
How to raise and prune paulownia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Paulownia has a very high ornamental value, deeply loved and sought after by everyone. How to raise paulownia? How to prune: how to raise paulownia: 1. Temperature. The growth temperature of paulownia varies in different seasons, which is 1825 ℃ from January to October and 1012 ℃ from October to January of the following year.

Paulownia has a very high ornamental value, deeply loved and sought after by everyone. How to raise paulownia? How to trim:

How to raise paulownia:

1. Temperature. The growth temperature of paulownia varies in different seasons. It is 18 ℃ 25 ℃ from January to October and 10 ℃ from October to January of the following year. The suitable temperature can make the leaves grow luxuriantly and the flowers bright.

2. Light. Paulownia likes semi-shaded and warm environment, so it is necessary to pay attention to proper shading, avoid direct sunlight, absorb scattered light and make continuous adjustment according to the actual growth situation.

3. Soil. Paulownia likes loose and fertile humus soil. Therefore, it is necessary to use slightly acidic soil rich in humus and loose.

How to trim the paulownia tree

1. Prune when blooming. After flowering, if the leaves around the flowers hinder the normal growth of the flowers, you can cut off all or half of the leaves according to the actual situation and needs. Pruning the leaves in this way can make all the flowers bloom at the top of the plant, forming a bouquet, and the ornamental effect will be better. The pruned paulownia can produce up to 18 flowers at a time. Among them, a large paulownia cultivated in a 12 cm flowerpot is no more than 15 cm in height and has only 2 branches, that is, 16 flowers bloom at the same time, which is very beautiful.

2. Pruning after flowering. After flowering, if the cultivated soil is fertile and properly managed, it will pull out the second batch of buds. After flowering, if there is no need to keep seeds, it is best to cut off the flower stem and control the loss of nutrients, which is conducive to the continued flowering and tuber growth and development.

Now you know how to raise paulownia.

How to prune paulownia, the pruning method of paulownia / pruning the flower before blooming and cutting the flower diameter after blooming

As a common ornamental flower, the breeding method of paulownia flower is not difficult, only need to pay a little attention to light, water and fertilizer, it will blossom. However, flowering is flowering, but if you want to bloom more and beautifully, timely pruning is very important, so how to prune it? The following is the pruning method of paulownia, let's go and have a look!

First, how to trim the big rock tree

Pruning can be divided into three stages: pruning before flowering, pruning at flowering stage, and pruning after blooming. To put it simply: remove the top flower branch before flowering; cut off the leaves that hinder the growth of the flower during the flowering period; after the flower fade, if you do not have to keep the seed, it is best to cut off the flower stem. More specifically, let's move on.

2. Pruning methods of paulownia (1) pruning skills

1. Prune and pick the heart before flowering

The flowering period of paulownia is from April to November. Before flowering, we should take the way of heart-picking to remove the flower branches at the top of the plant. After pruning in this way, paulownia will promote more lateral branches and more flowers.

Note: to pick the heart of the big rock tree, it is appropriate to start pruning in March, which is conducive to early shaping and flowering. After picking the heart, we should also keep 2-3 new buds of similar height and suitable position to ensure that the flowers bloom smoothly.

2. Pruning and cutting leaves during flowering

General flowers do not need pruning when they bloom, but the big paulownia flower is an exception. Because each tree has a large number of flowers when it blossoms, and its large leaves will hinder the normal growth of flowers, the flowering period needs to be cut.

When pruning leaves, we should cut off all or half of the leaves according to the actual situation. After pruning in this way, the flowers will bloom at the top, forming a bouquet, as shown in the picture above, doesn't it look beautiful?

3. Prune the flowers after fade and cut the diameter of the flowers

How to trim the big paulownia flowers after they are shedding? If you don't want to leave seeds, you'd better cut off the diameter of the flowers, so as to control the loss of nutrients. If the soil is fertile and properly managed at this time, the tree will take out the second batch of buds and continue to blossom.

If you want to keep the seed, dig out the big paulownia tuber, cut off the leaves and stems, retain a section of stem 3-4 cm in length, and then store it in time to keep the temperature not lower than 5 ℃. When overwintering, timely watering, can not be too much, and so on when the spring temperature warms up, the tuber will sprout, at this time can retain 2 or 3 seedlings to move the basin to continue maintenance.

(2) pruning time

When you are ready to prune the big rock tree, you should look at the weather. Don't trim it on a rainy day. You'd better choose a sunny time. After this pruning, the wound of the plant will recover more quickly and is less likely to be infected.

In life, there are many friends who raise paulownia flowers, and many flower friends will wonder why other people's big paulownia flowers are so many and big, but their own are very different. And that's what pruning is for! Therefore, in order to produce more beautiful flowers, we should master the pruning method of paulownia.

How to trim paulownia before blooming

Before flowering, the branches and buds should be pruned, the top branches should be removed properly, and the earlier the coring, the better, which is conducive to the early flowering of the plant.

When in bloom

There will be dense leaves around the big paulownia flowers, which will hinder the growth of the flowers, so it is necessary to cut off the leaves properly and let the flowers bloom at the top of the plant.

After flowering

If there is no seed left after flowering, it is best to cut off the flower stem in order to avoid nutrient loss. In winter, keep the tuber of the tree for sand storage to ensure that the temperature is not lower than 5 ℃.

The breeding methods of paulownia are introduced so much. I hope these can help you raise a more beautiful pot of paulownia.