
What is the difference between the falling leaves of the fragrant vine and the double Xi rattan

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, There is also a kind of plant called Shuangxi vine in life, the two are very similar in appearance, what about the leaves of the fragrant vine? The difference between Liriodendron and Shuangxi: how to lose the leaves: 1. Lack of water: when the lack of water is serious, the leaves will be lost, but the edges of the leaves will slowly turn yellow before the leaves fall.

There is also a kind of plant called Shuangxi vine in life, the two are very similar in appearance, what about the leaves of the fragrant vine? The difference between Shuangxi Teng and Shuangxi Teng:

What if the leaves of the fragrant vine fall off:

1, water shortage: when the water shortage is serious, there will be the phenomenon of falling leaves, but before the leaves fall, the edges of the leaves will slowly yellowing, at this time to replenish water, and to water thoroughly.

2, lack of fertilizer: when lack of fertilizer, the leaves will also fall, before falling, the color of the leaves will slowly fade to yellow, and finally fall. Therefore, in the daily use of fertilizer, we should pay attention to the balance of nutrients, make a simple use plan, and operate according to the plan.

3, lack of light: the so-called lack of light is that the plant does not get enough sunlight, so it is easy to make its leaves fall. If you want to avoid losing leaves due to light, you must give it plenty of sunshine in daily maintenance.

The difference between Piaoxiang vine and Shuangxi vine:

Piaoxiang vine and Shuangxi vine are the same plant. Piaoxiang vine is a new type of vine, also known as red rattan, double-glandular vine, double-glandular vine, Wenteng, red cicada flower, native to tropical America, is a perennial evergreen plant of Apocynaceae. The winding stem of the fragrant vine is soft and flexible, spiraling up along the bracket, the pink trumpet-like flowers are large and straight, and the stem can reach 6 to 8 centimeters.

You know the difference between Liangxiang and Shuangxi.

What is the language of fragrant rattan flowers, the difference between double Xi rattan and fragrant vine / different folds of leaves

We often hear people mention double Xi rattan, red cicada, fragrant vine and so on. Is there any difference between them? For example, what is the difference between Shuangxi vine and fragrant vine? Today, let's take a detailed look at the differences between them, and in the end, let's take a look at what is the language of fragrant rattan flowers.

The difference between Shuangxi vine and Piaoxiang vine

In the earliest days, Americans only called this plant "fragrant vine". It is a very common plant in America. After it was introduced to all parts of the world, different names appeared. In many places, fragrant vine is also known as red wrinkle vine, double Xi vine, red cicada flower and so on. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the following points when we understand the difference between double sweet vine and fragrant vine.

1. The same plant of the genus Tripterygium and Tripterygium.

People often say that fragrant vine and double Xi rattan are actually the same kind of plant, including red cicada and so on, which are all mixed names for this new type of vine. Its winding stem is soft and flexible, and its flowers are large and bright. The flowering period of fragrant vine is as long as that of double Xi rattan, and the culture method of fragrant vine is also suitable for double Xi rattan.

2. The leaves of Shuangxi vine and Piaoxiang vine are different.

Although the two are the same plant, there is also a difference between the two kinds of plants. Usually, people refer to the fragrant vine, which is characterized by large leaves, wrinkles, strong vines and large flowers. Double Camptotheca is characterized by large leaves, no folds, chronic strength and large flowers, so the difference between the two is that the leaves are wrinkled, while Shuangxiang does not.

In addition, the red cicada flower, which is often said, also belongs to the same plant as Shuangxi vine and Piaoxiang vine, but it is characterized by small leaves, smooth, weak vine and slightly smaller flowers. in fact, these subtle differences are not obvious if not carefully observed. it won't have much impact on planting, so it won't affect planting.

Whether it is red cicada, double Xi rattan or fragrant vine, they all have a common feature, that is, they bloom for a long time in summer and autumn, but it is rumored that all these plants on the market are fragrance-free. However, in view of its long flowering period, many people still feel that it is worth it, and those who want to plant do not need to struggle with the difference between double Xi'i vine and fragrant vine.

What is the fragrant rattan flower language?

As people's favorite plant, fragrant vine has its unique flower language, which is love and virtue. When we see the beautiful flowers of fragrant vine, it is as unforgettable as love and virtue. If you want to express such feelings, fragrant vine is one of the best choices.

Culture method of Tripterygium wilfordii (double Xi Teng, Wen Teng, Red Cicada)

Fragrant vine (double Xi Teng, Wen Teng, red cicada flower)

Scientific name: mandevilla sanderi

Aliases: red wrinkled vine, double glandular vine, double Xi rattan, Wen Teng, red cicada flower

Family and genus: Apocynaceae

Morphological features: perennial evergreen vine, slender rhizome. Leaves opposite, long ovoid, apex acute, leathery, foliage wrinkled, dark green and shiny. Flowers axillary, Corolla funnel-shaped, flowers are red, pink, pink and so on.

Ecological habits: like light, warmth and moisture. Originally from South America. Fragrant vines in the flowering period, often show more flowers than leaves of the grand occasion, the breeze hit, bursts of fragrance makes people relaxed and happy, so there is a "fragrant vine" elegant name.

Flowering: summer and autumn, properly managed and blooming in the four seasons.

Garden use: large and colorful flowers, is the queen of tropical lianas. Indoor potted plants, balcony hanging, outdoor fences, scaffolding, small courtyard beautification.
