
High-yield cultivation techniques of summer sesame

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sesame belongs to the genus Sesame of the family Sesaceae. It is an annual herb that likes temperature. There are two kinds of varieties: black and white. In addition to edible sesame oil is also a high-quality raw material for a number of daily industrial products and a lubricant and protective agent for the machinery industry. Its by-products are good feed and fertilizer. In short, planting sesame seeds is of great significance in improving people's living standards, developing industrial and agricultural production, supporting the country's socialist construction, and increasing the collective economy. Sesame is planted in China according to the sowing season, including spring sowing, summer sowing and autumn sowing.

Sesame belongs to the genus Sesame of the family Sesaceae. It is an annual herb that likes temperature. There are two kinds of varieties: black and white. In addition to edible sesame oil is also a high-quality raw material for a number of daily industrial products and a lubricant and protective agent for the machinery industry. Its by-products are good feed and fertilizer. In short, planting sesame seeds is of great significance in improving people's living standards, developing industrial and agricultural production, supporting the country's socialist construction, and increasing the collective economy. The planting of sesame in our country is divided according to the sowing season, there are spring sowing, summer sowing, autumn sowing, summer sowing is more. The main planting areas are in Zhumadian City, Henan Province, Anhui, Hubei, Shanxi and so on. The cultivation techniques of summer sesame are summarized as follows.

1 fine soil preparation

First of all, the soil should be loose and fertile, stubble preparation should be carried out before planting, and intensive ploughing should be carried out to ensure that the field land is fine, broken, flat and clean. Then make the compartment, which should determine the width of the compartment and the depth of the ditch according to the topography and soil quality. The length of the box and the width and depth of the ditch depend on the size and topography of the planted sesame area, so as to achieve the goal of "watering when drought and drainage when waterlogging". In order to keep the ditches connected and drain freely, to ensure the moisture of the soil.

2 apply sufficient base fertilizer

The growth period of sesame is short, and the period of fertilizer requirement is relatively concentrated. Increasing the application of base fertilizer is one of the basic measures to lay the foundation for high yield of sesame. The ratio of pure nitrogen fertilizer, phosphorus pentoxide and potassium oxide required by sesame is 1 ∶ 0.6 ∶ 1. However, the base fertilizer should be mainly farm manure, because the nutrients of farm manure are more comprehensive, and the fertilizer effect is released slowly and persistently, at the same time, it can promote the activity of underground microorganisms. The effect of fertilizer such as retting and ripening calcium superphosphate, phosphate rock powder, bone powder and appropriate amount of ammonium sulfate will be better.

3 sowing seeds at the right time

Sesame is a temperature-loving crop. The growth period of summer sesame is 90-105 days. If the temperature decreases in the later stage, it will directly affect the yield of sesame. The seasonality of summer sesame is very strong, and the key to increasing production is to seize the time to rush for seeds. In order to scramble for early sowing, emphasis should be placed on harvesting, raking, sowing, and preserving soil moisture with suppression. Strive to "stubble will not spend the night, but farming will not be too long". Therefore, it is more appropriate to sow summer sesame from Lesser Fullness of Grain to Grain in Beard. If you strive to sow early, you should not be later than the Summer Solstice at the latest. As the agricultural proverb says, "Lesser Fullness of Grain grows sesame and produces one load of eight per mu; the Summer Solstice grows sesame with a handful of flowers on his head."

4 sowing amount

There are three ways of sowing sesame seeds: strip sowing, sowing and on demand. Generally speaking, the sowing quantity of strip sowing and sowing is more than that of on-demand sowing. However, sowing methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, sowing methods should be in line with local conditions, not follow the rules, according to their own sowing area and topography and other conditions. The sowing rate per mu is generally controlled by 0.25~0.75kg. The emergence of seedlings in clayey soil is difficult, so the amount of seed used in clayey soil should be more than that in sandy loam soil, and the sowing amount under the conditions of poor seed quality and low germination rate should be increased appropriately.

Five seedlings are fixed

The peasant proverb: "if you want to eat sesame oil, you must first break the crosshead." When the first pair of true leaves grow 3-5 days after sesame emergence, the masses are called "crosses". At this time, the first seedling is carried out; when the second and third pairs of true leaves appear in sesame, the seedlings are carried out for the second time, at this time, the weak seedlings should be removed and the strong seedlings should be left, and the seedlings should be initially fixed. In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and mechanical damage in the process of seedling setting, it is appropriate to divide the seedlings into three times, that is, one thinning, two seedlings and three seedlings. The method is: "sparse and dense, sparse, not sparse, not dense and strong seedlings". It is necessary to keep it evenly and thickly, without leaving two seedlings.

6. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

Agricultural proverb: "three scratches of sesame flowers." When the first and second pairs of true leaves appear, the first intertillage should be carried out, but the topsoil should be hoed as the first catch; when the third pair of true leaves appears, the second intertillage should be carried out, this time deep ploughing 3~6cm can be used as the second catch; when the fourth to fifth pairs of true leaves appear, the soil should be cultivated for the third intertillage, and the depth of intertillage can reach about 8cm for the third catch. The effect of weeding and sealing root should be achieved in the second and third tillage, which is beneficial to the growth of root system, eliminate stagnant water in the field, prevent waterlogging, and reduce the occurrence of disease. at the same time, it is also beneficial to inhibit the growth of peri-root grass and prevent lodging and so on.

7. Scientific use of water

Sesame is extremely sensitive to water demand during the growth period, and it can not be waterlogged or dry for a long time. The water demand of sesame at seedling stage is relatively small, if the soil moisture is good when sowing, it can meet the requirement of water, but there is no need to water. But entering the flowering and capsule period is very sensitive to water requirements, at this time both afraid of waterlogging, but also afraid of drought, we must pay attention to timely watering in case of drought, timely drainage in case of waterlogging. The water requirement decreases gradually to the peak stage, and if the humidity remains good during the flowering and capsule period, then generally no watering is needed.

8 root topdressing

A large amount of fertilizer is needed from the early flowering stage to the full flowering stage of sesame. In order to prevent the lack of fertilizer at this time, it is most suitable to apply available nitrogen fertilizer before the early flowering stage. At the budding and flowering stage, the demand for phosphorus and potassium nutrients of sesame increases obviously, but at this time it is not possible to top fertilizer in the field, so it is more suitable to spray topdressing, such as spraying 0.25kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 100kg with water, and then spraying once every 3 to 5 days for 5 consecutive times.

9 Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Sesame diseases often include stem point blight, bacterial wilt, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt, fungal corner spot and so on.

Prevention and control methods:

① drainage and waterlogging prevention

② rational rotation and stubble

③ selects disease-resistant varieties

Chemical control of ④: such as spraying root with 50% topiramate 2000 times solution or 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 300 Bordeaux solution and so on. Pests include ground tigers, aphids, sesame moths, bug bugs, mole crickets and so on. Each 667m2 is sprayed with 80% dichlorvos emulsion 100ml with water 75kg or with 40% omethoate EC 2000 times.

10 timely harvest

Sesame can mature 15-25 days after the final flowering stage. Its characteristic is that the stems, leaves and fruits change from cyan to yellow, and the fallen leaves reach 70% to 80%, at the same time, there is a small amount of capsule cracking, which can be harvested at this time. Then solarization, threshing, processing, and finally into storage.