
Planting techniques of dog ridge

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of dog ridge

Cibotium chinense, also known as golden retriever dog, is a plant of clam shell fern family. Its rhizome can be used as medicine. It has the effect of warming liver and kidney and dispelling rheumatism. It is mainly used for rheumatism, bone pain, waist and leg pain, numbness of hands and feet, muscle and vessel discomfort, etc. So how should the dog spine be planted? Let's get to know each other together with Xiaobian.

1. Land selection and preparation

Cibotecta wild in the valley ditch or under the forest shady wet place, like cool and humid environment, avoid strong light exposure, if the light intensity is larger, its growth will be extremely slow, a long time will gradually wither and die. Therefore, when planting, it is appropriate to choose humus-rich, humid ravine planting, and the soil is acidic. After selecting the land, it should be shaped and raked flat. If conditions permit, it can be disinfected. The decomposed farm manure should be applied as base fertilizer. Drainage ditch should be made for irrigation.

2. Breeding methods

The propagation method of Cibotium is divided into plants, usually in early spring. The rhizomes of the plants are dug out and transected into 2-3 segments, each segment is required to have a certain number of adventitious roots and leaves. After cutting, apply plant ash on the incision to avoid invasion of germs, then open holes on the plot according to the plant spacing of 35×35 cm, transplant one cut rhizome into each hole, cover soil, compact and water. After planting, it is necessary to mainly shade, keep warm and humidify, and generally sprout after 10-20 days.

3. Field management

After planting, we should do a good job of cultivating and weeding, generally 3-4 times a year. We should pay attention to the cultivation, because the root system of Cibotium chinense is upward, so the cultivation should be shallow rather than deep, so as not to hurt the rhizome. Cibotectus is a plant that likes shade and humidity, so it should be watered in time when it is dry, and it should be watered frequently to keep the soil moist. It should be shaded from the sun when it is cultivated in the open air. The shade degree is about 60%. To obtain high yield, fertilization is essential, topdressing 4 times a year, mainly urea nitrogen fertilizer in spring and summer, and organic fertilizer in farm manure in autumn and winter.

4. Pest control

Cibo spine is a wild plant with strong vitality and strong environmental adaptability, so there is basically no disease in cultivation, mainly armyworm and roll moth gnawing tender shoots and young leaves in spring and summer, which can be controlled by spraying dichlorvos.

The above is an introduction to the planting technology of Ciboji. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.