
What if the leaves of Pearl Plum turn yellow? how to prune them?

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, In China, there is a tradition of loving, planting and tasting plum. They regard plum blossom as a symbol of integrity. What if the leaves of pearl plum turn yellow? How to prune: Pearl plum leaves yellow how to do: 1, pearl plum leaves yellow: humidity is too low in the process of breeding pearl plum, if the humidity is relatively low

In China, there is a tradition of loving, planting and tasting plum. They regard plum blossom as a symbol of integrity. What if the leaves of pearl plum turn yellow? How to trim:

What if the pearl plum leaves turn yellow:

1. Pearl plum leaves turn yellow: the humidity is too low.

In the process of cultivating Pearl Plum, if the humidity is relatively low, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry. So at this time, we need to improve the humidity of the air, you can spray a lot of water around the plant, or put a few basins of water, can play the effect of increasing air humidity, so as to alleviate the current situation of pearl plum leaves yellowing and drying.

2. Pearl plum leaves turn yellow: iron deficiency

Sometimes, when pearl plum lacks iron or other elements, the leaves will turn yellow. This is due to the lack of growth elements, resulting in the loss of green leaves.

You can put a certain amount of compound fertilizer or minerals in the soil to supplement the loss of various growth elements and prevent the leaves from yellowing.

3. Pearl plum leaves turn yellow: too much watering

One of the main reasons for the yellowing of pearl plum leaves when watered too much.

In the daily maintenance of Pearl Plum, too much watering, the soil will be relatively moist, or even in a stagnant state, which directly leads to root decay, which will further cause leaves to turn yellow, new leaves withered and other phenomena, this is the leaves yellowing.

In the daily watering, it should be determined according to the growth of the plant, to see whether the basin soil is dry, wait until the basin soil is dry before watering, if the basin soil is still relatively wet, it can not be watered. Watering the soil after drying will not only reduce the occurrence of rotten roots and yellow leaves, but also promote the good growth of branches and leaves.

How to trim Pearl Plum:

1. Trim the root

When Pearl Plum is planted, the lateral roots can be trimmed properly, some redundant roots, rotten roots and diseased roots can be cut off and planted. This can make it grow better.

2. Pruning branches

When pruning branches, old perennial plants can be re-pruned at 4 or 5 years. Generally, 3 to 5 buds are retained on the branches and the rest are cut off before spring germination. In addition, pruning can be carried out after the leaves of Pearl Plum plants have fallen, and the stump, dead and diseased branches of Pearl Plum can be trimmed. Some old branches, too dense branches and overgrown branches can all be pruned.

3. Pruning flower branches

After the pearl plum blossom fade, cutting off the remaining flower branches can reduce the consumption of water and nutrition.

Are you clear about the maintenance of Pearl Plum?

Flaming crane leaves are yellow, how flamingos are raised, are flamingos poisonous, flamingo flowers are spoken, fiery cranes are hydroponically cultivated by flaming cranes (scientific name: Anthuriumandraeanum), also known as Anthurium andraeanum. It belongs to the genus Candle of Araceae. There are flame inflorescences, leaf-shaped bracts, the common bracts are red, pink, white and so on, and the leaves can also be seen when the flowers fall. It can be propagated by sowing, ramet and other methods. Pink flamingos are also called pink palms. Fire Crane language

The flower words of Fire Crane Flower are "great ambition, enthusiasm, blood" and "Happy marriage and good luck". Red flamingos represent enthusiasm and unrestrained, everlasting, it is appropriate to give warm and unrestrained friends, two branches imply that they are heart to heart.

When giving such flowers to others, it is not suitable to give branches, because it means "it is difficult to sing alone", it is best to give three or six or nine branches. In addition, white flamingos should not be given away, because they represent "hypocrisy". The natives in the country of origin believe that they represent a faded and bleached heart, without the purity that white flowers often symbolize!

Are flamingos poisonous?

Fire crane flowers are slightly toxic, as long as you pay attention to pruning, wash your hands clean, and don't eat them in your mouth!

How to raise flamingos

The culture method of flamingo flower:

1. Soil: the loam soil rich in humus, loose and well drained is the best. It is advisable to make culture soil with 2 parts of rotten leaves, soil or peat soil, 1 part of perlite or coarse sand, or 1 part of rotten leaf soil (or peat soil, 1 part of garden soil, moss) and 1 part of charcoal plus a small amount of calcium superphosphate or bone powder.

2. Watering: the flamingos like to be warm and moist, so they need to spray to the leaves every day. Maintaining humidity is beneficial to the growth of leaves. Poor drainage or basin soil is too wet and easy to rot roots, pay attention to keep sufficient water in the basin soil during the peak growth period. Watering should be dry and wet alternately, after one watering, wait for the surface of the basin soil to see dry and then water the next time. If you like sour water, you can use pH4~4.5 's sour water or irrigate with Rain Water.

