 minutes for sterilization. c. Take out the soaked flowers and rinse them in flowing water. d. Put the washed flowers into the original containers and cultivate them with clean water (the containers should be washed). e. Change water once every 1-2 days, only change water without nutrient solution. Water quality is clear, which can reduce the number of water changes. New roots can sprout after curing for 10-15 days. f. The new roots are still cultivated with clean water, and when the temperature is stable at 18-25 degrees, they are cultivated with nutrient solution.

VI. What about algae breeding in nutrient solution?

Algae breeding in nutrient solution is a common phenomenon in hydroponic flower cultivation. Especially in summer, the temperature is high, the transparency of the utensils is good, and the environment is bright. Or changing the nutrient solution for too long, will lead to algal blooms. Algae and flowers take oxygen, secretions pollute the solution, so that the quality of nutrient solution decreases. Algae attached to the roots of flowers hinder the respiration of roots and interfere with the normal physiological activities of flowers, which is extremely harmful. Once algae grow in the nutrient solution, the contaminated solution will be discarded decisively, the algae attached to the roots of flowers will be thoroughly cleaned, and new nutrient solution will be replaced. How to raise flowers in water to flourish 7. What fertilizer should be applied to hydroponic flowers? How to fertilize in summer? Hydroponic flowers are a special form of cultivation, a soilless cultivation method, the roots of flowers anchored in water (or special plant nutrient solution), also known as nutrient solution cultivation. Hydroponic flowers should be cultivated with plant nutrient solution. However, different flowers need different nutrients at different growth stages. If five or six bottles or even more than ten bottles of hydroponic flowers are planted at the same time, and the varieties are different, it is unrealistic to buy a bottle of matching plant nutrient solution for each flower. For simplicity, a universal plant nutrient solution may be chosen. Universal plant nutrient solution generally contains all the nutrients necessary for flower growth (including macroelements and trace elements), the proportion of various elements is balanced, inorganic salts are in ionic state, the application range is wide, suitable for different flower varieties at the growth stage of nutrients, non-toxic, harmless, pH value, ion concentration conducive to nutrient absorption. There are many kinds of plant nutrient solutions sold in the market, good and bad. Good to hydroponic flower store to buy good reputation of the manufacturer products. In summer, there are different opinions on whether to cultivate with nutrient solution or only use clean water. According to the author's experience, the flowers with high temperature resistance and strong growth are cultivated with nutrient solution; the flowers with thin roots and semi-dormant and dormant state at 30℃ are cultivated only with clean water. Such as silver bud taro, green radish, mini turtle bamboo, ruby, hi forest taro, etc., nutrient solution cultivation is suitable to maintain growth advantages and enhance ornamental grade. Colored leaf clover, bamboo joint begonia, pineapple and other flowers, a bottle of water that can safely spend summer.

The proportion of nutrient solution should be strictly in accordance with the instructions, and the concentration should not be increased at will. Because the flower in the hydroponic germination of the root system structure has changed, more loose than soil cultivation, larger cells. Thinning of cell wall, direct absorption of water, nutrients and oxygen from the nutrient solution, extremely sensitive to the concentration of nutrient solution, too high concentration harmful to flowers. As long as the concentration of macroelements is not lower than 1 liter, lower concentrations are beneficial to the growth of flowers. It is advisable to replace the nutrient solution once every 5 days in summer.

How do water flowers flourish?

8. Can soil-grown flowers be changed to hydroponic flowers in summer? The soil-cultivated flowers are hydroponic flowers, suitable for spring and autumn, when the temperature is 15~25℃, suitable for flower growth, easy to adapt to the changed cultivation environment. The following factors should be considered when changing the cultivation form of flowers in summer: ① Select the quality which is close to the relationship of wet flowers.② Flowers that still grow normally and develop well when the temperature is around 30℃. The experiment proved that the survival rate of Araceae's Syncarpa, Mini-turtleback, Ruby Philodendron, Hulk, Green Cynanchum and some Bromeliaceae flowers changed from soil culture to hydroponic culture in summer was higher. They adapted quickly to hydroponic environment and their roots rarely rotted. After 15~20 days of cultivation, not only lateral roots grew on the old roots, but also aquatic roots could germinate at the root tip. When changing from soil cultivation to hydroponic cultivation, the soil on the rhizosphere of flowers should be cleaned up. Repeated washing, protect the root system from or less damage, take a larger container cultivation, change the water once a day, five days later, 2~3 days to change the water, aquatic roots grow to 5 cm long, with low-concentration plant nutrient solution cultivation. What are the flowers suitable for water cultivation?

(1) Araceae such as green radish, Guangdong evergreen, daisy leaf, white stalk bright silk grass, silver after evergreen, cluster spring feather, feather split green velveteen, flower taro, turtle bamboo, mini turtle bamboo, silver bract taro, ruby forest taro, emerald forest taro, Qin Ye Xi Lin taro, heart leaf Xi Lin taro, green emperor Xi Lin taro, synfruit taro, sea taro, flamingo flower, Guanyin lotus, green velveteen, etc.

(2) Liliaceae such as star point, sun god, aloe vera,+ roll, spider orchid, red banana, dragon blood tree, narrow leaf dragon blood tree, tiger tail orchid, Phnom Penh rich bamboo, sea onion, evergreen, silver-edged auspicious grass, ophora silver-lined, hyacinth, tulip.

(3) Pepper family such as watermelon peel pepper grass, zebra pepper grass, spotted leaf drop pepper grass, watercress green, wrinkled leaf pepper grass and so on.

(4) Euphorbiaceae such as Caiyun Pavilion, Dragon Bone, Kirin Palm, Changye, Red-backed Cinnamomum, Silver-edged Cardinals, etc.

(5) Commelinaceae such as purple leaf Commelina communis, purple back Evergreen, hanging bamboo plum, etc.

(6) Crassulaceae such as lotus palm, hibiscus palm, silver wave brocade, precious stone flower, floor root, etc.

(7) Other flowers such as palm bamboo and pocket coconut of Palmetaceae; nest fern of fern; flower leaf coral of Apocynaceae; umbrella grass of Cyperaceae; coleus of Labiatae; fairy pen, silver leaf chrysanthemum and purple goose down of Compositae; begonia of Begoniaceae; Begonia of Begoniaceae; Paphiopedilum of Orchidaceae; cacti, triangular column and dragon flower of Cactus family; Anarachia sinensis, Chinese ivy, spotted canary ivy and foreign ivy of Araliaceae; cold water flower of Urticaceae; the green of the family Armeniaceae; Erythematous spear medicine of the family acanthaceae; agave of the family Dracoglossus.