3. Sunshine: the flaming crane flower likes semi-shade and is afraid of strong light, so it is appropriate to place the indoor north window for maintenance in summer, near the south window in spring and autumn, and on the south windowsill in winter, so that it can receive sufficient light, which will grow strong, green and colorful. If it can be moved to a shady place outside after flowering for a period of time, it will grow better.

Fire crane hydroponic culture

1. Root washing and disinfection: remove potted plants, rinse off the cultivation substrate with clean water (tap water stored for 2 days), soak in 1000 times potassium permanganate solution for 30 minutes.

2. IBA rooting agent 10 mol / L (IBA is "indolebutyric acid"), a kind of rooting powder, is the most effective rooting agent for Anthurium andraeanum. Soaking the roots for 2-3 days, the induction effect is the best, rooting is fast, rooting rate is high, rooting is long.

3. After the root is induced, it can be cultured in water, and appropriate nutrient solution should be added at this time. If the nutrient solution is not done well, it is easy to cause rotten root, black root, yellow leaves and so on. At present, KC nutrient solution is considered to be an ideal nutrient solution, followed by MS nutrient solution.

The leaves of flamingos turn yellow.

The symptoms of yellowing, withering and decay of flaming crane leaves are caused by bacteria, which can not be treated by spraying chili water. Chili water is used to control insect pests, not bacteria. To remove bacteria, you can spray 0.3% solution of garlic juice, 0.2% solution of vinegar or fungicides such as carbendazim, chlorothalonil 800 and so on. But this can not solve the fundamental problem, because flamingos have such symptoms because the conservation environment is not suitable, flamingos should be managed in a semi-shady, humid and warm environment, and the temperature should be between 20-25 ℃, not higher than 33 ℃, otherwise they are prone to uncomfortable symptoms; the air humidity must be between 75-90%, and the leaves below 50% are prone to scorch edge drying. Fertilization should not be too thick, should be fully water-soluble fertilizer irrigated basin soil, can not apply general chemical fertilizer, because flamingos can not absorb, will produce fertilizer damage.

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These kinds of flowers are raised in this way in summer, and they grow so crazy that your potted plants will burst!

Although the summer weather is hot, it is the best growing period for jasmine and green pineapple. At this time, you can burst the pot with your hands. If you don't know, it will be a big loss. After growing for more than half a year, it is not as prosperous as other people's flowers! Let's take a look at how to make the potted plants grow and flourish.

I. Jasmine

Some flower friends and friends buy jasmine together, as a result, others have opened the second crop, and the flowers bloom more and more, your home open once there is no movement, hurry to have a look, but also saved!

1. Jasmine summer pruning:

Jasmine can bloom 3-4 times if it is trimmed in summer. For jasmine with shorter branches, cut off the top of the flower branch 3-5 cm after flowering; for jasmine with longer branches, leave 2-3 pairs of leaves on each branch. After being pruned, jasmine has a great desire to survive and will blossom again.

2. Jasmine cutting:

Trimmed branches can also try cutting, cutting branches with at least one pair of leaves, leaves can be cut off half to preserve nutrition. Use a disposable plastic cup, put some holes in the bottom of the cup to breathe, put some sand, insert the branches into the soil about 2-3 cm, put them in a cool place, and spray water occasionally, for fear that unsuccessful flower friends can insert a few more branches.

3. Summer fertilization of jasmine:

Jasmine blossoms in addition to plenty of sunlight, but also add some organic fertilizer, summer eat leftover fruit peel, kitchen leftovers and so on add water in plastic bottles for 20 days, compost into fat water, twice a month diluted fat water (fertilizer: clear water = 1 Suzhou 500) is enough.

Afraid of fat and smelly flower friends, try to cut the watermelon peel into small pieces, bury it in the soil, and then seal it with a plastic bag, so that it will rot in a month or so, real fertile soil, mixed with a little in the flower soil!

Green pineapple

In summer you have curtains and others have green curtains. It is refreshing to take a look at it every day. It is more appropriate to keep it on a northerly windowsill, and it can purify the air.

1. Common problems of green pineapple in summer:

The drooping green apple leaves in summer show that they are thirsty, and the water has to be poured to the roots before they can be absorbed; the leaves are yellow and rotten in a large area, so if they are watered too much, they should quickly control the water and ventilation; and if the light is too strong, the green apple will be scorched yellow and have to be moved to the shade to cut off the dead leaves.

Green pineapple had better be kept indoors in summer, and the northward windowsill is very suitable, not only mild light, but also ventilated and cool. Hydroponic green pineapple is easy to dry leaves or rot, all because the environment is too dry or wet, so put in a good position, can have fewer problems and grow well!

2. Fertilization of green turnip in summer:

Drink the leftover beer at home. After running for 1-2 days, you can wipe the green apple leaves with water (beer: water = 1:10). You can also add an aspirin or vitamin B12 to the beer, which contains nutrients that can make the green apple leaves glossy and grow quickly!

3. Green pineapple cutting:

Green pineapple cuttings burst faster, cut off green radish branches with buds (knots), about 3-8 cm long. Put it upright in the wet sand, keep it moist, and take root in less than a week. This kind of green apple is easy to climb the vine. The green radish cut horizontally on the soil is explosive and full of pots.

Third, rose

Recently, there is another wave of high temperature. A few days ago, it was almost 40 degrees south of the Yangtze River. Those who raise rose at home should be careful. After 36 degrees, the rose is very likely to stop growing and not blossom.

1. Cooling measures of rose in summer:

If you want the rose to blossom continuously, you should cool it down and prevent it from entering a "coma" state. In addition to shading, you can also insulate the bottom of the basin with bricks, cover it with a large basin of moisturizing, and wrap it with tin foil to protect the sun, so as to keep the rose alive and lively. No matter how hot the weather is!

2. Fertilization of rose in summer:

Chinese roses are usually raised in the open air or Nanyang Taiwan. extremely hot weather is not suitable for adding fish sausage and manure, and it is easy to burn roots. you can pour some soy rice water, milk water, bean dregs water, etc., which should be cooked for 1-2 weeks before using them.

3. Rose pruning:

Rose after blooming 1-2 times, it is easy to grow blind branches, must be pruned off, otherwise the nutrition will be taken away by it! There is no bud at the top of the blind branch, there is only a pair of leaves, we must recognize it.

4. Rose cutting:

When the temperature exceeds 36 degrees, rose cuttings are easy to black rot and not easy to survive. Cool flower friends at home can try, the flower branch is 5-8cm long, with more than a pair of leaves, with sand as the matrix, preferably in a cool place, you can use plastic cups to pierce holes and make a moisturizing mask.

Fourth, triangular plum

There are many flower friends' triangle plum has not yet opened, while the florescence is still in, hurry to urge the next flower, otherwise can only wait for the next year to bloom!

1. Triangle plum blossoms under controlled water in summer:

The most effective way for triangular plum to blossom is to control the water. if you thirst it for a few days, you can see that the leaves wilt and droop, then water it thoroughly after a long time, and then don't worry about it. It will blossom in about 20-25 days after it is thirsty again.

If your triangular plum has few flowers and yellow leaves, it may be due to iron deficiency, it is best to pour some ferrous sulfate solution (1VR 500), or water for ripened pericarp or rice. If you have urea at home, you can also mix 3-5 grains of water each time.

2. Trim plum in summer:

Trimmed plum grows too fast in summer and is easy to grow. It is necessary to prune quickly. In addition to pruning the messy long branches, Huahua also introduces a method of braided hair pruning. The long branches are braided and trimmed, leaving 20-30 cm long braids on the line. As soon as they bloom, they will have a shape.

Fifth, hanging orchid

Despite the fact that the orchid is very gentle and quiet, it grows wildly in the summer, and many flower friends' orchids are exploding the cubs crazily, which looks too spectacular! At this time, some flower friends complained about why my hanging orchid just didn't grow.

1. Light, water and fertilizer of hanging orchid in summer:

Hanging orchids can be raised indoors and outdoors, put indoors in a place with good light, water every 2-3 days, water every day outdoors, and spray water around the leaves in the morning to increase air humidity.

In addition to changing the basin every year, adding some chicken manure, cow and sheep manure to the bottom of the basin as the base fertilizer, watering potassium dihydrogen sulfate once a month, or stir-frying the egg shell into crushed powder mixed in the hanging orchid soil, so that the hanging orchid crazy burst cub, but also can blossom year after year!

2. What to do with the explosion of the cub in Diaolan:

Hanging orchid burst a lot of cubs, like their hanging cub shape, you can keep, do not like flower friends, and so on the cubs grow air root, can be cut off to plant, give people is also good, air root planting survival rate lever drop!

VI. Tiger Pilan

Tiger Pilan is also a good hand at purifying the air, but many flower friends buy it and leave it at home, and they also dislike the slowness of their parents. In fact, it is easy to burst the pot and double the effect of removing formaldehyde.

1. Tiger skin orchid soil and fertilizer:

Tiger skin orchid just bought home, it is best to change the soil first, rotten leaf soil, pine needle soil, cinder soil, and then mix some perlite, ordinary garden soil, good permeability and adequate nutrition, usually the soil is dry and then watered, no matter how can be fattened ~

If you want Tiger Pilan to explode the cub crazily, you can also add fat. Chicken manure and bird dung are buried in the soil for about 2 weeks, and then the rotten fertile soil is mixed in the flowerpot, which is the natural organic fertilizer. If not, compound fertilizer can be added directly, which is suitable for the overall nutritional needs of Tiger Pilan.

2. The tiger skin orchid leaf is inserted into the cub:

Tiger Pilan leaves cut a section of the soil, put it in a cool and ventilated place, keep the basin soil moist, do not be curious to reach out to touch it, quietly wait for 1-2 weeks or so to emerge cubs, a leaf can take 3-5 cubs, a pot can be changed into 100 pots!

These are the six ways to raise flowers in summer. it is hot in summer, and a pot of green potted plants in the house can refresh the air and have ornamental value, but pay attention to the fact that potted plants are easy to attract flies and so on.